My Master Is a God

Chapter 1578 Breakthrough in cultivation in rage

The Ghost Killer Organization, or the people in the Holy Land of the Ghost City, had actually been eyeing his ever-changing supernatural powers for a long time.

Back then in Taihuang, Ming Youran saw the various magical powers in him, and tried hard to get them. Later, after coming out of the Heavenly Demon Palace, Ming Youran still found the ghost killer's senior sister, and wanted Yang Yiyun's magical powers. , but was killed by Yang Yiyun.

It was at that time that Yang Yiyun knew that the Ghost Killer Organization had been looking for the Variety of Magical Powers, but had found nothing. However, among the past killer kings of the Ghost Killer Organization, some of them had seen the Variety Supreme perform the Variety of Magical Powers. Since then, only Relying on his knowledge, he created the ghost method.

It is also a transformation technique that uses true energy, but it can only transform half of it, not the whole body.

When Ming Youran was in the Heavenly Demon's palace, he took the disciples from the Ghost City and transformed into a python body. However, Yang Yiyun directly used the magic of various magical powers to transform into a divine dragon. It was also at that time that he was targeted by Ming Youran and wanted to Obtain the magical power from him.

However, the Variety Supreme's Variety of Magical Powers was taught to him by the old man. In the old man's words, he and Variety Supreme were good friends, but he only received the external cultivation method of Variety's Divine Power, but he could use mana to incarnate it. Become any form.

According to what the old man said, if there is a method of internal cultivation that can change the magical power, then the incarnation can imitate whatever the incarnation thinks and the aura can imitate.

It's a pity that the old man has never obtained the inner cultivation method of all-changing magical powers.

The reason why Ming Youran and others took away the magical power from him back then was because of the Technique of Variety. For killers, it was simply a natural killer magical power.

If there really is a king of assassins in the world, Yang Yiyun feels that the Variety Supreme deserves it. As for the assassin king of any ghost killer organization, it is nothing compared to the Variety Supreme.

The Killer King and Niu Daozi were fighting, but he was stabbed by Niu Daozi, but Yang Yiyun also seized the opportunity to stab the Killer King with a sword.

Yang Yiyun could hear the scream clearly, and there was blood on the ground.

But the strange thing is that the Killer King has disappeared.

However, Yang Yiyun used his spiritual consciousness blessed by the Black Lotus Space to discover that the Killer King had not escaped and his aura was still nearby.

It just disappeared out of thin air.

But Yang Yiyun was sure that the Killer King had not left, because a hundred meters away was an encirclement composed of tens of thousands of Mahayana demon soldiers and generals.

The blood stains on the ground showed that the Killer King was hit by his sword, but there was no body, which meant that he was still alive.

When Yang Yiyun arrived in front of the bloodstains, he couldn't help but be secretly frightened. The Killer King did have some abilities. He used the space-breaking sword, which was his most powerful sword at present. Even the Ascension Realm Dzogchen could be defeated by his sword. Can kill.

Who would have thought that this killer king could disappear on the spot...

Now there is only one possibility that Yang Yiyun can think of. The Killer King must still be nearby, and he must have used ghost magic to blend into the surrounding environment...

As a killer, especially a King of Killers, his means of hiding must be extraordinary. It is not difficult for the King of Killers to blend into the surrounding environment.

This is deep in the mountains, and there are a lot of vegetation and rocks around, making it easy to hide your figure.

This is not difficult for the Killer King.

Yang Yiyun held the dragon-slaying sword in reserve and observed the surrounding environment. He dared to be sure that the Killer King was nearby.

Looking around, there was no difference between the vegetation, mountains and rocks. Now Yang Yiyun was shocked. No matter how well you hide it, there must always be aura, right?

There was no breath. The grass and trees were just grass and trees, and the rocks were just rocks. He couldn't see any difference.

Yang Yiyun frowned, and then suddenly drew his sword.


Since this is not possible, then he will destroy the surrounding environment, and he will not be able to force out the Killer King.


The next moment, Yang Yiyun was startled, but there was a big movement of the soil behind him. Feeling the crisis, he used his backhand to resist with a sword. As a result, with a roar, Yang Yiyun's whole body was shaken, the energy and blood in his body was churning, and he flew backwards.

In an instant, Yang Yiyun saw the Killer King materializing in the mud, holding a pitch-black dagger and stabbing him.

Yang Yiyun, who had just been stabbed in the back, retreated and lost his balance and position. Then the Killer King stabbed again, almost in one go, without giving Yang Yiyun any chance to breathe.

