My Master Is a God

Chapter 1513 The Purple Emperor knows how to dig holes

After the second wave of attacks, the formation was still intact, with not a single crack appearing.

At this time, Yang Yiyun frowned and ordered to stop.

"Rat King..."

Yang Yiyun called the Rat King over.

"Holy Lord..." The Rat King was cautious when he saw Yang Yiyun's gloomy expression.

"Are you sure you can dig a hole in the ground and break this turtle's shell?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"To inform the Holy Lord, this formation is connected with the power of heaven and earth, and it is not easy to connect the power of earth. I can only try my best." The Rat King did not dare to guarantee it.

Yang Yiyun's frown deepened.

I didn't expect the Rat King to say this. It seems that Taixuanzong's tortoise shell is indeed not easy, even if it is dug from the ground.

At this moment, Zihuang came over and said, "Master, maybe I can give it a try."

Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up. He had forgotten that the Purple Queen was also the Five Elements Rat Clan, and was the king of the Five Elements Rat Clan in the previous era. Her methods must be better than the Rat King.

"What means?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The Purple Emperor replied: "Although this formation coincides with the power of heaven and earth, everything has a source and an end. If I want to dig 30,000 meters of ground, the formation will borrow from the heaven and earth, the source of the terrain. At that time, the strength will be relative." If it is weak, it can be broken through by force, or it can be dug in.”

When the Rat King heard the Purple Emperor's words, he couldn't help but feel a twitch in his heart. Only then did he understand the gap between him and this grandma.

The Five Elements Rat Clan is good at lurking in the ground. With his current ability, he can only go as deep as 10,000 meters underground, which is already his limit.

There are powerful laws of the earth's core under the earth, and there is strong pressure. The deeper you go underground, the greater the resistance. He can't even think of thirty thousand meters.

Unexpectedly, Grandma Zihuang said that she could do it.

In this way, the Rat King knew that Grandma was indeed Grandma and was much better than him.

He also quickly expressed his loyalty and said: "The Holy Lord's subordinates are willing to fully assist Grandma to complete her important task."


The Purple Emperor still dislikes the Rat King. She snorted coldly but didn't say anything. She also needed help if she wanted to go 30,000 meters underground.

But Yang Yiyun said: "Purple Emperor, I will ask Peacock, Rat King, and Green Ox to help you, go and do it."

"Yes, I will take your orders."

The Purple Emperor landed with the Rat King and three others, found a secluded place, and transformed into his true form. Two sharp claws glowing with faint purple light began to wave, and in the blink of an eye the Purple Emperor turned underground.

"Come down and help..."

After reaching a hundred meters deep underground, the voice of the Purple Emperor came.

It was almost a hundred meters deep underground in just one breath.

The Rat King knew that this was the Purple Emperor calling him. When it came to digging holes, the rat clan was the best among the Five Elements. He also admired the Grandmother Zi Huang in his heart.

A hundred meters deep between breaths, this speed is beyond his reach.

Then the Rat King, the Peacock, and the Green Ox entered the hole one after another...

Yang Yiyun continued to order three thousand demon soldiers and demon generals to attack Taixuanzong's mountain-protecting formation. In order to confuse Taixuanzong's monks, he asked the four Zihuangs to dig tunnels. Such a large-scale attack could not break through Taixuanzong's main formation. Formation, but it can also consume the power of a large formation.

"Boom boom boom..."

The thundering sound of the attack echoed through the surrounding mountains.

Inside the mountain gate of the formation, Wan Guangxuan and the elders of Taixuan Sect saw that the formation was motionless, but they were also proud of their mountain-protecting formation.

I also felt relieved.

After coming back to his senses, Wan Guangxuan said to a disciple next to him in a deep voice: "Go and find Li Yuhuan for me and see what kind of trouble she has caused. If it weren't for the strong defense of our Taixuan Sect Mountain Guard Formation today, we would be facing These big demons are the ones that I, Taixuanzong, are expelling from the world of cultivation. I want to know who Li Yuhuan has provoked."

The disciples around him turned and left.

Every moment, Li Yuhuan was brought to Wan Guangxuan with a pale face.

"Meet the sect master." Li Yuhuan already knew that it was Yang Yiyun who had signed up for Taixuan Sect, and the color in his words had lost all color. She didn't know what the sect master would do with her now. If she was handed over, it would be a dead end.

But at this point, Li Yuhuan had already prepared for the worst, and the worst possible outcome was death.

After thinking about this, she felt much calmer.

Wan Guangxuan snorted coldly and said, "Tell me, what's going on? They asked you by name. What kind of enemies have you provoked for me?"

