My Master Is a God

Chapter 1576 What happened to Liu Xiqi and his wife

There are many weird places near the wilderness, and some places cannot be discovered even by spiritual consciousness. Yang Yiyun can only mobilize everyone to search for them. The method is a bit clumsy, but it is the most effective.

Also waiting for the arrival of the army of birds led by the peacock, it is much faster to search in the sky.

They have to be found anyway. Zihuang, Liu Xiqi and his sister Yang Shanshan may be in big trouble, but Yang Yiyun also believes in Zihuang's methods. It is not easy to kill her. At least Liu Xiqi and his sister Yang Shanshan can be saved.

Yang Yiyun believes there is still time.

Tens of thousands of great demons and powerful ones at the Ascension level flew into the Fire Cloud Mountains and began a blanket search.

Half a day later, Peacock and Green Ox also arrived and joined the search team.

With a huge team searching in all directions, Yang Yiyun got the news the next day.

The peacock came to report that he had found the Purple Emperor.

Yang Yiyun quickly asked Peacock to lead the way.

Eight thousand miles south of the Huoyun Mountains, there is a small valley here.

At this moment, the Purple Emperor transformed into a body of dozens of feet, with purple light all over his body, like a monster war god, blocking the entrance of the valley with one man standing in front of ten thousand men. His sharp claws faced the divine weapon, and he swung it out to kill. Never take a step back.

At this moment, there are two human beings behind the Purple Emperor, a man and a woman, who are Yang Yiyun's good brother Liu Xiqi and his sister Yang Shanshan.

At this moment, Liu Xi was holding his wife Yang Shanshan in his arms with a distressed look on his face, and said in a trembling voice: "Shanshan, hold on, the Purple Emperor has sent a message to Yunzi, and he will definitely come to save us..."

Liu Xiqi, with red eyes and stubble all over his face, was filled with hatred. He hated himself for not having strong strength and cultivation, which was why his wife was so seriously injured.

Yang Shanshan's dantian in her arms was almost on the verge of collapse. It was the result of a hard blow.

"Well... I believe that brother will definitely come. You... don't worry... ahem..."

Yang Shanshan's face was pale, she coughed while speaking, and there was blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

"It's all my's all my fault..." Liu Xiqi blamed himself.

The couple had not lived a stable life for a few days since they came to the Shanhai Realm. They came to the Cultivation Realm with other people from Yunmen in the Shanhai Realm. Unexpectedly, they were hunted down and killed by Taixuan Sect as soon as they arrived. Fortunately, they managed to escape.

But just like this, I lived a wandering life in the vast world of cultivation. The Yunmen disciples I brought with me were scattered to pieces, and they wandered aimlessly into the wilderness...

Fortunately, neither of them left the other behind in these difficult days... In the end, Liu Xiqi relied on his extraordinary talent to start from a young age in the borderlands of the wilderness, and after more than two hundred years, he founded Xiu Xiu. The Zhejie Yunqi Chamber of Commerce has become a well-known chamber of commerce in the wild borderland of the Ghost Star Territory.

However, the couple did not have the backing of the sect and did not have strong strength, so they were finally targeted...

The law of the weak and the strong is vividly demonstrated in the world of cultivation, especially in the wild borderlands. At first, the other party only collected protection fees from Yixie.

Liu Qi Qi knew that business survival in any place would inevitably require paying protection fees, so he paid them.

Who makes him lack the strength and thickness of his sect?

But who knew that the other party would become more aggressive and ask for more and more, but... Liu Xiqi couldn't bear it, thinking about making less, leaving some resources enough for the operation of the chamber of commerce and the daily practice of the young couple. That’s it.

After all, they were in a wild borderland, and they were not familiar with the place, and there was no news about Yang Yiyun. The couple also accidentally ran too far. They were really unfamiliar with the vast world of cultivation, and they didn't know they had left the wild land. Where else to go?

Besides, he had established the Yunqi Chamber of Commerce in the Cultivation World, and he had made some friends who were in danger of life and death. Once he left, he had no account of the friends around him.

I endured it as long as I could, thinking about slowly growing the Yunqi Chamber of Commerce first, and then leaving when they found Yang Yiyun one day.

But who knew that everything had changed just over half a year ago...

Liu Xiqi has extraordinary talent in business. In the wilderness borderland, he made the small Yunqi Chamber of Commerce very impressive and established a good reputation. Some powerful casual cultivators were also willing to find him to do business with the Yunqi Chamber of Commerce.

