My Master Is a God

Chapter 1587 The old acquaintance, the big devil, is also afraid

Yang Yiyun's three views were refreshed time and time again, and what happened in the past few days was really hard for him to digest.

The dignified Holy Ghost Lord was scolded by his son like a grandson. The key point is that this son is no longer a son. They blatantly said that they took away his son's body. The old boy of the Holy Ghost Lord may have known about it for a long time, but he just didn't dare to complain.

The Holy Ghost Lord was trembling in front of the young man, and even the look in his eyes was frightening.

It was really an eye-opener for Yang Yiyun, and Yang Yiyun's heart sank at the critical moment. The appearance of this young man, or the demon who had taken away the body of the Ghost Lord's son, might mean that the ghost city had surrendered to the demons.

If this is the case, the matter will be serious. The dignified Holy Land of Cultivation, one of the leading forces in the entire Cultivation World, has many relationships with the demons. This is not a good thing for the entire Cultivation World.

At least the information about the other major holy places in the world of cultivators will be known to the demons. If the demons revive and the fighting begins, it will inevitably be a big loss for the major holy places in the world of cultivators.

Yang Yiyun didn't know how the Ghost City got involved with the demons, but no matter what the reason was, the Ghost Holy Lord should die.

This old guy's own son was taken away by the demons. Obviously he knew about it but he didn't take any measures. It was obvious that he acquiesced.

In this way, it seems that his attack on the Ghost City is a good thing. It is to clean up the door for the cultivator of the true way. When the time comes, even if Tongxian Palace blames him, he will have more sufficient reasons.

The ghost city is full of demons, which is stronger than any reason.

Any sect force in the entire cultivation world can collude with the demons, but the Holy Land cannot, because the several major holy places are representatives of thousands of cultivation forces in the cultivation world and are the orthodox leaders.

So much more damned.

However, no matter how he managed to get things right, things turned out to be troublesome today.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew that the 'son' of the Ghost Holy Lord in front of him was a big role. What was even more strange was that Yang Yiyun felt a sense of familiarity from the young man.

You must know that this young man is a body-stealing being of the demon clan, and he does not want to have anything to do with the demon clan.

But it happened to be very involved...

Yang Yiyun even hated the demons in his heart to the point of despair.

The demon they came into contact with earlier was the Demon Lord they came into contact with in their hometown on Earth, and it was the Demon Lord who caused Liu Lingling's death.

It became an eternal pain in his heart.

He hates and fears the demon Yang Yiyun.

From the time he came into contact with the first demon master, to Wu Mingquan, the true demon soul of Taixuan Sect in the cultivator world, to the nine ancient immortals of Wujian Valley who suppressed the demon soul, each one was stronger than the other.

When the former Yang Yiyun faced him, his cultivation level was low at that time. Although he defeated the great master several times, he still tried his best. In the end, Liu Lingling died because of the great master.

In the end, he even captured Bu Qingmei and fled to the Mountain and Sea Realm. Although he was eventually destroyed by Yang Yiyun, the demons always left a shadow in Yang Yiyun's heart.

As for the latter two, Yang Yiyun did not confront them directly at all, but the old man took action because he was not sure about the fight at all.

So now that Yang Yiyun knew that the Ghost Lord's son was a demon, he felt nervous. After all, it was this boy who had just resolved his space-breaking attack with one blow and saved the Ghost Lord's life.

Breaking space is currently the strongest attack he can perform. If breaking space fails, Yang Yiyun will be really panicked.

You must know that breaking space is strictly speaking a sword skill that is beyond the scope of cultivation. It is a sword skill left behind by a real immortal. This is the first time Yang Yiyun has failed since he understood it.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun is very afraid of the 'son' of the Ghost Holy Lord.

On the other side of the field, the battle between Peacock and Kuang Suifeng is coming to an end. After the formation breaks through, the hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Ghost City are like leeks to Peacock, Kuang Suifeng and others, because the disciples of the Ghost City are Although there are hundreds of thousands in number, there are not many masters among them.

There are only a few loose immortals at most, and there are only five or six third-level loose immortals. The remaining second-level loose immortals and first-level loose immortals can kill a large area with one slap for Peacock and Kuang Suifeng.

The rest of the disciples in the Ghost City are just like that. Without high-level monks to control the formation, after the formation is broken, it will be a one-sided massacre...

It is only a matter of time to kill all the disciples in the Ghost City.

