My Master Is a God

Chapter 1431 Part of the Demon Realm

The Purple Emperor was the only female queen of the Five Elements Rat Demon clan in the previous era. She was also the only one to claim the title of emperor in the entire history of the Five Elements Rat Demon.

According to her own words, in the previous era, she was an existence comparable to the immortals in the immortal world.

Although Yang Yiyun didn't know why she let herself be buried in the tomb, she used the corpses of her descendants to strengthen herself, and finally dug a hole for the Rat King, who almost sacrificed him alive. In the end, she used the Rat King's body The essence and blood are reborn in Nirvana.

However, the Rat King was lucky enough to meet Yang Yiyun, otherwise the Rat King would only end up being swallowed up by the Purple Emperor.

It was Yang Yiyun who used the Water of Life to replace the Purple Emperor's power to swallow the essence and blood of the Rat King. It was also because Yang Yiyun used the Water of Life to not only save the Rat King's life, but even evolve the Rat King's bloodline by one level.

Anyway, in Yang Yiyun's opinion, the Purple Emperor is an awesome existence, a dangerous existence, and an old monster with a history of an era.

If you ask the Purple Emperor about older questions like war drums, he should know about it, and sure enough... As soon as the Purple Emperor opens his mouth, he will be shocked.

Not only did he know, but he also told the shocking news that Taihuang was part of the demon world of the previous era.

After being stunned for a while, Yang Yiyun looked at the Purple Emperor and asked: " said that the entire Taihuang was part of the demon world of the previous era?"

The Purple Emperor nodded and said: "Yes, an era has passed six hundred thousand years. You don't know many things about the previous era, but I am a witness.

In the last era, there were not only human beings but also demons and immortals in the immortal world, each forming its own system... In the world of cultivation, when all living beings embark on a path of cultivation, their pursuit is nothing more than to ascend to immortality.

But reaching the fairy world is not an end, but a starting point. The creatures in the world of cultivators have the pursuits of the world of cultivation, and the creatures in the fairy world also have the pursuits of the immortal world.

It is precisely because of this pursuit that the catastrophe of an era was caused, and it is also because of this reason that I have been in Nirvana for an era, and now am today.

Likewise... the origin of Taihuang comes from the demon world of the previous era, and it was also because of the pursuit of the creatures in the fairy world that Taihuang separated from the demon world and fell into the current world of cultivation..."

When he said this, Zihuang stopped with a lonely look in his eyes and did not continue talking.

But Yang Yiyun was intrigued and asked: "So the current Taihuang is separated from the fairy world? Or in the fairy world there is also the territory of demons and immortals, called the demon world, and you... can even... Are some of the local creatures in Taihuang actually from the fairy world?"

The Purple Emperor nodded and said: "You can say that, but the immortal world is not all immortals, and there are also creatures that cannot become immortals. Moreover, the original demon clan in Taihuang is the descendant of some powerful demon clan in the demon world. The longer the bloodline The more indifferent it becomes, by now I am afraid that it will even be inferior to the human race in the cultivation world."

"Then...what is the goal pursued by the creatures in the immortal world in your mouth?" Yang Yiyun asked a core question.

Zihuang glanced at Yang Yiyun and said seriously: "It's better not to know about this issue, Master. Knowing it will do you no good and will only cause trouble. You will understand some things when you step into the fairy world."

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes, hearing Zi Huang speak in the same tone as the old man, but he also knew that Zi Huang was telling the truth and didn't want to mention it more, so he stopped asking any more questions.

Then he said: "Well, things about the fairy world are indeed too far away for me. I won't ask anymore. Let's get back to the topic. You can talk about the war drum and the Lord of Demons. This can always be said. Bar?"

Zihuang smiled slightly and said: "Of course this is possible... In fact, Taihuang's master, even the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, is nominally the King of Qilin.

Qilin is the king of the demon clan in the world. Whether in the fairy world or the world of cultivation, Qilin is the king of the demon clan in the world. In the last era, the Qilin King offended unimaginable beings just for that pursuit. , causing the demon world to suffer disasters, and finally saved some of the demon clan's descendants, separated a corner of the demon world with peerless magic power, and finally fell into the world of cultivation, forming the current Taihuang.

The war drum is indeed the most precious treasure of the Qilin King, a peerless fairy weapon. When the war drum sounds, all demons gather together. Any demon clan must obey the Qilin's call as long as the war drum sounds.

Of course, this was in the last era. This drum actually has the ability to command all monsters. It also has a real name called Qilin Drum, and it cannot be used by those who are not from the Qilin clan.

