My Master Is a God

Chapter 1467 Hualang who has challenged the immortal list

The several holy masters who had grudges against Yang Yiyun looked at each other, and they all saw one meaning in their eyes, which was to kill Yang Yiyun before he grew up.

However, under the mediation of Miao Xian, a consensus was reached before that they, the Holy Masters, could not take action, and the third-level Earth Immortal and Ascension Realm levels could not take action against Yang Yiyun.

Only the Mahayana realm can do it.

But now Yang Yiyun has three hundred Mahayana-level demons around him. Even if all of their major holy places send Mahayana out, they can only serve as snacks for the demons around Yang Yiyun.

The only way is to let monks who transcend Mahayana take action.

However, after Miaoxian's mediation before, they could not go back on their word, let alone easily go back on their word. Some rules still had to be followed.

Calculating this, we can only let the hidden freaks of each family take action.

Every holy land has some hidden monsters, all of them are monsters that have lived for a long time. Their realm is Mahayana, but their methods and strength are far more powerful than Mahayana.

Letting Xue Zang's freak take action was in line with the agreement with Miao Xian, and it was tantamount to taking advantage of a loophole.

Facing Yang Yiyun's current strong situation, only by letting those monsters take action can Yang Yiyun and the big monsters around him be completely crushed.

Our Lady of All Souls is looking in a certain direction under the earth at this moment...

At this time, on the top of a certain mountain on the earth, there was a young man who was wearing animal skin and looked like a savage. His hair was condensed and looked like he hadn't taken a bath for many years. He was wearing some kind of hand bone necklace, but he was happily eating ham on the barbecue. The man suddenly looked up at the sky.

Stars were twinkling in his eyes for an instant, as if he had penetrated the clouds and saw the Virgin of All Souls.

At this moment, the Holy Mother of All Souls had no regard for her face and spoke without concealment. Her target was the boy who was having a barbecue on the mountain top: "It's your turn, Hua Lang, to kill Yang Yiyun and get back the All Souls Staff."

The young man called Hualang by Our Lady of All Souls is a freak hidden in the Holy Land of All Souls. He is a person who was hidden thousands of years ago. This time, Our Lady of All Souls came out to hunt Yang Yiyun, so she notified him to come out and follow him. Just in case.

The reason why the Mahayana monks were asked to take action before was because in the view of the Holy Mother of All Spirits, it was not necessary at all.

It's just a little Yang Yiyun, a Mahayana monk is enough to deal with it. Who knew it would be such a situation.

Fortunately, the Holy Mother of All Souls saved a hand, and when she came out of the mountain, she brought the monster hidden in the snow—Hua Lang!

Now it's time for Hua Lang to take action.

Several holy masters in the sky followed the words of Our Lady of All Souls. Dunxun looked down, and they were all stunned.

The expressions of the four holy masters of Tianjian Mountain, Lingfu Divine Sect, Ghost City, and Bailian Mountain Villa changed. They knew something was wrong. They didn't expect that the Holy Mother of All Spirits was so scheming that she had already prepared a snow monster.

Thinking of this, the four of them quickly sent messages one by one to ask the snow monsters under their respective sects to come. The good thing cannot be left to the Holy Mother of All Souls alone.

There was such a big commotion this time. Everyone knew that Yang Yiyun had good things on him, such as the unicorn beast and the magic weapon of the cave. If he was late, he wouldn't be able to drink a sip of the soup.

Everyone knows how powerful Xue Zang's monster is. Even if Yang Yiyun is half as big as this monster, he will still fall into trouble if Xue Zang's monster takes action.

Now quickly notify their geek disciples to come, hoping they can still make it.

"How dare you..." Yun Changsheng was furious. He knew how powerful the freak was.

Similarly, he had asked people to call the Eternal Life Palace freaks before, but according to the agreement, the Eternal Life Palace disciples could not take action, but now he didn't care so much.

I just hope that the Xue Zang freak in the Palace of Eternal Life will come quickly, otherwise Yang Yiyun will be in big trouble.

"Yun Changsheng, shut up. I am sending disciples who are in the Mahayana stage, and there is no limit to the scope of Senior Sister Miaoxian." The Holy Mother of All Spirits pushed Yun Changsheng back with just one sentence.

"You..." Yun Changsheng really couldn't say anything. It was true that the freak disciple was in the Mahayana realm. In theory, he did not violate the rules set by Miao Xian.

Then Yun Changsheng looked at Miaoxian and said anxiously: "Senior Sister Miaoxian, I have violated the rules. They are Xue Zang freaks, whose strength far exceeds Mahayana. Can I, the Xue Zang disciple of Changsheng Palace, go to fight?"

Before Miaoxian could say anything, the Holy Mother of All Spirits said first: "Senior Sister Miaoxian, you only said that people above the Ascension Realm are not allowed to take action, but you did not say that Xue Zang disciples are not allowed to take action. Besides, we are at the Mahayana stage. I have not broken your rules. , I hope Senior Sister Miaoxian can convince everyone."

