My Master Is a God

Chapter 1523: Going out to collect interest

It has been a hundred years since he came out of Taihuang Xinghai and entered the Yunlei Mountains. During these hundred years, Yang Yiyun's cultivation has entered the middle stage of the Mahayana, and his realm has reached the late stage of the Mahayana.

But now, after forty years of studying the ancient immortal swordsmanship, I have finally gained something.

Now he is like a sword with a hidden edge, ready to draw the sword at any time.

After three retreats to practice and comprehend, a hundred years have passed, and I finally have the confidence of my own strength.

Yang Yiyun went to Zihuang to find out about the overall strength and cultivation of the current Yunmen Wonderland disciples, and the results surprised him.

In the past hundred years, it can be said that all the disciples of Yunmen Wonderland have undergone qualitative changes and improved.

Among the three hundred great demons who followed him out of Taihuang at the beginning, the four great demon commanders, Purple Emperor, Peacock, Green Bull, and Rat King, were already powerful enough to compete with the Great Perfection level of the Ascension Realm.

The rest are all at the Sky Demon level, or can be said to be comparable to those in the Ascension Realm who have greatly increased their power after junior high school.

In short, the current Yunmen Wonderland consists of three hundred demons.

Among the 50,000 demon cultivators, a total of 20,000 king-level demon cultivators stood out, which was comparable to the Mahayana-level demon cultivators.

Most of the remaining 30,000 demon cultivators have reached the Great Perfection level of transcending tribulations. Among these monks, they may step into the realm of kings at any time. Even the lowest cultivation level has reached a level comparable to the middle stage of transcending tribulations. level.

All 50,000 great demons transformed.

Half of the 80,000 ethnic monks who joined later have reached the level of transcending the tribulation. Of course, the power of the great tribulation is still huge. Among the 40,000 monks, 10,000 monks failed to transcend the tribulation and became scattered immortals. Sanxian.

The other half of the monks are either in the combined state, or in the late stage of the distracting state or even the distracting perfection level.

These monks have joined Yunmen Fairyland for more than ninety years, and each of them has achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, at least to a great level.

It is enough to prove that Yang Yiyun was right at the beginning. They are all the top people from various small worlds who have come to the world of cultivation, and they all have huge potential.

Of course, these human and demon disciples could not achieve such huge improvements without the good cultivation environment of Yunmen Wonderland and the help of a large number of great demons refined by Yang Yiyun.

Everything will fall into place!

Even the three disciples had survived the great tribulation and achieved the level of cultivation in the early stages of the tribulation, which really impressed Yang Yiyun.

The only regret is that Gong Duanmu Xingtian failed to cross the tribulation and became a Sanxian.

Yang Yiyun believed that in a few hundred years there might be hundreds of thousands of basic Mahayana monks in Yunmen. At that time, why not overwhelm the Nine Holy Lands?

Even now, he has enough confidence to go head-to-head with the Five Holy Lands.

There were a total of three hundred heavenly demons, 20,000 of which were comparable to the Mahayana King-level demon cultivators. He dared to say that there were not so many Ascension Realm and King-level monks in any of the Nine Holy Lands.

Now facing the forces of the five holy lands, Yang Yiyun dared to say that he could overwhelm any holy land as long as he did not encounter the old monster of the fourth-turn Scattered Immortal that had transcended the Ascension Realm.

After being frustrated for hundreds of years, I finally feel proud and proud.

Looking at the four great demon commanders, Yang Yiyun's eyes fell on the Rat King and said, "Has there been any news in the past few years?"

The Rat King knew that Yang Yiyun was asking about several mistresses and other people in Yunmen. The Thousand Steps Rat King said with some embarrassment: "Holy Lord Five Elements Rat Clan's sons have not found any useful information yet, but the Nine Great Masters of Cultivation World The passage between the star territories is about to be completed. At that time, the sons will go in and out of the major star territories to comprehensively inquire about the news of several mistresses and pay off the Holy Lord for another two months."

Yang Yiyun felt a little disappointed, but he also knew that it was not easy for the Rat King to do this. It was already a great achievement to be able to open the underground passages of the nine star territories of the Cultivator World in less than a hundred years.

To find out information, the world of cultivation is too big and it is not easy. He did not blame the Rat King, but just said: "Hurry up and take the time."

"My subordinates obey your orders. Please rest assured Holy Lord. When the layout of the underground passage is completed, the intelligence and information collected will be complete. By then, my subordinates will be able to report to the Holy Lord what happened in the nine star territories. And if several mistresses are in You can definitely find it on the territory of the nine star territories." The Rat King said solemnly.

Yang Yiyun nodded and no longer pursued the issue. Anyway, he was now preparing to go out to fight and raise the banner of Yunmen Wonderland. When the time comes, the attack on the Holy Land of the Cultivation World would surely alarm the entire Cultivation World. If a few women and Yunmen When others hear the news, they will definitely come to the Yunlei Mountains to look for it.

