My Master Is a God

Chapter 1548 Flying into the arms

After several people chatted with each other about their respective experiences, Lei Huhu proposed that Yang Yiyun go to the Lei family as a guest. The restaurant here is just a property of the Lei family. To the east of the real Red Leaf City of the Lei family, there is a mountain called Leijiashan.

The entire Lei family is located on the mountain. After all, it is a cultivating family. Most of the places chosen are places with mountains, water and strong spiritual energy.

And Yang Yiyun also wanted to see Chen Qibian and other Yunmen disciples. After Li Dayi became the son-in-law of the Lei family, the first thing he did was to ask his father-in-law Lei Hu to mobilize the Lei family's forces to find the Yunmen disciples.

Over the years, the Lei family found Chen Qibian and other Yunmen disciples and settled in the Lei family.

It is not easy to find some Yunmen disciples in the vast world of cultivation. Yang Yiyun can imagine that the Lei family must have spent a lot of manpower and financial resources.

I heard from Li Dayi that he also sent people to Taixuanzong, but the people they sent had no results. He also thought about asking his father-in-law Leihuhu to go to Taixuanzong, but most of the time Leihuhu was in seclusion and would not leave Hongye City. I heard that The Lei family has an old enemy, and Lei Hu is afraid that after leaving, the Lei family will be attacked by their enemies.

So we could only send other people from the Lei family to Taixuan Sect, but the result was not very effective. They didn't even capture the Taixuan Sect's mountain gate. Fortunately, they found Chen Qibian and other Yunmen disciples, which was a gain.

Yang Yiyun happily accepted Lei Hu's invitation and went to Lei's house as a guest.

Yang Yiyun was grateful to the Lei family. Having a relationship like Li Dayi also helped Yunmen find people. Yang Yiyun remembered this kindness in his heart.

After several people arrived at Lei's house, Lei Huhu knew that Yang Yiyun was eager to see his disciple of Yunmen in Shanhai Realm, so he asked Li Dayi to accompany them. The father and daughter did not follow, so they must give people some space, right?

The Lei family is an ancient family in the world of cultivation. It has a complete cultivation system, a dedicated training room, a combat field, a magical power building, a Kung Fu pavilion, etc.

According to Li Dayi, the Lei family kept almost all places open to Yunmen disciples except for the core area. The Kung Fu pavilion, combat arena, etc. were all open to Chen Qibian and others.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun sighed: "Master Lei has a big heart!"

He knew that the Lei family could open the training ground to Chen Qibian and the others. The key point was that Li Dayi's face existed. Although the core area was not open, it was human nature. Who didn't have any secrets and could provide it to Yunmen disciples? The training ground is already very valuable, not to mention that they even open the Kung Fu Pavilion, which is really generous.

"Yes, Xiaohu and her father are actually nice people..." Li Dayi sighed, and he was truly grateful.

Without the Lei family, he might have been worse off than Lao Fang, and might even have lost his life. In the vast world of cultivation, there are dangers everywhere. Although they are cultivators, there are many monks who have lost their lives...

"Be kind to the Lei family in the future. We in Yunmen must not forget our roots." Yang Yiyun warned.

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely live up to Xiaohu and the Lei family." Li Dayi said solemnly.

Yang Yiyun smiled slightly and said: "You are lucky. I originally imagined Lei Xiaohu to be a rich and powerful master, but he turned out to be a fairy like a flower, haha..."

Being teased by Yang Yiyun, Li Dayi's face turned red, but his face was full of happiness.

He was able to meet Lei Xiaohu in the world of cultivators when he was in trouble, because God was not kind to him and he would cherish him.

While the two were talking, they came to a private courtyard on a mountain peak, and Li Dayi said: "This is the place where Lao Fang and his friends practice."

Yang Yiyun nodded and signaled Li Dayi to knock on the door.

Being able to see those old friends made Yang Yiyun's mood rise and fall again!

"Lao Qi..."

Li Dayi opened the door and shouted.

The next moment a voice came: "It's Boss Li here, haha... Come in by yourself. Do you want us to come out to greet you, the big boss, at your father-in-law's house? Hahaha..."

Yang Yiyun was shocked when he heard it. The voice that spoke was Chen Qibian's voice, and the last laugh was also heard from the voices of several acquaintances.

Chen Qibian's voice was teasing Li Dayi.

Then Li Dayi grinned and said: "Hey, you really have to come out to greet me today. Not only am I here, but also old friends are here."

As for Chen Qibian, he was able to practice peacefully in the Lei family today, but he was grateful to Li Dayi from the bottom of his heart. It was Li Dayi who found him, brought him back to the Lei family, and found many of their friends living in this compound. People gave them a stable cultivation environment and hope.

