My Master Is a God

Chapter 1483 Dragon Thunder Tribulation

The sixty-nine heavenly fire tribulations were not so much thunder tribulations as a flame force entering the body.

In an instant, Yang Yiyun felt like he was being ignited, and his body was on fire both inside and outside.

Yang Yiyun felt extreme burning pain at this time and couldn't help but scream loudly.


Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

At this time, Master Yun Tianxie said seriously: "Stop howling, you bastard. To be honest, the fire of heavenly tribulation is more of a test of willpower. The more you fear the burning of the flame, the greater the power will be, and you will eventually be burned to ashes.

At this time, the more you must grit your teeth, hold on, and fight the pain, the stronger your willpower will be and the power of the sky fire will be weakened.

Of course, the burning flames are the power of the heavenly fire, which is also a real existence. Now, hurry up and use the internal and external skills of Qiankun to fight against the heavenly fire, and try every means to refine the heavenly fire, so that you can survive..."

Hearing the old man speak, Yang Yiyun also knew that he had to grit his teeth and hold on, otherwise his willpower would collapse under the burning of the sky fire.

Basically consistent with what the old man said, the burning of the power of sky fire is more of a test, because he also found that the body was scorched by the sky fire without even a word from the moment it entered the body, but the burning pain continued to deepen.

After understanding this, Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth and stood up, sat cross-legged, and began to meditate on the internal and external exercises of rotating the universe...

In fact, his skills also played a huge role at this moment. Sky Fire is also a kind of power, and the most powerful thing about Qiankun Skills is that any power can be refined and absorbed for one's own use.

The difference is that depending on the strength of the power, the refining time is different.

The operation of the Qiankun Body Tempering Art is to temper the physical body. It is naturally possible to use the sky fire to temper the body. The difference is that the sky fire is too overbearing. During the tempering, the body's endurance is poor. In this case, it is very slow, but it is also It's not ineffective.

For Yang Yiyun, tempering the body is a small thing. At this moment, refining the power of heavenly fire in the body to share the pain and pressure is the key. If he can refine it a little less, he will be less dangerous.

The same goes for the Qiankun Creation Technique. Because of the overbearing absorption and refining of the power of Heavenly Fire, it cannot be chewed and has little effect. However, there is no better way at this moment, so we can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Almost every part of his body was being burned by heavenly fire, even Zifu was no exception.

Yang Yiyun used everything he could use in an instant, including the movement of the yin and yang life stars and the movement of the ten auxiliary stars. Anyway, as long as he could absorb and refine the sky fire, it would be fine.

After the activation, Yang Yiyun was overjoyed at the next moment. Among the two major destiny stars, the Taiyin destiny star absorbed the power of Zhiyin and Zhihan. It could not absorb the power of Heavenly Fire, but the power of Heavenly Fire could not burn Taiyin. Life star.

However, the Sun Life Star absorbed the Heavenly Fire. Although it was moving slowly, it was indeed absorbing, and the combined speed of absorption was much greater than the Qiankun Internal and External Gong.

This is a good thing.

Mars among the ten auxiliary stars besides the first time is also absorbing the power of the sky fire, and its speed is faster than that of the sun star, which is the fastest absorption speed.

In addition, the dragon beads conceived and raised in Zifu are also absorbing the power of heavenly fire.

The Dragon Pearl is also a fire attribute and does not reject the Heavenly Fire. However, it is completely swallowed up by the Heavenly Fire at this moment. Yang Yiyun cannot tell whether the Dragon Pearl is absorbing the Heavenly Fire or the Heavenly Fire is tempering the Dragon Pearl.

Anyway, it seems that the power of sky fire is decreasing...

The pain of being burned did not weaken at all. Yang Yiyun was trembling all over and gritted his teeth and persisted, trying his best to mobilize all the power in his body that could consume and absorb the sky fire.

The calamity of heavenly fire that enters the body not only targets the physical body, but more importantly, the soul.

The power of burning penetrates directly into the sea of ​​consciousness.

After Yang Yiyun stabilized in the body, his consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and he still had to deal with the soul.

The soul was burned by the heavenly fire, and the pain was ten times and a hundred times worse than the physical body.

After entering the sea of ​​consciousness, Yuanshen suddenly opened his eyes, and the surroundings were burned by sky fire...

The pain was indescribable, and Yang Yiyun's willpower and persistence exceeded the limit, but he remembered the old man's words and still persisted.

At this moment in the sea of ​​consciousness, facing the sky fire burning his soul, all Yang Yiyun could do was to release the power of the soul to resist the sky fire.

But the effect is minimal...


Under the pain of burning, Yang Yiyun Yuanshen screamed in agony to relieve the pressure of pain.

At this moment, Yuanshen sat down and Black Rock suddenly erupted into thousands of black rays of light.

With familiarity, wherever the light of the black lotus passed, the sky fire disappeared, or in other words, everything was swallowed up by the light of the black lotus.

