My Master Is a God

Chapter 1542 Yang was beaten violently

Since people came to the door, they naturally knew the news. At this time, Hao Jinhan secretly looked at Hao Wuxin, and saw Hao Wuxin shaking his head at him, indicating that he should not admit it.

Hao Jinhan received the instructions from his second ancestor, and he forced himself to apologize and said with a smile: "What prisoner? My Hao family has never captured any prisoners. Could it be that Holy Master Yang made a mistake?"

Yang Yiyun's face darkened. At this time, he was sure that there was something wrong with the Hao family, and he immediately punched Hao Jinhan.

But at this time, as soon as he circulated the true energy in his body, he suddenly felt that the true energy in his body suddenly seemed to be on fire and exploded. It made a sizzling sound, and his whole body felt like trembling and stinging. Unexpectedly, he did not send out a punch, and the true energy It's not running smoothly.

Yang Yiyun's expression changed. He knew he had been tricked. He was tricked silently. Not only did he not punch out, but the real energy in his body exploded. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.


"Holy Lord..." The Rat King was shocked and raised his hand to slap Hao Jinhan.



The Mouse King is a majestic celestial demon whose strength is now comparable to the Dzogchen level of the Ascension Realm. Hao Jinhan of the Mahayana Stage cannot evade it with a single palm.

Hao Jinhan was slapped away by the Rat King and hit the wall while screaming.

When the Rat King saw something was wrong with Yang Yiyun, he slapped Hao Jinhan as a reward without saying a word.

As soon as the Rat King took action, he also realized that something was wrong. His palm failed to kill Hao Jinhan in the Mahayana period, but only caused Hao Jinhan to vomit blood.

The more important point is that the Rat King discovered that as soon as he took action to activate the demon power in his body, he found that the demon power was out of control. He just barely used force to attack Hao Jinhan. After one palm, the Rat King knew that he could not activate the demon power at the next moment, because he The demonic power in the body surged...

I also understood why my Holy Master Yang Yiyun vomited blood. This was because he was tricked.

The most terrifying thing is that he, the majestic Rat King, and the Holy Lord Yang Yiyun didn't even notice that there was something wrong. This was the terrifying thing.

The only thing that can be felt now is that the power in the body does not seem to be restrained by the force that appears invisibly. When the force is mixed, it is impossible to use magic at all, and the demon soul is affected.

The Rat King forced himself to block in front of Yang Yiyun, glaring at Hao Jinhan who was knocked away by his palm in the corner of the hall, and his eyes were fixed on the third-level Earth Immortal.

Yang Yiyun was trying to use the Qiankun Creation Technique to see if he could dredge the true energy in his body. However, the always powerful Qiankun Creation Technique was actually not running smoothly at this moment, or it could not move the true essence in the body at all.

At this time, he felt that the real energy in his body seemed to be like a kind of transparent glue added to the water, and it could not move at all.

He knew that he and the Rat King must have been tricked by the Hao family. As for whether it was Hao Jinhan, the head of the Hao family, or Yang Yiyun, the third-level Earth Immortal standing in the corner, he was not sure.

He didn't target anyone else at all, because Hao Jinhan and the third-level Earth Immortal were the strongest in the hall.

The remaining ones are two second-level earth immortals. The aura of these two people is not as powerful as Hao Jinhan. The remaining one standing with the third-level earth immortal is just a young monk in the Fusion Realm. It is impossible for Yang Yiyun to think about it.

Being able to unknowingly let him and the Rat King fall into the trap, and not being able to find out what the trick was, taught Yang Yiyun another lesson.

In fact, he had been very cautious since he entered the Hao family, and he did not say that he was really arrogant. Unexpectedly, he was still tricked.

The problem now is that the true energy in the body cannot be activated at all, and the soul has been affected. In addition, something is wrong with the Rat King. Yang Yiyun became anxious and quickly shouted: "Old man..."

At this time, he could only ask the old man for help.

"What's wrong with that brat?" Yun Tianxie was full of resentment like a person who was disturbed while sleeping.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said in his heart: "Look at what happened to the true energy in my body. It was tricked by someone. Now the true energy seems to explode, and it can't be mobilized at all. This time, even the creation power of the universe has failed. Quickly Let’s see what we can do!”

