My Master Is a God

Chapter 1489 Old witch, just wait.

Even if the senior brother didn't remind him, Yang Yiyun immediately noticed that the Holy Mother of All Souls was coming towards him.

Having just passed through the great catastrophe, all aspects of mana in the body were perfect. At this moment, although Yang knew that the Holy Mother of All Souls was a master at the level of the Holy Lord, he was not afraid.

He was filled with eagerness to try, wanting to see how big the gap between him and the Holy Lord was now?

If he could kill this old witch, it would be settled once and for all. From the time he was in Taihuang to now, he has been the force he hates most in the Holy Land of All Souls.

Especially this old witch, the Holy Mother of All Souls, is simply shameless.

When he saw the Holy Mother of All Souls coming toward him like lightning, Yang Yiyun did not run away. Instead, he roared and the Dharma Appearance Body appeared, transforming into a 100-meter giant. The Donghuang Bell appeared in defense and suddenly roared: "Tornado Seal... "

But he made a palm move and struck the first dragon scroll seal of the third magical power among the Twelve Supremes, the 'Dou Zhuan Supreme', towards the Holy Mother of All Spirits.

With his current level of cultivation, he is fully capable of issuing the third magical power among the "Twelve Supreme" magical powers, the "Dou Zhuan Supreme" magical power and the three seals.

The dragon scroll seal is the first seal, the star transfer seal is the second seal, and the sun and moon seal is the third seal. Yang Yiyun now feels that he can fully display it.

"court death……"

Our Lady of All Souls did not expect that Yang Yiyun did not run away after hearing Yun Tianxie's reminder, but slapped her in the face.

Although Yang Yiyun was transformed into the body of a hundred-meter giant at this moment, he didn't care in front of the Holy Mother of All Spirits. In his eyes, Yang Yiyun was still an ant, just a little bigger.

With a sneer, Our Lady of All Souls faced Yang Yiyun's giant millstone-sized palm and slapped it. She also suddenly moved her palm, and a huge ray of light came out from the Palm of All Souls Holy Mother, forming a palm made of condensed true energy. Compared with Yang Yiyun's Faxiang, The palm is even bigger.

With one palm, Yang Yiyun sent out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to form a tornado, which gathered in his palm and headed towards the Holy Mother of All Souls with the power of supernatural powers.



The two palms touched each other and a loud noise erupted.

Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically. He knew that he had underestimated the enemy, overestimated himself, and underestimated the Holy Mother of All Souls.

When his palms collided, he felt overwhelming power. Yang Yiyun felt that he was awesome now. At least he had reached the early stage of Mahayana cultivation in one fell swoop. The various auxiliary stars in Zifu had power, as did the two main stars. All the zhenqi of the entire Zi Mansion was transformed into zhenyuan.

I don't know how much stronger than before.

The moment before he survived the catastrophe, he felt like he was piercing the sky. Unexpectedly, when he met the Holy Mother of All Souls, he felt that there was still a big gap between himself and this old witch.

He vomited blood immediately.

The Dharma Appearance's body was also directly shaken away at this moment, and he flew out like a kite with its string broken.


Yang Yiyun was directly hit into the mountain by the blow of the Holy Mother of All Souls, and flew thousands of meters away.

All the bones in the body were shattered, and all the orifices were bleeding.


Yang Yiyun was coughing and bleeding in the mountain.

At this time, I heard the voice of the old man saying: "You brat, you know that there are so many masters on the scene, but instead of running away immediately after overcoming the tribulation, you want to arm-wrestle with a strong man who has ascended to the peak of the Dzogchen Realm? Now you know that the sky is too high. Bar……"

Yang Yiyun was cursed by his master and was so angry that he said: "This old man doesn't help but makes sarcastic remarks. Are you my master? Help me kill this old witch."

"Before you survived the tribulation, my master could have taken action, but... now you wish for good luck and run away. In order to refine the soul power of the Sky-Splitting Talisman for you, my master separated nine paths, and now... haha …”

Yun Tianxie laughed at the end of his words. The meaning was obvious and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Depend on……"

Yang Yiyun looked up and saw that Our Lady of All Souls was chasing after her again. She yelled and quickly got up and ran away.

The wings of the sky eagle behind him and the sky just around the corner were moving at the same time. The speed reached the extreme, and in a whoosh, it had leapt thousands of miles away.

Behind him was the dark land of scorched mountains, and bursts of thunder could be heard in the clouds and mist in the distance. He knew clearly that the mountains behind him were not a good place, so he ran in a different direction.

However, as soon as he reached his feet, he saw the Holy Mother of All Souls coming with a sneer and a sudden attack.

