My Master Is a God

Chapter 1526 There is a pretty boy

The Holy Land of All Spirits has its own star territory, which is called the Star Territory of All Spirits, located in the All Spirits Mountain Range.

Yang Yiyun rode the teleportation array for a month according to Xu Yuan's memory, and finally arrived at the Holy Land of All Spirits.

Like the Hall of Eternal Life, the gate of the Holy Land of All Souls is hidden on a very inconspicuous mountain peak.

Without Xu Yuan's memory, Yang Yiyun could only find the Holy Land of All Spirits hidden in the All Spirits Mountains, but he would never be able to find the entrance to the Holy Land of All Spirits.

Because these holy places have extremely powerful formations, especially the mountain-protecting formation where the holy land is located is the most powerful. It is much stronger than the mountain-protecting formations of sects such as Taixuan Sect. It is impossible to enter even by digging holes. go.

Because it is completely a space formation, the formation method is different from the formation method, and the formation path is also a kind of avenue, which can be changed thousands of times.

The Holy Land of All Souls is one of the Nine Holy Lands. Their mountain-protecting formation is a space-type formation, which is equivalent to being hidden in a parallel space, so even if you know the top of the mountain, you can't dig in.

Fortunately, Yang Yiyun searched the soul memory of Xu Yuan, the elder of the Holy Land of All Souls, which saved him a lot of trouble.

At this moment, he used the various magical powers and vitality skills to completely transform himself into Xu Yuan, but his cultivation was still in the middle stage of Mahayana.

Xu Yuan, the elder of the Holy Land of All Spirits, has a cultivation level in the late Ascension Realm. This is the only point that is more troublesome. However, Yang Yiyun has hidden his cultivation level. When the time comes, as long as Bi Da fights and shows his cultivation level, no one can Won't notice.

Anyway, Yang Yiyun has Xu Yuan's memory in his mind, and he knows about the other elders of the All Souls Holy Land and the Holy Mother of All Souls. Yang Yiyun already has a case in mind, and he will look for opportunities to kill them all.

The biggest goal is to kill the Holy Mother of All Souls...

Landing on the top of the mountain, Yang Yiyun looked at the bottomless cliff shrouded in clouds and mist at the bottom of the mountain. Without even frowning, he jumped down. At the same time, he shot a spell with his fingers, and the light burst out.

In an instant, a portal appeared out of thin air, and he leaped forward.

This is the real entrance to the Holy Land of All Souls, and you need the corresponding magic to enter.

As for Xu Yuan, who is an elder of the Holy Land of All Souls, he can naturally enter and exit the magic arts at will.

Yang Yiyun's search for Xu Yuan's soul began to work from this moment on.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun entered a valley rich in spiritual energy.


In an instant, four or five Mahayana level monks appeared.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was the mountain-protecting disciple of the Holy Land of All Spirits, and he was innately guilty, so he couldn't help but feel nervous at first.

At this moment, the four Huhu Mountain disciples saw that it was Elder Xu Yuan, and they quickly bowed and saluted: "Welcome Elder Xu back to the mountain."

Yang Yiyun was stunned and realized that he was nervous. He was Xu Yuan now. He immediately relaxed and said quickly: "Excuse me. You have worked hard. Is there anything going on in the Holy Land?"

One of the disciples was stunned, why was Elder Xu so polite today?

Xu Yuan usually had a very bad temper and was a very arrogant person. He would never speak so politely to the disciples who were protecting the mountain.

But Xu Yuan is an elder after all, with a respected position and strong cultivation. When he asked the disciples who were guarding the mountain, they dared not not answer, and said respectfully: "Report to Elder Xu that everything is well in the Holy Land. The Holy Mother has told you that if you come back from the old age, go to Wanling immediately." See him in the palace."

Yang Yiyun saw the surprise on this disciple's face, and felt a little in his heart, secretly thinking that he was still a little uncomfortable with it. In his memory, Xu Yuan was a man with high ambitions, a very bad temper, and he would never be nice to his disciples. Speaking, he had a subconscious reaction. He was polite to the four disciples guarding the mountain, but it made several disciples confused.

Just when he was thinking about how to get back, another disciple said, "Have Elder Xu, Senior Brother Li Si and the others come back?"

Yang Yiyun's heart moved, revealing a bit of sadness: "We can't come back. We have all fallen for the Holy Land. Okay, I will go see the Holy Mother. You can protect the mountain with all your heart..."

After Yang Yiyun walked away, the four disciples guarding the mountain showed realization. The leading disciple said: "It turns out that all the people brought out by Elder Xu have died. No wonder he is so polite today. It seems that he is afraid of the Holy Mother's blame..."

