My Master Is a God

Chapter 1561: So lucky that it explodes

Yang Yiyun and Yuan Wuchang reached an alliance agreement and made an oath of heaven.

After the two swore, the two drops of essence and blood merged together, but separated again and turned into two red lights that penetrated their respective eyebrows.

In an instant, they felt that the oath of heaven was taking effect.

Only now can the two of them trust each other.

Yang Yiyun asked Yuan Wuchang: "What to do next? How to enter the Thousand Demon-Slaying Formation?"

"Ten thousand years ago, we used blood to explore a way to enter. I hope it can still be used now. Let's go. No matter what, I can still handle the first layer of the formation area."

Yuan Wuchang walked away first while talking...

Yang Yiyun followed closely with the dragon-slaying sword in hand.

Stepping on the seemingly vibrant flowers and plants, the softness is very comfortable and very real, but according to Yuan Wuchang, this place is one step from heaven to one step from hell, so you need to be extra careful.

During the walk, Yang Yiyun discovered that the growth trajectories of these different flowers and plants were traceable, as if they were planned.

Underneath this large area of ​​flowers and plants is actually the inscription of the formation. Now that it is covered by the flowers and grass, no one can see it clearly. If you make a wrong move, the formation will be triggered. If it is a teleportation formation or something like that, it is easy to say. But if it is a killing formation, it will be triggered. It's troublesome.

Fortunately, Yuan Wuchang, a veteran who has been here before, exists, and these problems can still be avoided.

At least you can be more or less prepared.

Of course, Yang Yiyun also knew that Yuan Wuchang was not necessarily confident enough to step in sadly.

This is also the reason why Yang Yiyun agreed to form a blood alliance with Yuan Wuchang. Only by working together can the two of them have greater confidence in walking in the Demon-Slaying Thousand Formations.

At the beginning, Yuan Wuchang led the way carefully, and every step was made with trepidation. Yang Yiyun followed Yuan Wuchang's steps and forged ahead...

An hour passed, and the two of them walked about fifty or sixty miles, but nothing happened.

However, at a certain moment Yuan Wuchang suddenly stopped.

Yang Yiyun, who was following him, almost hit him.

"Why doesn't the old man leave?" Yang Yiyun asked, and he didn't find anything wrong.

Just listen to Yuan Wuchang say: "We seem to have gone wrong..."

Ting Yuan Wuchang's voice was trembling.

"If you make a mistake, just turn around or go in another direction. Why do you look so solemn?" Yang Yiyun said casually.

Yuan Wuchang cried and laughed and said, "It would be fine if we could go back or change the direction. The key is to enter the Demon-Slaying Thousand Formation without looking back. If you turn back one step, you will trigger the formation. Who knows what kind of impact it will cause." The formation, what if it’s a killing formation?”

"Well, what do you think we should do?" Yang Yiyun listened to Yuan Wuchang's words, but he had no idea, mainly because he was not familiar with this place at all.

Moreover, his Qiankun Eye and Divine Sense didn't notice anything different.

"Now I can only strengthen my luck and continue to move forward. We came here thousands of years ago and took this road. It has been too long and there are deviations in some places. What I am worried about now is that if I continue to move forward, It is a strange road for us, and we will encounter many dangers after all.”

Speaking of this, Yuan Wuchang sighed, thinking that thousands of years ago, they were crossing the river by touching stones, using the blood of their companions to find a way directly through the first layer of the formation area.

But it has been too long now, and the environment here has grown with vegetation as the years have passed, completely covering up the traces of the past.

If he continues to move forward, it is very likely that the formation will be triggered. Next, he and Yang Yiyun will fall into ancient formations one after another. Without the ability to break the formation, it is possible that the cycle will continue indefinitely, or even set off. The killing array died inside.

Of course, the real key is the strength of one's own means. If one has a high level of cultivation and many means, he can also forcefully break the formation and deal with it in the first-level formation area.

The first level of the Demon-Slaying Thousand Formation is okay, but if it enters the second level of formation area, Yuan Wuchang will really have no choice.

But now... it is impossible to turn back. At this time, I can only bite the bullet and go on, and I can only pray not to touch the formation.

This place is known as the Thousand Demon-Slaying Formation, and the formations are connected in rings. If a formation is touched, the thousands of formations will be connected together.

