My Master Is a God

Chapter 1499 The Immortal Island between Heaven and Earth

It was the first time that Yang Yiyun had escaped from the body and ran so far, so he was naturally scared. However, it was a good thing that he could return to the body smoothly. After the first experience, he would be familiar with it the next time he left the body.

Finally, the old man's worries were completed, and Yang Yiyun was happy to be able to help the old man.

After his mind stabilized, Yang Yiyun suddenly thought of a question.

The old man asked the senior brother to go to the fairy world to work. What happened? At the last moment, his soul was taken over by the old man. I don’t know what the old man and the senior brother said between them.

But as a disciple, he also wanted to help the old man do something.

In the past, his cultivation level was not enough, but now he is at the early stage of Mahayana cultivation, and he thinks that his cultivation level is pretty good.

I thought of the time when I promised the old man to rebuild his immortal body.

When he and the old man met, the old man proposed that he would help him recast his body as a loose immortal when he reached the realm of cultivation in the future.

It was very difficult for Yang Yiyun to think about this before, but now he wants to rebuild the immortal body for the old man.

He couldn't help but said: "Old man, can I help you recast your body now?"

Then Yun Tianxie laughed and said: "You have a conscience, and you can still think about recasting the immortal body for me. I am very happy."

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and said: "Damn old man, when did you forget? I didn't go to the world of cultivation before, but later I came but my cultivation level was not enough. Now I'm thinking about Mahayana cultivation. Can I do something for you?"

Yun Tianxie was really relieved. He smiled and said that his apprentice's pain was not in vain.

Then he said: "My teacher is the Supreme Loose Immortal. It is not easy to recast the body of a Loose Immortal. It is not as simple as you think. It is a good thing that you have this intention, but your boy's current cultivation level is not enough. Wait until you step into The matter of ascending to the ascension realm can be put on the agenda.”

"Uh... old man, didn't you say that you can wait until I get to the world of cultivation? I have already arrived in the world of cultivation and have cultivated to the Mahayana level. I'm afraid there aren't many Mahayana cultivation levels in the entire world of cultivation, right? Isn't my cultivation level enough?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Yun Tianxie said: "Do you remember meeting your senior brother before? He told me about a place called Sanxian Island?"

Yang Yiyun thought about how his senior brother seemed to have really mentioned Sanxian Island at that time, but he didn't think much about it. Now that the old man asked this, it must be that Sanxian Island might be related to his recasting his immortal body, right?

After thinking about it, he was a little confused and asked: "Your recasting of the immortal body has something to do with this loose immortal island?"

Yun Tianxie: "It's not related, it's directly related. To recast the immortal body, the master needs heavenly materials, earthly treasures, etc., etc., the master has a permanent dojo on Sanxian Island, where are some things left that can be used to recast the immortal body? body……"

Upon hearing this, Yang Yiyun couldn't wait to say: "When the Rat King's tunnel is dug out, I will go to Sanxian Island and rebuild your immortal body first."

Yun Tianxie then smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that simple. I'll tell you about Sanxian Island..."

When Yang Yiyun heard the meaning of the old man's words, it seemed that there was another reason!

Without interrupting, he waited for the old man to continue.

Sure enough, I only heard him say: "Sanxian Island is a very independent place. It can be said to be a place of its own. If you want to enter Sanxian Island, you need to have a cultivation level of Ascension Realm to enter. Those with a cultivation level below Ascension Realm cannot enter." Go.

As the name suggests, Sanxian Island is a place where Sanxian immortals gather. There should be Ascension Realm cultivators, but there are not as many Sanxian Immortals. Anyone who is a Sanxian Immortal can enter Sanxian Island, while cultivators can only be in the Ascension Realm.

Therefore, you cannot enter Sanxian Island with your current cultivation level. You have to wait until your cultivation level reaches the Ascension Realm. By then, you can enter and become a master and recast your immortal body.

There is no need to worry. After all, so many years have passed and Sanxian Island cannot escape. As long as you work hard to cultivate and reach the Ascension Realm. "

"Where is this Sanxian Island so mysterious and awesome?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask.

"Sanxian Island is between the cultivation world and the fairy world, in the void, in the boundary wall. Only Sanxian can sense it, and only cultivators who have reached the Ascension Realm can sense it.

Sanxian Island is rumored to be a fairy mountain that fell from the Immortal World. It has the same origin as Taihuang. The strange thing is that Taihuang Star Sea is connected to the world of cultivation, and the place where Sanxian Island stays is indeed in the void, between the world of cultivation and the world of immortality. . "Yun Tianxie said.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun was surprised and said: "So, doesn't it mean that cultivators can enter the fairy world through Sanxian Island?"

