My Master Is a God

Chapter 1480 The Four Holy Lords Send Magical Weapons and Pills

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

From the beginning of the tribulation to now, Yang Yiyun has not felt much pressure at all, but now he really feels the power of the tribulation.

Just the first thunder of the Nine-Nine Tribulations knocked him down from the sky without any reaction. This was because the remaining power of the Sky-Splitting Talisman was so powerful.

Yang Yiyun has already imagined the power of the thunder tribulation that will follow, and now he can't stop even if he wants to. He can only persist until the end.

Because at the beginning of the Nine-Nine Tribulation, it was no longer possible to think about how to break up the Sanxian with troops, so we could only persevere to the end.

After seeing Yang Yiyun being struck by thunder and falling to the ground outside the field, Yun Changshengxing was in a panic. He didn't know what this junior brother was thinking, why he didn't break up the cultivating immortals, but now he knew that there was no turning back. .


The second thunder calamity in the calamity cloud fell immediately after the first one.

In the big pit, Yang Yiyun used his true energy and quickly stood up. Although his whole body was injured by the first lightning strike, it did not hurt his vital parts, and the injuries recovered during the operation of the technique.

Seeing the second lightning tribulation of the Nine-Nine Tribulations landing, he did not dare to neglect, waved out three magic weapons, and suddenly swung them out, towards the thick purple thunder tribulation that was more than 100 meters long in the bucket behind the sky.

At this time, the thunder tribulation has also undergone a big change. Not only is it as thick as a blue dragon, but its color has also turned purple. It is obviously the thunder tribulation that has reached its maximum power.


Yang Yiyun threw the three magic weapons into the sky to meet the thunder calamity, and uttered the word "explosion" in his mouth.

"Boom boom boom~"

Three sword-like instruments were detonated by him with three explosions.

Anyway, they were all magical weapons obtained after killing several holy places in Taihuang. Some of them were earth-level weapons and some were ordinary magical weapons. At this time, Yang Yiyun didn't care about anything. He just detonated them all and used them as long as they were useful for thunder tribulation.

Unfortunately, in the blink of an eye, the detonation of the three magic weapons only consumed more than ten meters of the hundred-meter-long thunder calamity, and there was still more than eighty meters of lightning behind it.

Yang Yiyun was cruel, his hands were flying, and this time he detonated ten magic weapons...

Anyway, there are hundreds of collected magical artifacts placed in the space of the Qiankun Pot. They were originally intended to be left to the Yunmen disciples, but now they can only be used to overcome the tribulation.

In the earth-shattering explosion, Yang Yiyun detonated each magical weapon to resist the thunder tribulation. It took him 30 magical weapons to resolve the second thunder tribulation.


He breathed a long sigh of relief, and then there was a click above the tribulation cloud, and the third thunder tribulation of the Nine-Nine Tribulations followed closely behind.

"Damn, you didn't even give me time to breathe!"

While cursing, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and took out twenty magic weapons from the space of the Qiankun Pot and threw them directly towards the Heavenly Tribulation.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Twenty magic weapons were detonated and exploded in a catastrophe.

The scene is extremely spectacular when viewed from a distance.

The power of the third thunder tribulation was even greater. Twenty magic weapons only consumed less than one-tenth of the 100-meter-long thunder tribulation.

This made Yang Yiyun secretly complain in his heart. If this continued, even the magic weapon would not be enough to defeat him.

But there was no other way. It was better to use magic weapons to consume the power of the thunder tribulation than to directly resist with the physical body. A steady stream of magic weapons moved in my heart and was thrown at the thunder tribulation to detonate resistance.

Earth-shaking explosions continued to resound.

After Yang Yiyun exploded more than 200 magical weapons this time, the third lightning disaster disappeared, but the magical weapons he saved were used up.

Of course, in his opinion, the ordinary magic weapons have been used up. Now he still has a few treasures, such as the dragon scale talisman of the Divine Talisman Lingzong, the water curtain mirror of the two-headed snake, his dragon-slaying sword, and the dragon that he refined. beads.

But these are real treasures, and he is really reluctant to let him detonate the tribulation, and these treasures cannot be detonated just by detonating them.


Seeing that the fourth thunder calamity in the calamity cloud was about to fall, Yang Yiyun was really anxious.

However, at this moment a voice came: "Junior brother, continue..."

Yang Yiyun turned around subconsciously, only to find that the cheap senior brother on the top of the mountain in the distance threw out more than a dozen golden magical weapons with his hand.

There was no time to be polite at this moment, so he waved his hand to catch the things sent by his senior brother Yun Changsheng.

He understood that it was his senior brother who came to support him after seeing that his method of detonating magical weapons was effective in overcoming the tribulation.

And Yun Changsheng did think so. He watched Yang Yiyun overcome the tribulation from the top of the mountain, but he didn't expect that his junior brother could actually use the method of detonating magic weapons to resist the tribulation, and it was very effective. He also saw that Yang Yiyun was going through the tribulation. After using the magic weapon in his hand, he quickly sent over ten high-level magic weapons that he had refined by himself and some elixirs.

At this time, Yun Changsheng, his senior brother, couldn't help, so he could only use these resources to support him.

