My Master Is a God

Chapter 1572 Received eighteen old guys

The Holy Land of All Souls is an old Holy Land with a long history. How can these old guys not know the details of the Holy Land of All Souls?

However, this kid Yang Yiyun now said lightly, he destroyed the Holy Land of All Spirits?

This made these old guys feel very upset.

Everyone looked at Yang Yiyun with wide eyes, only to find that Yang Yiyun did not lie to him, he was a human being, and they also knew that no one dared to joke about such things.

It's not that easy to joke about a holy land.

In fact, when Yuan Wuchang introduced Mu Mantian and others when they first met, he said that Yang Yiyun was the Holy Master.

It’s just that everyone didn’t take it seriously at the time.

Now that Yang Yiyun personally said that he destroyed the Holy Land of All Souls, the faces of the old guys finally changed. Mu Mantian asked for proof of Yuan Wuchang, but Yuan Wuchang nodded, indicating that what Yang Yiyun said was completely true.

And Kuang Suifeng became uncertain when Yang Yiyun stared at him. His family knew about him, and he really didn't dare to touch Yang Yiyun at this moment.

Not to mention that Yang Yiyun even destroyed the demon, but his own situation is actually very bad. After being trapped here for tens of thousands of years, he has no real energy in his body, and is actually just a paper tiger.

Even if the formation is broken now, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will not be restored in a short while...

Yang Yiyun smiled and saw everyone's changes, with a good chance of winning, and continued hurriedly: "The demonic energy in your body has been refined by me, but the power of the demonic soul cannot be easily resolved. The power of the ancient demon Ah, I really can't think of anyone who can resolve it?

In other words, even if someone can resolve it, but... do you have enough time? Maybe before you can dissolve the power of the demon soul, you will be demonized first. How about that, fellow Taoist Kuang, do you have the ability? Do you have...? "

Is there any?

of course not.

They know their own affairs well. These old guys can clearly feel what is going on with the demonic soul power in their bodies. They all know that Hua cannot solve it.

But Yang could do it, and Yuan Wuchang was already a good example.

However, if you want Yang Yiyun to help, you must seek refuge in Yunmen Wonderland, which makes these old guys hesitate.

what to do?

Are you going to figure it out on your own after you get out?

Or turn to Yang Yiyun?

The former is a big risk. Finding someone to refine the power of the demon soul or trying to resolve it yourself are both big risks, because this is the power of the demon soul left by the demon in ancient times.

And the latter will mean being controlled by others in the future...

But is there any choice at this moment?

For them, they have no choice. Time waits for no one. They all know that Yang Yiyun is not alarmist. As time goes by, the soul demon power in the body will inevitably cause big problems.

What can be done?

They were left depressed with no choice at all, and others heard Chi Guoguo's threat from Yang Yiyun's words. It seemed that not agreeing to submit to their Yunmen would be a big problem.

The atmosphere on the court was a little strange. At this time, Yuan Wuchang knew that it was his turn to continue. He always had to give both sides a step. Yuan Wuchang represented the position of Yang Yiyun or Yunmen at the moment.

Immediately Yuan Wuchang said: "Fellow Taoists, you don't have to worry about anything else. Holy Master Yang has said that there will be no restrictions on you. Our status is equivalent to the level of Yunmen's elders. Normally nothing will happen. It is only when there is a big event in Yunmen." We will need everyone..."

Yuan Wuchang is indeed an old fox. What he said, from beginning to end, also painted a beautiful blueprint for these people.

And Yang Yiyun also said that what Yuan Wuchang said was true. The two of them, one with a white face and the other with a black face, set the tone. Then the eighteen old guys also came down the steps, and each one of them, although reluctant, took the oath of heaven. Surrendered to Yunmen Wonderland.

After that, Yang looked at Yuan Wuchang and handed out a color. He still had the last step to break the arrogance in the hearts of these old guys.

That is to pay homage to him, the Great Holy Lord of Yunmen, just to let them understand who the boss is, right?

Yuan Wuchang was reluctant, but at this point, he had no reluctance anymore. He gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee and said, "My subordinate Yuan Wuchang pays homage to the Holy Lord."

With Yuan Wuchang opening the door, others could only cover it up.

The voice is weak but has an attitude.

"My subordinate Kuang Suifeng..."

"My subordinate Mu Mantian..."


Eighteen people all knelt down on one knee to worship and called the Holy Lord!

