My Master Is a God

Chapter 1530 Hard Battle

Yang Yiyun also immediately activated all defenses and retreated to the corner of the hall after the Holy Mother of All Souls erupted with a terrifying aura.

However, at the moment when the Holy Mother of All Souls exploded and the entire hall collapsed due to the powerful force, Yang Yiyun saw a white light flying out.

Although he was affected by the powerful force, Yang Yiyun had a pure Yang body, and the defensive disease did not cause much harm to him.

The four most affected, the Purple Emperor, the Peacock, the Rat King, and the Green Ox, flew out in an instant and fell to the ground one by one, vomiting blood.

It didn't seem to be too seriously injured.

In an instant, Yang Yiyun understood. The white light that flew out was probably the soul of the Holy Mother of All Souls. This old witch was not dead at all.

It was only her physical body that self-destructed, and the soul did not self-destruct. If the soul's body self-destructed at the same time, he and Zi Huang might not just vomit blood.


Zihuang coughed and stood up, looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "Holy Master All Souls Holy Mother just blew up her physical body, and her soul escaped."

At the moment of self-destruction, Zihuang realized that Our Lady of All Souls was not self-destructing in the true sense at all, but her physical self-destruction, hugging her soul and escaping.

Yang Yiyun said with a gloomy face: "This old witch is really cunning. She used the deception of self-destruction to escape the soul, but it was also a way. The old guy who has lived for countless years is indeed difficult to deal with.

But she doesn’t have a physical body, and if she escapes alone, she won’t be a threat to us now..."

"Master is afraid that he will be in big trouble, not that there is no danger." Zi Huang said.

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he finished speaking, and then he knew the reason.

The old witch Yuanshen of the Holy Land of All Souls escaped, and there was an earth-shattering noise in the Hall of All Souls. The entire hall was reduced to ruins, which naturally attracted the attention of the entire Holy Land of All Souls.

Yang Yiyun and Zihuang stood on the ruins, and streams of light flew from all directions, with strong and weak auras gathering towards them.

"Get ready for a tough fight." Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said.

His original plan was to forcefully attack the Holy Land of All Souls. Disguising himself as Xu Yuan, he was actually trying to kill the Holy Land of All Souls, an old witch in his eyes.

Everything actually went well. Although the old witch's soul escaped, her body was forced and destroyed, and there was no threat.

However, Yang Yiyun was satisfied with such an effect. After all, the old witch was the Holy Lord of a holy land. It was reasonable to decisively abandon her body and escape when she was poisoned. If she was really killed, she would not be called the Holy Lord. .

Although monks were flying in from all directions at this moment, Yang Yiyun was not too worried.

With a wave of his hand, three hundred Ascension Realm Heavenly Demons and 20,000 Supreme Demon Cultivators appeared on the field.

"Kill me..."

Yang Yiyun yelled.

All the demon cultivators rushed in all directions.

Even though the crowds of people rushing towards the Holy Land of All Spirits were thick and thick, Yang Yiyun had three hundred Ascension Realm demons and 20,000 King-level demon cultivators comparable to the Mahayana. No matter how many more people came, he was afraid.

The only thing that worries Yang Yiyun is the fact that the Virgin Mary of All Souls has nine monsters hidden in the snow in All Souls Mountain.

However, he also knew from the mouth of the Holy Mother of All Souls that although the nine monsters hidden in the snow were powerful, they would not have the power to surpass the immortals.

And he can kill nine people who are hiding in the snow even with the number of people he piles up.

At this time, facing the monks rushing from all directions, just kill them with one word.

It seems that when the old witch, the Holy Mother of All Souls, escaped, she had already ordered the entire Holy Land of All Souls to take action.

All the demon cultivators rushed out and started a general battle of earth-shattering. Yang Yiyun summoned Niu Duzi and the national treasure Yun Lei Beast to his side.

He has to wait for those snow-hiding freaks to appear, or in other words, wait for the Holy Mother of All Souls to appear. The old witch's spirit is so powerful that she will definitely appear again after escaping.

