My Master Is a God

Chapter 1564 There are immortals to suppress the demons

Since entering Wujian Valley, Yang Yiyun and Yuan Wuchang have not seen anyone appear. They only encountered four demon spirits, dealt with three, and ran away. None of them were human beings.

But now I actually heard human voices here.

This made both of them happy.

When someone speaks, it means there are other people out there.

I originally thought that the two of them had triggered some kind of teleportation formation and were teleported into a trap that was difficult to break. When they heard someone speaking, they were suddenly shocked.

In addition to the two of them, there are other people, which will be much easier to handle. At least they can understand the situation here, whether it is good or bad, and can they get out?

Yang Yiyun and Yuan Wuchang immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

Although it sounds vague, you can still tell the direction.

Go in the direction of the sound.

Soon the two of them arrived at the foot of a mountain, but when they listened carefully, the sound seemed to be still far away, faintly chanting something.

We can only go up the mountain...

After reaching the top of the mountain, the sound was still far away, but fortunately the direction was correct.

Continuing walking, I went up the mountain, then down the mountain, and crossed a small mountain. Then I searched for the sound, and I went up the mountain again. It always sounded like the source of the sound was in the mountain, but it was wrong after I actually went up the mountain.

After actually climbing over three mountains and standing behind the cave, their vision suddenly became brighter. Yang Yiyun and Yuan Wuchang saw a huge flat land.

A flat land surrounded by mountains. The strangest thing is that when you stand on the top of the mountain and look at it, you can see a circle of large mountains surrounded by three-layer thick peaks. What is fully formed is a natural Bagua.

There is a flat land with a radius of about eight or nine kilometers in the middle surrounded by mountains. In the center is a straight mountain peak, which looks like an Optimus Prime.

At this moment, the mountain is completely like a huge gossip.

From a distance, you can vaguely see small black dots around the central peak. This is where the chanting in your ears comes from. The small black dots should be people.

Yuan Changwu gasped and said: "What a big deal, what a big deal... Now it is certain that this is the center of the Thousand Demon Slaying Arrays. These mountains should have been moved by a great force of mana, forming the Thousand Bagua Suppression Arrays." trend.

If I read it correctly, something should be suppressed in the center of the formation. It is indeed the formation space, but the foundation of the formation is actually based on the mountains. It is built by taking advantage of the general trend of the mountains and rivers to mobilize the yin and yang power of heaven and earth. In this phalanx space world, no wonder the vegetation here is real.

It has evolved so far and has completely formed a small world. Unfortunately, the rumors have been destroyed, so there is no aura of heaven and earth. Now it seems to be true.

Logically speaking, there should be two peaks at the center of the formation, corresponding to the Yin and Yang Pisces. But now there is only one peak left, so the rumors should be correct.

A demon destroyed a mountain forcibly, so the formation space world here is not comprehensive and has no support from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In other words, after destroying a central mountain, it completely cut off the operation of the entire formation center. Do not let the spiritual energy of heaven and earth enter this square array space world.

Inferred from this, what should be suppressed under the only remaining mountain we see now, and the destroyed mountain should be the key to maintaining the core of the formation and suppressing another mountain. "

Listening to Yuan Wuchang's analysis, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but be speechless. He had never seen anyone who could move mountains to arrange a formation. If Yuan Wuchang hadn't mentioned it today, he wouldn't have known about it.

Moreover, Ting Yuan Wuchang's analysis seems to be very reasonable, but if this is really the case, what kind of terrible demon should be suppressed under the single peak in the center of the mountains and gossip.

After the two of them looked at the center of the formation in the distance for a long time, Yang Yiyun said: "Let's go, no matter what the situation is, let's get closer and take a look. At least there is someone there, but we just don't know who it is...?"

Yuan Wuchang nodded, his eyes were extremely bright, and he seemed a little excited at this moment...

He wondered whether those little black dots, or people, in the center of this huge Bagua formation could be the companions who came in with him thousands of years ago...?

