My Master Is a God

Chapter 1607 The Medical Book of Gods and Demons is born

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The medical exchanges between Yang Yiyun and Xuanyuan Lingxi can be said to have improved each other and opened their horizons.

Yang saw the subtleties in Xuanyuan Lingxi's medical exchanges, which gave him a new understanding of medicine, opened another door, and gained a lot.

But for Xuanyuan Lingxi, her heart was not just a harvest that could be described, it was simply a shock, a deep shock, and her heart was turned upside down.

As a direct descendant of the Xuanyuan family, she knew very well that the Xuanyuan family originated from medicine, and what kind of medicine it originated from. The founder of the Xuanyuan family established the cornerstone of medicine after obtaining a fragment of a sacred medical code called "The Medical Code of Gods and Demons". The Xuanyuan Dynasty, a holy land of medicine.

It's just a fragment, but it has become a sacred place of medicine, which is enough to illustrate the preciousness and greatness of the medical code of gods and demons.

In the exchange with Yang Yiyun just now, Xuanyuan Lingxi discovered that the medical knowledge Yang Yiyun described was simply the core of the medical knowledge she started in the Xuanyuan family...

What Yang Yiyun said is literally every word. It can be called the classic mantra of medical ethics. It is completely in line with the core of her Xuanyuan Dynasty's medical ethics. Compared with the core of her own medical ethics, what Yang Yiyun talks about is the core of the core, majestic and majestic, right up to the avenue.

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, Xuanyuan Lingxi's face turned red, and she was actually very excited and asked: "Yunzi... dare I ask who your medical master is...?"

Yang Yiyun knew that Xuanyuan Lingxi would ask this question, so he had already prepared the manuscript and said: "To be honest, my medical heritage comes from the ancient medical temple called "The Medical Code of Gods and Demons". If Miss Xuanyuan is interested, I can Teach it to you."

"Really...?" Xuanyuan stood up suddenly. She was not only interested in it, but also something that every generation of descendants of the Xuanyuan family dreamed of looking for.

Unexpectedly, it was really a medical code of gods and demons, and according to Yang Yiyun, it was a complete medical code of gods and demons.

The key is...he actually taught it to her?

Happiness came so suddenly, Xuanyuan Lingxi was so excited that she was stunned...

"As a man, I can learn from the ways of heaven, how can I trick you..." Mr. Yang said sternly. For him, the medical code of gods and demons was obtained by the old man, and the purpose of teaching it to him was to save the world and prevent the medical knowledge from being buried.

But he really lacks all the skills, and he has never properly understood this temple of medical knowledge. It is a medical classic that benefits the people. If he does not exert the power of medical knowledge, he will be arrogant.

The way of medicine is different from any other way. The focus of practicing medicine is to help the world and benefit the people. This may not be possible in the short term, but it will definitely play a huge role in holy places of medicine like the Xuanyuan Dynasty and can benefit more people. Living things, so Yang Yiyun doesn't have much selfishness on this point.

All living things in the world, including monks, are actually insignificant existences under the law of heaven. If he can save every one of them with his medical skills, and he can teach them to the Xuanyuan Dynasty, he has benefited the common people.

This is a great merit!

Accumulating virtue and doing good deeds sounds illusory, but it actually exists. Under the way of heaven, it is similar to overcoming tribulations. The more injuries and killings you cause, the more powerful the tribulation will be. On the contrary, you can also accumulate merit. In the underworld, under the way of heaven, It always brings good luck.

I believe that the Xuanyuan Dynasty will be able to do this very well in the future. After all, they specialize in the study of medicine and have been passing it on for countless years, with many disciples.

Xuanyuan Lingxi received Yang Yiyun's affirmative answer, and her inner breath became calm. The entire Xuanyuan Dynasty had been trying hard to find the complete version of "The Medical Code of Gods and Demons" for countless generations without any news.

However, now that Yang Yiyun said lightly, he had a medical code of gods and demons in his hand, how could Xuanyuan Lingxi be calm?

", you, you have the complete "Divine and Demonic Medical Codex" in your hand?" Xuanyuan Lingxi asked in a trembling voice?

"Complete." Yang Yiyun replied with a smile.

"But... are you really willing to teach us the Xuanyuan Dynasty?" Xuanyuan Lingxi asked again. She didn't say to teach it to herself, but to the Xuanyuan Dynasty, because she knew that she would not be able to rely on this kind of medical holy book by herself. There are countless high-level medical monks in the entire Xuanyuan Dynasty. The true medical temple is in their hands, or in the hands of everyone, it can exert great effects.

Yang Yiyun nodded. He knew what Xuanyuan Lingxi was thinking. Since he decided to teach the "Medical Code of Gods and Demons", he naturally hoped that this sacred medical code could exert its maximum effect and benefit more living beings.

Moreover, some things still need to be discussed with Emperor Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan Lingxi alone may not be able to make the decision.