Li Yuhuan knew that this kind of thing could not be hidden, so he did not hide it. He told the sect leader Wan Guangxuan about the grievances between his Li family and the Xingchen Sect, and also said that she took her two senior brothers and the fat uncle to go to the Xingchen Sect. Troublesome thing...

After finishing speaking, Li Yuhuan was straightforward and said directly: "The disciple will bear the responsibility for any trouble caused by this disciple. I will go out to meet Yang Yiyun so as not to cause any trouble to the sect."

After saying that, Li Yuhuan wanted to go outside.

"Come back." Wan Guangxuan shouted to Li Yuhuan in a deep voice. As the leader of a sect, tens of thousands of disciples of Taixuan Sect, large and small, stared at him.

If you let Li Yuhuan leave today, it will be equivalent to abandoning Li Yuhuan. This will make other disciples see who Wan Guangxuan is?

If you can't protect a disciple as a sect leader, then what kind of sect leader you are?

The point is that Yang Yiyun said that handing over one Li Yuhuan is not enough, and requires the entire Taixuan Sect to surrender. Therefore, even if Li Yuhuan goes out now and commits suicide, he will not be able to stop Yang Yiyun from sincerely attacking Taixuan Sect.

Wan Guangxuan has already got the answer from Yang Yiyun's eyes.

If handing over Li Yuhuan can really calm Yang Yiyun's anger, then... Wan Guangxuan will hand her over.

The key is that Yang Yiyun doesn't do it.

Under such circumstances, Wan Guangxuan might as well be a sect leader who protects the calf, erecting a tall image of himself in front of tens of thousands of disciples.

Anyway, in his eyes, Yang Yiyun and others could not break through the mountain gate of Taixuan Sect.

Thinking of this, Wan Guangxuan righteously scolded: "Nonsense, our Taixuan Sect is the number one sect in this far north, second only to the Holy Land.

Although our strength was damaged by the battle with the Red Lotus Sect more than two hundred years ago and we had to semi-close the mountain gate, even so, our Taixuan Sect is still the number one sect in the North.

I, Wan Guangxuan, am also a well-known figure in the world of cultivation. Why can't I protect my disciples? You avenged your family. This is a matter of course and you did nothing wrong. Today the thief came to your door. Although the enemy is powerful, I, Wan Guangxuan, am not willing to hand you over.

Even if they break through the mountain gate formation and fight to the death in the worst case, I, Taixuanzong, am not a vegetarian, so just wait and see, no one can do anything to you while I am here. "

Wan Guangxuan's words were righteous and awe-inspiring, and all the disciples around him heard it. They all talked about it and praised the sect leader.

They all shouted in unison that they would follow the sect master to the death and live or die together with Taixuan Zong...

Wan Guangxuan's face lit up with joy, and he felt happy in his heart. This move succeeded in winning people's hearts.

In fact, he had confidence in the Shanmen Formation, otherwise he would have handed over Li Yuhuan long ago. He also saw that Yang Yiyun was determined to defeat Taixuanzong. Otherwise, as long as Yang Yiyun agreed to hand over Li Yuhuan and would no longer be at odds with Taixuanzong, , he would hand over Li Yuhuan to Yang Yiyun immediately.

Even Li Yuhuan couldn't help but be stunned when she heard Wan Guangxuan's words. Others didn't know Wan Guangxuan, but she knew it very well. She learned from her master that Wan Guangxuan was a hypocrite.

However, now she has some doubts about the information she learned from her master before. Wan Guangxuan actually defended her like this?

Li Yuhuan was very moved at this moment.

I only heard Wan Guangxuan's order: "All disciples above the Tribulation level will stay at the mountain gate to respond to emergencies. All disciples below the level of the Tribulation level will retreat to the back mountain. If there is a change, Elder Wang will take the disciples below the level of the level. Break out of the siege at the back of the mountain and preserve my Taixuanzong bloodline..."

"Yes, I will obey the order of the sect master..."

The elders beside him responded.

Wan Guangxuan, on the other hand, thought that the big demon led by Yang Yiyun could not break through their Taixuan Sect's mountain-protecting formation. This arrangement was actually just a show to win people's hearts.

If the formation was really breached, Wan Guangxuan knew that no one would be able to escape.

A large-scale war broke out inside the gate of Taixuanzong, and disciples with cultivation levels above the Tribulation Stage were hoisted, ready to fight at any time.

Outside the formation, Yang Yiyun commanded the demon soldiers and generals to continue attacking and provide cover for the Purple Emperor.

After a day and a night, Qingniu came early the next morning and said: "The Holy Master's passage has been dug, leading directly to a small valley within the Taixuan Sect's mountain gate. You can enter at any time."

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