Yun Tianxie said: "You kid, you've thought too much. It's simply impossible. Whether you're a cultivator or a loose immortal, there are only two ways to get to the immortal world.

The first is to ascend to the fairy world by receiving the light of guidance. The second is to have the strength to break the boundary between the cultivation world and the fairy world and forcefully enter the fairy world. However, the second is basically impossible. The monks who can break the barrier between the two worlds have at least a medium level of cultivation. Immortal.

I used to live on Sanxian Island as a teacher, but I can travel between the world of cultivation and the world of immortality at will with my strength. In the end, what is needed is strength and cultivation, and everything else is just fake. "

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun was really interested in Sanxian Island. According to what the old man said, Sanxian Island was a place where many masters gathered.

There are no requirements or restrictions for Loose Immortals. Any Loose Immortal can enter the Loose Immortal Island once they turn around, but cultivators must at least be in the Ascension realm.

The whole is a fairy mountain.

"Yes, it seems that I really want to go there again in the future. I thought that in the world of cultivation, the Nine Holy Lands are transcendent forces. According to what you always said, Sanxian Island is the real transcendent place?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Yun Tianxie said: "You kid, remember, as long as there are cultivating creatures in the world, no matter what world you go to in the future, don't underestimate it, there are no absolutes in this world.

Speaking of it, Sanxian Island is indeed a transcendent place, and it basically does not interfere with the affairs of the world of cultivation. Those who can enter it are all seeking enlightenment and focusing on cultivation.

The reason why the nine holy places in the world of cultivation are called holy places is because there are many disciples of masters, but it does not mean that they are invincible in the world of cultivation. Outside of the nine holy places, I will tell you that there are four major bloodline families in the world of cultivation. In terms of comparison, it is no worse than the Nine Holy Lands.

It's just that the four major bloodline families keep a low profile and focus on pursuing the great road instead of competing with the world. When it comes to inheriting history, the four major bloodline families are not weak in ancient holy places such as Tongxian Palace.

Some of the four major bloodline families from Chengdu can even surpass the level of the Nine Holy Lands, that is, they don't fight for power and gain, and they just practice in seclusion. Otherwise, there will be nothing like the Nine Holy Lands in the world of cultivation. "

Yang Yiyun gasped and held back his disbelief: "What kind of bloodline family can be so awesome? Why have I never heard of it?"

Yun Tianxie said: "I have said that the four major bloodline families are low-key and don't walk much. Of course you have never heard of it. I also told you when I was a teacher on Earth, that girl Mei Shiying is a divine phoenix. Do you remember your bloodline?"

"Remember...ah, old man, the Shenfeng Family is one of the four major families you mentioned?" Yang Yiyun said in surprise.

Yun Tianxie muttered: "Yes, the four major bloodline families have a long history. I heard that the ancestors are a combination of humans and divine beasts, and every descendant has the blood of divine beasts in their bodies.

There are the Shenfeng Family, the Qinglong Family, the White Tiger Family and the Xuanwu Family. They are human families with the blood of divine beasts. The awakening of the bloodline can inherit the talents of divine beasts and magical powers, and can also combine the spirit of the human race. The skills and magical powers created are really not to be underestimated. If you encounter them in the future If you can make friends, make good friends. If you can't make friends, don't make bad friends. "

Yang Yiyun now has a new understanding of the world of cultivation.

To be honest, in the whole world of cultivation, there are actually three major directions of transcendent forces.

The first is naturally the mysterious Sanxian Island, the second is the four major bloodline families, and the third is the nine holy places in the world of cultivation.

The master and the apprentice talked for a while. Yang Yiyun asked questions here and there. The old man got tired of his questions, so he just cursed and silenced him.

Yang Yiyun originally wanted to inquire in detail about how to fly into the real star sea and then find the earth, but he knew that the old man was disgusted and kept silent.

He was so angry that he cursed a few times, then stood up and left the side hall. He was still preparing to enter the Immortal Hall to continue practicing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he found the Rat King standing outside the palace, seemingly waiting for him to come out of seclusion.

"I've met the Holy Lord." The Rat King saluted immediately.

Yang Yiyun frowned and said, "If you don't dig a tunnel, what are you doing here?"

The Rat King bowed and said: "Reporting to the Holy Lord, I am glad that the underground passage leading to the Star Gate was dug yesterday. I came here to report it."

"Didn't I say it would take another three months to get through so soon?" Yang Yiyun was a little surprised.

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