"Don't worry, you can't step on the sky... I'll wait and see as a teacher... Hey... it's the aura of the real demon. No wonder you can't move the real energy. It's the aura of the demon Wu Mingquan from last time. It seems that everything is under control. Hit..." Yun Tianxie said with emotion.

Yang Yiyun was shocked and asked: "Wu Mingquan's aura?"

If it were the real demon witch Mingquan, that would be terrible. Although the demon was severely injured by the old man and escaped last time, he is the soul of the real demon after all. Who knows if he is powerful now?

"Old man, is Wu Mingquan here, in the dark?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but say again.

Although the old man fought against the old devil last time, he used his own body to deal with it, but he had personal experience. He knew the methods of the real devil Mingquan best. The body of the devil soul alone made him feel a powerful threat.

It would be troublesome if we did it in secret this time.

So he was extremely worried.

However, I heard the old man say: "Don't worry, the source is in that boy in the Fusion Realm. Now it seems that Wu Mingquan gave that boy the 'real devil's energy' to use against people.

The true devil's energy is the same level of power as the immortal energy. In addition, it is naturally repulsive to the immortal energy, so it causes the true energy to change. It and the immortal energy are mutually exclusive, not to mention your true energy. Cultivation After all, the person is one level lower than the immortal, which is considered normal.

Just wait for my teacher to help you resolve it. This true demon energy, if you change someone else, or face the world of cultivation, it will be almost fatal. It is not easy to eliminate it, but it is nothing to my teacher..."

Yang Yiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief as he listened to the old man's story.

The next moment, he felt that the Qiankun Pot on his left arm was getting warm, and a trace of air flow in his body swam towards the Qiankun Pot. The speed was a bit slow, but Yang Yiyun knew that it was the old man who had taken action, so he immediately felt relieved and stretched out a hand to hold it. On the shoulders of the Rat King, naturally the real demonic energy in the Rat King's body must be removed.

However, at this moment, the person who the old man mentioned as the source, the young monk in the Fusion Realm, walked up to him with a look of excitement, hatred, and some excitement in his eyes.

"Yang Yiyun can't use the magic power in his body, hahaha..." After saying this, Hao Wuxin laughed happily. He didn't expect that the real demon energy was so easy to use. Yang Yiyun and the Rat King next to him were paralyzed on the ground. Now even without mobilizing other monks in the Hao Family Courtyard, he could kill Yang Yiyun and the Rat King alone.

Yang Yiyun looked at Hao Wuxin very puzzled. He couldn't figure out what he had to do with this person. He had no impression in his mind, but he saw incomparable resentment in the other person's eyes. This was the look of hatred.

At this time, Yang Yiyun did not move, waiting for the old man to dissolve the real demon energy in his and the Rat King's bodies. As for the Fusion Realm monk who appeared in front of him, Yang Yiyun wanted to see what he was going to do? In other words, is there really any grudge? After all, Yang, his son, has killed many people in the world of cultivation. Who knows which enemies he has along the way.

From the other party's expression, Yang Yiyun could tell that there must be something to say.

Hao Wuxin looked at Yang Yiyun condescendingly at this moment, and suddenly punched Yang Yiyun in the face.


Yang was punched hard and his mouth was bleeding. He raised his head and looked at Hao Wuxin, but he said to the old man in his heart: "Damn old man, how long will it take for you to recover?"

"It'll be fine just a little bit longer. I can't hurt you even if I punch you, so hold on." Yun Tianxie replied.

Regarding the old man's answer, Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes. It is true that he has a pure Yang physical body, and it is true that he can't be damaged with one punch, but the opponent used magic power. It hurts, but there is nothing he can do. The true demonic energy in his body has not been completely destroyed by the old man. Clearly, Yang could only endure it.

"Holy Lord..." The Rat King was anxious and was about to resist, but was suppressed by Yang Yiyun with one hand, and he said through a message: "Don't move, the power in our bodies will recover after a while, don't leave your body." My palm."

The Rat King's eyes were red and he could only hold back when he heard Yang Yiyun speak.

"Bump bump bump..."

At this time, Hao Wuxin's fist fell like a rainstorm on Yang Yiyun.

He punched Mr. Yang hundreds of times before he stopped.

Yang's eyes were filled with stars. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Hao Wuxin and asked, "Boy, I've been beaten for so long. Can you tell me the reason now? I have to make sure I understand before I die, right?"

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