After thinking about it, he said, "Think about your troops and generals. It's time for us to go out and collect some interest."

He knew that the people sent by the Five Holy Lands were still guarding outside.

If nothing else, go out and kill these people first, and clean the door of your house.

Yang Yiyun went out without any other monks, so he came out with 300 heavenly demons and 20,000 king-level ones.

Summoning a bull, followed by the national treasure Yun Lei Beast, with a mink squatting on his shoulders, Yang Yiyun rode the bull in a majestic manner.

The current Niu Duozi has been growing up for a hundred years, and it is no longer what it used to be. Yang Yiyun felt that the aura of the national treasure Yun Lei Beast was no different. Yang Yiyun thought it was time for Niu Duozi to go out and experience it, otherwise he would be worthy of his name as a mythical beast.

With the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast clearing the way, the sky full of thunder and lightning will automatically retreat. This guy's natural talent is to control thunder and lightning, and he also knows the entrance and exit of the formation. With him, Yang Yiyun and the big demons can come in and out without any problem.

Of course, Yang Yiyun thought that he also knew the route in and out of the formation from the old man, but he was not as awesome as Niu Duzi.

I was thinking that when I turn back, I will let the national treasure Yun Lei Beast transform the entrance and exit formation gate to make it easier for the disciples of Yunmen Wonderland to enter and exit. In the future, it is impossible for them to stay in Yunmen Wonderland forever, nor can they always enter and exit the underground passage.

After all, you still have to go out and practice.

Outside the Yunlei Mountains, after the elders of the five holy places felt the sword intent of Chongtian, some thought it was the birth of an immortal sword, while others speculated that Chongtian's sword intent was related to Yang Yiyun.

After all, Yang Yiyun was forced into the Yunlei Mountains by the Holy Mother of All Souls a hundred years ago and never came out. Those who can survive the ninety-nine tribulations will definitely not die in the Yunlei Mountains.

Therefore, the elders of the five holy places also became alert and ordered their disciples to prepare.

What if Yang Yiyun came out of the Yunlei Mountains?

Whoever catches Yang Yiyun will be of great benefit by then, because Yang Yiyun has a magic weapon in the sky and a unicorn beast.

As for the issue of Yang Yiyun's cultivation, the elders of the Five Holy Lands have not considered it at all.

Each of them is at the late stage of Ascension Realm, or a third-level Sanxian of the same realm.

And after Yang Yiyun survived the catastrophe a hundred years ago, he was only an ant in the early stage of Mahayana cultivation. It only took a hundred years. He was able to stabilize the state of the early stage of Mahayana. Even if he broke through the cultivation level, he was still in the middle stage of Mahayana. He was still dead.

As for the great demons under Yang Yiyun, although they are large in number, they are only so powerful. When they are not as powerful as the Mahayana level, there will be a few that can reach the sky in the early stage of the Ascension Realm.

What can be done in a hundred years?

The further you reach the later stage of cultivation, the more difficult it becomes, and even an inch of progress will be hard to reach or make a difference.

Moreover, each of them has thirty Mahayana Dzogchen existences under their sects, and together with their five late-stage Ascension Realm masters, the total is absolutely terrifying power.

In order to win over Yang Yiyun, the holy masters of several major holy places have spent a lot of money, deploying almost 80 to 90% of the strength of their respective holy places.

The next moment, the clouds and mist in Yunlei Mountains rolled up, like a huge storm.

The elders of the five holy places stared at the clouds and mist one by one. They thought that either Yang Yiyun had come out, or that a heavy treasure had been born in the Yunlei Mountains.

No matter which one they are not prepared to let go.

One by one, they moved closer to the clouds and mist.

Then a white-haired young man walked out of the clouds.

Who else could this person be if he wasn't Yang Yiyun?

They were all present to watch Yang Yiyun overcome the tribulation.

The holy masters of each holy land had harsh words, and they could kill Yang Yiyun with just one word as he walked out of the Yunlei Mountains.

Because the Five Holy Lands had offended Yang Yiyun, and Yang Yiyun had the potential to survive the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, the Holy Lords of the Five Holy Lands felt threatened and wanted to kill Yang Yiyun before he became a powerful person.

As a result, Yang Yiyun escaped into the Yunlei Mountains.

Yang Yiyun finally came out today, and it's not too late to kill him.

Everyone stared at Yang Yiyun with murderous intent in their eyes.

And Yang Yiyun walked forward step by step, and stopped when he was more than thirty meters away from the clouds and the figures of the five holy places.

Looking at the people in the five holy places, Yang Yiyun showed a smile and said to himself: "Although the auras of the five old immortals are so powerful that they cannot be seen clearly, they should be at the late stage of the Ascension Realm, one hundred and fifty Mahayana Great Perfection, haha... …You really think highly of me…”

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