Yang Yiyun was shocked. He was so fast and could run thousands of miles at once. Unexpectedly, the old witch, the Holy Mother of All Spirits, was faster and appeared directly in front of him. Obviously, the opponent was faster than him.

Quickly get out of the way and run again.



Yang Yiyun was clever and didn't get hit this time, but was affected by the attack of Our Lady of All Souls, causing him to vomit blood.

Yun Changsheng said: "You brat Mahayana monk can use the teleportation magical power. No magic rune can be as fast as the teleportation magical power. After Mahayana, the true energy is converted into a higher level of true energy power, and the spiritual consciousness can also be used." It was converted into divine consciousness, and now it is truly divine consciousness.

How far can the spiritual consciousness spread out? With a single thought in your mind, you can reach the place where the spiritual consciousness can reach. You can also run towards the Yunlei Mountains. In other directions, you can avoid the pursuit of an Ascension Realm master for a while, but you cannot avoid it for the rest of your life.

The Yunlei Mountain Range is a desperate place for cultivators in the world of cultivation, but now it is a way of survival for you.

"Old man, you said I was a Jedi, and you still let me enter the Yunlei Mountains..." Yang Yiyun screamed strangely, but he already acted as he did.

He had never checked whether his spiritual consciousness had been upgraded to divine consciousness before, but now he heard what the old man said. When the steady stream of spiritual consciousness spread out, he was shocked. His spiritual consciousness He traveled a hundred thousand miles in one go.

It is a hundred thousand miles in radius.

The old man said that the Yunlei Mountain Range was extremely vast, but his consciousness could only reach the area shrouded in clouds and mist. After that, it was blocked by a force and could not detect anything inside.

However, Yang Yiyun also understood that it was the Yunlei Mountain Range that allowed him to get into such a weird old man, and he had previously heard from the monks who were chasing him in several holy places that the Yunlei Mountain Range was a dangerous place in the world of cultivation.

Now being targeted by Our Lady of All Souls, he has no choice but to enter the Yunlei Mountains. Otherwise, he can only be killed by Our Lady of All Souls.

"Stop talking nonsense, you brat. Since I'm a teacher, you can go in and be a teacher freely. The Yunlei Mountain Range is full of thunder and lightning. It's difficult for others, but for you, I always say you can go into the depths. Go in quickly." Yun Tianxie urged. arrive.

At this time, Yang Yiyun appeared in the cloud and mist area of ​​the Yunlei Mountains with a whooshing sound, and plunged in without hesitation.

While feeling the magic of teleportation in his heart, Yang Yiyun felt the turbulence in the air around him before entering the clouds and mist. His eyelids jumped and he rushed into the depths of the clouds and mist.


As soon as he left the spot, there was a roar, which was obviously the attack of Our Lady of All Souls.

Yang was also startled and broke into a cold sweat behind his back. If it weren't for the old man's guidance, coupled with his powerful spiritual consciousness and fast speed, he would have vomited blood again.

I have already vomited blood twice at the hands of the Holy Mother of All Souls.

He plunged headlong into the clouds and mist and quickly escaped with his body movements within a short distance of Tianya. He cursed: "Old witch, just wait. When I come out again, I will be the first to destroy you in the Holy Land of All Spirits."

Isolating his consciousness in the clouds and mist, he couldn't use teleportation powers, but his physical and magical powers were fine. He could only see three meters of land in his sight. Yang Yi continued to move deeper into the clouds and mist.

The Holy Mother of All Souls heard Yang Yiyun's voice coming from the depths of the clouds and mist, her teeth itched with hatred, and she also plunged into the clouds and chased after him.

But as long as they enter the clouds and mist in the Yunlei Mountains, everyone will become blind and cannot use their spiritual consciousness.

After chasing for a long time, thunder and lightning filled the sky and landed out of thin air. Our Lady of All Souls did not dare to stop. She chased for a while, but she had lost track of Yang Yiyun.

Moreover, the Yunlei Mountain Range is thousands of miles away, covered by clouds and mist, and thunder and lightning are shrouded all year round. The thunder and lightning becomes more powerful the deeper you go, even if you enter the Ascension Realm, you will be chopped into ashes. She does not dare to go deeper now.

Thunder and lightning appeared in front of us, and Our Lady of All Souls listened.

She was helpless and withdrew from the cloud.

But I also believe that Yang Yiyun has no hope of living. The Yunlei Mountain Range is known as the Jedi in the world of cultivation. The thunder and lightning here are not weak at all, and there are other existences. It is rumored that the Yunlei Mountain Range is a historic site with ancient formations. Even if Immortals will die inside if they enter.

What's more, Yang Yiyun.

Standing on the edge of the clouds and mist, watching the rolling thunder in the depths of the clouds and mist, Our Lady of All Souls was unwilling but had no choice.

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