My Master Is a God

Chapter 1508 Yunzi kiss me and let you go

Xi'er also knew that she would not be able to see Miss Ruhua, but Xiaolan's ability to pass the message was enough, and she immediately told Xiaolan Yang Yiyun's original words.

Xiaolan will naturally do things after accepting Xi'er's demon crystal coins. She has become accustomed to such scenes. Many people want to invite Girl Ruhua to drink, but Girl Ruhua refuses every time they send a message.

For her, sending a message was just a trivial matter, so she smiled and said, "Okay, wait for me to send the message for you. I don't care whether it succeeds or not."

Xi'er smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Sister Xiaolan."

"Just wait~" Xiaolan walked into the room with a smile.

The transvestite in the room looked worriedly at the sky outside the window, feeling lost in thought...

At this time Xiaolan came in and whispered: "Sister..."

After shouting twice, Ruhua spoke, but still did not look back and looked out the window: "Did someone invite me to drink again?"

Xiaolan whispered: "Yes, sister, Xi'er is the distinguished guest, so I will reject it directly."

"Aren't you, a little girl, accepting someone else's favor again? Otherwise, you would ask me about such a thing. Do you not know who I should drink with, sister, in private..." Ruhua said quietly.

"Hehe, my sister is still the best. Xi'er gave me five high-grade demon crystal coins, so I came to tell my sister that it is worthy of her demon crystal coins. I will go back to Xi'er right now." This kind of message has been spread too many times, and naturally she knows that Ruhua will not agree. She just sees her sister Ruhua being depressed every day and comes in to talk to her.

After saying that, Xiaolan was about to leave, but Ruhua said: "What are you saying? Just listen to it to relieve your boredom."

"Sister Xi'er said that there is a monk from Earth named Yunzi who wants to treat you to a drink..." Xiaolan was interrupted by Ruhua before she could finish the last word of "wine".

Then his voice changed, and he suddenly turned around to look at Xiaolan and asked sharply: "What's your name...?"

Xiaolan was startled by Ru Ruhua and reacted: "Sister Xi'er said her name is Yunzi..."


When she finished speaking, Xiaolan felt a gust of wind blow past her, and Ruhua had already disappeared into the room.

Outside the door, Xi'er waited for Xiaolan to reply. She actually had no hope in her heart. After all, Miss Ruhua had never had the habit of drinking with distinguished guests in private. She just waited for Xiaolan to come out and refuse, and then she went to reply to Yang Yiyun. That was considered Worthy of Yang Yiyun's reward.


The door opened, and a gust of wind blew up. Xi'er squinted her eyes, and when she opened them again, she found Miss Ruhua standing in front of her.

Suddenly Xi'er was shocked. She didn't expect Miss Ruhua to come out in person. After realizing it, she quickly bowed: "Xi'er has seen Miss Ruhua..."

"Take me to your guests."

Xi'er was stunned, thinking she heard wrongly, and was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Girl Ruhua never goes out in private, she must have heard wrong...

"Which private room is the guest in?" Ruhua raised her voice this time.

Xi'er was startled and said subconsciously: "Tian Zi No. 3."


After regaining consciousness, Xi'er found that Ruhua girl had disappeared.

Xiaolan, who was also looking in disbelief at this moment, walked out and saw the look on Xi'er's face that was exactly the same as hers.

Today... is it possible that Miss Ruhua is stimulated...?

After the two people realized what they were doing, they quickly chased after him.

Girl Ruhua, who never met guests in private or accompanied her to drinks, broke into a private room named Yunzi for the first time. If the monks in the Nine Layers Immortal Tower who were in love with Girl Ruhua knew about this, it would definitely be a shock.

Yang Yiyun, Wu Moqiu, and Lou Haitang were waiting in the box.

Lou Haitang didn't know much about the transvestite, but she could tell from Xi'er's words that the woman named Ruhua had an unusual status in Jiuchongxian Tower. Yang Yiyun said she could come in one sentence, but Lou Haitang was skeptical.

Just when he was about to ask Yang Yiyun if he knew Ruhua, the door suddenly banged and was pushed open from the outside.

The next moment, the flowery girl who had been singing on stage appeared at the door.

In Lou Haitang's eyes, this woman gave her the impression that she was alluring and charming, and her appearance was not inferior to that of her or Wu Moqiu.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun stood up from his seat after seeing the woman named Ruhua. Ruhua, who also appeared at the door, stared at Yang Yiyun with a pair of big, round peach blossom eyes.

The two looked at each other...

Ruhua's eyes were red, and Yang Yiyun's eyes were also red.

It gave Lou Haitang a feeling of affection.