There is a saying that when qilin beats the drum, all demons will surrender. Unfortunately, the qilin clan perished in the last era. It is estimated that there are no more qilin in the world, and no one can use this qilin war drum anymore..."

Yang Yiyun's expression became increasingly weird as he listened to the Purple Emperor's words, and he subconsciously touched the pattern of the Qiankun Pot on his left arm. He actually wanted to say that there was a Qilin beast on the Qiankun Pot at this moment.

Unexpectedly, Zi Huang said that this war drum actually belonged to Niu Daozi's family, which meant that the Qilin clan was the master of all demons.

If only this were the case...

The saliva from the corner of Yang's mouth was dripping.

If Niu Daozi comes out and beats the war drum, wouldn't it make the entire Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range and even the Taihuang Monster Clan surrender?

And he, Mr. Yang, is now the master of Niu Duzi. Couldn't it be understood that he will become the master of all demons?

Thinking of this, Yang started to tremble all over.

Zihuang and Xiong Buer saw that Yang Yiyun's face was flushed and his body was trembling slightly, so they thought something had happened to him.

Xiong Buer quickly asked: "Brother Yang, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah...oh...I'm fine, I'm fine..." He wouldn't say that he was too excited thinking about Niu Duzi.

Yang Yiyun actually didn't hide anything from Xiong Buer. He regarded Xiong Buer as a friend and gave Xiong Buer a drop of the water of life.

Originally, Yang Yiyun had no intention of letting Xiong Buer take the water of life, but Xiong Buer learned from the big mouths of Qingniu and Five Elements Beast that they had actually evolved by blood. It was also Five Elements Beast who let it slip and only found out after repeated questioning. It was Yang Yiyun who gave them some water drops.

So Xiong Buer found Yang Yiyun and wanted a drop, because Xiong Buer also wanted to evolve bloodline. Bloodline evolution is crucial and of great significance to the demon clan. No demon clan can resist the temptation of bloodline evolution.

But Yang Yiyun knew that after taking the water of life, Xiong Buer's life and death was effectively in his hands, which Yang Yiyun was unwilling to do.

But he also knew the importance of bloodline evolution to the demon clan, so when Xiong Buer made the request, Yang Yiyun did not hide it and directly told Xiong Buer the consequences of taking the water of life, allowing Xiong Buer to make his own choice.

As a result, Xiong Buer didn't even think about it at that time: "It doesn't matter, I, Old Xiong, have long regarded you as a brother. I believe you will not control me..."

Because of Xiong Buer's trust, Yang Yiyun gave Xiong Buer a drop of the water of life. Although Xiong Buer's cultivation did not break through to the intermediate king level, it also allowed his cultivation strength to reach the peak of the junior king level due to the evolution of his bloodline.

The improvement of bloodline is only a matter of time.

So Xiong Buer now knows about Yang Yiyun, but he won't tell it.

There is no barrier between a person and a demon because of the water of life.

Xiong Fujie and Pangolin didn't think much about it. Only Zihuang discovered something, but didn't ask much.

Yang Yiyun didn't intend to say what he was thinking, but glanced at Qingniu and gave Qingniu a look.

Only Qing Niu and Five Elements Beasts knew about Niu Duzi, but only Qing Niu came to Zhangu Mountain today.

Qingniu naturally understood the look in Yang Yiyun's eyes. In fact, Qingniu had already thought of the same idea as Yang Yiyun ever since Zihuang mentioned Qilin. But now that Yang Yiyun didn't want Zihuang and the others to know about Niuduzi, Qingniu naturally wouldn't. explain.

At this time, Yang Yiyun asked the Purple Emperor tentatively: "Is the Purple Emperor capable of any unicorn driving the unicorn drum?"

Zihuang didn't think much about it, nor did he think that Niu Duzi or Yang Yiyun had a cub of the Qilin Divine Beast in the Qiankun Pot space. He opened his mouth and said: "Theoretically speaking, any Qilin Divine Beast can activate the Qilin War Drum, of course it must." We need the power of Qilin."

"That is to say, even if it is a unicorn, if the unicorn's power is not enough, it will not be able to activate the unicorn drum, right?" After asking, Yang Yiyun actually looked at the Purple Emperor with hope in his heart.

"Yes, divine beasts are also divided into strong and weak ones. If it is a unicorn cub, it should not be able to activate the unicorn war drum without the bloodline awakening." The Purple Emperor looked at Yang Yiyun thoughtfully as he spoke.

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