My Master Is a God

Chapter 1451 The Great Holy Lord of Yunmen

As soon as Yang Yiyun said these words, all the demon kings shouted: "I will obey the master's order, and we are willing to level the unyielding land for the master."

Now, all the people gathered in the backyard of the demon doctor's hall are king-level demons. The number of demon kings they have conquered exceeds forty. This is just the number of demon kings who have surrendered after being challenged.

If you add the Peacock Mountain and the Five Elements Rat Clan, all of them have taken the Water of Life, the king-level demon kings and demon kings, and the number is over 100.

Not counting the relatively close big monsters like the Purple Emperor and the Rat King, there are a total of one hundred and five king-level monsters.

They are all big demons who have taken the water of life, and there are also twenty or thirty demon kings who have never taken the water of life after being challenged to surrender.

Compared with Yang Yiyun's original plan to conquer the 180-way Little Demon King and the 72-way Big Demon King in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, the number reached one-third, which has been surpassed.

The goal is less than half achieved.

Now among the 108 little demon kings and the 72 big demon kings, there are still 60% who have not surrendered.

But coupled with the words of the Rat King, Yang Yiyun was not afraid at all.

Not to mention the Peacock Mountain forces.

Therefore, if integrated, Yang Yiyun now basically controls half of the forces in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

Next, we only need to conquer them one by one. Those who follow will prosper and those who go against will perish!

In terms of quantity, maybe the demons gathered together by Mr. Yang now are not that many, but in terms of quality, because of the existence of the water of life, they are definitely number one in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains.

And because of all the reasons, he has become the largest force in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

As for other forces, they are definitely not monolithic.

Looking around at the fifty or sixty demons, big and small, in the field, Yang Yiyun felt excited. Calculating the time, it had been five or six years since he entered the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range and opened the Demon Medical Clinic in the Ten Thousand Demons City.

For a monk, five or six years is just a blink of an eye. Being able to gather so many monsters together in five or six years gives him a sense of accomplishment. The goal he set in his heart has been sold. The first step.

Today is just a meeting, and the demons from the Five Elements Rat Clan and Peacock Mountain haven't come yet, otherwise the entire courtyard won't be able to fit in.

Of course the Rat King and Maurya were present.

After all the demons shouted in unison, a demon king came out and said, "Master, there is something I don't know whether to say or not?"

Yang Yiyun looked up and saw that it was the Civet King that he had challenged for the first time.

It was Yang Yiyun's first defeat and submission to the Civet King and the Black Crow Demon King, and they were also the first demon kings to take the Water of Life.

Since they were the first batch of little demon kings to be conquered, the Civet Cat King and the Black Crow Demon King were second only to Xiong Fuji and Pangolin among these demon kings.

Today's Civet King is already at the intermediate level of King Zun.

Compared to the dull Black Crow, the Civet King is an active person. He has spent a long time in the Demon Medical Center and already knows that Yang Yiyun is a human being.

Civet King has specifically inquired and studied the human race about this. In order to better get along with the master Yang Yiyun, the civet cat king has summed up a set of secrets on how to please the human race, or in other words - flattering.

The Civet Cat King knew from the words of Qingniu Daxianshi and others that Yang Yiyun, the master, had grand plans and ambitions, and wanted the entire Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

According to the Civet King's research on the human race's character, today, after Yang Yiyun said that he would fully conquer the demon king's forces in the entire Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range, the Civet King knew that he had an opportunity to flatter him, so how could he let it go?

"You can say whatever you have to say. My master has said that starting from tomorrow, we will fully conquer all the forces in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. If you have any good ideas, or can persuade the soldiers to surrender, that would be the best. Anyone who can contribute will be welcome. There are pill rewards." Yang Yiyun looked at the Civet King and looked around with a smile.

The civet king's eyes rolled, he lowered his head and smiled, then he took a step forward, clasped his fists seriously and said: "Master's subordinates feel that since the master intends to unify the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains that have been in chaos for countless years, this is a direct response to the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. Good news to all monsters.

But the so-called master is famous, the master is a genius, and has attained martial virtue. Since coming to the City of Ten Thousand Demons, he has opened a medical clinic to treat diseases and save countless demons. He has also improved the power of his bloodline for us. He can be called a saint of the demon clan.

Therefore, my subordinates feel that the master should have a name, so that he can become famous. When the master's banner is used, won't all the demon kings surrender?

