My Master Is a God

Chapter 1645 The entire mountain is a giant beehive

Sister Mei's idea was to involve the monkeys in destroying the bees' nest, and try to fish in troubled waters again.

Yang Yiyun felt that this method was feasible, and he rolled his eyes and came up with another bold idea. If he wanted to cause trouble, he might as well make it big.

Isn’t there a clan of mountain bears?

Let's join in the fun together.

After all, provoking monkeys is provoking, and one more mountain bear clan is not too many.

The main thing is to create opportunities for him.

So after confirming with Sister Mei, the two went straight to the mountain where the Mountain Bear Clan was.

At this moment, the monkeys below were chasing after him, and a large group of monkeys followed him to Shan Xiong Mountain. The mountain bear that had just suffered a loss in the hands of the monkey group must have been exposed on the mountain.

Even if Yang Yiyun doesn't come out, he can still attract the mountain bear out of the mountain. If he has the monkey clan's nectar wine in his hand and sprinkles some mountain bears on it, the mountain bear will go crazy.

After Mr. Yang made his wishful thinking, he felt extremely proud...

Not long after, the two of them arrived at the mountain where the mountain bear was. Yang Yiyun suddenly took out a bucket of honey wine and handed it to Sister Mei, saying, "When the monkeys come over, you can sprinkle honey wine on the monkeys in the air. I'll go in and add some honey wine." Turn on the fire, hehe..."

Sister Mei was amused when she heard Yang Yiyun's words. She took a small bucket of nectar from his hand and naturally understood the calculation in Yang Yiyun's mind.

But he was still a little worried and said: "Otherwise, if you are taken into the mountain, maybe the monkeys will come and the mountain bear family will come out."

She was afraid that Yang Yiyun would suffer.

"Don't worry, I will be careful. They are here anyway. I am the monkey king with this thing on my shoulder. I believe that if this thing stimulates the mountain bears, they will come out in force. Anyway, the more chaos, the better for us."

"Okay, then be careful." Sister Mei knew that Yang Yiyun always had a way of doing things, so she didn't say more. She also knew that Yang Yiyun asked her to sprinkle flower honey wine on the monkey, which was also a way to stimulate the mountain bear.

Yang Yiyun carries the crystal stone egg of the monkey clan, or the king of the monkey clan, on his shoulders. The monkeys have been attracted to him, believing that wherever the crystal stone egg is, the monkeys will follow him.

And the mountain bears who are naturally attracted to nectar will definitely chase the monkeys if they smell nectar on these monkeys. At that time, they will be able to attract the two big tribes to the bee nest at the same time, and they will have the opportunity to enter the bee nest. To the Bee Crystal.

Yang Yiyun plunged into the back of Shanxiong Mountain. Sister Mei was holding nectar wine in her hand and waiting for the monkeys running from a distance to approach.

After all, the two of them were monks flying in the sky, and they arrived at Shanxiong Mountain one step faster than the monkeys.

At this moment, after Yang Yiyun entered the mountain, he directly asked Heilian to help find the mountain bear's lair.

However, Hei Lian said: "The mountain bears here do not have a unified nest. They are scattered throughout the mountain. You can just touch a few mountain bears during the anger period."

Yang Yiyun nodded upon hearing this: "Okay, I understand. Please help him keep an eye on it. I don't want the boat to capsize..."

During the exchange with Heilian, Yang Yiyun went hundreds of meters up the mountain and finally encountered a mountain bear. Without saying a word, he struck the mountain bear with a sword. Of course, the purpose was to anger the mountain bear, but he would not kill the mountain bear with all his strength.



The mountain bear that I saw was struck by Yang Yiyun's sword and roared in pain. When I saw that Yang Yiyun had hurt it, the mountain bear rushed over while roaring...

How could Yang Yiyun just wait there to be beaten?

He grinned, swooped out of the way, and when he was several hundred meters away, two more mountain bears appeared in front of him.

Mr. Yang drew his swords one by one like a cannon...

