My Master Is a God

Chapter 1446 Clan sister Magpie is waiting in the apse

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Eighty-nine powerful auras swept over Yang Yiyun's body. Yang Yiyun was not afraid, because he knew that this was the Peacock King's territory. He was here to keep an appointment, not to fight, and there was no need for the Peacock King to target him.

These auras were all in the late stage of the Lord King. Eighty-nine of them appeared at once. They were considered the strongest forces Yang Yiyun had ever seen. He was also amazed at the extraordinary power of the four demon kings in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

A glimpse of one spot reveals the whole leopard. The power of Maurya King is like this, and the other three great demons are no exception.

He was also glad that he was not in a hurry to confront the Four Demon Lords, otherwise he would have been the one to suffer.

It is said to be a palace, but it is actually a space made of branches. When you walk in, it looks very large, hundreds of square meters.

"The demons from the Ten Thousand Demons City, Qi Zunzun, are here for the appointment."

Bai Ling bowed and spoke.

At this time, Yang Yiyun looked around and discovered that the Peacock King wearing a phoenix crown on the throne above the hall was facing him. On the left and right sides of the hall were large demons in human form. There were hundreds of them, and of course there were nine of them. The aura is the most powerful, and it should be the one who glances at him first.

There are men and women, old and young...

"You did not disappoint me..."

These were the first words spoken by the Maurya King.

Yang Yiyun grinned and clasped his fists at the Peacock King and said, "What are you talking about, Miss Que'er? How can I, the handsome male demon, spit on you and not keep my words?"



As soon as Yang Yiyun finished speaking, there were roars in the hall.

In the eyes of these great demons in Peacock Hall, Yang Yiyun did not call Peacock King but instead called Peacock King Que'er Girl in an ambiguous tone. This was really presumptuous, and they all got angry and complained against Yang Yiyun.

However, since Yang Yiyun dared to come to the Peacock Palace, he was not afraid of these Peacock King's men, and the name Queer was told to him by the Peacock King himself.

At this time, the Peacock King waved his hand and said: "No problem, it's just a title. You don't have to be like this. The demon doctor is a guest from afar, so you must not be rude."

After saying that, he opened his mouth again and said: "Someone please give the demon doctor a seat..."

As soon as the Maurya King opened his mouth, all the monsters in the hall fell silent.

Yang Yiyun could see that the Peacock King was very prestigious in front of these men, so he didn't care anyway.

Then there was a little demon waiting for Yang Yiyun to take his seat, and fruits and so on were served on the table...

After taking the seats, there were banshees dancing and playing music in the main hall, like the beginning of a party. The Peacock King sat high on the throne and was served by maids. The demons sat on both sides and began to watch the dancing banshee in the center...

Yang Yiyun didn't understand what Peacock King meant?

Since he came for the appointment, why didn't he mention anything about bloodline evolution...? Instead, let yourself enjoy the dance of the demon clan?

Although he didn't understand what Peacock King meant, Yang Yiyun wouldn't be anxious. Anyway, he knew that it was Peacock King, not Yang Yiyun, who was anxious about bloodline improvement and bottleneck breakthrough.

Now it seems that the Peacock King has no intention of speaking. Yang Yiyun must be fighting a psychological war with himself, right?

That being the case...then it doesn't matter.

Yang Yiyun spent the next time drinking, eating spiritual fruits, and enjoying the dance of the demon clan. He knew that he should act more indifferent.

Anyway, the purpose of her visit has been made clear. She, Maurya, came to keep the appointment by herself. Since you, Maurya, are not in a hurry and want to engage in psychological warfare with him, then come.

Not to mention that the demon dance is good. Although Yang does not understand this aspect of art, he can still see it with his eyes.

There was a large table full of fine wines and various spiritual fruits. Yang was eating and drinking with open belly. The Peacock King didn’t speak, let alone him. Let’s see who has a good heart...

After calculating the time, half a day has passed, and the banshee dance in the hall continues. Yang Yiyun continues to eat and drink, completely transforming into a foodie.

Three days have passed since the same scene before me...

