My Master Is a God

Chapter 1567 Do you dare to touch the Demon Suppressing Peak?

Mu Mantian and others looked uncertain. It was not that they had never thought about Yang Yiyun's question, but that no one dared to raise it.

The only way out of the entire center of the formation is the Yang attribute single peak, but it has been destroyed long ago. What is left is the Yin attribute single peak, which can suppress and seal the demon soul from the ancient times.

The guardian suppressors are even the nine ancient immortals. With such a powerful lineup, even if the remaining Yin attribute Dufeng has a way out, who dares to touch it?

Not to mention whether the protection of the nine immortals can be broken, even if it can be broken, if the suppressed and sealed demon soul escapes without being refined... the consequences will be disastrous.

On the other hand, the world of cultivation is thousands of miles away. Who can bear such a big responsibility?

Anyway, monks like Mu Mantian can't afford it. If they do that and move this suppressed single peak, causing an ancient demon to escape, they will be the sinners of the entire cultivation world.

So over the years, people like Mu Mantian have thought of all the ways to get out, but they have not made any plans to suppress Dufeng, the demon leader. At most, they can only think about it in their hearts and never dare to say it out.

Yang Yiyun said it bluntly. Although he didn't point it out, the meaning clearly pointed to whether this single peak suppressed by the nine ancient immortals could be a way for everyone to get out.

When you are doing things, you need to have a bottom line of principles. There are some things you can do and some things you cannot do.

Moving this demon-suppressing mountain peak is not a big deal in the hearts of Mu Mantian and others.

Since ancient times, the world of cultivation has been divided into good and evil. There are those who preach on behalf of heaven and those who want to eliminate demons and protect the Dao. Although they are casual cultivators, they are also righteous monks.

If we really go to the Demon-Suppressing Mountain Peak, what's the difference between it and the Demon?

Moreover, the ancient immortals were able to sacrifice themselves and use themselves to suppress the demons. Are they, the younger generations, not as good as the ancients?

If someone in the cultivation world knew about it, wouldn't it break his spine?

It will be sad when everyone screams for beatings...

So after Mu Mantian listened to what Yang Yiyun said, he thought about it and told Yang Yiyun these truths, telling Yang Yiyun not to think about suppressing the demon mountain peak. The idea is not necessarily a passage. Maybe the ancient demon will be released. People like them will die faster.

Just after Mu Mantian finished narrating, a cold snort immediately sounded out: "Then the kid who doesn't know how high the sky is, must his heart be twisted...?"

The voice was old and cold.

Yang Yiyun and Mu Mantian both turned around and saw eight or nine people coming from the other side of Dufeng.

Yang Yiyun knew that these people must be the people from the sect that Mu Mantian mentioned before who accidentally broke into Wujian Valley like them, but looked down on casual cultivators.

The leader looks like an old man who has attained the Great Perfection of the Ascension Realm. The others are in the early, middle and late stages of the Ascension Realm, as well as those at the Mahayana level. Looking at their cultivation alone, they are indeed much stronger than those like Mu Mantian. No wonder Mu Mantian There was some timidity in talking about these people before.

Now it seems that these people are indeed strong.

However, Yang Yiyun was very unhappy when he heard this. This old guy was obviously targeting him.

But in Yang's opinion, he didn't say anything wrong. If you are trapped here, you have to find a way out, right?

You people who make appointments with careless intentions are your business. I still need to find the whereabouts of a few women. He still has hundreds of thousands of disciples to support in the outside world.

Besides, he just said that, and he didn't say that he would take action to suppress the Demon Peak. Even if he really released the demon head and soul as Mu Mantian said, what would happen?

Release it and let him clean it up. It's just a demon soul that has been suppressed from ancient times to the present. How powerful can it be?

After endless time, even if he does not die, he will not be able to change the world. But there is still the old man Yun Tianxie in his body, Yang. It is not that he cannot deal with a demon soul.

How dare you, an old man, give me power as soon as you come up?

To put it bluntly, we are all phoenixes in trouble, not as good as chickens. Besides, you may be a chicken, but I am a phoenix.

In this place where there is no aura of heaven and earth, even if the opponent is in the Ascension Realm, Yang is not afraid at all. He has a steady stream of spiritual peaches to support and replenish his true energy, and he is already in an invincible position.

The old man's words made him furious. Yang immediately attacked him and said, "I don't care about your business. What's wrong with me talking next to you?"

Yang was not afraid at all.

"You...are presumptuous..."

"Yellow-haired boy, you dare to be so arrogant in the center of the formation, seeking death..."

The people following the old man cursed angrily.