"That's right, I told you that the Holy Master and the Ascension Realm should not pursue Yang Yiyun, but I didn't tell Xue Zang's disciples..."

Several other people also started talking.

And Miao Xian was bitter, she had forgotten that the Xue Zang disciples were freaks in the group, and even though they were Xue Zang disciples, they were still in the Mahayana stage, but they were very powerful and did not need to ascend to a lower level, and even used many methods to go beyond that. Not as good as.

Looking at the angry Yun Changsheng Miaoxian, he could only smile bitterly and said: "Junior Brother Changsheng, you can let your disciples of Xue Zang from Changsheng Temple join the battle."

This sentence is equivalent to acknowledging that Xue Zang's disciples can take action against Yang Yiyun.

"Then my disciple Xue Zang will naturally be able to take action..."

Several other Holy Lords said.

Miao Xian smiled bitterly and nodded.

I originally wanted to protect Yang Yiyun, but now it seems to be hanging by a thread.

Even if the Xue Zang disciples from the Eternal Life Palace and several other major holy places came, I'm afraid it would be too late, because the Hualang from the Holy Land of All Spirits had already gotten up.

At this time everyone can only watch.

Yun Changsheng was angry but helpless.

But Hua Lang, a disciple of Xue Zang in the Holy Land of All Souls at the top of the mountain below, got up and devoured the roasted meat on the fire rack after receiving the name of Holy Mother of All Souls.

Yes, it was the way of eating. A beast the size of a goat was roasting meat. He opened his mouth three or two times and swallowed all the bones like a beast.

Then he raised his head to the sky, grinned at Our Lady of All Souls and said, "As the Holy Mother wishes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hualang suddenly stamped his feet and soared into the sky like a cannonball. In an instant, he had reached the top of the mountain a hundred miles away.

With a bang, he trampled the top of the mountain where he had landed, and he rose again, hundreds of miles away again...

Yang Yiyun was thousands of miles away, but at Hualang's speed, he arrived in an instant.

Several great holy masters in the sky looked at it in amazement.

The Holy Lord of the Sword Tomb Holy Land, who had been a bystander, watched Hua Lang collapse a mountaintop a hundred miles away, and he couldn't help but said: "I am afraid that the powerful physical body has reached the realm of pure Yang, and the physical body can become an immortal. "

Speaking of this, the Holy Master of the Sword Tomb Holy Land could not help but look at the Holy Mother of All Souls and said: "It is rumored that a beast disciple who converted to the body tempering method appeared in the Holy Land of All Souls ten thousand years ago. He came from the wolf's den for the great elder of the All Souls Holy Land The disciple who picked it up and accepted it...

A long roar summons a wolf demon from thousands of miles away. There are rumors that this person drinks the blood of demon beasts, eats the meat of demon beasts, imitates the habits of demon beasts, and is completely a demon beast.

Thousands of years ago, he challenged the top three masters on the Immortal List, and finally died. I originally thought he was dead, but I didn’t expect that he hid himself in the snow..."

The great saint masters present were all shocked when they heard the words "Ascending Immortal List".

The monks who can and dare to challenge the powerful ones on the immortal list are undoubtedly characters.

The Immortal List is a symbol of power and honor in the world of cultivation.

An existence recognized and respected by the entire cultivation world.

There are only ten super masters in the entire immortality list, representing the ten most powerful people in the world of cultivation.

The rankings are updated every ten thousand years.

Those who can rise up the immortal list can be called underground immortals.

"Senior Brother Jiang is knowledgeable. Yes, Hua Lang is the person who challenged the immortal list ten thousand years ago. He has not died for ten thousand years, but he has not ascended, but has been hidden in the snow." The words of the Holy Mother of All Spirits were filled with pride. .

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the major saints present changed.

Among those who can be hidden, which one is not talented, and which one is not ruthless?

People who are cruel to themselves.

They are not easy people.

The so-called snow storage is an alternative kind of Nirvana reconstruction, but it is essentially different from pure Nirvana reconstruction.

Everyone who chooses to hide his or her cultivation will experience a great catastrophe, which is called the Snow Hiding Heavenly Tribulation.

Different from the ordinary realm cultivation calamity, the snow hidden calamity is a reshaping of one's physical body and spirit.

Both the physical body and the soul will be burned by the heavenly fire for a long time. After enduring it, both the physical body and the soul will become more powerful. The physical body will directly become a pure Yang body, and the soul will surpass the limit and reach another level. level.

Every monk who hides himself must be in the ascension realm. If he cannot wait for his ascension, or if there is no hope of ascending to immortality, he will choose to hide himself in the snow.

Overcoming the catastrophe hidden in the snow, the pain of the fire from the sky can be endured for a dozen years, but it can't be resisted and the soul will fly away.

But after the pit is over, the state will drop to the Mahayana and Great Perfection, and you can basically practice and ascend again. In this way, the chance of becoming an immortal and ascending will be greatly increased.

Some people hide themselves in order to ascend to immortality, while some people hide themselves simply in pursuit of powerful power.

Hualang falls into the latter category.

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