My Master Is a God

Chapter 1536 Whoever dares to cause trouble will make me regret coming to this world.

Just now, Yang Yiyun was said to be a little monk who doesn’t know the heights of heaven and earth. Why did he speak arrogantly? The next moment, phoenixes, unicorn beasts, and thirteen real dragon queens appeared one after another. The four holy masters broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads and turned pale. Thoroughly.

Who would have thought that Yang Yiyun actually has three mythical beasts?

Whether it is a phoenix or a unicorn, they are both legendary beasts and birds, powerful beings that have disappeared for countless thousands of years in the history of the world of cultivation.

But now it appears in Yunmen Wonderland.

Even more terrifying are the true dragons. There are a total of thirteen true dragons. The leader of the golden true dragon is the five-clawed golden dragon. This is the legendary dragon clan with the most powerful and noble bloodline.

A moment ago, everyone looked down upon Yang Yiyun as a small Mahayana monk who dared to threaten existences like theirs at the level of the Holy Lord.

But now, the three major racial beasts and birds appeared, and when they appeared, they added up to fifteen, making the four holy masters jump wildly in their hearts.

At this moment, even if Yang Yiyun Chi Guoguo threatened, the four holy masters did not dare to say anything.

Who says Mahayana monks can't kill the Holy Lord level?

With the existence of these mythical beasts, let alone killing them at the Holy Lord level, even the immortal Yang Yiyun can do it, right?

Not only the four holy masters of Shenfu Lingzong, Tianjian Mountain, Ghost Capital, and Bailian Mountain Villa, but also the Miaoxian of Tongxiang Palace, the Holy Master of Daozhong, Emperor Xuanyuan, and the new Holy Master of Changsheng Palace also all have their eyes fixed on it. Dumb, the mouths are growing one by one.

Fifteen mythical beasts appeared with an overwhelming momentum, and the entire Yunmen Wonderland was filled with auspicious glow. The three legendary beasts gathered together. It was obvious that Yang Yiyun deliberately showed everyone the power of Yunmen Wonderland.

The monks who came to Yunmen Wonderland to watch the ceremony were all shocked. They looked at the flaming phoenix on the towering sycamore tree, and the dragons and roars hovering in the sky. In addition, Yunmen Everyone was deeply shocked by the Qilin beast at the entrance of the main hall.

The magical beasts and birds in Yunmen Wonderland far surpass all the major holy places in the world of cultivation.

Even in Tongxian Palace, there is not a single divine beast.

However, the person guarding the Cloud Gate is a cloud thunder beast that can rival any Ascension Realm master. There is even a Qilin squatting at the door of the main hall to guard the door.

There is no such a powerful force in the entire world of cultivation...

In addition, there are 300 Ascension level demons in the Yunmen Hall Square, more than 20,000 Mahayana level demon cultivators, and tens of thousands of demon cultivators of various levels in the human cultivation world. The total number of human demons in Yunmen Fairyland now totals hundreds of thousands. , in fact, the number and high-level monks are no less than any other holy land.

Even with the appearance of these mythical beasts and birds, transcending all the major holy places in the world of cultivation, the power displayed at this moment shocked the whole process and made the enemy's heart palpitate.

The four hostile holy masters looked at each other, and they all saw fear in their eyes. They knew that according to Yang Yiyun's current power, even if they invited the ancestors of Sanxian Island to come out, it would not be easy to deal with him.

The key is that it is not easy to ask the ancestors to come out on Sanxian Island, and we don’t know when they will be able to come out.

After the four holy masters looked at each other, they communicated with each other and discussed that before the ancestors of each Sanxian Island came out, they must not be enemies with Yang Yiyun. Pretending to be a grandson is their only way now.

Yang Yiyun saw the expressions of everyone in the field, and finally narrowed his eyes and focused on the four major disciples of Shenfu Lingzong, Tianjian Mountain, Ghost City, and Bailian Villa, with a playful look on his face: " Four great saints, can the power of my Yunmen come into your eyes? Can I, a Mahayana monk, kill you?"

The faces of the four hostile holy masters were all uncertain, and they were becoming more and more unnatural. Being stared at by Yang Yiyun at this time was not too bad, but there were thirteen vacuum auras locked above their heads, and there was a unicorn staring at the door of the hall. There are hundreds of Ascension Realm monsters all around, staring at them with soaring aura. What do they dare to say?

