My Master Is a God

Chapter 1493 The world built by the power of the soul

The old man said that he wrote some notes on the way of cultivation in his spare time here, and there is also a trace of the way of cultivation left by the original owner, the ancient immortal.

Yang Yiyun knew that although the old man said these things very casually, they would never be as casual as he said.

Let's not talk about the things left by the original owner, the ancient immortal. How can it be simple just to talk about the cultivation experience left by the dead old man?

The old man is a dignified Sanxian supreme figure. What he can stay here must not be simple, let alone stay here and use this place as his former training ground?

Furthermore, the Ancient Immortal has left his mark. For the old man to call him an Ancient Immortal and mention it with respect, he is obviously not an ordinary Ancient Immortal.

Just saying that it can create a fairyland-like dojo, and also lay out the ancient cloud thunder formation, turning the thousands of miles of cloud thunder mountain range into a dangerous place in the world of cultivation. How can it be simple to leave a cloud thunder beast to guard this place?

Yang Yiyun thought to himself, I'm afraid it's not just the old man and the ancient immortal who left their monastic marks here, but it's very possible that there are other things...?

So he looked at Yunlei Peak with some expectation and curiosity in his heart.

Yang Yiyun is still very curious and full of fantasy about the training dojo left by an ancient immortal.

But when he reached the top, he was a little disappointed.

The top of the mountain is very large, but there is only one courtyard and three main halls. However, the construction is very rough, and it is not remotely close to the immortal dojo in my mind.

But it doesn't matter to Yang Yiyun. Anyway, he also knows that Taoists pursue simplicity and nature. In this regard, this dojo looks quite artistic.

It is obviously a man-made building, but it gives it a visual sense of being integrated with the surrounding world.

It is in line with the characteristics of monasticism.

Very quaint and vicissitudes of life.

The sense of mystery is enough.

I just don’t know what’s inside?

Standing on the mountain gate, Yang Yiyun looked up and saw the word Tao written on the plaque, which gave this dojo a name.

He originally wanted to say something so casual, but when he looked over, the word "dao" became more and more filled with something, and his attention was attracted to it without realizing it.

Yang Yiyun seemed to see the endless starry sky in this word "Tao", in which the heaven, earth and sea of ​​stars were all contained, becoming more and more vast and boundless...

At this time, I heard Master Yun Tianxie say loudly: "Wake up, you brat..."

The old man's thunderous voice sounded in his mind, and Yang Yiyun suddenly became distracted and broke into a cold sweat.

"You, my boy, are currently in a state where you can't read the word Dao. It was left by the original owner. It is a real immortal method and contains the rules of the world. It is a good word, but it is not what you can see now.

Just watch it in the future, don't be impatient, just watch it once a month in the future, it will give you a deeper understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. Wake up others first, and then enter the hall. "Yun Tianxie said.

Yang Yiyun broke out in a cold sweat. If the old man hadn't spoken out, he knew that his mind would be lost in this word. Although he would not die, his soul would be damaged.

After hearing what the old man said, Lu Yanzhi, Diao'er, Niu Xiaozi, Five Elements Beast, and Xiong Buer all had confused eyes when they turned around, and they knew that they had also been tricked.

He hurriedly woke them up and told them not to read more in the future if they were not in a good state of mind.

The methods of the Immortal Family are indeed extraordinary. If you can use them, you will benefit a lot. If you can't bear them, it will harm others.

After walking into the mountain gate, three main halls appeared in the sight, the central main hall, and the side halls on the left and right sides. Looking at the main hall built of blue boulders, it looked rough and large enough.

I asked the old man if there were any taboos in the three main halls.

Yun Tianxie said: "The main hall and the back of the main hall are asking them not to rush in. Nothing else."

Everyone suffered a loss just when they were watching Taoist characters at the mountain gate, but they didn't dare to run around after coming in. After all, Yang Yiyun said that this was the ancient immortal Taoist temple.

Xiong Fuji simply said: "Brother, I don't want to live here. I'd better go outside and have a look."

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Okay, anyway, this will be our Yunmen Wonderland from now on. If you are not used to it, you can choose a hilltop to live..."

Xiong Buerru was amnesty and left.

"Master, I will also go out and take a look..."

The Five Elements Beast could not stand still and followed Xiong Buer out of the dojo compound.

Lu Yanzhi, Diao'er and Niu Duzi were left in the field.