This is not impossible. After they entered the Demon-Slaying Thousand Formation, many people did not immediately set off to kill the formation and die on the spot, but many people disappeared out of thin air. Thinking about it, it is very likely that they will also enter the teleportation formation. The formation here is not fixed, and it is not impossible to be transported into the center of the formation by the teleportation formation...

Yang Yiyun also had the same idea. He was wondering if there would be his own woman among those people?

After the two of them had this idea in their minds, they quickly went down the mountain and headed straight to the heart of the Bagua array...

A few minutes later, Yang Yiyun and Yuan Wuchang turned into afterimages and rushed under the single peak in the center of the Bagua array, but a thunderous sound sounded from behind.


At this time Yang Yiyun and Yuan Wuchang stopped.

The two stopped a hundred meters away from Dufeng. At this moment, they saw that Dufeng looked like a pillar reaching the sky from a distance. It looked very thin, but when they got closer, they found that it was a huge mountain peak, going straight through the clouds in the sky.

According to visual inspection, it is at least more than 300 meters in diameter.

And in front of the central single peak, a wave of people gathered.

Yang Yiyun saw that there were about twenty or thirty people in their sight, all sitting around the single peak, within thirty meters of the single peak.

In front of these people, I saw three more people in simple clothes facing Dufeng. Each of them had a thigh-thick iron chain in their hands, and the iron chain was covered with complex inscriptions.

Judging from the distance, the three people connected with the iron chain seemed to be trapping this single peak.

Yang Yiyun looked around, and if he guessed correctly, there should be people around Dufeng or on the other side.

The iron chains in these hands are directly connected to Ziah Dufeng, as if they are suppressing and trapping Dufeng. They are closest to Dufeng within nine meters.

Outside, these people seemed to be relatively free. There were no chains on their bodies. They were all within thirty meters of the single peak, sitting cross-legged under and around the single peak.

What I saw was only part of it, but now that I think about it, there are other people on the other side of Dufeng.

The outermost ones look completely different from those with chains in their hands.

They are all human beings, except that one has an iron chain in his hand and the other does not have an iron chain in his hand. The only difference is the difference in feeling.

Moreover, through perception, Yang Yiyun found that these people actually exuded the aura of true energy and were still alive, but very weak.

It can be determined that these people on the outermost edge are cultivators.

The only thing that shocked Yang Yiyun was the people holding chains in the back...

When Yang Yiyun sensed it and left, he was shocked all over. He felt the aura that surpassed the power of true energy. What emanated from the three people holding iron chains was an aura as thick as the sea, a very complex aura of power. Soft, domineering, pure Yang, clean, heart-stopping,

Incredibly complex feelings.

In an instant, two words popped into Yang Yiyun's mind - Immortal.

Because this is the world of cultivation, the highest level of power is the true essence. The higher level is the power of the loose immortal, which is the most advanced than the true essence, but there is definitely some. He has come into contact with the loose immortal, and it is definitely not this kind of power aura.

So Yang Yiyun's first thought was that he was an immortal.

These people holding iron chains and seemingly suppressing Dufeng are immortals, real immortals in the immortal world.

Because Wujian Valley itself is a battlefield between immortals and demons in ancient times. There is a saying that immortals descend to the lower realm to conquer demons...

It’s not surprising that immortals can appear here.

Now it seems that these people holding iron chains are undoubtedly immortals, and they should not be ordinary immortals.

These immortals are holding iron chains and sitting cross-legged under the single peak. It is obvious what they are doing. You can guess that they are suppressing the single peak, or what kind of big devil is inside the single peak!

There are immortals to suppress the demons! ! !

As for the people outside, Yang Yiyun can now understand that these people are sitting on the outside of Dufeng. If they guessed correctly, they should be saving their lives.

There is no spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this square formation. Without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the lifespan of a cultivator will be limited. If you want to hold on to your life, you naturally need the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to protect your life.

In Yang Yiyun's feeling, the three immortals were emanating a vague power, but the people on the periphery were absorbing the power emanating from these immortals to maintain their own vitality.

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