My Master Is a God

Chapter 1460: Killed to pieces

Outside the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains, Xu Youdao from Tongxian Palace, Ten Thousand Spirits Holy Land, Shenfu Lingzong, Tianjian Mountain, Bailian Villa, and the Eternal Life Palace, as well as someone from the Ghost City, were waiting for Yang Yiyun to come out of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains.

Except for the disciples in the Ghost City who were wiped out by Yang Yiyun and no one was sent into the wilderness, there are also hundreds of remaining disciples from the other five holy places plus those who came after them, waiting here.

In fact, there are seven people left so far. These seven people are all at the elder level of several major holy places. They are all third-level earth immortals who have suppressed the realm of cultivation through the law barrier. They seem to be at the peak of transcending tribulation, but in fact they are extremely powerful.

Among these people, Hua Fenglan from Tongxian Palace, Wu Wenze from the Holy Land of All Spirits, and an elder from the Ghost City are the six masters.

And Xu Youdao, the elder of the Eternal Life Palace, also stayed outside the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains. He had not left since Yang Yiyun entered the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains. Of course, Xu Youdao protected Yang Yiyun.

He received orders from Holy Lord Yun Changsheng to closely monitor people in other holy lands.

Although it has been close to forty years since Yang Yiyun entered the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains, which sounds like a long time, in fact, for these old monsters at the elder level of the Holy Land, forty years is just a blink of an eye.

In order to protect the Qilin beast, staying outside the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains for forty years is nothing. Their bottom line is a hundred years. If Yang Yiyun has not come out of the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains in a hundred years, then he will most likely die in the Ten Thousand Monsters. In the mountains, they will naturally leave.

With the information provided by the Rat King, Yang Yiyun had a clear grasp of the whereabouts of the people in several major holy places. According to the shadow stone made by the little brother sent by the Rat King, he found that there were seven masters, two of whom knew each other, and one was Wan Wan. Wu Wenze in the Spiritual Holy Land had another acquaintance in the dark, it was Xu Youdao, the elder of the Eldest Brother's Hall of Eternal Life.

Xu Youdao has existed since then, and Yang Yiyun naturally knew that it was to protect him, which moved him deeply.

Regarding the elders of the other six Holy Lands, Yang Yiyun looked at the images in the image stone and sneered. He had been trapped in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains for nearly forty years. The revenge of the pursuit back then should be understood today.

"Send the order. According to the original plan, the Rat King will lead the team and set up formations from underground to control them and kill them without mercy."

"Subordinates obey orders..."

According to Yang Yiyun's plan, if he didn't kill them this time, he would kill them all in one fell swoop.

Now that he has the strength, he can kill all of these people.

There are more than 50,000 demon cultivators who are comparable to the Tribulation Stage, and three hundred king-level demons are under their command. There is no problem in annihilating them all.

The reason why the Rat King led the Five Elements Rat Clan to attack the underground cave was that Yang Yiyun was worried that after pushing the elders of several holy places too hard, they would fight to the death and break through the realm restrictions, just like Yuan Chen Huan had opened up the realm suppression. , his cultivation level suddenly reached the level of a third-level earthly immortal.

Once they do that, the elders of several major holy places will inevitably die. Even third-level earth immortals cannot survive due to the power of the law. The key is a fatal blow. Yang Yiyun is afraid that the big demon under him will suffer, and he does not want to die.

So let the Rat King simply dig a hole underground and set up a large formation, and then three hundred king-level monsters would attack together and directly kill a few old immortals. This would be the cleanest and most efficient battle without casualties.

If the realm suppression is not turned on, the six elders of the six holy places are at the peak of transcending tribulation, and the great demon under him is a real king-level, each of them is a being comparable to the Mahayana. In the case of such a sudden attack .

Yang Yiyun believed that not to mention six, even sixty could kill them in an instant.