Yang Yiyun said to Lu Yanzhi: "Runzhi, take Diao'er and Niu Duzi to the two side halls on the left and right. You can check if you can live in them first. If not, I will build them for you. Don't go behind the main hall or the main hall. Everything else is fine." .”

"Well, I understand. Brother Yang, just go about your business." Lu Yanzhi nodded.

Then Yang Yiyun entered the main hall according to the old man's instructions.

Of the three main halls, only the main hall has a restriction. It was a restriction left by Yun Tianxie tens of thousands of years ago. After teaching Yang Yiyun the skill, he entered the main hall.

The entire hall is actually very empty. There is only a meditation platform, and the surrounding walls are murals. The contents of the paintings are natural landscapes such as mountains, rivers, the sky, the stars, the sea, etc.

Beyond that, there is nothing else.

Yang Yiyun said disappointedly: "Old man, are you sure this ancient immortal dojo is too shabby? There should be an immortal weapon, elixir or something...?"

"Hmph~ You don't know what you are doing. There is another world in this palace. You have long hair but short knowledge. It's just that you don't know what to do." Yuntian Xie cursed coldly.

"What the hell?" Hearing what the old man said, Yang Yiyun became curious. He knew that since the old man could leave a ban on this main hall and say so, there must be a reason.

"Go over and sit on the training platform." Yun Tianxie said.

Yang Yiyun walked over and sat on the training platform in the center of the hall despite doubts.

At first, he didn't pay much attention to this circular three-meter-diameter training platform. After sitting on it, he discovered that there were inscriptions on the training platform one after another. Moreover, the training platform looked like jade but not jade, and it looked like stone but not stone. He didn't know what kind of material it was made of. .

Anyway, after sitting on it, he felt a sense of coolness, which shocked his spirit.

The secret passage is indeed extraordinary.

Then the old man said: "Inject the power of the soul into the training platform."

Yang Yiyun did as he was told, and a huge amount of divine soul power poured into the training platform.

The next moment, I felt that the entire training platform seemed to have come alive. With a bang, the overwhelming spiritual energy of heaven and earth spread from the training platform, and then spread to the entire hall. To be precise, all the power that erupted from the training platform poured in. Surrounding walls.

Immediately afterwards, the walls around the hall were exposed with an extremely dazzling light, making Yang Yiyun couldn't help but close his eyes.

After a moment, Yang Yiyun felt powerful spiritual energy erupting from the training platform and continuously entering his body. It was very pure.

Yang Yiyun opened it and looked around, and found that the entire hall was still the same. The training platform was still the training platform, and the empty hall was still the main hall. However, he always felt that the entire hall had changed, but he couldn't tell or see it.

The only difference is that the spiritual energy in the world that bursts out from the training platform can reach a hundred times that of the outside world.

This will be a great help for his cultivation, but he also said happily: "The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become a hundred times stronger. It seems that this training platform is a treasure, it is indeed good, haha..."

"Look at your potential, kid. This training platform is made from the Yunlei Stone in the Immortal Realm. It can gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from thousands of miles away in the entire Yunlei Mountain Range. The natural spiritual energy is a hundred times stronger.

The source of spiritual energy in the entire core of Wanli is provided by the training platform you sit on. It is considered a treasure of the immortal family, but the biggest benefit is not this.

The biggest advantage of this hall is the murals surrounding Yu Nei and Zhou Tian. You can take a look at it now that your soul has left your body..." Yuntian Evil God said mysteriously and proudly.

Yang Yiyun was dubious. Anyway, it didn't make any difference whether it was a mural or a mural, but he still did what the old man said.

Then he closed his eyes and thought: "The soul is leaving the body~"

His soul came out of the sea of ​​consciousness, but his whole body was shocked the next moment.

Because he found that what the soul saw at this moment was completely different from what the naked eye saw. They were completely two worlds.

When the soul came out of his body, he found himself in the vast starry sky, with endless mountains and rivers under his feet...

"Old... what's going on, old man?" Yang Yiyun asked in shock.

Yun Tianxie said quietly: "This is an extremely powerful divine soul structure formation. What your Yuan Shen sees now are the murals around the hall, and those murals are murals carved with the power of the Yuan Shen with supreme magic power. , only the soul can see or enter the world of these murals after leaving the body, it is most wonderful to use it to understand the world and cultivate the soul..."

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