My Master Is a God

Chapter 1584 Ghost Dog

The Holy Lord of the Ghost City rules the Star Territory, and his cultivation is at the pinnacle of the Ascension Realm. How could he not know what is happening within his jurisdiction?

Moreover, the Killer King led twenty Ascension Realm soldiers to hunt down two young monks, and a nephew died. How could he not know?

Do you know that Zihuang is from Yunmen Wonderland and Yang Yiyun?

At this moment, facing the angry questioning of the Ghost Lord, Yang Yiyun asked directly with a sneer.

"What do I know? I only know that you, Yang Yiyun, went too far to deceive others and led people to kill my Ghost City Dojo. Does Yang really think that there is no one in my Ghost City?" The Ghost Lord spoke gloomily.

Yang Yiyun looked at the Ghost Holy Lord wrapped in black robes with great disgust. It was so hypocritical. Even at this time, this old man was still speaking righteously.

No longer interested in talking nonsense with the Ghost Holy Land, Yang Yiyun said directly: "Kill..."

The anger in his heart has not subsided at all. The previous calm was just suppressed by reason. Now that he has attacked the Ghost Holy Land, there is no reason to look back.

From the moment he made his decision, he had only one thought in his mind, which was to completely remove the Ghost Holy Land and the Ghost Killer Organization from the world of cultivators.


The cow beside him rushed out with a roar, and the unicorn drum hanging around his neck rang loudly, and the whole world was filled with a thunderous sound.

Yang Yiyun knows best the effect of Niu Duzi's war drum. When the war drum is sounded, it can directly attack the soul.

In the blink of an eye, Niu Dauzi went straight to the Ghost Lord. A war drum sounded and was directly aimed at the Ghost Lord. Yang Yiyun was shocked when he saw the Ghost Lord from far away.

At this moment, Niu Daozi was showing off his power. Perhaps because he had suffered a loss at the hands of the Killer King before, Niu Daozi felt that he had lost the face of his divine beast. This time, he took action and directly targeted the Ghost Lord.

With a roar like a dragon's roar, Niu Xiaozi's body grew three times, and inscriptions appeared all over his body, emitting a colorful halo...

At this moment, Niu Duzi has the charm of a mythical beast.

When he opened his mouth, he spat out a stream of colorful breath like dragon's breath, heading towards the Ghost Lord like a cirrus cloud.

Yang Yiyun was originally worried that Niu Duzi would suffer a loss if he was rash, but then Yang Yiyun stopped and did not move.

He actually wanted to see what kind of magical talents Niu Daozi had.

What is the difference between divine beasts and other demon cultivators?

With his eyes only fixed on Niu Duozi and the Ghost Holy Lord, Yang Yiyun held the dragon-slaying sword and saved it for use. Once he found something was wrong, he would take action immediately so that Niu Duozi would not suffer any loss.

He has now promoted two small realms in a row. He knows how much his strength has increased. It can be said that he will not be afraid of any cultivators.

As long as he is not a fourth-level loose immortal, he now has the confidence to confront monks at the Dzogchen level of the Ascension Realm, even at the Holy Lord level.

There was a fight in the field, and the human monks such as the big demon, Kuang Suifeng and others all rushed towards the battlefield.

The Ghost Holy Lord, an old fox, had obviously received the news of his appearance a long time ago. With preparations, the entire Ghost Holy Land was filled with darkness and was filled with hundreds of thousands of people.

Both big and small monks are present, forming some kind of grand formation.

In fact, when Yang Yiyun rushed in with the big demon, he was completely blocked by the large formation composed of hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Ghost Holy Land.

Even at this moment, the great Yunmen demon brought by Yang Yiyun was surrounded by the disciples of the Ghost Holy Land in a large formation.

If we talk about high-level monks, the masters around Yang Yiyun are enough to throw the Ghost Holy Land across a street. There were twenty masters in the Ghost Holy Land who followed the Killer King before. After being destroyed by Yang Yiyun, the ghost Holy Land is now There are only twenty masters who have reached the Ascension Realm.

But... the Ghost Holy Lord, an old fox, was prepared. He used hundreds of thousands of disciples to set up a large formation, achieving the effect of quantitative change to qualitative change. For a moment, Yang Yiyun looked and saw that the big demon, Kuang Suifeng and others under him could not break through. The formation of disciples from the Ghost City showed faint signs of falling into it.

