My Master Is a God

Chapter 1520 Everything depends on strength and power

After Yang Yiyun, Zi Huang and other great demons flew up from the abyss, they returned to Galaxy City and moved directly into the City Lord's Mansion.

The pseudo-mother was the city lord at this time and arranged for a thousand demon cultivators to stay throughout the city to search for traces of the monks from the mountain and sea realm, but unfortunately nothing was gained.

This was also expected by Yang Yiyun. After such a long time, the disciples who could escape would definitely not stay in Galaxy City.

The world of cultivation is vast, and finding someone is similar to finding a needle in a haystack, but Yang Yiyun will never give up.

After arriving at the Lord's Mansion of Galaxy City, Yang Yiyun found a room and entered the Qiankun Pot space with a sudden move in his heart.

There are more than 80,000 monks who came out of Taixuan Sect, and they are all monks from various small worlds.

Tai Xuanzong did not dare to arrest the monks from the cultivation world, but he had no scruples about the monks from the small world.

Anyway, most of the monks from the small world have little background, and their cultivation level is not high. Among them, the highest cultivation level is the Nascent Soul Realm, and the highest cultivation level is also the Fusion Realm.

The various small worlds under the realm of cultivation are similar to the world of mountains and seas. They either lack cultivation resources, lack cultivation techniques, or have incomplete laws. Anyway, due to various reasons, the cultivation level is not too high.

Taixuanzong took a fancy to this, so he arrested hundreds of thousands of monks to build demon altars, and killed countless monks. For the sins they committed, it was not unjust to wipe out the whole family.

However, Taixuanzong was obviously very careful in arresting monks, otherwise it would not have lasted for three thousand years.

In order to build a demon altar and release a true demon soul, it was quite hard. From the side, it could be seen that the escaped Wu Mingquan was indeed not an ordinary person as the old man said.

Otherwise, how could Taixuanzong have spent three thousand years?

Of course, if it hadn't been for Li Yuhuan, Yang Yiyun might not have discovered that it was Taixuanzong's people who captured the monks who came from the Shanhai Realm and the Yunmen disciples of the Shanhai Realm.

If he couldn't discover it, he might never know about it, and even the three captured apprentices, his grandfather Duanmu Xingtian and others would disappear forever and become an unsolved mystery.

However, the reason why he was able to destroy Taixuan Sect and save his three disciples, grandpa, and tens of thousands of monks from other small worlds this time was also thanks to his enhanced cultivation, and also because he had a group of powerful demon cultivators following him. Otherwise, even if It’s because he knew that Mr. Taixuan had arrested someone and he couldn’t save him.

After thinking about this, Yang Yiyun remembered what the old man said, which was very correct.

After all, strength is king.

Now he entered the Qiankun Pot space to ask his three apprentices and grandpa if they had any news about anyone else. If so, he would find a way to find it. If not, he would have to return to the Yunlei Mountains to continue practicing and improve his strength, and also let all the demons under him Practice well.

Only strong strength and power are the foundation for establishing a foothold in the world of cultivation.

Otherwise, he still has disciples from the Five Holy Lands, and he also offended a big demon who escaped, which would be tantamount to offending the demon cultivator.

None of these enemies is a fuel-efficient lamp. Only strong strength and power can defeat them.

After I entered the Qiankun Pot space, I just stood firm when I heard a wailing cry: "Master..."

Yang Yiyun understood that it was the cry of his eldest disciple Dugu Hui.



"Cloud Gate..."

The three disciples and some Yunmen disciples cried and shouted together.

Yang Yiyun was hugged and cried by his eldest disciple Duguhui...

Yang Yiyun knew that they were suffering, and he didn't stop them from venting at this time.

Before, they were in a state of lost mind. They were controlled by the ancestor of Taixuan Zong. After being rescued by Yang Yiyun, they entered the Qiankun Pot space. After the death of the ancestor of Taixuanzong, the control over their minds was naturally released.

Dugu Hui, Wang Zongren, and Wu Jian, who had regained their consciousness, immediately recognized that this was Master's Qiankun Pot space, and knew that they had been saved by Master.

When I was feeling depressed, I found Master Yang Yiyun appearing in the Qiankun Pot space, and I couldn't help but started wailing.

For those of them who were captured by Taixuanzong, it was simply a nightmare.

I originally thought I would never see Master again, but I didn't expect that I was saved by Master after all.

When they first entered the world of cultivation from the world of mountains and seas, everyone thought they were entering heaven. Who knew that they were kidnapped by people from Taixuan Sect and sent directly to hell.

Now that I have come out of hell, everything is really like a dream.