After Yun Changsheng handed over the ten magical artifacts, he turned around and glanced at Emperor Xuanyuan, his elder brother-in-law. Does this mean that you also express your gratitude?

Yun Changsheng's wife is the biological sister of Emperor Xuanyuan, so the relationship between the Changsheng Palace and the Xuanyuan Dynasty has always been close.

When Emperor Xuanyuan saw Yun Changsheng looking over, he was stunned for a moment and then realized what he was doing. He smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not as rich as you. I have so many high-level magic weapons. I can only give away five pieces and some healing elixirs."

"Thank you." Yun Changsheng thanked him with joy. He knew that even if Emperor Xuanyuan didn't send magical weapons, it would be best to send some elixirs to his junior brother, because the Xuanyuan Emperor, a holy land of medicine, was the leader in elixirs and so on. Coquettish, the elixir given by Emperor Xuanyuan is naturally not bad.

At this time, Miao Xian also said: "For the sake of my junior sister Zixia, I should give you something, which can be regarded as an explanation to my junior sister, otherwise I will have nothing to say if she finds out and blames her in the future. "

As he spoke, Miaoxian waved his hand, and five golden tokens flew towards Yang Yiyun.

When Yun Changsheng saw that the golden token sent by Miaoxian was actually a gold-level token from Tongxian Palace, he was not only moved, but others did not know that they, the Holy Masters, knew that the golden token from Tongxian Palace was infinitely close to the level of the Immortal Weapon. The token that contains the ultimate power of the Earth Immortal is a door-blocking earth weapon that was personally refined by a Sanxian ancestor from Tongxian Palace who had a strong cultivation base and was proficient in the art of refining weapons. It is no small matter.

Unexpectedly, Miaoxian handed out five pieces of golden Immortal Token. She quickly thanked her and sighed at the same time: "Little junior sister Zixia is more proud."

However, it was reasonable for Miaoxian to give Yang Yiyun the Immortal Order, because Yun Changsheng, Xingchenzi and Zixia were all from the same sect, and now Yang Yiyun was their junior brother.

Miaoxian's position as palace master is still Zixia's, which can be regarded as a reward.

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Lord of the Sword Tomb Holy Land laughed and said: "I can see the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation and such a supreme robbery today, but I also have a lot of insights. Now the real Nine-Nine Tribulation has just begun. As for the subsequent Thunder Tribulation, , also quite looking forward to it.

As the saying goes, being guided by others' cultivation is greater than heaven. Today, when watching Yang Yiyun's tribulation, all the monks present owe Yang Yiyun a favor. I don't like to owe this favor. I gave you the three swords of my sword from the ancestral land of the sword to repay the gift. . "

The Holy Master of the Sword Tomb Holy Land waved his hand as he spoke, and three three-foot swords flew towards Yang Yiyun.

But his words were moved in the ears of several Holy Masters. Everyone knew that the Holy Land of Sword Tomb had a long history and was mainly used for repairing swords and hiding swords. They are all of the highest quality in the world. I didn’t expect that the Holy Master of Sword Tomb would also send three of them?

However, the Holy Master of Daozhong said that he was impressed by watching Yang Yiyun go through the tribulation, and it was considered as a return gift, which is reasonable. Yang Yiyun's ninety-nine heavenly tribulations today have indeed benefited many monks a lot.

What's more, the later tribulations become rarer, watching them will definitely be of great benefit to your cultivation.

However, only the Holy Master of the Sword Tomb himself knew why he gave three ancestral swords to Yang Yiyun.

Because his son Jiang Shilong told him about Yang Yiyun's deeds in Taihuang, Yang Yiyun also let Jiang Shilong go, which was indeed a favor.

On a deeper level, the Holy Master of Daozhong was betting. He felt that Yang Yiyun could survive the catastrophe. If Yang Yiyun really survived the ninety-nine tribulations today, his future would be limitless.

This is considered an investment.

Even if Yang Yiyun failed to overcome the tribulation, he would only lose three ancestral knives. These things are precious to outsiders, but to him, the Holy Master of the Sword Tomb, they are ordinary.

Moreover, the Holy Master of the Sword Tomb also saw that Miaoxian, Yun Changsheng, and Emperor Xuanyuan valued Yang Yiyun very much. Giving him the sword was equivalent to buying a face for the three of them. Why not?

As for the six holy masters such as Our Lady of All Souls and Tianjian Mountain, they will naturally not send magical weapons to Yang Yiyun to overcome the tribulation. They just snorted coldly. They can't stop the four holy masters Yun Changsheng from giving Yang Yiyun magical weapons and pills to support him. Because there is no reason for anyone to take action, and there is a legitimate reason for every magic weapon sent.

Yang Yiyun was deeply moved when he received the magic weapons, elixirs, etc. sent by the four holy masters. He wrote down this feeling and faced the fourth thunder tribulation without even having time to thank them.

Now he has a lot of confidence in his heart, because the various magical weapons he received are not mortal objects, and the several holy masters are very generous, and they are much more powerful than the magical weapons he detonated before.

I think I will definitely be able to withstand the fourth thunder tribulation.

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