Yang smiled and pretended, and waved his hands to help everyone. Today he forced these people to discover the Heavenly Pledge and join Yunmen Wonderland. Although he knew that these old guys were reluctant, but what about him? , it doesn’t matter, as long as these people enter Yunmen Wonderland, he has a way to make them stay in Yunmen Wonderland willingly and contribute to the growth of Yunmen.

Then Yang began to dissolve the demonic soul power in these people one by one.

With the existence of the Qiankun Pot, absorbing some demonic soul power is just a matter of raising his hand for him.

Soon the power of the demonic soul in everyone's bodies was completely released.

And the resentment in the hearts of these old guys has also dissipated a little.

After all, when it comes down to it, it is Yang Yiyun's credit that these people were able to get out of trouble. It is not an exaggeration to say that Yang is their benefactor.

Thinking about it this way, there is actually no resentment at all.

For the casual cultivator Mu Mantian and others, it is actually a very good way to join the Yunmen Fairyland and have elder status and treatment. The casual cultivator has no one to rely on and walks alone, often as if he is floating without roots. These people are the most It is to understand the benefits of having a strong sect as a backing.

Even if you are trapped in Wujian Valley, it is to pursue a better path, to take risks and seek opportunities. If someone provides training resources, you will take the risk, right?

So when I think about Mu Mantian and others, I feel happy.

As for the nine people headed by Kuang Suifeng, they also thought about a problem, that is, they have been trapped for tens of thousands of years, and whether their respective sects are still there or not is a question.

Even if the sect still exists, if they disappear after so many years, things and people may have changed. The greater possibility is that the sect may not even exist.

If this is the case, it would actually be a good thing for them to join Yunmen Wonderland, a force that sounds no worse than any other Holy Land force. At least they will have a destination after leaving.

The conditions for Yang Yiyun's expulsion were actually very good for them. For example, right now, as soon as Holy Master Yang took action, everyone had a spiritual peach with extremely pure spiritual energy. After taking one spiritual peach, the depleted true energy in their bodies suddenly disappeared. Added a lot...

It had been tens of thousands of years since I had tasted the taste of spiritual peach, nor had I enjoyed the feeling of the zhenqi running unbridled in the body. All the old guys had tears in their eyes and kept saying thank you.

Yang smiled and sugar-coated bullets never go out of style.

Next, he has no interest in staying here. Now that the Thousand Demon-Slaying Formation has been completely cracked, the entire valley has returned to the Great Thousand World. Without the formation covering it, it is much easier to find people in Wujian Valley.

Immediately, everyone was divided into four groups. The eighteen old guys plus him and Yuan Wuchang were exactly 20 people. They were divided into four teams and scattered throughout the Wujian Valley to look for a few women.

There is no formation covering Wujian Valley. Although there is still the influence of demons, it has little impact on them.

After being divided into four groups, they rose into the sky one by one and started looking for...

Yang Yiyun was followed by three people. After he flew high into the sky, he released the overwhelming spiritual consciousness, but he also found that there were some places that were still invisible to the spiritual consciousness. After all, this was the battlefield of ancient immortals and demons. Although the formation was broken, it was still normal.

The four teams divided into four directions: southeast, northwest, and Yang Yiyun led the people to the east.

He looked for a place where his spiritual consciousness couldn't see through. Some places in the entire Wujian Valley were still shrouded in demons, which his spiritual consciousness couldn't see through with the naked eye.

In his consciousness, he discovered a total of three places in the east that his consciousness could not see. In a few minutes, he led people to the first location.

I entered the evil spirit and found no one. Instead, I ran into a monster. It wasn't too powerful, but it wasn't weak either. After killing it, I continued walking down...

It has not been found in two places in a row, and this is the last place. If it is not found here again, Yang Yiyun will count on Yuan Yuan Wuchang, Mu Mantian, Kuang Suifeng and the others.

The last place to the east of Wujian Valley is a grotto full of demonic energy. Yang Yiyun led three old guys into the grotto without hesitation.

At first, the entrance was only five or six meters wide and high, but after walking for twenty or thirty meters, I found that it was getting closer and closer to a very large grotto, but it seemed that there was only one road and there were no forked roads.

When he was about a hundred or ten meters away, Yang Yiyun heard a cry of death. It was a woman's cry of death. This shocked him all over and made his heart beat wildly.

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