"Uuuu... Master, I thought I would never see you again... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Duguhui hugged Yang Yiyun tightly and cried with tears and snot in his nose.

Wang Zongren, who has the most calm personality, was holding Yang Yiyun's thigh and crying, but he didn't cry out.

Only the third disciple, Wu Jian, did not hug Yang Yiyun. He had always been bored, but at this moment, he was also crying.

Some Yunmen disciples that Yang Yiyun had seen fell to their knees and their eyes were red. The feeling of being reborn was hard to suppress.

However, more than a thousand of the more than 80,000 monks were kneeling, which surprised Yang Yiyun. The ones who could kneel and worship at this moment were the sect masters, which meant that these more than a thousand were all Yunmen disciples.

Come to think of it, it was nearly 200 years since he left the Shanhai Realm. When he left, the Yunmen of the Shanhai Realm was vaguely the number one sect in the Shanhai Realm, and it naturally accepted disciples quickly.

Some disciples he had never seen normal.

"Okay, stop howling, it's okay now."

After a while, Yang Yiyun saw that Dugu Hui couldn't hold back his tears, so he spoke in a deep voice.

"Master, aren't I happy..." As he spoke, Dugu Huicai wiped away his tears and then let go of Yang Yiyun.

"Everyone, get up, stop kneeling."

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and helped up his second disciple Wang Zongren and his third disciple Wu Jian.

After comforting him, he walked towards his grandfather Duanmu Xingtian and still knelt down to him: "Grandpa..."

Even after not seeing Yang Yiyun for nearly two hundred years, I really miss these relatives.

"Good boy, get up." Duanmu Xingtian helped Yang Yiyun up with red eyes. He was also sighing. He didn't expect that such a thing would happen after arriving in the world of cultivation. He almost died. In the end, his grandson saved everyone.

Next, Yang Yiyun had to say hello to the Yunmen disciples he knew and didn't know. Among them were the people who joined the Yunmen from the eight major martial arts sects on the earth, and he said hello one by one.

He also told everyone, including the monks from other small worlds, about his rescue with the big monsters.

Of course Yang Yiyun also learned about Yunmen.

According to what Duguhui and others said, they were the first batch to come to the world of cultivators. They were arrested by the Taixuan Sect people as soon as they arrived. Not enough, some Yunmen disciples escaped, and some were killed...

Later, the disciples of Yunmen and Shanhai Realm were arrested twice. The second group was led by Li Dayi, Liu Xiqi and his wife, Lao Fang, master Yang Wentian and Chang Meng Changqing. The number of people was so large that they entered the group of three thousand. Disciple of Yunmen.

But he was still arrested by Taixuanzong, but the second time there were two formation masters Yang Wentian and Meng Changqing, many people actually escaped from Galaxy City. That time thousands of disciples were killed, just for Liu Xiqi and others In order to gain time to escape, hundreds of people from Taixuan Sect were captured, and many Yunmen disciples died.

The third batch was led by sisters Lu Xuexi, Zhao Nan, Dugu Wuqing and other women, and brought eight thousand Yunmen disciples into the world of cultivation. In the third batch, there were many disciples to protect them, and there were also demon clans from the mountains and seas. The big forces, Butian Palace, and the Kraken clan entered.

Therefore, there were a large number of people. When they were arrested by Taixuanzong, most of them escaped from Galaxy City, and only thousands of Yunmen disciples were arrested.

Those who are still alive now are the more than 1,300 Yunmen disciples who were rescued by Yang Yiyun...

After hearing the reports from the Yunmen disciples, Yang Yiyun let out a long breath.

Several women escaped with Liu Xiqi and the others, which was a good thing but also a bad thing.

The good thing is that he was arrested by Taixuanzong, and he might not be alive until now.

The bad thing is that after escaping, the cultivator world is so big. They have never been here before, can they survive...?

So Yang Yiyun is very worried.

Suddenly Yang Yiyun asked the third batch of captured disciples: "Have Tuan Yuanyuan and Xiao Manman also followed them to the world of cultivation?"

"Reporting to the sect master, the three of them, the young master, were ordered by several mistresses to stay in the Shanhai Realm. They said that they would pick up the young master after they find the sect master in the future..." The third group of disciples who came answered.


Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief and secretly thought that Zhao Nan and the others had done a good job, but it would be terrible if a couple of children and a nephew came with them.

Thinking of Tuanyuanyuan and Xiao Manman, Yang Yiyun also thought of Ouyang Yuqing, mother and son, and their parents Yang Guozhong and Duanmu Wan'er who stayed on Earth.

He quickly looked at his grandfather and asked: "Did my parents and Ouyang Yuqing enter the mountain and sea realm from the earth?"

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