My Master Is a God

Chapter 1580 Follow me to conquer the ghost city

When Yang Yiyun walked over with a cold face, the Killer King was already exhausted. The sword he just struck had more than doubled his previous strength, and the Killer King couldn't take it.

The Killer King was frightened when he saw Yang Yiyun coming over. Yang Yiyun didn't talk nonsense to him. He stretched out his hand and grabbed his head. Suddenly, the Killer King's spirit was caught in Yang Yiyun's hand.

The soul search begins...

After ten breaths, Yang Yiyun let go, but the Killer King also lost his soul, leaving only a body.

Facing this notorious assassination leader, Yang Yiyun showed no respect for a strong man. He directly raised his foot and landed on his corpse, waiting for the flames to rise.

This time the killer king was defeated by Yang Yiyun.

It was only at this moment that Yang Yiyun calmed down, his mind returned to rationality, he turned and disappeared and appeared in front of Diao'er.

Diao'er became the killer king's dagger, and Yang Yiyun saw Diao'er being pierced through the body by the killer king with his own eyes.

"Master, look at Diao'er quickly. She's seriously injured..." Niu Duzi had been guarding Diao'er for a long time. When Yang Yiyun came over, he spoke quickly.

"Well... don't worry, I won't let anything happen to Diao'er..."

While talking, Yang Yiyun held Diao'er in his arms, feeling the weak breath of Diao'er and feeling extremely distressed.

Even though Diao'er is the most naughty among several spiritual pets, she is the first to follow Yang Yiyun and the first to accompany Yang Yiyun. She is also the one who can risk her life to save Yang Yiyun. This is not the first time that this has happened. .

So it is not unreasonable to say that Yang Yiyun favors Diaoer.

When he and Hou Doudou were together again, even if Diaoer caused trouble, Yang Yiyun would always deal with Hou Doudou. Later, there were more spiritual pets around him, and Diaoer was still unscrupulous, but Yang Yiyun was still tolerant to Diaoer, Even after the existence of unicorn beasts such as Niu Duzi, Yun Lei Beast, Little Phoenix, etc., it was still Yang Yiyun who deliberately targeted Diao Er and made Diao Er the little boss.

In Yunmen Wonderland, even the Purple Emperor was troubled by Diao'er, but he would not say anything because everyone knew Diao'er's status beside Holy Lord Yang Yiyun.

At this time, everyone saw that when Yang Yiyun held Diao'er in his arms, he calmed down, but it was a little abnormal.

Everyone saw that Diao'er was seriously injured, but Yang Yiyun was not too exposed as expected, but was very calm, which made everyone feel like a storm was coming...

Killing a killer king is not enough to vent your anger!

There must be bigger moves to be made.

It is true that Yang Yiyun was holding Diao'er in his arms at the moment and saw Diao'er's injury. There was already a sandstorm in his heart, but he suppressed it. At this moment, treating Diao'er's injury was the most important thing. On the other side, there were sisters Yang Shanshan and Zi. The imperial capital is seriously injured...

Diao'er's injury was that one of his front paws penetrated, and his abdomen was directly pierced. When he checked with his spiritual sense, Diao'er's body was in a mess. Spiritual beasts don't have Dantian, but Diao'er has a similar universe in his belly and a demon elixir. There is a crack in Diao'er's demon pill, which hurts the demon soul.

Other injuries are easier to say.

With a move in his heart, Yang Yiyun gave Diao'er a drop of water of life. The next moment, all Diao'er's wounds healed, but the injuries on the demon pill did not improve at all.

Yang Yiyun then put Diao'er into the space of the Qiankun Pot and placed it directly on the Life Stone. The water of life is produced from the Life Stone, but the demon elixir on the Life Stone can nourish Diao'er. Whether it can be restored depends on God's will.

After all, the power of the Stone of Life is vitality, but not the power of the soul. Diaoer's injury is caused by the demon elixir, and what exists in the demon elixir is Diaoer's soul. This is the key point.

After that, Yang Yiyun went to the entrance of the valley and gave Zi Huang a drop of water of life to stabilize the injury. Zi Huang was a master after all. Although the injuries looked serious, they were all external injuries. He took a drop of water of life and it would heal on its own after a period of recovery.


Arriving next to Liu Xiqi and his sister Yang Shanshan, Liu Xiqi shouted with red eyes.

Yang Yiyun's eyes were also red. He saw the self-blame in Liu Xiqi's eyes, and understood that Liu Qiqi blamed himself for not taking good care of his sister Yang Shanshan.