However, Yang Yiyun was calm and not in a hurry. If he had tens of thousands of Mahayana-level demons and more than 300 celestial demons, plus Kuang Suifeng, Lei Huhu and others, such a powerful master camp would not be able to break through the ghost city disciples. The big formation deserves life and death.

Except for Kuang Suifeng and Lei Huhu, the new human monks who joined Yunmen, in fact, all the big monsters under Yang Yiyun lacked combat experience. After all, they were all monster cultivators who came from closed places such as Taihuang Xinghai, and were far inferior to them. A monk who grew up in such a big environment as the world of cultivation.

Yang Yiyun knew that this large-scale killing was also a baptism for these great demons, so he had no intention of intervening. Only the army of demon cultivators who had been baptized by life and death could follow him in the world of cultivation in the future.

Yang Yiyun feels that the enemies he will face in the future will become more and more powerful and difficult to deal with, such as demons.

He has already provoked the demons, and he never knows when he will jump out and dominate the history of the world of cultivation. The real theme is actually the battle between good and evil.

The demons have invaded the world of cultivation time and time again, but they have been suppressed time and time again. From ancient times to the present, the demons have never been extinct.

Really speaking, the demons are the real enemies. Although the demons have disappeared in the world of cultivators in modern times, it does not mean that they do not exist, but that they are lurking.

The demon soul Wu Mingquan encountered during the last attack on Taixuanzong is a proof of this, as well as the real demon soul encountered in Wujian Valley, both of which are Liezi.

If the old man hadn't taken action, people like him and Kuang Suifeng would have been in big trouble.

There are various signs that the demons are slowly reviving after dormant for tens of thousands of years. Yang Yiyun feels that one day the demon cultivators lurking in the world of cultivation will definitely jump out, and then there will be a real war.

Therefore, he also intends to train his demon army.

The main strength of his Yunmen Fairyland force is his demon cultivators. If the demons really revive in the future, his demon cultivators will be the main force in the battle.

Now facing a large formation composed of hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Ghost City, it is also an experience for these great demons.

But even if the big demons lack combat experience and there are people like Kuang Suifeng and Lei Huhu in the field, Yang Yiyun is not too worried. After all, they are all together, and this time is also a test for their running-in.

Yang Yiyun believed that they would eventually be able to escape from the siege formed by the disciples from the Ghost City.

Turning his attention to Niu Duzi and the Ghost Lord again, Yang Yiyun saw Niu Duzi spit out a stream of colorful air similar to dragon's breath, and left directly thinking about the Ghost Lord.

And the Ghost Holy Lord was not a simple person. After being affected by Niu Duzi's war drum, he recovered in an instant, and then saw the colorful Qi spat out from Niu Duzi's mouth heading straight for him.

The Ghost Holy Lord's pupils shrank and his whole body was covered in black robes. He suddenly struck a palm at Niu Daozi's colorful energy. A vortex of vitality formed and hit Niu Daozi's colorful energy.

"Boom boom..."

A dull sound sounded.

The next moment, the whirlpool of the Ghost Lord exploded, but Niu Duzi's colorful energy still existed.

At this moment, the Ghost Lord snorted coldly, and a white bone staff appeared in his hand as he waved his hand. He said gloomily: "Ghost magic, ghost dog - swallow."

"Ho ho ho..."

Yang Yiyun's eyes narrowed, and he saw a human-like and inhuman skull on the white bone staff held by the Ghost Lord. Seven jet-black evil spirits suddenly emerged from the seven orifices. The strong, dark seven evil spirits flew out of the skull and instantly turned into seven. The beast formed by the evil head looks like a dog.

After the seven ghost dogs appeared, they roared and instantly swallowed up the colorful energy spit out by the calf like a vicious dog pouncing on its prey.

This made Yang Yiyun's eyelids jump. He knew the power of the seven-colored energy breathed out by Niu Dazi. It was a force similar to dragon's breath and very powerful. However, he did not expect that the seven-headed evil dog summoned by the White Bone Staff of the Ghost Holy Lord would actually He swallowed up Niu Duzi's colorful energy.

This is no ordinary ghost.

The Ghost Holy Land is the most unique and mysterious holy land among the nine holy places in the world of cultivation. It is also one of the four ancient holy places in Kuang Sui Fengkou. The exercises he practices are also extremely yin attributes.

At this moment, the ghost holy master was obviously using some kind of ghost power, and the evil dog summoned was not an ordinary creature. Such a strange creature made Yang Yiyun a little worried. He tightened his dragon-slaying sword and Yang Yiyun was ready to take action at any time.

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