More than ten minutes later, the entire Shanxiong Mountain was filled with thundering roars.

This made Sister Mei's heart twitch outside the mountain. She had completed the task assigned to her by Yang Yiyun. She had sprinkled nectar on a group of monkeys below, waiting for the mountain bear to come out of the mountain.

But when these monkeys arrived at Shanxiong Mountain, they did not enter the mountain. They surrounded the mountain and roared.

At this moment, angry roars came from Shanxiong Mountain, which made the monkeys even more impatient.

Just when Sister Mei heard the thundering roar echoing throughout Shanxiong Mountain and was considering whether to go in to meet Yang Yiyun, the next moment she saw Yang carrying a crystal stone egg that turned into a stream of light and rushed out of Shanxiong Mountain, flying up. .

"Sister Mei, let's go..."

Yang shouted and flew directly into the sky.

At this moment, Sister Mei saw huge mountain bears roaring and chasing after Yang Yiyun.

The two of them didn't have time to speak, so they walked directly into the distance...

Look at the monkeys and mountain bears below. They didn’t start fighting. They immediately chased after them. However, it was Huahai who suffered on the ground...

The plan was successful. Yang Yiyun angered the mountain bears, triggering the mountain bears to come out of the entire Mountain Bear Mountain, and chased them one after another with the monkeys...

There was a smile on the corner of Yang's mouth. He discovered that the mountain bear became more and more violent after smelling the nectar wine on the monkeys, chasing closely behind the monkey group, and the target of the monkey group was staring at his shoulder. On the crystal stone egg.

After the plan was successful, Mr. Yang and Sister Mei went straight to the mountain where the bee was.

Among the four peaks in the southeast, northwest and northwest of this world, only Bee Mountain is much smaller than the other peaks. From a distance, it doesn't look like there are many trees. At most, there are just some weeds.

I have seen it before, but have never been to Bee Mountain. This time my goal is to go straight to Bee Mountain.

Anyway, if the three groups in this world are in chaos, Yang will gain something.

And now we can see that after rushing into Bee Mountain, when the monkey clan and mountain bears also chase him and Sister Mei into the scene, it must be a big mess.

But the next moment Yang Yiyun looked down, he was startled and secretly complained, it looked like something was about to change.

When he looked down, he found that there was a change in the sea of ​​flowers as he approached Bee Mountain.

Cui destroyed many flowers under the crazy pursuit of monkeys and mountain bears, or should be said to be alarmed. The result was that all the bees hiding in the sea of ​​​​flowers to collect nectar emerged from the huge flowers...

This place is close to Bee Mountain, and the duty of bees is to collect nectar. However, they were disturbed by monkeys and mountain bears.

This time, dense bees began to attack the monkeys and mountain bears...

Such a situation makes Yang Yiyun worried, can these monkeys and mountain bears be lured to Bee Mountain by him...?

Yang Yiyun slowed down slightly with Sister Mei and stared down. After a while, he grinned.

"Fortunately, the principle of balance of life here works. The bees have the largest population. But when faced with monkeys and mountain bears who are many times larger than their bees, they can still resist the bees in a crazy state. The attack, although the long tail needles behind the bee's tail stung the monkeys and mountain bears like random arrows, did not seem to have much impact on the thick-skinned mountain bears.

Even the monkeys, which were much smaller than the mountain bears, ignored the bees' attack at this time and still roared in pursuit of Yang Yiyun. The monkey group's target never left the crystal stone eggs.

The three parties of creatures interacted with each other. Faced with a large number of bees, the mountain bears roared and often killed several bees with one slap. However, the monkeys were smarter. When dealing with bees, they directly pulled out flowers and plants with large leaves and beat them out. It will kill a lot of bees.

Swinging coupled with fast jumping and running is actually not enough to be stung by bees.

Seeing that the monkeys and mountain bears did not have much impact, Yang Yiyun was relieved, and it would be easy to just follow them.

Of course, he also knew that the real hard nut was still to come. These bees were just bees hiding in the flowers to collect nectar. The real bee nest was the key point.