He has a good reputation, is fair and just in doing things, and has a broad approach. It can be said that he has made the Yunqi Chamber of Commerce the best in the wild borderland.

But precisely because of this, disaster also followed. Half a year ago, the Yunqi Chamber of Commerce took a big order at the auction. It was a weak casual cultivator who accidentally obtained an immortal that fell from the sky. device.

The young monk knew that he was unable to use this magical weapon, so he entrusted Liu Xiqi to auction it.

Liu Xiqi was knowledgeable when he followed Yang Yiyun and was no stranger to immortal weapons. He thought that buying this magical weapon privately would be an improvement in his own strength. He and his wife Yang Shanshan's cultivation base was too low to cultivate. It took him two to three hundred years to reach the stage of overcoming the tribulation. This was because he had a business acumen and opened the Yunqi Chamber of Commerce to earn training resources.

Liu Xiqi even considered the shortcomings of himself and his wife, thinking that if he had a magical weapon in hand, it would always be good to use it as a trump card.

He almost spent all his money to buy the immortal artifact from that monk.

But in the end, disaster was coming...

Someone was also eyeing the immortal weapon of that casual cultivator. They got the news from someone a month ago and went to him directly to ask for it.

This group of people are the ones who have been collecting protection fees from him. As the saying goes, the clay man still has three points of fire. Liu Xiqi has been fed up with being charged protection fees by these people. Besides, he almost lost all his money to buy the immortal artifact. They If you say you want it, so what if your power becomes stronger?

Liu Xiqi, who had refined the immortal weapon, did not compromise this time because he had both anger and confidence...

He didn't compromise this time because someone among the people coming from the other side offended him.

Recalling the situation that day, that day... there had always been a barbaric overlord force, known as the number one force in the Ghost Star Territory, who came directly to him for the immortal weapon. Three Mahayana monks came that day, and the leader was a young man. , made a strong purchase with an arrogant attitude, and offered ten spiritual stones to buy the immortal weapon that he had spent all his money on.

It was obvious that it was a robbery, which made Liu Xiqi very angry. Of course, what finally led him to take action was that the young man saw the beauty of his wife Yang Shanshan...

This was the real reason why Liu Xiqi took action.

On that day, Liu Xiqi used the immortal weapon to kill three Mahayana masters on the other side, only to find out that the young man among them was the nephew of the Holy Lord of the Holy Land of the Ghost City.

In fact, Liu Xiqi didn't know much about some forces in the world of cultivation after living in the wilderness, but he was very familiar with the Ghost City and knew that the Ghost City was the number one force in the wilderness where he lived.

He knew that he had stirred up a hornet's nest and couldn't walk anymore, so he disbanded the Yunqi Chamber of Commerce and started to flee. But before he could leave, ghost-like people in black clothes and black robes came and killed them.

The entire Yunqi Chamber of Commerce was killed...

He activated the immortal weapon and led his wife Yang Shanshan to fight to the death. However, in front of the powerful black-robed man, even though he held the immortal weapon, it was just a trapped beast. His wife Yang Shanshan was severely injured by a black-robed man that day, and her Dantian collapsed. place.

Liu Xiqi originally thought that the couple's journey of cultivation had come to an end. Who knew that at the critical moment, an extremely powerful demon cultivator, known as the Purple Emperor, appeared, and was sent by Yang Yiyun to find the couple...

The Purple Emperor led hundreds of demons to rescue the couple, and was willing to fight to be rescued. However, twists and turns occurred again...

Before they had gone far, more than twenty people with even more terrifying auras intercepted them. Among them was a man in black. I heard from Zi Huang that he was the killer king of the ghost killer organization in the cultivator world. Zi Huang was unable to resist, and there were twenty people around him. Everyone who comes is a strong person...

One of them met and killed all the big demons led by Zi Huang, but Zi Huang took the couple and fled all the way. They were trapped after arriving in this valley.

Liu Xiqi could see that Zihuang was also tired of dealing with the killer king, but if she hadn't brought the couple with her, there would be no problem in escaping. But Zihuang fought desperately and stayed behind the valley, killing the couple. Blocked behind.

Seeing that the Purple Emperor had transformed into a real body with scars all over his body, Liu Xiqi couldn't bear it anymore.

At this moment, his wife in his arms fainted as he spoke. Liu Xiqi looked at the fierce battle outside the valley. The big demons around the Purple Emperor had fallen into a pool of blood one by one. He knew that it would be difficult to be kind today.

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