This hope is the backbone of Yunmen - Yang Yiyun.

As long as they are alive, Chen Qibian believes that they will find Yang Yiyun one day.

Speaking of which, Chen Qibian is also an old hero who followed Yang Yiyun. Unlike Li Dayi, Li Dayi followed Yang Yiyun and founded Yunqi International with Liu Xiqi to build a material industry for Yunmen.

Chen Qibian, on the other hand, has always been the general manager of Yunmen. The reconstruction of Yang Yiyun's hometown village and the construction of Yunmen were all handled by Chen Qibian.

He also had a familiar relationship with Li Dayi. When he heard Li Dayi talking, he started to joke to him.

Hearing Li Dayi say that there was an old friend coming with him, Chen Qibian thought that Li Dayi had found someone from Yunmen and hurriedly ran out of the room.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun, Li Dayi, Rat King, and Lao Fang had all entered the courtyard.

Chen Qibian came out of the room and saw a few people in the courtyard. The first thing he saw was Yang Yiyun, who was very eye-catching with white hair.

Yang Yiyun's white hair has never turned black since Liu Lingling's death, and everyone in Yunmen knows it.

At this moment, seeing Yang Yiyun and Chen Qibian, his whole body started to tremble: "Sect... Master..."

Yang Yiyun was also extremely excited and his eyes were red: "Lao Qi..."

Hearing that Yang Yiyun still called him Lao Qi as before, Chen Qibian was shocked and said: "Yunmen disciple Chen Qibian pays homage to the master..."

As he spoke, he knelt down and cried.

Yang Yiyun stepped over and quickly helped Chen Qibian up: "Old have suffered."

Chen Qibian was a middle-aged man back then, half of the ancient martial arts family, and a native of the same county as Yang Yiyun. He was a very steady man. After joining Yunmen, Yang Yiyun taught him the skills to become a Taoist, and he has been responsible for Yunmen. Things, he worked conscientiously, and later went from the earth to the mountain and sea world, all playing the role of the general manager of Yunmen.

He is a person that Yang Yiyun trusts very much, and Yang Yiyun has always regarded Chen Qibian as a big brother in his heart.

Although he was nominally the general manager of Yunmen, Yang Yiyun had never regarded him as an outsider.

Chen Qibian is also a person who has made great contributions to Yunmen.

Yang Yiyun's words made Chen Qibian burst into tears. Like many Yunmen people, when he first entered the world of cultivation, he held good hopes, thinking about the scene of meeting Yun Master Yang Yiyun, and thinking that their Yunmen Sect Master Yang Yiyun would be there. Open up a career in the world of cultivation...

However, hope is always hope and will never be reality. It was only when I arrived in the world of cultivation that I realized how vast and dangerous the world of cultivators was. I was almost captured by the people of Taixuan Sect. Although I fled in all directions, I was separated from everyone...

Walking aimlessly in the world of cultivators, he couldn't tell the difference between north, south, east, and west. The vast world of cultivators was so vast that he almost died many times.

He encountered monsters, monks, dangerous places, etc... Fortunately, Li Dayi asked the Lei family to find him...

Today, seeing the backbone of Yang Yiyun, Chen Qibian's accumulated emotions burst into tears.

Yang Yiyun didn't let the big brother Chen Qibian vent his anger.

But at this time, Chen Qibian's cry alerted the rest of the compound...

Doors opened one by one...


Yang Yiyun looked back, but Qiu Yun appeared at the door on the left, with tears as red as pear blossoms.

The next moment, another woman appeared next to Qiu Yun, it was Wang Zongren's sister-in-law - Wang Jianjia!

"Qiu Yun, sister-in-law..."

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but speak out.

Then the door on the other side opened, and acquaintances appeared one after another. Brother and sister Zhou Feiyan and Crazy Zhou, as well as some old acquaintances from ancient martial arts sects on Earth, later joined Yunmen Cultivation and became Yunmen disciples. There were more than ten in total. .


There were shouts.

Yang Yiyun's eyes were red, but at this time he was faced with Qiu Yun's flying attack.

Qiu Yun jumped directly into his arms and cried loudly.

There were three women in the field at this time, Qiu Yun, Wang Jianjia and Zhou Feiyan.

Not to mention the latter, Qiu Yun was the first to follow Yang Yiyun, and she was also the woman who did not marry him. Qiu Yun was a bone killer at the time, but he saved her and was entrusted by her sister on her deathbed. Later, she followed him into Yunmen. , a person who has been serving grandma in his hometown.

She is also the woman Yang Yiyun owes something to.

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