At this time, Lou Haitang could tell that this woman named Ruhua must be an old acquaintance of Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, Lou Haitang felt a little angry and jealous for no reason.

Cursing secretly in my heart: "How many women are there in this little enemy...?"

At this time, I heard the trembling voice of the flowery girl standing at the door: "Yunzi..."

Yang Yiyun was also excited: "Transvestite..."

"Yunzi...I have finally met you...wuwuwu..."

Ruhua is a transvestite, and transvestite is Ruhua. At this moment, the wind flew up and fell into Yang Yiyun's arms.

The transvestite hugged Yang Yiyun tightly and cried loudly.

But Lou Haitang, who was standing aside, felt extremely bored... He wanted to go up and kick Yang.

Yang Yiyun was hugged tightly by the transvestite. Hearing the extremely aggrieved words of the transvestite, it was okay at first. He was very excited to see the transvestite. But the next moment, he was hugged tighter and tighter by the transvestite. What he felt was the softness of the transvestite's chest, and he suddenly felt like chicken skin all over his body. The pimples are rising.

It would be okay if he didn't know that the transvestite was a grown man before, but he knew everything about the transvestite going to Thailand for surgery. Now Yang couldn't bear it anymore...

He tried to push the transvestite away, but she was hugging her tightly. He couldn't push the transvestite away. The strong fragrance of the transvestite came from his nose and he felt the softness of his chest. Yang was trembling all over, he really couldn't bear it. Liao said: "You damn bitch, please let me go before you talk..."

" took a lot of time for me to see you and not let go. Am I dreaming? You disappeared as soon as I let go..." The fake girl hugged Yang Yiyun tightly and started acting coquettishly.

Yang Yiyun broke out in a cold sweat. He was really speechless about the transvestite, and his heart was throbbing. He hadn't seen this guy in nearly two hundred years, and now he has completely cultivated into a true version of Dongfang Invincible, who is more feminine than a woman.

But the more this happened, the more Yang Yiyun felt...

"Let go..." Yang said while holding back his nausea.

"No, I won't let you go if you don't let me go..." The fake girl continued to act coquettishly.

At this moment, Xiaolan, the maid of the pseudonym, and Xi'er arrived at the door, and saw the otherworldly sister Ruhua throwing herself firmly into Yang Yiyun's arms.

Suddenly both girls had small mouths.

"I say again, let me go." Yang's patience reached its limit.

The fake girl hugged Yang Yiyun tightly and said: "If you don't let me go, I won't let you go. She liked you when she was in school. Now she is a complete woman. You should accept her. She wants to have breasts now." If you want your breasts and your butt, if you don’t want your heart, others will also want your body. Yunzi will let you go after kissing me..."

It would be okay not to say these words, but when these words came out, Yang Yiyun went completely crazy.

"Ah... you're such a pervert, you're so stupid..." Yang Yiyun took action directly, and acid began to rise in his throat.


The transvestite screamed and flew backwards, smashing tables and chairs.

Xiaolan and Xier gasped at the door: "Oh..."

Never thought that a fairy-like sister would fall in love with a man, and then be rejected by the man and beat her away?

This world is so crazy...

Immediately after Xiaolan realized what she was doing, she quickly helped the pseudonym up.

Xi'er quickly closed the door. If the suitors of the pretty girls in the restaurant saw this scene, they would definitely start a fight today. Maybe Yang Yiyun would be attacked by a group. Xi'er, who had taken advantage of Yang Yiyun, had an impression of Yang Yiyun. Yes, but I didn't want anyone to see this scene, so I quickly closed the door and stayed outside.

Lou Haitang, on the other hand, couldn't understand Yang Yiyun. It was said that this woman named Ruhua or, in Yang Yiyun's friend's mouth, called a transvestite, was a beauty fairy. If she fell in love with this little enemy, her little enemy should be happy.

But unexpectedly, Yang Yiyun, this little enemy, directly attacked Ruhua with a look of disgust and knocked her away.

Now downstairs Haitang really couldn't understand Yang Yiyun, and she had a look of astonishment on her face.

One moment she was jealous, this moment Lou Haitang was confused.

At this moment, Wu Moqiu looked at Lou Haitang with a smile. Naturally, he understood Lou Haitang's doubts. He smiled and leaned into Lou Haitang's ear, whispering: "Sister Haitang, I'm here to tell you the secret about the transvestite. Don't worry, sir. Beat me to death." You won’t want a transvestite... Actually, the transvestite used to be a man..."

Wu Moqiu told Lou Haitang the story of the transvestite in a gossipy manner.

After hearing this, the latter was stunned for a long time. When he came back to his senses, Lou Haitang looked at Yang Yiyun and then laughed crazily.

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