My Master Is a God

Chapter 1441 Identity revealed

Yang Yiyun spoke with a smile and his eyes were bright. In fact, he was not lying at all.

Que'er's eyes narrowed slightly. She stared at Yang Yiyun, trying to find something on his face, but she found that he looked very comfortable and there was no flicker in his eyes, which meant that he was not lying.

As the Peacock King, Que'er can judge the authenticity of Yang Yiyun's words.

In fact, she came to the Demon Clinic purely out of curiosity. After Yang Yiyun challenged the Black Crow Demon King and the Civet King, he simply turned around and left without continuing the challenge, leaving many monsters puzzled.

Peacock is no exception. Unlike the other three-way great demons, Peacock is the only woman and has unique talents. From the time I started paying attention to Yang Yiyun, I found that there were more and more mysteries surrounding Yang Yiyun.

In almost ten thousand years, Yang Yiyun was the first monster to challenge the Demon King of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. He was a monster whose cultivation level was obviously inferior to that of the Little Demon King, but he jumped up the ranks to challenge the real Little Demon King all the way, and even got crushed in the process. The monster that suppressed the little monster king.

In just one year, he opened a demon medical clinic in Ten Thousand Demon City, cured countless monsters, and gained the respect of the citizens of Ten Thousand Demon City...

That day, Yang Yiyun took out a powerful human magic weapon, and the powerful combat skills he unleashed were all the reasons for Peacock's curiosity. Therefore, after the other three great demon masters left, she came to the demon medical center by accident to learn more about Yang Yiyun. .

This incident at Zhangu Mountain seemed to Peacock to be a sign. I don't know if it was good or bad, but Peacock's intuition was that it was related to Yang Yiyun's little demon doctor.

Coming to the Demon Medical Center can be said to be out of curiosity, or it can be said to be intuition...

Yang Yiyun's words that he could improve his bloodline made Peacock's heart skip a beat.

As Yang Yiyun said, she has indeed been at a cultivation bottleneck for a long time. If she doesn't break through to the Sky Demon or her bloodline stops evolving, she will eventually reach her end.

So Yang Yiyun was right, and she also spoke up to stop Kong Ming's subordinate.

When I heard Yang Yiyun's question, I looked at his clear eyes and stared at him without speaking for a long time.

The atmosphere was a little strange, but Yang Yiyun felt that the young man was exuding intentional or unintentional murderous intent.

This time, he became nervous. According to what Qing Niu said before, his father was killed by the four demons. Now, although the Maurya King did not admit it personally, his identity was already obvious, and everyone tacitly understood it.

What Yang Yiyun was afraid of was that Qing Niu would suddenly become violent and attack the Peacock King. That would definitely not be a good thing.

If Kong Ming, the master of the palace in the west of the city, had not appeared in the Demon Medical Center before, and if the Qingniu rose up and attacked the Peacock King, maybe the Purple Emperor would have suppressed the Peacock, and they could have suppressed the Peacock together, but even now they are still Being able to suppress the Maurya King is not a good idea.

Because of the appearance of Kong Ming, once the Peacock King takes action, other subordinates will inevitably appear. No one even knows how many great demons the Peacock brought to the underground river?

Maybe if Maurya takes action, he will attract the other three demons, and it will definitely be their demon medical clinic that will be destroyed.

So Yang Yiyun sent a message to Qingniu and said: "Lao Niu, please don't be impulsive at this time. If you are impulsive, you may hit all of us. If you don't have my order, just stay quiet. Don't be stupid. Do you understand?" ?”

Qing Niu snorted, but he also knew that Yang Yiyun, the master, was right, he just knew it.

At this moment, Que'er or the Peacock King finally said after staring at Yang Yiyun for a long time: "That's it for today. I wonder if the miracle doctor can send me to you?"

Yang Yiyun was stunned. He didn't expect the Peacock King to stare at him for a long time and then say such a sentence?

As soon as you open your mouth, you want to leave?

Nothing else was said.

"Why is the miracle doctor unwilling to send me as a guest?" The Peacock King spoke again.

At this moment Yang Yiyun came back to his senses and said quickly: "Ah... send, send, send, I will send Miss Queer."

Somehow, in the eyes of the Peacock King, Yang Yiyun looked a little dumbfounded and funny. He couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, but a small dimple appeared in the left corner of her mouth, making her look even sweeter.

Yang glanced at the Peacock King's smile and felt a little lost.

"Then let's go." At this time, the Maurya King said, and walked towards the door.

Yang Yiyun came to his senses and quickly followed.

When the Peacock King passed by Qing Niu, he paused for a moment, but glanced at Qing Niu.

