My Master Is a God

Chapter 1511 Known as the Holy Lord of Fairyland

Yang Yiyun ordered the four great demon commanders, Purple Emperor, Peacock, Green Bull, and Rat King, to lead four thousand king-level demons to spread towards the entire Galaxy City...

After a while, the shouts of killing were heard.

Yang's order is to take over Galaxy City within half an hour.

As a result, in less than half an hour, the shouts of killing in the city disappeared completely.

After a while, four demon commanders flew in from all directions.

"Report to the Holy Lord that Galaxy City has been taken, and please move to the City Lord's Mansion." The Purple Emperor said in return.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Let's not go to the City Lord's Mansion for now. Let's announce to the whole city that Yunmen will take over Galaxy City, only for Taixuan Sect. As long as other monks do not cause trouble, we will not offend."

"Yes, my subordinates will make arrangements now." The Purple Emperor turned around and ordered the big demon under his command.

Peacock stepped forward and whispered: "My husband, the east gate and the teleportation array have been controlled."

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Let's arrange for someone to guard the teleportation array. For the time being, we only need to enter and not leave. If there are monks from Taixuan Sect, we will kill them. Pay attention to the monks from the mountain and sea realm." Yang Yiyun told Peacock.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Peacock left.

The Rat King Qianqian said: "The Holy Lord's West City Gate and the Boundary Pond have also stabilized. Regarding the situation of the monks in the Mountain and Sea Realm, they are searching for soul Taixuan Sect disciples. There should be news later."

"Go and keep an eye on it in person. I need to know as soon as possible. I also need to send people to find the mountain and sea monks all the way... In addition, arrange for my subordinates to dig an underground passage, which also gives us six escape routes. Although the extreme north is remote, We must also prevent several hostile Holy Land forces from attacking us after learning the news." Yang Yiyun ordered.

"Yes, I will take care of it now." The Rat King was responsible for collecting intelligence information and turned to leave.

Qingniu Qianqian said: "Holy Lord, we have also taken down the north and south city gates. Please give me instructions from Holy Lord."

"From now on, no living monks are allowed to step out of Galaxy City and wait for my order." Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Qingniu turned and left.

Lou Haitang and Wu Moqiu were both shocked by the strength of these big demons under Yang Yiyun.

The transvestite was so shocked that her mouth opened wide, and she couldn't recover for a while.

In less than half an hour, the first city in the far north was captured. The speed made her heart pound.

The strange speed represents absolute strength.

Taixuanzong's power in Galaxy City in the North was definitely as powerful as the King of Heaven, but after Yang Yiyun gave the order, it disappeared like a torrent.

The pseudo-mother knew that Taixuanzong's guard in Galaxy City was a strong man in the Ascension Realm. The city lord's palace also had twenty Mahayana-level worshipers, and there were also ten thousand soldiers composed of Tribulation Crossings and One-turn Earth Immortals guarding the city gate. Wait for various important places.

With such huge power, the transvestite is simply invincible in her heart.

However, these demonic cultivators released by Yang Yiyun took less than half an hour to capture Galaxy City, which meant that they eliminated the Ascension Realm leader and twenty Mahayana cultivators, as well as ten thousand tribulations and one-turn earth immortals. Soldiers...

So what level of existence is this big demon under Yang Yiyun?

The transvestite wanted to know very much at this moment.

Not to mention the transvestite, all the monks hiding in the dark in Galaxy City want to know.

Galaxy City changed hands in the blink of an eye.

All the monks in Galaxy City are frightened. The key at this time is to know who is the person who destroyed Taixuanzong City Lord's Mansion?

Who can summon thousands of powerful demon cultivators out of thin air at once?

For a moment, all the monks in Galaxy City were guessing who was giving orders in the square?

When they heard thousands of monsters shouting for the Holy Lord, the monks who heard it were startled, thinking that one of the nine holy places in the world of cultivation was coming.

Because in the world of cultivation, the only person who is qualified to be called a Holy Lord is the Lord of the Nine Holy Lands.

But everyone is also wondering, which holy land can actually have thousands of powerful demon cultivators?

Is it the Holy Land of All Souls, which is known as the Dao of Control?

Among the nine holy places in the world of cultivation, the only one that deals with demon cultivators is the Holy Land of All Spirits.

But everyone is wrong when they think about it. The Holy Land of All Souls is mainly about control, and it cannot join such powerful and numerous demon cultivators.

Therefore, the hearts of the monks throughout Galaxy City are full of question marks.

Not long after, the Purple Emperor announced to the whole city that it was Yunmen Wonderland that took over Galaxy City.

The words "Yunmen Wonderland" entered the ears of the cultivators in Galaxy City.

