My Master Is a God

Chapter 1615 The old poison is indeed not dead

Short and fat Ren Yingjun seemed to have grasped the weak point of the Ten Thousand Poison King. He continued with excitement: "Do you really think I'm stupid? You old man will relapse on the night of the lunar month every month. You are the most powerful person. When you are weak.

It is true that the Nirvana Leaves are not enough to kill you, but what about the Netherworld Wild Lotus? Haha, the toxicity produced by the two combined is not as simple as one plus one equals two. I remember you said that when the Netherworld Lotus touches the Nirvana Leaf, the toxin produced can poison an immortal.

Coupled with the high temperature of the hot magma pool and the consequences of your continuous exertion, it is enough to make you drink a pot as an old man, right? These are the poison knowledge you gave me, how about it? Did I remember correctly? Quack, quack…”

"Ahem..." Ten Thousand Poison King coughed: "Yes, you are indeed stronger than the other losers. It is true that my master did not expect you to get the Netherworld Lotus. Now that I think about it, you should have gone there again eight hundred years ago. Did Netherworld Valley get this wild lotus?"

Chubby Ren Yingjun said proudly: "Yes, I'm lucky. When you mentioned that the only place where wild lotus grows is the Netherworld Valley, I went... I narrowly escaped death and got one. I can give you a good old man today. I won't use it." Unjust?

On the night of the overcast moon, old injuries relapse, and the Netherworld Lotus can aggravate your injuries three times. You should not be feeling well at this moment, as an old immortal, right? "

"Pfft...cough..." The Poison King spat out another mouthful of blood and coughed repeatedly. Then he looked at Chubby with a calm face and said, "Everything you know is taught to you by me. You use it on me." Poison, do you think it’s useful?”

"Hmph, you know for yourself whether the old immortal is of any use." Short and fat Ren Yingjun said with a look of uncertainty on his face.

"Haha, okay, if that's the case, come over here. The teacher's head is here, so just come and get it." At this time, the Poison King was sitting cross-legged on the stone platform. In addition to vomiting blood, he acted like a breeze. light.

But Chunky Tie was a little uncertain.

I wonder how badly this old immortal was injured?

It stands to reason that the toxins produced by the fusion of Nirvana Leaves and Netherworld Lotus are enough to kill the elderly. In fact, he has been studying these for many years.

These two poisons do not poison people directly, but make people's true energy retrograde. An inch of retrograde will cause Qi and blood to explode. This has been confirmed. The old immortal has vomited blood several times.

Anyway, his true energy cannot be transferred. If he forcibly circulates his true energy, he will explode and die. In addition, the soul can also be paralyzed, and the power of the soul cannot be exerted for at least half an hour. Under such circumstances, anyone can Yingjun really can't imagine how this old immortal can make a difference?

He must be playing tricks, delaying time, right... It must be like this, he must be delaying time. Although the two poisons are overbearing, they have a time limit. They only last for half an hour. After half an hour, everything will recover. normal.

We can’t let the old immortal succeed, so go kill him now. After killing him, the Nine Heavens Poison God Pill will be mine, and I will be the new generation of the Ten Thousand Poison King. Everything will be mine and handsome...

Chubby Ren Yingjun became more and more excited as he thought about it. Then he looked at the King of Poisons and said, "Don't think I don't know that you are stalling for time. Half an hour's worth of medicine is enough for me to kill you a hundred times. I'll give it to you now." Go to hell.”

"Haha, come on, my teacher will help you in the near future." Sitting on the stone platform, his expression was calm and indifferent, as if he was at his mercy.

With this kind of performance, even Yang Yiyun, who was watching secretly, couldn't tell whether the King of Poisons was poisoned?

Logically speaking, there should be nothing wrong with Chunky Ren's preparations. It is true that the Poison King vomited blood profusely and looked sickly, without any resistance.

But he is the King of Ten Thousand Poisons after all. Who knows if he has any back-ups?

But at this moment, Yang Yiyun was waiting to watch the show, because Chubby Ren Yingjun seemed to be unable to hold back and take action.

I saw Ren Yingjun, a short and fat man, hit the Palm of True Essence at the Ten Thousand Poison King who was sitting cross-legged on the magma pool, but he did not get close to him.

Seeing this, Yang Yiyun also muttered secretly: "This short, fat guy is not stupid at all!"

Ren Yingjun, who was willing to be defeated by Chubby, would jump onto the stone platform directly, but he slapped the King of Poisons from a long distance away.


After a palm strike, the Ten Thousand Poison King fell directly to the ground.