As for the hundreds of ordinary tribulation-transcending cultivators under the banners of several major holy lands, Yang Yiyun didn't take them seriously at all. There were 50,000 tribulation-transcending demon cultivators to deal with them, and it wasn't even enough to squeeze them into one's teeth.

With an order, the Rat King took the sons of the Five Rat Clan into the ground and began to set up a formation to mine, while the other three hundred king-level monsters disappeared silently into the sky and hid in the clouds, ambush in the clouds.

It can be said that a dragnet has been laid out in the sky and on the earth.

As long as the Rat King's underground layout is completed, these people in the Holy Land will die without a burial place.

The powerful execution and burrowing abilities of the Five Elements Rat Clan were demonstrated at this moment.

Less than half an hour later, the Rat King came to report: "The Holy Lord's formation has been completed. The pit is 500 meters deep and 100 meters in diameter. It has been successfully completed. Please give me your instructions."

Yang Yiyun was shocked when he heard this and said: "Act."

"Yes, Holy Lord, don't worry, none of these people will be able to escape." The Rat King took the order and left.

One advantage is that although the elders of several major holy places are not gathered together, they are not far from each other. The six of them are basically in the same place, so the Rat King dug a 100-meter-large pit underground. Just enough to get them stuck.

Except for Xu Youdao of the Eternal Life Palace, far away in the dark, the six elders of Tongxian Palace, Shenfu Lingzong, Bailian Villa, Tianjian Mountain, and Ghost City occupy less than 50 meters of land at all. Meditating on the spot.

So it’s easy to catch them all in one go.

As for the disciples of several major holy places, they are at least five or six hundred meters away from them. The disciples who are only a hundred meters away are doing their own things and are not getting together at all, so it is easier to solve them.

Yang Yiyun ordered 50,000 demon cultivators to surround them in a radius of more than ten miles to prevent any fish from being caught, and to kill them all in one go.

Hua Fenglan, as the elder of Tongxian Palace, was actually a low-ranking elder. After hearing that the Qilin beast was born, and it was a cub, she took the initiative to come out of the mountain just to collect the Qilin.

But who would have thought that Yang Yiyun was forced to enter the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range and had to wait for nearly forty years. It was originally she who proposed to wait outside the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains for a hundred years. For their level, even a hundred years is not that long. Anyway, it’s just meditating and practicing, and I’ll be there soon.

But today Hua Fenglan woke up from her cultivation state because she felt restless and unable to enter samadhi.

As a high-level monk, his premonitions are often very accurate. After Hua Fenglan opened her eyes, she looked at the other people not far away, and they all woke up at this moment.

Apparently it was not just her who felt uneasy, but the other five people too.

But nothing was wrong.

The six people were each sitting on the ground. At this time, they stood up and prepared to gather together to communicate.

Could it be that Yang Yiyun is coming out of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range?

Or is there some powerful monster coming out of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, causing them to feel uneasy...

The Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range has always been regarded as a place where humans dare not set foot easily, because there are millions of monsters. Although their cultivation is powerful, this is a wild foreign land, and their cultivation realm is suppressed to the level of crossing the tribulation. It was a weird place at the top, so they just waited and didn't dare to go in.

What was strange today was that all six of them woke up from their trance backwards. This... was not a good sign.

With various speculations, the six people got up and prepared to walk together to discuss.

But at this moment, Hua Fenglan felt the earth suddenly tremble.

It seemed like an earthquake.

The next moment, before Hua Fenglan had time to react, she felt her feet were empty, but there was a loud rumble on the ground, and the entire ground beneath her feet collapsed.

Hua Fenglan's body lost its balance and fell downwards, but this did not stop her. She immediately used her magic power to stabilize her body, but what frightened her was that at this moment, a huge pulling force came from below. .

This fell too fast, giving her no time to use her magic power, and her whole body fell directly downwards with the collapsed earth.

In an instant, Huafeng saw Wu Wenze, the elder of the Shenfu Ling Sect, and five others who had suffered the same fate as her, and they all fell down.