During the three days, Yang Yiyun actually found that except for the Peacock King, the other demon cultivators in the hall were staring at him. Of course, when he looked back, they all dodged away.

Only the peacock was staring at the dance of the banshee in the center of the hall from beginning to end. The more this happened, the more Yang Yiyun knew that she was actually playing tricks on him.

It doesn’t matter anymore. There are fine wines to drink, spiritual fruits to eat, and pretty banshees to dance with. How else can a man’s life be like this?

Yang is very satisfied...

However, three days later, Yang was satisfied, but the Peacock King knew that his plan to attack the heart had failed.

In fact, she had already made a decision since she separated from Yang Yiyun three months ago, or in other words, she had already made a decision when Yang Yiyun said that she could improve her bloodline.

Deciding to cooperate with Yang Yiyun, she protected Yang Yiyun, and Yang Yiyun helped him improve his bloodline.

After agreeing on a three-month period, Maurya actually only gave himself time to think about it. Within this three-month period, he had actually thought about it very clearly.

Since Yang Yiyun dared to make a heavenly oath that he had a way to improve his bloodline, it was definitely possible, and the Peacock King knew in her heart that she had no choice but to believe in Yang Yiyun.

Three days ago, she was worried about whether Yang Yiyun would come, but Yang Yiyun came.

From the moment Yang Yiyun stepped into the Peacock Palace, the Peacock King knew that the choice he had made was more firm.

But what Yang Yiyun said three months ago was a cooperative relationship. He helped her improve her bloodline, and she helped him get the treasure of the Qingniu clan to protect him in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains.

Thinking about it this way, in Maurya's mind, there is actually no absolute fairness in cooperation. It depends on who has the greater interests, and the size of the interests is often generated during negotiations.

This time Yang Yiyun came, it was the last negotiation. In order to control the absolute initiative in his own hands, the Mauryan King put Yang Yiyun aside without mentioning the agreement between the two, just to let Yang Yiyun take the initiative to speak. , as long as Yang Yiyun takes the initiative to speak to her, the initiative will be in the hands of her, the Peacock King.

Yang Yiyun didn't expect that Yang Yiyun would completely turn into a foodie. He also just ate and drank without saying a word, and watched the witches dancing with gusto.

This made the Peacock King feel very angry: "This little fox, I underestimate you..."

The Mauryan King knew that it was pointless to waste time like this. He narrowed his eyes at Yang Yiyun who was eating and drinking, and whispered to himself: "It's time to carry out the second plan..."

Thinking of this, he glanced at the maid next to him, and the maid clapped her hands together.

"Pa bang bang..."

Suddenly the music and dancing stopped.

At this moment, the Peacock King said: "That's it for today, you guys will step back."

The plain voice was filled with incomparable majesty. Immediately, the demons on the left and right in the hall stood up and turned into their true bodies or streams of light. They flew up silently and flew directly out of the hall. The Peacock Hall was open-air, and the demons were in the air in a moment. They all flew into the clouds and disappeared completely.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun smiled inwardly and said to himself, "Have you finally lost your composure?"

He sat there without moving, but looked at the Maurya King. He knew that the Maurya King had something to say at this time.

Sure enough, the Mauryan King waved his hand to the maids on his left and right to leave, and they were the only ones left in the entire hall.

At this time, the Peacock King looked at Yang Yiyun and slowly said: "Yang Yiyun, I don't want to beat around the bush anymore. The fact that you can come here today proves that you are indeed a person who keeps your promise. I have thought carefully about it in the past three months... and decided to cooperate with you. , but before we cooperate, you still need to promise me one thing, and you must be truthful, and you and I will formally form an alliance today, how about it?"

Yang Yiyun listened to the Peacock King's words. He knew that the Peacock King still did not dare to trust him, and this condition was the real test. If he agreed to or fulfilled this condition, then she would be completely at ease with him.

Now that he is here, he is ready for anything. He looked at the Peacock King and smiled slightly: "Miss Que'er, it doesn't matter. As long as Yang can do it, I will definitely agree."

The Peacock King stared at Yang Yiyun and said: "Simple, I have a clan sister named Magpie. Didn't you say that you can improve the bloodline... Then my request is that you first improve the bloodline of my clan sister Magpie, and between you and me The agreement can only be continued, can you agree?"