Yang Yiyun's eyes widened.

In his perception, Chubby's palm directly killed the Ten Thousand Poison King, without any breath at all.

So unbeatable?

Or is it really that the Poison King has relapsed from his old injuries, and coupled with the poisoning of Chunkyong, he has reached the point where he is exhausted?

Just kill him with such a slap?

The all-powerful King of Ten Thousand Poisons died like this. Yang Yiyun really didn't believe it, but he could sense that the King of Ten Thousand Poisons did not have any breath.

"Ah ha ha ha... dead... dead... the old immortal is finally dead, ha ha ha..."

The next moment, Chubby Ren Yingjun burst into laughter. He was stunned at first, but found that the breath of the Ten Thousand Poison King was gone. At this moment, he believed that his poison and the injury of the old immortal had played a big role. It was originally a tentative act. Lao Immortal didn't even dodge a slap, or rather he couldn't dodge, so it wouldn't be surprising if he was beaten to death with one slap.

After five or six thousand years under the shadow of the Ten Thousand Poison King, the Ten Thousand Poison King died, and Chunky Ren Yingjun went crazy...

Laughter spread throughout the chamber.

It stands to reason that the Ten Thousand Poison King is dead. Yang Yiyun should return to his original position at this moment and give an order for the forty big demons who were guarding outside to rush in and cut the short, fat and Ren Yingjun into pieces, and everything would be over.

But Yang Yiyun always felt that the death of the Ten Thousand Poison King was too smooth, and he felt uneasy. He hid in the corner and watched, without making any rash moves, and was prepared to wait and see.

If the Wandu King has any back-up plan, it will be a disaster.

There is nothing wrong with being cautious.

After Ren Yingjun stopped laughing crazily, his eyes were fixed on the alchemy furnace on the stone platform of the magma pool, which was full of heat.

The next moment he flew up and landed directly on the stone platform.

Chunky Tie was still very cautious. Although he was thinking about the elixir, he was still on guard because the body of the Poison King was still on the stone platform.

Chubby Ren Yingjun was more than three meters away from the corpse of Wandu King. He stared at the corpse of Wandu King and said viciously: "Old Immortal, you are finally dead. You have oppressed me for thousands of years, so you can be considered an advantage. "Wandu King" It’s time to give me the Sutra..."

As he spoke, Ren Yingjun waved his hand and the clothes on Wandu King were torn apart, and then a metal booklet fell to the ground.

But it was something that appeared on the underwear of the Ten Thousand Poison King.

Yang Yiyun had heard the master and apprentice say before that it should be the "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra".

Dumpty stretched out his hand, took the golden book in his hand, opened it eagerly, and then his face turned red, obviously very excited.

"Hahaha... I have the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra. I finally got it. I also got the Nine Heavens Poison God Pill. From now on, I, Ren Yingjun, will be the new generation of Ten Thousand Poisons King, hahaha..."

Chunky Tzu held the golden booklet in his hands and read the contents. He couldn't help laughing and his whole body was shaking. He got the coveted "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra".

In the past, the King of Ten Thousand Poisons would not even give him a glance. He would hide this pamphlet close to his body and always use the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra to seduce him into doing things...

Now he no longer has to look at the face of the old man to make decisions. In the future, he will make his own decisions when practicing the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra.

After a while, Chunky Tie closed the golden booklet or "The Book of Ten Thousand Poisons", and then looked at the corpse of the Ten Thousand Poisons King, which was still lying on the ground without any movement, and sneered: "I'll go down to the magma pool before I die. "

As he spoke, Chunky Zui was about to slap the corpse of the Ten Thousand Poison King, sending the Ten Thousand Poison King into the rolling magma pool.

But when I was short and fat, I thought it had happened.


A large mouthful of blood spat out from Chubby's mouth, and then Chubby and Ren Yingjun fell to the ground and screamed.

"Ahhh...what's going on...?"

At this moment, Chubby Ren Yingjun discovered in horror that my whole body was beginning to rot, starting with my hands...

The golden booklet in his hand fell to the ground, because his hands had turned into bones...


At this moment a cough sounded.

Yang Yiyun was shocked. This cough came from the King of Poisons.

The old poisoner is indeed not dead.

The originally breathless King of Ten Thousand Poisons coughed and sat up. Looking at the short, fat and screaming Ren Yingjun, he chuckled and said, "My good disciple, my master, has long said that don't treat "The Classic of Ten Thousand Poisons" 》Take a look, if you don’t listen, you’re going to be doomed now, right?”

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