At this time, Hua Fenglan had some reflections. This was something serious. Although she didn't know what caused the huge area of ​​​​100 meters to collapse, Hua Fenglan finally knew that this uneasiness was caused by the collapse of the earth. thing.

This is not a good sign...

The six of them are elders from the six holy places. What happened...?

Now it has become a question mark.

The six people basically gathered together during the fall. After falling thirty meters, they finally managed to break free from the huge suction force in the ground with their deep cultivation, and then the six people quickly flew upwards.

At the same time, everyone looked extremely ugly...

By this time, they had discovered that the ground had completely collapsed over a hundred meters, and a large pit hundreds of meters deep had appeared.

Is there some powerful monster underground...?

At this time, the faces of the six people were extremely ugly, and they were thinking about various speculations in their minds.

After breaking free from the huge suction, prepare to fly up first...

But at this moment, I felt the sky above my head darken, and when I looked up, everyone gasped.

The six people's faces instantly turned pale as paper.

The six of them looked up and saw the black monster beasts at the entrance of the cave. All kinds of monster beasts were suspended in the sky, and each of them launched an extremely powerful demon attack, which was overwhelming the six of them.

The attack formed by the powerful demon power distorted the space. With such a powerful attack power, the six of them knew that if they were bombarded, they would definitely turn into scum.

At this time, even if you want to forcefully break through the suppression of the law, it is too old, and even if you break through the suppression of the law, you will eventually die and will be reduced to ashes by the thunder of the Taihuang Law.

It's over, it's over, it's all over.

This was the last thought in the six people's minds.

The elder of Bailian Villa first shouted in fear: "No... no no no... no... ah..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

One scream after another rose up.

"Boom boom boom..."

One after another, the sky-shattering roar came out of the pit.

The earth is generally on the ground.

The crater, which was originally only a hundred meters in area, suddenly expanded to a diameter of five hundred meters under the full bombardment of three hundred king-level demons, and was bottomless.

Yang Yiyun stood in the distance, feeling the trembling of the earth under his feet, and watching the billowing dust and smoke rising from the pit into the sky. He knew that all the immortals in several holy places were reduced to dregs.

He was frightened when he felt the power of the joint attack of three hundred king-level demons.

At the same time, 50,000 demon soldiers and demon generals launched a one-sided massacre of one hundred Holy Land disciples. It didn't take even a minute, and one hundred Holy Land disciples were wiped out.

At the same moment when he took action, Xu Youdao, who was three hundred meters away, was also frightened half to death.

The ground shook, the mountains shook, and the thunderous roar made Xu Youdao scared and ran away.

Although he didn't know what happened, he could feel the unparalleled powerful demon power rolling in. Xu Youdao thought that the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Group was about to come out of the mountain, so he ran out of Taihuang without even thinking, and he protected Forty years later, there is not much time left, so I thought I would return to the Palace of Eternal Life after leaving.

Judging from the location, I guessed that the elders of several other major holy places were dying. Xu Youdao saw mushroom cloud-like smoke and dust rising from the place where the six people of Hua Fenglan were located.

No matter what happens, it's going to be very bad for those who want to paint Fenglan.

Xu Youdao thought that Yang Yiyun might have died in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range a long time ago. Now it is obvious that something terrible happened in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains. If his cultivation realm was not suppressed, he might still be able to run over and have a look, but now My cultivation is suppressed in the Tribulation Stage, so I'd better not wade into the muddy waters. Let's go back out of Taihuang as soon as possible.

That kind of overwhelming evil spirit is really scary.

Xu Youdao left, but after hearing the report of the Rat King, Yang Yiyun let out a sigh of relief in his heart. This revenge was finally avenged neatly.

"The Holy Lord's subordinates have personally checked and found that the six people died without a burial place." The Rat King emerged from the ground and reported.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Fill the big hole, and you can follow me out of the wilderness..."

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