But everyone is wondering, when did a Yunmen Holy Land appear in the world of cultivators?

Known as the fairyland, he is revered as the Holy Lord.

This is a holy place.

There are nine holy places, and no force dares to claim to be the Holy Lord.

But just today, a Yunmen Wonderland with a more impressive name than the Holy Land appeared!

The name of Fairyland is obviously more awesome than Holy Land in everyone's mind.

Because the goal of a cultivator is to ascend to immortality.

Therefore, the words "Yunmen Wonderland" immediately left a deep impression on the hearts of the Galaxy City monks.

Of course, talking about one thousand to ten thousand, what is more shocking after all is the strength.

Four thousand demon cultivators destroyed Taixuanzong's remaining forces in Galaxy City in less than half an hour. This impact and shock was extremely shocking to the cultivators in Galaxy City.

After the four great demon commanders left, the pseudo-mother couldn't help but asked: "Yun... Yunzi... what level of strength are these powerful demon cultivators under you?"

Yang Yiyun replied casually: "There are four thousand demon soldiers and generals who are comparable to the Mahayana level. The Purple Emperor, Peacock, Green Bull, and Rat King are all at the Ascension level. Among them, the Purple Emperor's cultivation level is almost at the mid-Ascension level, but in terms of strength, her He is strong enough to fight with the monks in the late Ascension Realm!

The Peacock's strength is only inferior to the Purple Emperor, and the Rat King and the Green Bull are about the same. They are comparable to the early Ascension Realm, but they can all fight across levels.

In addition, the four great demons they have accepted each have five Ascension Realm levels. In total, in Yunmen Wonderland, we will have 50,000 Mahayana levels in the future..."

There is no hiding from the transvestite Yang Yiyun.


After listening to Yang Yiyun's words, not only did the pseudonym gasp, Lou Haitang and Wu Moqiu had never carefully asked Yang Yiyun how many powerful demon cultivators he had brought out in Taihuang before, but now they also gasped when they heard it.

To call such a powerful demon cultivator the Yunmen Wonderland is an exaggeration.

The demon cultivator who is comparable to the Mahayana level is actually just a demon soldier and demon general in Yang Yiyun's mouth. He is really... invincible.

Not to mention there are other demon cultivators in Yunmen Wonderland, there are twenty-four Ascension Realm-level demons following Yang Yiyun today, four thousand Mahayana levels.

This power is just what a holy place is afraid of, right?

This is the thought in the minds of the transvestite, Lou Haitang and Wu Moqiu.

"Yun... Yun Yunzi... our Yunmen, oh no, it should be that the Yunmen Wonderland is really so powerful?" the pseudo-mother asked in disbelief.

"It's true." Yang Yiyun replied seriously: "In the future, you can travel the world of cultivation openly and practice with peace of mind. I will not let anyone bully our Yunmen disciples."


The transvestite cried as soon as she heard this. Over the years, she had imagined that one day she would be strong and have a powerful sect.

That way we can destroy Taixuan Sect and bring back all our fellow sect members, and no one will bully them, the monks from the Mountain and Sea Realm...

Even Lou Haitang and Wu Moqiu had red eyes when they heard Yang Yiyun's words. They also did not dare to step out of the Star Gate after being besieged by Li Yuhuan for nearly a hundred years.

If there was such a powerful force, how could Li Yuhuan dare?

"Okay, don't cry. I won't let you be wronged in the future." Yang Yiyun comforted the pseudo-mother.

"Holy Lord..."

At this time, the Rat King came over.

"How can I get any news?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The Rat King replied: "Reporting to the Holy Master, after searching the souls of Taixuanzong's disciples, my subordinates learned that in the past hundred years, Taixuanzong had indeed captured monks from the Mountain and Sea Realm, and also killed some, mainly for arresting them. It seemed that they were sent to There is no specific information about where he went. Only the senior officials of Taixuan Sect can know.

In addition, more than ten monks from the mountain and sea realm were found in Galaxy City, but they were not Yunmen. Their subordinates also asked them if they knew the disciples of Yunmen, and they all said they didn't know. However, more information showed that many of them were too Xuanzong arrested him..."

Yang Yiyun pondered for a moment and said: "Tell them to follow us if they want to, and let us do what we want if they don't want to. Leave Qian Erlang and two Heavenly Demon Generals to guard Galaxy City, and call others to follow me to Taixuan Sect."

After finishing speaking, Yang Yiyun looked at Wu Moqiu and Lou Haitang and said, "The three of you stay in Galaxy City to help check if there are any Yunmen disciples left alone. I will meet you after I deal with Taixuan Sect."

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