"At that time, I will visit your father and tell him that the Xuanyuan Dynasty will not impose any restrictions on the Medical Code of Gods and Demons taught to you. What I want is to allow this medical code to exert its due power and effect. Of course, the right way is to blossom in all directions." Yang Yiyun replied.

"I...I will send a message to my father now and let him make the decision. To be honest, the Divine and Demon Medical Codex has a huge impact on our Xuanyuan Dynasty. When my father comes, I can also let him take a look at you. The poison of friends..." Xuanyuan Lingxi said.

Yang Yiyun thought about it. Originally, he was planning to visit Emperor Xuanyuan and teach him the medical code of gods and demons. Now he heard Xuanyuan Lingxi say that he could just call her father, Emperor Xuanyuan, over so that he could also see what was inside Yuan Xiaolei's body. Poison, this is also a good thing. He nodded and said: "Then it will be hard work."

Xuanyuan Lingxi said: "Why be so polite? If you really want to say it, I want to thank you..."

"Then there's no need to be polite between us..." Yang said this.

However, Xuanyuan Lingxi's face turned red when she heard it, and she lowered her head and said, "Okay... I'll go and send a message to my father."

Xuanyuan Lingxi ran away while talking...

Yang was a little confused and didn't understand why Xuanyuan Lingxi always blushed. Sometimes he was just a novice in this regard.

Seeing Xuanyuan Lingxi go aside and take out the jade slip to send the message, Yang Yiyun shook his head and ignored whether she was blushing or not. He came to Yuan Xiaolei and started to stabilize the toxins in Yuan Xiaolei's body according to the exchange he just had with Xuanyuan Lingxi.

After more than ten minutes, Yang Yiyun finished his work and finally stabilized the problem of toxins in Yuan Xiaolei's body. But he also knew in his heart that half of it was Xuanyuan Lingxi's fault. If he followed the method he found from the Gods and Demons Medical Code, something might happen. What's the problem? It was Xuanyuan Lingxi who filled in the details.

In the art of medicine, details are often the key. It must be said that the Xuanyuan Dynasty spent countless hours studying medicine and indeed summed up a lot of clinical experience.

He also believed more and more that he was right to teach the medical code of gods and demons to the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

On the other hand, he also had a deeper understanding of medicine. Although he had read all the classics on divine and demonic medicine, he was still not proficient in it. Especially after a brief exchange with Xuanyuan Lingxi today, he realized that he was only familiar with divine and demonic medicine. Even if you read this holy book, you are still far away from mastering it and applying it.

It is no exaggeration to say that medical knowledge is profound and profound!

When she raised her head, Xuanyuan Lingxi stood beside him and looked at her: "Why did it work?"

Yang Yiyun nodded: "It is true that the method you said is good. The poison in Xiaolei's body has stabilized and no longer spreads. The next step is to find a way to detoxify..."

"My medical skills are shallow and I can't help with this, but I have summoned my father. I should have a way to try it when he comes..." Xuanyuan Lingxi said.

"Okay, then we await Emperor Xuanyuan..."

Xuanyuan Dynasty, Xuanyuan Palace!

Emperor Xuanyuan was discussing matters with the ministers, but he suddenly felt something. He stretched out his hand to send a message and the jade slips lit up. After his soul was swept away, he stood up from the dragon chair with a sudden leap, trembling all over and said: "The ten elders stay, the other beloved ones will stay here." Please step back."

Although the Xuanyuan Dynasty is one of the Holy Lands of Cultivation and a place of sects, the management of sects is similar to the secular imperial power, but also somewhat different. Of course, it is a monk system after all, and it cannot be completely the same as the secular imperial power. However, it is different from any secular imperial power. The sects of the Holy Land of Cultivation are different. The emperor of Xuanyuan is at the Holy Lord level, followed by the ten elders, and below that are the civil and military officials.

The ministers saw the flushed and excited face of Emperor Xuanyuan and were trembling as he spoke, but they did not dare to ask any more questions and left the hall one by one.

After the ministers went out, the elder was a little puzzled and asked: "What big thing happened to your majesty?"

"It's not just a big event, it's a huge event!!!" Emperor Xuanyuan looked excited.

"Looking at your Majesty's face, it seems like it's a happy event...?" the second elder said with a smile.

The third elder, who had a more impatient personality, said directly: "What happy event is this? Your Majesty just said it directly and let us old guys listen..."

The fourth elder also agreed: "Things that can excite Your Majesty must be unusual. Could it be that one of Your Majesty's concubines has given birth to a prince or princess?"

"Pfft... Fourth, you are so brave, you dare to tease me..." Emperor Xuanyuan was not angry, but laughed out loud.


This sentence made all the elders laugh.

"Okay, stop laughing. Your Majesty, please tell me what's going on? I'm so worried." The impatient third elder spoke.

At this time, everyone stopped laughing, and Emperor Xuanyuan said with great seriousness: "The Medical Code of Gods and Demons was born..."

After saying this, the ten elders in the hall seemed to be still, and then they all looked at Emperor Xuanyuan.

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