On the contrary, the old man at the head did not speak, but raised his hand to signal the people around him to stop making noise. Then he stared at Yang Yiyun and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha... You are the first person in ten thousand years to dare to scold me. Yes, very good." Have courage.

Seeing as you are the new boy with yellow hair, I won’t argue with you, and I don’t have the habit of bullying the younger ones. However, kid...I still want to explain some things to you clearly..."

At this point, the old man paused, focused his gaze on Dufeng, and then continued: "This Thousand Demon Slaying Formations in Wujian Valley is the hard work of the masters and ancestors of the cultivation world and the immortals of the immortal world in ancient times. They Using Wujian Valley as the battlefield, they killed the demon monks and suppressed the powerful demons, just to eliminate demons in the world of cultivation and create a peaceful and good cultivation environment...

I will not allow you to take advantage of this Demon-Suppressing Peak. You have to know that once the Demon is born, the world of cultivation will inevitably be in a situation of thousands of miles of red land. Furthermore, this Demon-Suppressing Peak cannot be anything. channel.

Now that you two have entered here, just be obedient and appoint them. After being trapped here for 20,000 years, I have never thought about suppressing the Demon Peak. This is especially true for the passages behind me. Even the monks who have sat here for generations, There are countless people, and no one has ever tried to suppress the Demon Peak.

This is because everyone knows that once the demon here comes out, no one will survive, and it will be a disaster for the world of cultivation. Who dares to touch the Demon Suppressing Peak?

Who dares to disrespect the immortal bodies of the nine ancient immortals? The bodies of the nine ancient immortals guard the Demonic Peak and are worthy of the respect of all monks. To disturb them is tantamount to disrespecting them. To touch the Demonic Suppressing Peak is a sinner in the world of cultivation. You can Dare to move? Under such righteousness, even if I and others stand still and do not stop you, do you dare to touch the Demon Suppressing Peak? "

Yang Yiyun was a little surprised when he spoke to this old man. He originally thought that this old man would do something to him. Who would have thought that he seemed to have a strong tone, but in fact he was a bit reasonable. He was upright and did not bully the small.

In fact, Yang Yiyun wanted to laugh when he heard this, but you wanted to bully him, but it's a pity that he doesn't have true energy in his body, right?

Of course, after the other party's tone was a little submissive, Yang Yiyun did not say anything and listened to what he said. However, the old man finally finished.

But Yang Yiyun started to feel more and more uncomfortable.

At first glance, the old man's righteous words prevented him from being disrespectful to the immortal bodies of the nine ancient immortals, and from doing stupid things to move the Demon Suppressing Peak, so as not to release the demon, which would bring disaster to everyone, and might even bring disaster to the entire world of cultivation.

But the old man's last sentence was very ambiguous. What does it mean, "I and others are standing still and will not stop you. Do you dare to touch the Demon Suppressing Peak?" ’

This sentence was interesting to Yang Yiyun's ears. After thinking about it, it was obvious that Lao Immortal was trying to provoke him!

At this time, Yang Yiyun smiled in his heart. For countless years, it was not that he had never thought about moving to Zhenmo Peak to find a way out, but he did not dare.

The first thing is that in the early days, the nine ancient immortals who guarded Zhenmo Peak were very powerful. They didn't dare to do it without confidence.

The second thing I don't dare to say is that these people were at least people from ten thousand years ago. To put it bluntly, their thoughts may be conservative. They still take matters of righteousness and honor very seriously. They don't dare to touch the Demon Suppressing Peak because they are afraid of what might happen. If the demon is released to cause trouble to the world of cultivation, they will become sinners for the ages.

But now that so much time has passed, the power of the immortal bodies of the nine ancient immortals has become much weaker. Even if the suppressed demon souls have not been refined, they should be about the same. If they can come out, it is probably not a big disaster.

These people saw that the power of the immortal bodies of the nine ancient immortals was exhausted, and they were about to face a situation where they had no strength to support their survival.

At this moment, he and Yuan Wuchang broke in, and he blatantly stated whether the Demon Suppression Summit was a way out.

At this time, the minds of people like the old man became active. They inspired themselves to do things that they dare not do. It would be best if they can get out at that time. Everyone can live and have hope. Release the scapegoat of the devil and the sinners of the ages. He, Yang Yiyun, is responsible for all the reputation, and no one will be overwhelmed by justice.

So Yang Yiyun understood the meaning of Lao Immortal!

But so what?

Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart and stared at the old man, but he showed the expression of a stunned young man who was ignorant of the world and said: "Why don't you dare to move? I will move the Demon Suppressing Peak today to show you."

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