I really have some shadows about the Demon-Slaying Thousand Array Yuan Wu Chang.

Seeing the uncertainty on Yuan Wuchang's face, Yang Yiyun said with a heart: "The old man can't make any decision by looking at you. If you are in such a bad state, your luck will not be much better. Please get out of the way." I'll lead the way.

Anyway, it’s all about luck, so let me give it a try. I’ve always had good luck, maybe if I lead the way, we won’t touch any formations until we enter the second level, hahaha..."

After Yang Yiyun saw Yuan Wuchang's unstable state of mind, he deliberately teased him and offered him to lead the way, laughing to ease Yuan Wuchang's psychological pressure.

He knew that once both of them were put under great pressure, they would be in a mess. If the killing array was really triggered, he would not be able to think of any good solution in such a bad state of mind.

It's better for him to lead the way and let Yuan Wuchang follow behind to hold down the formation. After all, this old guy has been here before and can handle any changes he encounters.

"Okay... okay, you give it a try." Yuan Wuchang also knew that his state of mind was seriously unstable after entering here. He couldn't make any good judgment at this time, so he might as well let Yang Yiyun have a chance to touch his vitality.

Even if he goes in the wrong direction, it's okay, he has to face it anyway, and it doesn't matter if he follows behind to hold the battle. After so many years, he has actually been subconsciously preparing for coming to Wujian Valley, and it's not like he doesn't have the means to deal with it.

Yang Yiyun did his duty and took a step forward without hesitation. After all, it was a formation left over from ancient times. After countless years, even the so-called Thousand Demon-Slaying Formations would be able to operate, and their power would definitely be the same. Not too big.

Didn't he take risks that time to reach this point in his cultivation?

Isn't it just a formation?

How powerful it can be, besides, it is a formation controlled by no one, so its power is limited no matter how powerful it is.

If you try your luck, you may not be able to touch the formation. Yang feels that his luck is good and not that bad.

When he took one step out, he immediately felt something was wrong.

"Oh my god... Senator, I'm so lucky..."

Yang Yiyun was shouting, waving his hands, and suddenly hitting the front with two palms full of real energy.

He originally thought he was lucky, but he didn't expect the opposite. He took one step and touched the formation, and it was an attack killing formation.

As soon as he took one step, he already felt something was wrong. He didn't even see what was there clearly. Anyway, he just acted instinctively and struck out two palms.

"Boom boom..."

In the huge rumbling, the two palms struck by Yang Yiyun encountered huge force, and a rumbling sound broke out.

Only then did he see two very thick ice picks, as thick as thighs and more than three meters long, coming towards him.

Fortunately, it exploded with a bang.

This gave him a breath of relief. The ice pick that appeared out of thin air was not too powerful, so he shot it out with both palms to dissolve it.

But the scene changed completely in the next moment. He and Yuan Wuchang appeared in a silvery world, a frozen world.

The bright sunshine in the world of flowers and plants before disappeared. Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew that his luck was indeed so good that it would explode if the formation was touched.

Yuan Wuchang led the way for dozens of miles, but he only led the way for one step! ! !

The sky was full of icicles sweeping towards them.

"Don't be stunned and defend quickly~"

Yuan Wuchang's loud shouting came to his ears.

"Oh...oh..." Yang Yiyun was stunned and waved the dragon-slaying sword. Facing the huge ice cones falling like a rainstorm from above his head, he waved the dragon-slaying sword in an airtight manner.

"Puff puff puff... ding ding ding..."

The sword energy was flowing vertically and horizontally, cutting off all the ice picks coming towards him and Yuan Wuchang into pieces.

At this moment, Yuan Wuchang was hiding behind Yang Yiyun. He waved his hand and a large number of spirit stones continued to fly out and scattered around the two of them.

When Yang Yiyun saw this, he said: "Old man, it's useless for you to set up a defensive formation at this time. I can defend it by myself. The only thing is to find a way to break the formation..."

"You kid, don't be so noisy. I'm better at clearing things up than you are, so I'll take the lead first. I have my own reasons for setting up formations. I also say that I'm lucky. You're indeed lucky..."

Yuan Wuchang was hurting Yang Yiyun in his mouth, but he didn't stop at all in his hands. Spirit stones continued to fly out one by one, and he concentrated on setting up the formation.

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