Yang Yiyun suddenly felt nervous. Although Qingniu used the phantom demon stone to cover up the aura of his dragon species Qingniu, he was still afraid that the Peacock King would see something, so he quickly chased after him and blocked the Peacock King's view of Qingniu.

When Yang Yiyun and the Peacock King walked out of the Demon Hospital, Qing Niu looked at Yang Yiyun's back and sighed in his heart: "It seems that there is no hope of revenge against the Peacock King..."

In fact, Qing Niu did not see the Peacock King appear in the City of Ten Thousand Demons to fight with his father, and he did not even see any of the four demon kings. At that time, he was not at the level of a respected king, so he was killed when he was in trouble. His father arranged for people to kill him and entered the secret passage to escape from the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

At this moment, seeing the look on his master Yang Yiyun's face towards the Peacock King, Qingniu could only sigh. In fact, the hatred in his heart had been diluted a lot over the past three thousand years.

Now the only thing Qingniu is worried about is the clan members who may still be imprisoned by the four demon clans. Thousands of years of experience have made Qingniu understand a truth, that is, while you are alive, tomorrow is important, and the past is already History and remembering it will only make you more painful.

Now all he wants is those tribesmen, and being able to rescue those tribesmen is his greatest wish.

Outside the Demon Medical Center, when Yang Yiyun followed Que'er out, he saw Kong Ming standing respectfully outside, watching Que'er or their king Peacock, and there were nine other junior king-level demons standing there. Behind Kong Ming, without asking Yang Yiyun, he knew that they must be Kong Ming's subordinates in Xicheng Mansion, or in other words, they were all members of the Peacock King.

And the moment he came out, Yang Yiyun felt in the dark that at least six or seven king-level intermediate consciousnesses glanced at him.

This made Yang Yiyun secretly shocked, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he murmured in his heart: "Fortunately, he didn't fall out with the Peacock King. Otherwise, if so many king-level people jumped out, he and the Demon Medical Center would definitely suffer."

It was obvious that the king-level powerhouses outside the Demon Medical Center were all Queer's subordinates, both covertly and covertly.

Yang Yiyun knew that at times like this, it was more important not to mess up. If something went wrong, they would be the ones to suffer. He followed Que'er and waved to Zihuang and Xiong Buer who were following him not to move.

Que'er or the Peacock King asked him to send him off. At this time, Yang Yiyun could only follow behind the Peacock King. He didn't know how long it would take to send him off, and he didn't dare to ask more questions anyway.

He knew that traveling was not easy for the Mauryan King. Now that he felt the powerful auras around him, Yang Yiyun became more and more cautious.

After walking for a while, Yang Yiyun lowered his head and followed Que'er, thinking about something. The next moment he suddenly felt soft, and a body fragrance suddenly entered his nose.

Only then did he realize that the Peacock King or Bird in front of him had stopped, and he bumped into her without any idea.

"" Yang blushed.

Just listen to Que'er say: "You don't have to be afraid of me, just come forward."

Que'er spoke calmly and motioned for him to walk side by side.

Seeing that Que'er was not angry, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and stepped forward to walk side by side with her.

Only then did he realize that there was a vacuum zone of a hundred meters in front and back of the street centered around him and Que'er. It was obvious that she was the first to evacuate the monsters on the street.

The two of them headed towards the city gate. The next moment, Yang Yiyun heard Que'er suddenly say: "You are from the human race..."

Yang Yiyun's hair suddenly froze. He didn't expect Que'er to suddenly say such a sentence. He asked himself that the Yuan Qi Jue and the Phantom Demon Stone were used to the limit, and it was impossible for Que'er to see his true identity.

But she just said this out of the blue.

Is she blowing me up?

Yang Yiyun was thinking...

There was not much movement on Queer's face, as if she was saying something trivial. This made Yang Yiyun feel a little relieved, but he did not speak. If he said too much at this time, he would only make more mistakes.

He was facing one of the four giants in the Wanyao Mountains. What could he say?

In the current situation, although there is a master like Zi Huang, he still does not dare to fall out with the Peacock King.

Fortunately, she didn't seem to want to dig deeper.

Then she said: "You don't need to deny it. The peacock clan has a talent for seeing through illusions. I was not sure at first, but now I am sure. You are a human race and so is that woman. There is a dragon behind you." Plant a green cow, right? Although I don’t know what secret method you used to change the aura, but in my eyes, what I see is the essence of the soul, and this cannot be deceived."

Yang Yiyun was shocked and stopped. He didn't expect that she could even see Qing Niu and Yan Zhi.

"Don't worry, I think differently from the other three demon masters. I won't do anything to you. I just want to verify something with you. I hope we can have a chat, okay?" After Que'er finished speaking, his eyes fell on Yang Yiyun's face. Above, neither happy nor sad.

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