The four holy masters fell into a very embarrassing situation...

At this time, Miao Xian from Tongxian Palace reacted from the shock and quickly said to Yang Yiyun: "Fellow Daoist Yang, the four of them came to reconcile with you today, and they specially came to see me, and also to the Holy Master of the Eternal Life Palace. , fellow Taoist, can you give me a face to the Miaoxian of Tongxian Palace?"

Miao Xian doesn't want the cultivators to fight each other, because as the master of Tongxian Palace and the leader of the enlightenment, she can know some secrets that ordinary cultivators in the cultivation world don't know. The last thing she wants is for the cultivators to fight each other. It will only allow some dark forces to take advantage of the loopholes.

At this moment, Miaoxian felt that Yang Yiyun was staring at the four holy masters with a very unkind expression, and quickly spoke out.

When Yang Yiyun saw Miaoxian speaking out, he pondered for a moment and said: "Senior Sister Miaoxian, logically I must give you face, but you have also seen that today is the big day when our Yunmen Fairyland officially opens to the world of cultivation, but some people seem to They are here specifically to cause trouble, not to watch the ceremony and resolve misunderstandings.

Although I, Yang Yiyun, am a young Mahayana monk, I am not afraid of anyone in front of today's big day. Anyone who dares to cause trouble to me will make anyone regret coming to this world..."

Chi Guoguo's danger, to put it bluntly, was full of domineering at this moment.

In one sentence, I, Mr. Yang, will not be afraid of anyone or any force from today on.

If you dare to make trouble, I will kill you.

The four holy masters trembled all over. Listening to Yang Yiyun's threatening and murderous words, they were angry in their hearts, but they really did not dare to speak.

The power of the entire Yunmen Wonderland is locked on them. If you say you are not afraid, it is a lie, and Yang Yiyun's current power can really kill them.

At this time, the four people looked ugly, did not dare to attack, and were extremely embarrassed.

Miao Xian said: "Fellow Daoist Yang, this is all a misunderstanding. After all, we are all cultivators, and there is nothing we can't talk about. The four holy masters really came here today to settle their differences with Daoist Yang, and they also came to congratulate Yunmen Wonderland. …”

After Miao Xian finished speaking, her voice was very long, and she turned to look at the four holy masters and said, "Isn't it... four of you?"

Her eyes were full of complexity as she looked at the four holy masters of Shenfu Lingzong, Tianjian Mountain, Bailian Mountain Villa, and Ghost City, with a look on her face, "If you don't bow your head, I won't care."

At this moment, the four of them also knew that the situation was pressing and had to lower their heads. Qiqi Ai Ai said: "...It's...Fellow Daoist Yang and we...we are here to congratulate the establishment of Yunmen Fairyland. The world of cultivators is gaining a lot of power. This is the world of cultivation." blessing.

I had some misunderstandings with my fellow Taoist before. It was because of the poor thinking of my disciples of Shenfu Ling Sect and because of my unfavorable teachings to my disciples. I would also like to ask fellow Taoist Yang Haihan to express my hope that our Shenfu Ling Sect and Yunmen Fairyland will cultivate each other and pursue the great road in the future. I...I I am willing to offer 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones to apologize. "

The Holy Master of Shenfu Lingzong bowed his head first.

Yang's lips curled up, and he smiled cheerfully and said, "Okay, thank you fellow Taoist for the gift of one hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones."

The Holy Master of Shenfu Lingzong clearly said ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones, but in Yang Yiyun's mouth, it turned into one hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones. His heart suddenly started to twitch, but he knew that Yang Yiyun did this on purpose.

However... at this moment, the situation is stronger than others. I can't break up with Yang Yiyun now, so I can only grit my teeth and say: "Okay, I, the Shenfu Ling Sect, will present a hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones as a gift, and wish fellow Taoist Yang Yunmen Wonderland prosperity."

It was obvious that Yang did this on purpose, just to kill the Holy Master of Shenfu Ling Sect.

After listening to the Holy Master of Shenfu Lingzong, Yang laughed and his eyes fell on the three Holy Masters of Tianjian Mountain, Bailian Villa and Ghost City.

At this time, the remaining three people saw the situation clearly, and they were not stingy. They gritted their teeth and gave out a generous gift of one hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones.