In the blink of an eye, the light of the black lotus was withdrawn and calm was restored.

The entire consciousness sea and sky fire disappeared completely.

The pain of the soul also disappeared.

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, but the next moment he realized it, he knew that it was the spirit of the Black Lotus who had taken action.

At first, Yang Yiyun was burned by the sky fire and forgot about the black lotus. He only thought about the pain of the sky fire.

At this moment, Black Lotus appeared on its own, but it swallowed up the sky fire in one go.

"Thank you very much, Heilian..."

Back then, in the secret land of Changbai, a black lotus seed was obtained by some combination of circumstances. Later, the lotus seed sprouted and turned into a black lotus. The spirit of the black lotus also appeared. Yang Yiyun called her the black lotus woman.

The two are in a state of mutual support and dependence. Yang Yiyun needs Black Lotus to protect his soul, while Black Lotus needs the power of Yang Yiyun's soul to nourish him.

In a sense, Black Lotus is actually Yang Yiyun's servant, and Yang Yiyun is the master, because he also shed blood as a sacrifice back then.

"You're welcome. I told you to protect your soul. If you dissipate, I will also dissipate." A black energy like a black lotus appeared and turned into a woman wearing black clothes and said.

"Can you help clean up the Heavenly Fire in Zifu and the physical body?" Yang Yiyun felt that since the Black Lotus can swallow up the Heavenly Fire in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it can also clean up the Heavenly Fire in the Zifu and the physical body.

"No, I can only exist in your sea of ​​consciousness now, and my power cannot leave the sea of ​​consciousness for the time being. Moreover, the fire of heavenly tribulation is not without its benefits. Many living beings are afraid of the power of heavenly tribulation. If you withstand the test of heaven and bear it, you will benefit a lot.

Just like the heavenly fire in your body, if you carry it through, it will be of great benefit to the tempering of the physical body. Although the pain is unbearable, it is also tempering your willpower, or in other words, it is tempering your Taoist heart. Baptizing your Taoist heart will be more stable, which will be of great benefit to your future cultivation, so I still recommend that you resist it.

Nowadays, I have helped you understand the most dangerous power of the soul, the sea and sky fire of consciousness. I believe you can just get over the physical pain. "The Black Lotus woman still had no emotion on her face when she spoke as before, but she was also calm and serious.

When Yang Yiyun heard the Black Lotus woman talking like this, she didn't force it. Moreover, the Black Lotus woman and the old man basically said the same thing. The Heavenly Fire Tribulation was a good opportunity to temper willpower and Taoist heart.

Now that the danger to his soul has been lifted, he believes that he can endure the physical pain.

After his consciousness exited the sea of ​​consciousness, Yang Yiyun observed that the situation in his body was still the same as before, but he was thinking about developing in a good direction, and the sky fire was decreasing.

Although the physical pain still hasn't diminished much, he has found peace of mind.

At this moment, Shen Xingxing came and began to undergo the tribulation of heavenly fire in his physical body, and was tempered by the heavenly fire...

Unconsciously, three days passed and ten days passed. Yang Yiyun finally felt the pain of burning from the sky and seemed to be able to adapt.

...A month later, Yang Yiyun was already feeling calm while being burned by the sky fire.

On this day, the fire from the sky finally disappeared completely.

The moment he opened his eyes, the pain dissipated.

But he didn't expect that it would take him a month and a half to survive the sixty-nine heavenly fire tribulations.

During this month and a half, Yang Yiyun realized a lot, and suddenly felt a kind of tranquility and calmness that he had never experienced before...

He knew that this was the tempering of the Taoist heart that the old man and the Black Lotus woman talked about.

The strange thing is that in this short period of time, the seventh seven-nine heart demon tribulation has not landed.

It seemed that the heavens had eyes at this time, and after waiting for him to survive the sixth sixty-nine heavenly fire tribulations, he began to rain down the seventh seventy-nine heart demon tribulations.

"Boom... click..."

When he looked up, there was a living dragon in the calamity cloud, suddenly rushing down.

Yang Yiyun was stunned.

Isn't it said to be the inner demon tribulation? Why the hell is it the thunder tribulation of a hundred-foot giant dragon?

This is so sincere!

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's body was actually still burned by sky fire and struck by lightning, and he had injuries of various sizes, but they were all superficial injuries, and internal injuries were nothing.

But even so, he was still frightened. How could he cope with such a thunderstorm?

He wanted to return to his thoughts but had no time to think too much. He held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and raised the sword to strike at the thunder tribulation dragon, because at this time, the thunder tribulation dragon had already reached one meter above his head, it was too fast.

However, after the banging sword, Yang Yiyun found that everything had changed.

The thunder deafened his ears, and he could not open his eyes during the dazzling thunder and lightning burst. Then he felt that all his senses disappeared, and the whole world seemed to be silent.

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