Yang Yiyun was stunned. He didn't expect that the Peacock King would do this. However, although it was unexpected, it was also reasonable. After all, the Peacock King was one of the four great demons in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains and had lived for thousands of years. Da Yao, she still doesn't trust herself after doing this, which is also the last test.

I have to say that this test is spot on. If there is a problem with your own methods, you will definitely die without a burial place. However... the water of life does not have any side effects. It actually enhances the power of blood. There is indeed a problem, and it is Controlling the life and death of the other party is a big issue.

However, Yang Yiyun was also proud. Fortunately, he controlled life and death. No matter what kind of demon cultivator the Peacock King released to test himself, as long as he drank the water of life, he would be Yang Yiyun's person. When the time comes, Infernal Affairs would be controlled by him.

No problem at all.

He knew that Maurya King's idea was to introduce a confidant demon to test his bloodline. If there were problems with his methods, she would turn her back. If there were no problems, she would truly cooperate.

I want to laugh in my heart, this time I have to let the Mauryan King lose his wife and lose his troops.

"Why... you don't want to? Or do you have some intentions?"

While Yang Yiyun was deep in thought, the Mauryan King narrowed his eyes and asked again in a cold tone.

Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "No, no, no, Miss Que'er has misunderstood. Although I am a human race, I speak and act according to the rules. Since I dare to come to your Peacock Mountain alone, I naturally come with utmost sincerity. Although you are still right to do so. I don't trust it.

But...I understand, okay, I promise you to help your clan sister improve her bloodline first. I just thought about it just now. All my methods and some treasures from heaven and earth are extremely precious things in the world. If I use them casually to someone It's really a waste for Xiaoyao. If you use one portion, you will lose one portion. It's just a pity.

But in order to increase trust between us and make you, the Peacock King, trust me, I did this, but... Mr. Yang said the ugly words first, just this once, there will be a next time... Your cooperation ends here... …I hope Maurya knows. "

Yang Yiyun was a little tougher at the end of his words. He knew that he had to be tough at this time. Otherwise, if the Peacock King were to let him improve the bloodline of other monsters, wouldn't it be endless?

When the Peacock King heard Yang Yiyun's last strong words, he felt a little more at ease, and said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, just for once, and my clan girl is also a proud son of the emperor, she is beautiful, and her strength is in the late stage of King Zun." , I won’t embarrass you...

Okay, since you agreed, it’s easy. Go to the apse. My clan sister, Magpie, is waiting for you in the apse. If your bloodline improves, I will make a blood alliance with you and never regret it. "

After the Mauryan King finished speaking, a maid appeared with a wave of her hand, came to Yang Yiyun, and signaled Yang Yiyun to follow her to the inner hall.

Yang Yiyun was also unambiguous. Isn't it just a matter of spending an extra drop of life's water?

For him, it is a small matter, but the key is to accomplish this, and the Maurya King will be completely relieved.

He got up and followed the maid towards the back hall, muttering in his heart: "Okay, you little peacock, you wait for me, wait until I subdue you and see how I spank you..."

Yang followed the maid into the back hall and came to the thick tree trunk. The maid pushed, but the door opened in a flash, bowed to Yang Yiyun and said: "Demon doctor, please come in, Lord Magpie is inside." "

"Thank you..." Yang Yiyun said politely to the maid and stepped into the somewhat dim door.

After entering, the door was closed by the maid, but Yang Yiyun didn't care. He looked at the entire Kongjian and found that the entire space was not big. It should be like a huge tree hole, only fifty or sixty square meters.

There are tables, chairs, benches, etc., with pink curtains. There is also a faint strange fragrance in the nose, which smells very good. I don’t know if it is because of being in the tree hole, but Yang Yiyun feels a little stuffy.

"Doctor, you need some water..."

A soft voice came from behind the curtain.

Yang Yiyun suddenly turned his head and took a step forward, but he saw that behind the curtain was a large bed made of some kind of white feathers, and on the bed was a stunning woman half-lying, her legs looming like thick legs. In Feathers…

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