This time Yang Yiyun did not stop the big demons from killing the little monks, because the appearance of the ghost saint's son or the appearance of a demon clan had made Yang Yiyun distrustful of the entire ghost city. Now the ghost city is occupied by the demon clan. Intruded...

Therefore, he would rather kill by mistake than let go. Yang Yiyun did not want to leave a big problem for himself. His experience of suffering told him that there is no mercy in the way of cultivation. Being kind to the enemy means being irresponsible to oneself.

The fighting continued, and disciples from the Ghost City fell every minute and every second. However, Yang Yiyun observed that the young man opposite did not care. He just scolded the Ghost Holy Lord and set his eyes on him. .

Although Yang Yiyun was afraid at this time, he still wanted to lose the battle, so he was not afraid of confronting the young man's eyes.

The two of them held each other's breaths for ten seconds, and neither of them spoke...

This confrontation was also a kind of competition. Yang Yiyun was holding on. After he met the young man's eyes, he had the feeling of seeing an endless dark whirlpool and a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Unknowingly, his back was soaked with cold sweat.

Just when he felt like he couldn't hold on any longer and looked away, the Ghost Lord's 'son' or the devil finally spoke.

Just listen to him slowly say: "You... are not him... let him come out..."

Yang Yiyun was taken aback by this nonsense sentence. It was obvious that this sentence was meant for him, but it wasn't. When he thought about it, Yang Yiyun suddenly thought of the old man.

Although Yang Yiyun was a little confused and frightened, he was surprised that the young man seemed to know that the old man existed in him. What was surprising was that the young man seemed to have been in contact with him or the old man, but Yang Yiyun had no impression.

However, Yang Yiyun was shocked when he heard the young man's words, because he could feel that the demon who took away the son of the Ghost Lord seemed to be afraid of him, or was he afraid of the old man?

So when you show up, you just confront yourself instead of taking action immediately.

This gave Yang Yiyun a lot of relief. The key was that after the battle in Wujian Valley, the old man's vitality was severely damaged and he fell into a deep sleep. Yang Yiyun could not wake up the old man after summoning him.

But in this case, Yang Yiyun could only pretend to be serious and did not dare to show the slightest sign that the old man could not appear.

Faced with the demon youth's questioning, Yang Yiyun took advantage of the opportunity and pulled the tiger's skin. Instead, he pretended to be arrogant and asked with contemptuous eyes and tone: "You are just a demon who seizes the body, you are not worthy of being my old man." Take action, he has been killed a hundred times. I, Yang Yiyun, can handle you enough. Which little devil of the demon clan are you? Tell me your name. My subordinates, Yang Yiyun, will not kill unknown people..."

Yang Yiyun's heart was actually boiling when he spoke. He knew that the demon standing opposite him would definitely not be a small role. At this time, he was completely willing to speak tough, hoping to scare the opponent, because he observed the eyes of the demon. If there is fear, using the empty city strategy is the only way at this time.

If he really had to face him head-on, Yang Yiyun had no confidence in defeating this devil.

"Gagagga... I can be considered an old acquaintance of you or that person in you, what? Have you forgotten me when we meet again... You can now call me Ming Hua or... Demon Lord Wu Mingquan... Boy, you are not me. Opponent, let the person in you come out, I don’t even bother to bully a junior..."

The young man finally spoke, but as soon as he spoke, he was shocked and gave his name.

The real magic witch Mingquan?

The last time he escaped from the old man's hands... when they met again, he took away the body of the Holy Son of the Ghost City and appeared in a physical body.

At the stop of Taixuanzong's sealed demon altar, this demon was just a demon soul, and he was able to escape from the old man's hands, which is enough to illustrate the methods of this demon.

Now that he has a physical body, his strength should be even stronger than before. He kept mentioning the person in his body. Sure enough, what Yang Yiyun guessed was right. Wu Mingquan was really afraid of the old man, otherwise he would have done something to him. How could it be what he said? Disdain to bully juniors?

Yang Yiyun knew that the devil at this moment was not sure about the old man's situation, or that he had seen something about himself, and he was also testing in his words.

Facing Wu Mingquan's temptation, Yang Yiyun knew that he needed to do something at this time, otherwise the old devil would find out that the old man could not show up, and he and these big monsters might become the devil's snack today.

But the key is that the old man is asleep. At this time, it is easier said than done for him to release an aura powerful enough to scare away the devil.

what to do?

Yang Yiyun's mind started spinning rapidly...

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