In the flash of lightning, Yang Yiyun's pupils suddenly shrank, and the killer king's dagger in his sight was pointed directly at the center of his eyebrows, only a short distance away.

At this moment, cold sweat fell down Yang Yiyun's back, and the hairs all over his body stood on end. He smelled the breath of death.

It all happened too fast before...

He was not given a chance to breathe, and his moves were skillful and capable, without any sloppiness, and he finished it in one go.

The Killer King wore a mask, and only one eyeball could be seen. Yang Yiyun saw a piece of ice in the other's eyes. There was no fluctuation in his eyes, like a pool of stagnant water.

The cold air coming from the dark dagger made Yang Yiyun feel pain on his face.

This is a dagger at the level of an immortal weapon...

Yang Yiyun thought in his heart.

The smell of death has never been so close.

Is it going to end?

Yang Yiyun asked in his heart.

"Holy Lord..."

In the distance, Peacock, Qingniu, Rat King and Kuang Suifeng were waiting to shout anxiously, but... they all knew that there was no time to stop or rescue Yang Yiyun.

All the masters present, whether they were humans or demons, could clearly see that Yang Yiyun was locked in the hands of an old monster like the Killer King, and there was no way he could escape!

As Yang Yiyun's woman, the peacock let out a long roar: "Chirp..." Her eyes turned red and transformed into the peacock's true form.

But no matter how anxious he was, it was difficult to save him.

At the mouth of the valley, Zihuang returned to his human form, leaning on a mountain wall with injuries all over his body. He also saw Yang Yiyun's situation and was extremely anxious, but he couldn't move an inch.

Liu Xiqi was holding his comatose wife Yang Shanshan in his arms. He also saw the scene of Yang Yiyun being attacked by the killer king, and his eyes widened: "Yunzi..."


He spit out a mouthful of blood as he was furious.

Everyone's heart is hanging...

Yang Yiyun himself also had his pupils dilated in this situation. If it were normal, maybe the master would come out at this time, but since the battle between the old man and the demon soul in the center of the formation, his soul was consumed a lot and he fell into a deep sleep again. At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that the old man could not count on him.

The only thing he can count on is the Black Lotus in the sea of ​​consciousness. The Black Lotus has a spirit and can transform into a Black Lotus woman. However, the spirit of the Black Lotus has said that it will only protect his sea of ​​consciousness and will not interfere with other things.

And even if the Black Lotus woman can take action, she doesn't know if she can take the Killer King's blow.

After all, Yang Yiyun is in the middle stage of Mahayana cultivation. Although his cultivation level has reached the stage of Mahayana perfection, his strength is still in the middle stage of Mahayana, and he has no time or strength to fight back.

The Killer King is the Dzogchen Realm of Ascension and is a top-notch cultivator. With such strength, he attacks secretly. Who can escape?

Yang Yiyun was shocked...

Life and death can happen in an instant.


However, at this moment, a sharp roar sounded.

When Yang Yiyun was about to accept his fate, he heard this sharp roar.

It's Mink!

A golden shadow rushed out from behind Yang Yiyun, or a sharp claw pierced out from Yang Yiyun's shoulder.

Yang Yiyun was shocked.

He had forgotten the existence of Diaoer.

Diao'er was usually the size of a kitten and would often squat on his shoulders. Yang Yiyun would ignore Diao'er when he was used to it, but he didn't expect that Diao'er would take action at the most critical moment today.

At this moment, only Diao'er's speed could withstand the Killer King's blow.

In the blink of an eye, Diaoer stretched out his golden claws and directly aimed at the Killer King's dagger.


The next moment, Mink let out a scream.

But at this moment, Diao'er bought Yang Yiyun breathing time.


Yang Yiyun roared, and he could clearly see that the Killer King's dagger pierced Diao'er's claws, and penetrated directly into Diao'er's body.

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun slashed at the Killer King in the middle with a sword.

He finally had some breathing time...

But the assassin king's stab pierced Diao'er's small body. When Yang Yiyun slashed with his sword, Diao'er was thrown out, dodged by Yang Yiyun's sword, and then quickly retreated backwards.

"Ah...I want you to die..."

Yang Yiyun's white hair rose without wind, the aura in his body continued to rise, and there was a buzzing sound inside his body...

But after seeing Diaoer being pierced through the body and thrown out by the Killer King, he was completely exposed.

At this moment, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth swarmed into Yang Yiyun's body... The spiritual energy for hundreds of miles around rose violently.


There was a click in Yang Yiyun's body, but it was the cultivation level of the middle stage of Mahayana that broke through at this moment, rising one after another...

In his rage, Yang Yiyun made a breakthrough in cultivation.

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