Yang Yiyun didn't need to think about it to know that the old witch must have gone to Wanling Mountain to move reinforcements and invite those monsters hidden in the snow to come out of the mountain.

As for the loose immortals on the Sanxian Island, Yang Yiyun is not only worried now, but the old witch All Souls Holy Mother said that it is not easy for the loose immortals from the Holy Land of All Souls to appear from the Sanxian Island.

Today he will destroy the Holy Land of All Spirits, establish his authority in the world of cultivation, make Yunmen Fairyland famous, and let the entire world of cultivation know the existence of Yunmen Fairyland.

Let other forces not dare to have evil thoughts towards Yunmen in the future, and let the monks in the entire cultivation world be frightened when they hear the word "Yunmen".

He wants to tell the world of cultivation that Yang Yiyun is not someone to be trifled with, and he wants to tell other holy places that he can subvert the Holy Land of All Spirits, and he can subvert another holy land...

In fact, the real purpose of becoming famous in the world of cultivation is to find information about a few women and other people in Yunmen.

He told them that Yang Yiyun had created a place for everyone to practice safely in the world of cultivation, and asked them to come back to him after hearing the news.

Otherwise, in the vast world of cultivation, asking him to search for people would be like looking for a needle in a haystack!

Yang Yiyun has been waiting for this moment for a hundred years...

Today I finally got my wish.

It has also been suppressed for a hundred years. Since the beginning of Taihuang Xinghai, several major holy places have been pressing and chasing him, wanting to kill him.

But he persevered, survived, accumulated strength and created a force. He had vowed back then to create a force that would surpass the Nine Holy Lands.

And now it’s time to test the results.

Over the years, he has put a lot of thought into these big monsters.

Today's battle is also a test of Yang Yiyun's strength against these big monsters, but Yang Yiyun is confident in it.

After all, the nine holy places of the Ascension Realm and Mahayana Realm that gathered around him were not as comprehensive as the nine great demon holy lands combined, not to mention that he was dealing with only a Holy Land of All Souls.

Moreover, now that the old witch of all spirits has lost her body, she is no longer a threat.

In an instant, the sound of fighting was loud. After the two sides fought, the sky was filled with blood mist, and the whole world was filled with a thick smell of blood.

In Yang Yiyun's sight, although there were many disciples in the Holy Land of All Spirits, their strength was completely incomparable to those of the great demons under his command.

The difference lies in the quality of the masters.

Not to mention the rest of the Holy Land of All Souls, there are less than twenty Ascension Realm skills, but the number of Ascension Realm great demons under Yang Yiyun is dozens of times more, and the same situation is true for the Mahayana level.

Facing the countless cultivators who were surrounding and attacking, each demon cultivator transformed into a huge body, covering the sky and the sun. It is no exaggeration to say that this was a massacre from one side to the other.

The battle in the field collapsed in the blink of an eye...

"Please step back..."

At a certain moment, a gloomy voice sounded, spreading throughout the sky, but ordered all disciples to retreat.

Yang Yiyun squinted his eyes and saw a stream of rainbows coming rapidly from the distant sky.

No more, no more, exactly ten.

If you take a closer look, one of them is the Holy Mother of All Souls, but she is in a divine soul state at this time. However, due to the powerful soul of her level, she does not look much different from the real body, but her breath is the breath of the soul.

Next to the Holy Mother of All Souls are nine powerful people, each of whom exudes a heart-stopping aura.

Yang Yiyun knew that it should be the monster hidden in the snow in the Holy Land of All Spirits.

Judging from the aura, it seems that each one is stronger than the other. Anyway, it is much stronger than the Hualang I met last time.

Hualang should be the weakest among these people.

The ten people who appeared in the sky, except for the state of the All Souls Holy Mother, the other nine realms are all ascension realms.

But Yang Yiyun knew that these snow monsters in the Ascension Realm were definitely people who had reached the peak of their cultivation in the Ascension Realm.

At this time, Yang Yiyun's face became serious, and he ordered a hundred heavenly demons to lead all the demon cultivators at the Mahayana level and the king level to kill the monks in the Holy Land of All Spirits.

