My Master Is a God

Chapter 1474 The generous Nine-Nine Zhoutian Formation resists the thunder tribulation

After an era, the supreme ninety-nine tribulations appeared again in the world of cultivators.

And this person is Yang Yiyun.

In the eyes of several great holy masters, Yang Yiyun's Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation has already led an era.

Because the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation only appeared in the last era.

Miao Xian also came back to his senses and sighed: "The Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation is not just a kind of heavenly tribulation, but perhaps a kind of heavenly revelation!

It has become increasingly difficult for cultivators to ascend to immortality in the world of cultivation. They either die in the Great Heavenly Tribulation, or even if they fail to overcome the calamity and become immortals, they still end up dying in the Loose Immortal Tribulation.

In the next step, being stuck in the ascension realm makes it difficult to move forward. Even if you reach the peak, you will not be able to draw the light of guidance to ascend and achieve enlightenment.

Now that the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation has occurred after an era, this may be a good thing. I think everyone is right about Yang Yiyun, so let's stop here. "

After Miao Xian finished speaking, she looked around at the Holy Lords. In fact, everyone understood that what she meant was that no matter what the personal grudges were, under the revelation of heaven, they should be given up.

Because the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation is the revelation of heaven to the world of cultivation. From the perspective of history, it is a good thing, and it is equivalent to a big stone falling in a pool of stagnant water.

Judging from the trajectory of history, after the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, there will definitely be an era of prosperity for the monastic world, and at least the chances of monks surviving the tribulation and ascending will be greatly increased.

In this way, regardless of whether Yang Yiyun can survive the ninety-nine tribulations, he has made a contribution to the world of cultivation, and everyone should not pursue any grievances.

"Hmph... He's going to die anyway. I won't care about a group of four people." It was the Holy Master of the Shenfu Ling Sect who spoke.

"That's right, I haven't heard of anyone who can survive the ninety-nine tribulations..." the Holy Lord of Tianjian Mountain said.

"Let's just wait and see the show. I want to see how this kid is chopped into pieces..." The Holy Master of Bailian Villa was a little gloating.

"You're taking advantage of this little beast..." Our Lady of All Souls cursed viciously.

"Old witch, you must be virtuous, otherwise I and you will fight to the death." Yun Changsheng was already worried about Yang Yiyun, his junior brother, but now that he heard the Holy Mother of All Souls cursing Yang Yiyun, he suddenly became murderous.

"Don't argue. The third thunder tribulation is coming. The ninety-nine tribulations don't have to be watched once in an era. If you have this time, why not watch it? It will be of great benefit to everyone's understanding of the way of heaven. Maybe after today, practitioners Those who rise to the top of the world must remember Yang Yiyun’s contribution.”

Miaoxian yelled.

Several holy masters also turned off their lights and concentrated on watching Yang Yiyun overcome the tribulation.

As Miao Xian said, the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation is a revelation of the way of heaven, which only appears once in an era. For contemporary monks, watching it will definitely deepen their understanding of the way of heaven, and it will be beneficial and will definitely shorten the distance to becoming an immortal...

Therefore, from now on, Yang Yiyun can be regarded as having made a contribution to the cultivator world, and any living being who watches him overcome the tribulation can be regarded as having received his favor.

This is also the reason why Miaoxian asked the Holy Lords not to have any grudges with Zai, but the Holy Lords openly agreed anyway.

The entire world of cultivation has been able to fly to the immortal world and become an immortal for five to six thousand years. In only six thousand years, it seems that the light of guidance has not appeared. Everyone in the current world of cultivation knows that it is actually the age of the end of the Dharma, and it is getting weaker and weaker. This is not a good thing.

Yang Yiyun's ninety-nine tribulations occurred today, which is equivalent to providing a way for everyone to understand the Great Dao. Therefore, Miaoxian said that Yang Yiyun had merit and great merit, and everyone recognized this.


A thunder calamity with thick arms descended from the calamity cloud, like a blue dragon emerging from the sea, about thirty meters long, emitting white light, illuminating the entire calamity, and headed directly towards Yang Yiyun

The Holy Lord of the Sword Tomb Holy Land sighed: "It is indeed a Nine-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation. The first of the Three-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation alone is enough to rival the last of the Four-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation. How powerful!"

Yun Changsheng looked worriedly and saw that the figure of his junior brother had been flickering across the ground for a while, but now that the thunderstorm had struck down directly, he was still wandering on the ground without knowing it.

He couldn't help but be anxious, but his body moved and disappeared.

The next moment, Yun Changsheng jumped thousands of miles straight, and appeared on the top of a hill 500 meters away from where his junior brother Yang Yiyun was crossing the tribulation. Although he could not help Yang Yiyun overcome the tribulation, he could provide some pills to this junior brother who had not yet had time to truly recognize each other. Medicinal instruments are available.