The three of them knew that if they asked for 10,000 to 20,000 spirit stones, Yang would still double the amount, so they might as well do it in one step.

In the blink of an eye, Yang extorted 400,000 high-grade spiritual stones from the Four Holy Masters. He felt so comfortable that he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahaha... Thank you four Taoist friends for your generous gift. Please take your seats quickly." Yang said without blushing or heartbeat.

But the faces of the four holy masters have turned the color of pig liver, but what can they do?

As for Mr. Yang, who was completely retaliating deliberately, he was still sneering in his heart: "The four immortals wanted you to give you 400,000 spiritual stones for an advantage. When you chased me, don't think that I will forget this debt."

Yang felt very happy and felt proud, finally collecting the interest.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he doesn't want to fall out with the Four Holy Lands now, because first of all, he has to focus on finding a few women and other people in Yunmen, and secondly, the temporary Yunmen Wonderland still needs time to develop, although the big demon There are many, but in a real fight, it will definitely be a situation where he kills one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred, and he doesn't want that.

In addition, although the dragon clan led by Little Phoenix, Niu Duzi and Sister Mei appeared, he actually knew in his heart that the strength of these mythical beasts and birds was far from reaching the level of real mythical beasts and birds.

Little Phoenix and Niu Xiaozi are still at the level of cubs and need to grow up. Although Sister Mei and her twelve true dragons have transformed into dragons, they have stayed in the space of the Qiankun Pot for a long time and have no understanding of the world and blood. The inheritance of talent memory is still limited, and it also needs to grow.

On the surface, Little Phoenix, Niu Duzi and Sister Mei are mythical beasts and birds, but in fact they are not as powerful as imagined. Even if they can scare people, Yang Yiyun doesn't have the confidence to actually use them.

So Yang Yiyun only blackmailed the four holy masters for 400,000 spiritual stones. Now that the four holy masters bowed their heads, Yang accepted the offer and gave Miaoxian and others face, so it was hard to be tough.

He opened his mouth to let the eight holy masters enter the hall and sit down.

Next, he paid homage to the Patriarch. Witnessed by thousands of sect leaders, Yang Yiyun announced that Yunmen Wonderland would officially debut in the world of cultivation...

The banquet was held for three days. During the three days, some sects came, but not many. In fact, there were not many large and small forces of the cultivation sects, and it was impossible for all the sects and forces of the cultivation world to come, but there were also some. The combined power of the sect totaled fifteen hundred, and together with the eight holy places, a grand establishment ceremony was held.

Three days later, each sect left one after another. Yang Yiyun thought about the heroes he had made friends with, and each of them gave a spiritual peach. Although it was only one, it was the enlightenment of the Qiankun Pot. The person who took the spiritual peach for the first time It can more or less improve the realm of cultivation.

It was a good return gift. Yang Yiyun also wanted to find out the thoughts of several women and Yunmen disciples in the future, so he made friends with them one by one.

For all forces, being able to make friends with Yunmen Wonderland today is also a gain. Didn't you see that the four holy masters bowed their heads to Yang Yiyun?

Haven’t you seen that there are powerful mythical beasts and birds in Yunmen Wonderland?

After this day, Yang Yiyun and his Yunmen Wonderland spread throughout the entire world of cultivation, becoming a hot topic in the world of cultivation. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are famous in the world of cultivation.

Many forces that did not come or did not come also regretted missing an opportunity to make friends with Yunmen.

In short, the reputation of Yunmen Wonderland has completely become famous in the world of cultivation.

Yang Yiyun returned to Yunmen Hall after seeing off the major sects one by one, only to find that Miao Xian from Tongxian Palace, Emperor Xuanyuan, the Holy Master of Daozhong, and the new Holy Master of Changsheng Palace had not left.

As for the other four holy masters, they had already left Yunmen Wonderland as soon as possible.

Yang Yiyun faced the four people in the hall, smiled and went over to let him drink the best spirit wine and spirit fruit. These four people were close to him, so he naturally wanted to make friends with them. He also knew that the four of them did not leave because they had something to stay with. .

After sitting down, Miao Xian, who was in the Immortal Palace, looked at Yang Yiyun and said something that surprised Yang Yiyun.

Miaoxian said: "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Yang knows about Sanxian Island and the demon clan?"

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