The remaining two hundred heavenly demons asked Zi Huang and the other four demon commanders to face the nine snow monsters that appeared. Yang Yiyun knew that the real hard battle was coming.

If these nine Xue Zang people can be killed, the Holy Land of All Souls will disappear today.

With an order, Zihuang and the other two hundred heavenly demons rushed directly towards the nine snow monsters.

Yang Yiyun jumped up on the back of the national treasure panda, and his target was directly on the soul of the Holy Mother of All Souls. Even if the soul was today, he had no intention of letting it go.


One of the red-haired Xue Zang people spoke in a low voice, obviously the leader.

With the word "kill" uttered, the other eight people's bodies glowed with light. Each one split into two, and the two split into four... In this way, twenty clones evolved, and the eight people separated into one hundred and sixty clones.

When Yang Yiyun saw this, he was shocked. In his opinion, these Xue Zang freaks were indeed freaks and could not be judged by common sense.

In the perception, eight of them transformed into clones, and their auras of strength were all at the Ascension level. This was no ordinary clone technique.

It's normal for one or two clones to have the same level of cultivation, but it's a bit scary to be able to create so many different auras at once.

Although Yang Yiyun was still surrounded by two hundred demons, the other party transformed into one hundred and sixty demons in this way, and the numerical gap was suddenly narrowed.

Moreover, the red-haired old man who gave the orders has not moved yet. He just carries the spirit of the Holy Mother of All Souls beside him and stares at Yang Yiyun indifferently.

This person gave Yang Yiyun the most dangerous feeling.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

One hundred and sixty Xue Zang people rushed over instantly and fought directly with Zi Huang and other two hundred monsters.

"Boom boom..."


The sky-shaking roar caused the sky to distort, and an extremely powerful air wave erupted.

When Yang Yiyun looked at the fighting situation between the two sides, it seemed that the clones transformed by the eight snow monsters were not ridiculously powerful. Against his two hundred monsters, the two sides were evenly matched for a while...

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's eyes jumped, but he saw the red-haired old man walking towards the sky with the Holy Mother of All Souls, his eyes flashing with murderous intent, staring at him...

Yang Yiyun saw that the other person seemed to be walking very slowly and leisurely, but every step he took felt like he was so close to the end of the world, but he seemed to be more than ten meters in front of him after two steps.

"Niuduzi National Treasure, follow me to kill the enemy." Yang Yiyun was not ready to run, nor did he want to run. Instead, he wanted to kill this person and kill the soul of the Holy Mother of All Souls.

Although he knew that his current cultivation level in the middle stage of Mahayana was very different from that of his opponent, he had a trump card.

There was some consideration in asking Niu Duzi and Guobao to kill the enemy.

Yang Yiyun didn't know what Niu Duozi's level of strength was, but he knew that mythical beasts like Niu Duozi had their own innate magical powers, which could not be judged by common sense. In addition, Niu Duozi had been cultivating in Yunmen Wonderland for hundreds of years, but he had also grown. , it will definitely not be bad.

It is no exaggeration to say that the national treasure Yun Lei Beast is the most powerful existence in Yunmen Wonderland at present. As long as it is not against the immortals, it should be able to cope with it.

The only weakness of the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast is that it has no combat experience. It has been staying in Yunmen Wonderland and has never come out. It has no strength and is as naive as a child, so the national treasure cannot display its true fighting power.

Yang Yiyun is surrounded by a divine beast and a strange beast from heaven and earth, which can be called the strongest combination.

This time he was not afraid.

"Ho ho ho..."


National Treasure and Niu Xiaozi rushed to the red-haired old man while roaring and flashing.


The national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast sent out a thick thunderbolt that hit the red-haired old man directly.

Niu Duzi opened his mouth and spit out a stream of colorful air.

In Yang Yiyun's perception, the colorful breath that Niu Duzi spat out from his mouth seemed a bit like dragon's breath, but it was much more powerful than dragon's breath...

However, when Yang Yiyun saw the red-haired old man, his eyelids jumped up. When he saw the red-haired old man facing the attack of the national treasure and Niu Xiaozi, he reached out and grabbed it...

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