The subordinate proposed that the master should be the Holy Lord of the demon clan. The Holy Lord would be born to save those ignorant demons and move toward infinite light. This is the will of God. The master should be the Holy Lord of the demon clan. He is superior to all demons and is also the great saint of the demon clan. . "

Yang didn't pay much attention to what the Civet King said at first, but he wanted to laugh when he heard this guy flattering him regardless of whether he was a famous teacher. After thinking about it, he knew that the Civet King had worked hard on the human race, but he didn't take it seriously.

But when he heard that the Civet King actually gave him the title of the Holy Lord of the Demon Clan, Yang suddenly became elated and said with a smile: "Cingma King, you have a great future..."

As for the other demons present, they only realized at this time that they had taken the credit away from the great opportunity to flatter themselves, which made some of the original demon kings present feel aggrieved.

But they all reacted slowly, and the first prize was taken by the Civet King. When their master Yang Yiyun said to the Civet King that there was a bright future, the other demons all woke up. Just when they were about to express their stance, another voice sounded in the field. .

"The Holy Master of the Demon Clan is not good, the master is the master of all of you, and if it is not loud enough, I think it would be better to be called the Great Sage of Yunmen..."

Some big demon kings in the field became furious when they heard that. Just now there was a person trying to take credit, and now there is another one. How can these big demon kings still mess around?

For a moment, the big demon king in the field looked back, but suddenly a door on the side of the backyard opened, and out came a monster with five-color lights shining all over its body and dragon horns on its head... a handsome, extraordinary, king-level, intermediate-level monster, without transformation. , is the ontological state.

At this time, an excited voice sounded: "Lao Wu, you are out of seclusion..."

This voice was shouted by the green bull next to Yang Yiyun.


I saw Lord Diao'er in the arms of his master Yang Yiyun jump up and land on this guy's head.

"Xiaowu is good. After three years of seclusion, he actually broke through to the Intermediate King. Not bad, not bad..."

Remember, it was the owner Yang Yiyun who spoke.

"Congratulations to Mr. Five Elements Beast for coming out of seclusion. What Mr. Five Elements said is absolutely true. The master said that the Great Sage of Cloud Gate is the most suitable. My subordinates strongly agree." The flattering elf Elvis Presley took the lead again.

At this time, all the monsters in the field realized that the monster that had just suggested that the master be called the Great Sage of Yunmen was the master's mount, the Five Elements Beast.

In terms of status, he is only inferior to Lord Diao'er.

Many demon kings have never seen the Five Elements Beasts, because after Yang Yiyun's challenge, the Five Elements Beasts were too low in cultivation. He watched Qing Niu and others go to Zhangu Mountain to challenge the various demon kings, but he did not have the strength to participate in the challenge. Therefore, I was very disappointed and made up my mind to practice in seclusion.

Afterwards, Yang Yiyun specially refined elixirs for the Five Elements Beast and asked him to go into seclusion. After knowing that Yang Yiyun had been away for three years and returned, the Five Elements Beast had not come out of seclusion.

Unexpectedly, I caught up today. When Yang Yiyun was preparing to take action, the Five Elements Beast came out of seclusion. After more than three years of seclusion, the Five Elements Beast broke through to the Intermediate King level in one fell swoop.

This is beyond Yang Yiyun's belief.

The demon kings have never seen the Five Elements Beast, but they have heard of it, and they saw it today.

The Five Elements Beast suggested that Yang Yiyun should be called the Great Sage of Yunmen to show his status beside his master, because there were dozens of demon kings, big and small, present today, so it was just an opportunity.

Moreover, he knew that the master had a Yunmen force that was established in the small world. Many of the master's relatives, friends, and mistresses were in the Yunmen, so the Five Elements Beast felt that the title of Yunmen Great Sage was the most suitable for the master.

After getting to know each other, at the suggestion of the Five Elements Beasts, all the demons shouted: "The Great Holy Lord of Yunmen..."

Yang laughed cheerfully and accepted the title calmly.

After making some suggestions, Yang Yiyun began to point out the generals: "Where is the Rat King?"

The Rat King bowed and said, "My subordinate is here."

"Send a message to the three great demons of the one-eyed dragon, the blood lion king, and the two-headed snake, as well as all the demon kings, big and small, telling them that tomorrow the Holy Spirit will summon all the forces in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains at War Drum Mountain. Those who come will be prosperous, and those who will not come - Die." Yang was so domineering at this moment.

"I respectfully obey the name of the Holy Lord." The Rat King bowed.

Then Mr. Yang waved his hand and said: "You all go down and prepare. Tomorrow we will fight on Drum Mountain and unify the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range. This Holy Lord will decide the world."

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