"Everything will pass. It's better to find you than anything else." Yang Yiyun said and gave Liu Xiqi a bear hug. He did not blame Liu Xiqi. He already knew about the situation of Liu Xiqi and his sister Yang Shanshan and thought that Liu Xiqi Being able to do this is already better than a lot.

"Look at Shanshan, she's hurt her Dantian..." Liu Qiqi was not polite to Yang Yiyun. Knowing Yang Yiyun's medical skills, Yang Yiyun might be the only one who could save his wife.

"Don't worry, Shanshan's problem is not serious. I'm here to heal her." Yang Yiyun smiled at Liu Xiqi. There were not many pretentious words when the brothers met, and all the emotions were contained in a look and a few words.

While talking, Yang Yiyun began to treat the injuries of his comatose sister Yang Shanshan. He was a man and the spiritual support of Yunmen. He was the spiritual support of everyone, including Liu Xiqi, and he did not dare to show his worries.

In fact, is my sister Yang Shanshan's injury really not serious?

Not really.

It's just that Yang Yiyun didn't want Liu Xiqi to worry.

In the world of cultivation, elixirs are the foundation of cultivation. If there is a problem with the Dantian, how can it not be serious?

Yang Yiyun had actually glanced at his sister Yang Shanshan's injuries in his consciousness. However, he was anxious but thought that the killer king was healing her injuries.

In fact, Yang Shanshan's injuries were very serious. A drop of water of life would be enough to heal her injuries. The difficulty lay in her Dantian. Her Dantian was severely injured and full of cracks, almost to the point of collapse.

If the recovery is not good, at least the cultivation level will regress, and at worst, the Dantian will eventually collapse and become an ordinary person from then on.

This is what neither Yang Yiyun nor Liu Xiqi want to see. Being an ordinary person means that lifespan is limited and there will eventually be an end.

At that time, they will all live for tens of thousands of years, and even ascend to the immortal world and become immortals forever. But is my sister Yang Shanshan allowed to be an ordinary person, live for hundreds of years and then die in the loess?

This is unacceptable to Yang Yiyun.

It's just that the injury to Dantian was somewhat beyond the scope of his medical skills. All he could do was try his best to stabilize his sister's Dantian from spreading.

Then I'll think of ways to remedy it.

It took three days for Yang Yiyun to stop with a tired look on his face. He tried his best to stabilize his sister's Dantian, but there seemed to be nothing he could do about the cracks in her Dantian.

"How is Yunzi?" Liu Xiqi asked with a worried look on his face when he saw Yang Yiyun's success.

Yang Yiyun would naturally not tell the truth to Liu Xiqi. If he told the truth to Liu Xiqi, based on his understanding of Liu Xiqi, he would only blame himself even more.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun lowered his head with a gloomy look on his face. When he raised his head to face Liu Xiqi, his face was already full of smile and said: "What can you do with me here? Naturally, everything will be fine, but Shanshan needs to take a good rest." You will not be able to operate the exercises for a period of time, please remember this, I will find a way to fully recover Shanshan later."

"Huh..." Liu Xiqi was worried about the comfort of his wife Yang Shanshan. He didn't realize that Yang Yiyun's smile was unnatural, like a big stone falling to the ground. He finally smiled and said: "I know there is nothing that you kid can't handle. .”

"That's natural..." Yang Yiyun also smiled and agreed.

At this time, Yang Shanshan woke up leisurely. The serious injury to her Dantian was not immediately fatal. Yang Yiyun had cured all her internal and external injuries. Coupled with the powerful vitality of the water of life, it was inevitable for Yang Shanshan to wake up.

"elder brother……"

Yang Yiyun turned around and saw his sister opening her eyes and quickly knelt down and helped her up: "Girl..."

"Brother...wuwu...I finally see you..."

Another heartbreak after meeting relatives...

Yang Yiyun was also filled with emotions, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must find a way to repair Dantian and let his sister recover. He was just a sister, and there was no way he could let her become a mortal from now on.

"Okay, you are still sad now, so don't be too excited. I will send you two into the Qiankun Pot space first, and then I will take you back to Yunmen Wonderland. Now you are the only one left to return..."


Yang Shanshan was naturally happy to see her brother.

Then Yang Yiyun waved his hand and tightened the space of the Qiankun Pot with Liu Xiqi and Yang Shanshan, and saw that the Purple Emperor also took the Purple Emperor in.

At this time, Peacock stepped forward and said, "Mr. Sir, what should we do next?"

The smile on Yang Yiyun's face disappeared, he looked at the sky and said in a cold voice: "Follow me to conquer the ghost city."

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