"Are you rude? Thirty disciples of Mahayana and Dzogchen have died in one fell swoop. This is a great loss to the Holy Land. If they are not saved, the Holy Mother will remove him from the position of elder. Naturally, his arrogance will be a little weaker now. Maybe we will Pulse can be promoted to an elder!"

"You are overthinking, don't forget, Old Monster Xu has a pretty boy who is loved by the Holy Mother. With that pretty boy around, no matter how big of a mistake Old Monster Xu makes, Holy Mother will not pursue him to account."

"Okay, stop talking. Old Monster Xu is still an elder. It's not for us to discuss. Let's go patrolling the mountain..."

Although Yang Yiyun was far away, he paid attention to the conversation of the four disciples guarding the mountain, and listened to their whispered conversations word for word. With his powerful spiritual consciousness, as long as he wanted to, he could even speak in a small voice. heard.

When he heard several disciples commenting that he was being polite today because he was afraid of being blamed by the Holy Mother of All Souls for the death of thirty Mahayana disciples, he almost laughed out loud. This hurdle was finally over.

The four disciples guarding the mountain were not made suspicious.

When he finally heard about the little pretty-faced disciple, Yang Yiyun was stunned. Listening to the discussion of the four disciples, he found that the elders of the Holy Land of All Spirits were not so harmonious.

We can also understand this. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there will inevitably be intrigues.

As for the pretty face disciple, he was stunned when he heard it, and immediately started searching in his mind...

Although he searched for Xu Yuan's soul, it was equivalent to completely devouring Xu Yuan's memory, but how huge is the accumulated memory of an old immortal who has lived for thousands of years?

Not all of it could be digested. He only watched the key information, and Xu Yuan did not pay careful attention to some of his life memories.

But when I heard the conversation between the four disciples guarding the mountain, it seemed that Xu Yuan also had a pretty boy who was having an affair with the old lady from the Holy Land of All Souls, and Xu Yuan seemed to have relied on this pretty boy to become the elder of the Holy Land of All Souls. Also used to maintain the relationship with Our Lady of All Souls, or to please...?

Yang Yiyun originally wanted to go directly to the Holy Mother of All Souls to find an opportunity to kill the old witch, but he suddenly changed his mind after searching Xu Yuan's memory.

A more appropriate method emerged in his mind.

In Xu Yuan's memory, there is indeed a pretty boy named Bao Yishu. In Xu Yuan's memory, this disciple Bao Yishu really looks like Pan Anzhi, and he has a good skin that makes even women jealous.

It was Xu Yuan who specifically sought out an old man from a certain small world in order to please that old witch, the Holy Mother of All Souls. After being accepted as a disciple, he brought him back to the Holy Land of All Souls. As expected, he was valued by the Holy Land of All Souls. This is why Xu Yuan became the Holy Land of All Souls. of elders.

Anyway, the pretty boy Bao Yishu is deeply loved by the Holy Mother of All Souls.

Yang Yiyun smiled, just a face.

But among the many faces of this old woman, the Holy Mother of All Souls in Bao Yi School, she is the most effective.

After understanding the memory, Yang Yiyun smiled and went straight to his cave. As an elder of the Holy Land of All Spirits, Xu Yuan had his own cave dojo.

Yang Yiyun planned to find Bao Yishu to drug the Holy Mother of All Souls, and then go to deal with the old ladies.

At that time, you will get twice the result with half the effort. It is all about sneaking in anyway, so it is best to minimize the risk.

Bao Yishu was an orphan taken in by Xu Yuan from his childhood world. It can be said that everything Bao Yishu had was given by Xu Yuan. He obeyed Xu Yuan's words. Yang Yiyun was now Xu Yuan and let Bao Yishu, the favorite face of the Holy Mother of All Souls, do the drugging. , the success rate is very high.

After arriving at Xu Yuan's dojo, Yang Yiyun waved his hand to open the cave door and walked in.

When the two boys came out and saw Yang Yiyun, they saluted quickly: "Welcome Master back to the mountain."

Yang Yiyun had Xu Yuan's memory and was now familiar with everything here. As he walked inside, he said to the boy: "Where is your senior brother Bao Yishu now?"

"Back to Master, Senior Brother Bao went to Lingcha Valley today and said he wanted to make Lingcha for the Holy Mother." One of the boys answered.

Yang Yiyun knew that Lingcha Valley was within the Holy Land of All Spirits, so he said directly: "Go and find Bao Yishu. Tell him that you have something important to do as a teacher. Go and come back quickly without any mistakes."

The two boys did not dare to delay and followed the order.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, entered Xu Yuan's cave and directly entered the alchemy room. He was going to make alchemy for the Holy Mother of All Souls.

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