As a senior brother, you can't do nothing. Although Yun Changsheng himself is not optimistic about his junior brother's ability to survive the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, he still has to do what needs to be done, otherwise he will not be able to explain to his master Yun Tianxie if he sees him in the future. .

Although there has been no news about Master Yun Tianxie for tens of thousands of years, in Yun Changsheng's heart, he never thought that supreme figures like Master would die. Maybe he just wandered to some small world.

The appearance of Yang Yiyun, a junior disciple, is the best proof of this. Yang Yiyun is obviously a disciple accepted by Master Yun Tianxie in a small world in the lower world.

No matter what, Yun Changsheng didn't want his junior brother to get into trouble, so he had to do something he could, otherwise he would be ashamed of his master Yun Tianxie.


The first of the Thirty-nine Heavenly Tribulations descended when Yun Changsheng settled on the top of the mountain.

This catastrophe made Yun Changsheng's heart tremble, and he quickly looked...

The next moment, Yun Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Now he finally knew why his junior brother Yang Yiyun was still wandering around on the ground unaware of the calamity, and didn't care at all.

It turns out that I did see that my junior brother had already laid out layers of formations on the ground for defense.

The first lightning strike struck the formation, but the entire formation was trembling, but it did not break.

And the point is, Yang Yiyun has already deployed five formations for defense, and he still hasn't stopped arranging the formation. No wonder he didn't pay attention to the thunder disaster above the sky.

When Yun Changsheng saw this, he couldn't help but say hello to Yang Yiyun in his heart.

Immediately, several other Holy Lords appeared beside Yun Changsheng and landed on the hilltop.

Several major holy masters also saw Yang Yiyun setting up the formation.

The Emperor of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, who had a better relationship with the Changsheng Palace, walked up to Yun Changsheng and said: "Changsheng, your junior brother is actually a master of formations. Even though it was the first one, you actually managed to withstand the Three-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation by relying on formation defense alone." .”

Emperor Xuanyuan's sister married Yun Changsheng, so the two of them called each other closer.

"I didn't expect it, but it looks good. I hope my junior brother can survive this supreme disaster." Yun Changsheng said.

"What a good boy, you actually set up the Nine-Nine Heavenly Array. If this formation is completed, it should be able to withstand the Sixty-nine Heavenly Tribulations, right?" Miaoxian from Tongxian Palace saw Yang Yiyun setting up the formation, and his eyes were vicious. The formation arranged by Yang Yiyun couldn't help but speak.

"It seems that this kid is still a rich man. With such a big deal, even if we and other Holy Lands want to set up the Nine-Nine Heavenly Array, they will still have to bleed a lot..." the Holy Master of the Sword Tomb Holy Land said.

Hearing the words of the Holy Lord of the Sword Tomb Holy Land, all the Holy Lords looked carefully and couldn't help but gasp.

Sure enough, Yang Yiyun is a big spender and can be called a rich man.

I saw countless glittering demon crystal coins all over the ground. Everyone knew that these coins were equivalent to high-grade spiritual stones for cultivators.

However, the nine-nine formations were independent one after another, but the final successful formation was that the nine formations were able to merge into one, and the defensive position was ranked first in the world of cultivation.

The most important thing is that the spiritual stones required for this formation are in the millions.

And they are all top-grade. With such a quantity, even if they have the power of one of the nine holy places, they will have to bleed a lot. Some holy places are even reluctant to part with them.

But Yang Yiyun casually took them out to form a formation to overcome the tribulation. After the tribulation, these demon crystal coins, which were comparable to spiritual stones, all disappeared.

So it’s no exaggeration to say it’s generous.

One million high-grade demon crystal coins, this is the level of one million high-grade spiritual stones, all the saint masters sighed in their hearts.

The Holy Mother of All Souls said sourly: "Huh, how can you spend millions of high-grade demon crystal coins? In the ninety-nine tribulations, your soul will fly away..."

"Wan Ling, you have gone too far. You are watching Yang Yiyun's ninety-nine tribulations at the moment. If you speak like this, be careful of being punished by God." This time, Emperor Xuanyuan directly spoke to the Holy Mother of All Souls.

"You..." Our Lady of All Spirits' face was livid, but she saw Emperor Xuanyuan and Yun Changsheng rising up with murderous intent at the same time, and at this time Yang Yiyun's third and second thunder tribulation also fell.

"Boom... click..."

The earth-shattering sound interrupted the Holy Mother of All Souls.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's formation was coming to an end, and a lot of demon crystal coins were scattered out in his hand.

"Nine and nine are intertwined, the sky is moving, and the formation is rising..."

It was completed almost at the same time as the second thunder tribulation.


The entire formation erupted with dazzling golden light, drowning out the light of the second thunder tribulation light.

Yang Yiyun stood in the formation and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He spent millions of high-grade demon crystal coins to set up the Nine-Nine Heavenly Array, and it worked in vain.

The two thunder tribulations before and after did not cause any damage to the formation.

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