However, his purpose of attracting monkeys and mountain bears was to poke holes in the ant's nest to attract firepower. Now it seems that everything is still under his control, which is really a gratifying situation.

In a blink of an eye, they arrived at Bee Mountain.

At this time, Yang Yiyun said to Sister Mei: "Sister Mei, please enter the Qiankun Pot space..."

Before he finished speaking, Sister Mei interrupted: "No, you are too dangerous."

Yang Yiyun smiled warmly at Sister Mei's concern and said: "Don't worry, I'm just sending the monkeys and mountain bears into the mountain, and I won't fight the bees head-on. If something happens, I'm calling you out, and you'll tell me later. Little Phoenix told her to get ready, maybe to deal with these bees, Little Phoenix's flame is their nemesis."

After hearing what Yang Yiyun said, Sister Mei stopped talking and was immediately taken into the space of the Qiankun Pot by Yang Yiyun.

After Sister Mei entered, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and leaped down, rushing directly into Bee Mountain.

After he rushed up to Bee Mountain, he realized that something seemed wrong.

Because he found that the soil of Bee Mountain seemed not very strong when he stepped on it...

Once you step on it, there will be a footprint about seven or eight inches deep.

It is said that this should not be the case, but it happens to be the case. The entire Bee Mountain does not seem to be a natural mountain of soil and rocks at all. Instead, it looks like a mountain of foam.

You can also smell a unique floral scent...

Yang Yiyun's heart moved, and the dragon-slaying sword suddenly struck hard at his feet.

With a pop, like cutting tofu, he cut a long gash under his feet.

Looking down, Yang Yiyun realized that he had guessed correctly. The entire mountain was not a naturally formed mountain of soil, rocks and rocks.


The surface is a layer of soil half a foot thick, but the inside is full of dry flowers and leaves.

Yang Yiyun suddenly realized.

The entire bee mountain is completely like a huge beehive. Thinking about the ant's nest that I poked when I was a child, it seems that the material inside is also not solid...

No wonder I stepped on a deep footprint and felt like I was stepping on foam. It turned out that the entire mountain was a huge honeycomb.

Looking back now, the Bee Mountain that I saw at high altitude is no wonder much smaller than the other three mountains, and its shape is basically a circle. It turns out to be the old nest built by bees.

After figuring this out, Yang Yiyun laughed. He suddenly thought of another bad idea.

Anyway, the monkeys and mountain bears were about to catch up, so he was missing something to blame. The monkeys and mountain bears were the ones to take the blame. As long as he broke through this huge honeycomb, all the bees inside would come out, so he would hide in the Qiankun Pot. space.

When all the bees leave the nest, wouldn't it save trouble for him to come out and then enter the bees' nest?

And it is foreseeable that when the bees come out in full force, they will only see huge monkeys and mountain bears. When the three major creatures fight, this will be his chance, right?

Thinking of this, Yang no longer hesitated. He carried the crystal egg on his shoulder and rushed towards the top of the Bee Mountain at the perfect speed. He was ready to stand on the top of the mountain and strike with a sword.

The effect will be achieved by then.

In less than three minutes, Yang Yiyun arrived at the top of the mountain. The entire bee was only about a thousand meters high. Compared with other mountains, it was considered a very small mountain.

But considering it is a nest built by bees, it is really huge.

Putting down the crystal egg on his shoulder, Yang Yiyun dug out a large pit with his sword, put the crystal egg directly into it, and buried it with soil, which could more or less hide it from being discovered by bees.

After doing all this, Yang saw that the monkeys and mountain bears had arrived at the foot of Bee Mountain. He smiled, raised the dragon-slaying sword, and suddenly slashed downwards.

"Break the sword—open it for me..."

The sword came out with all his strength, and sword energy approaching a hundred feet suddenly burst out from the dragon-slaying sword, falling from top to bottom on Bee Mountain.


The sword struck down the entire mountain, making a loud noise as if the ground was shaking.

But Yang smiled, and a three-meter-wide crack appeared from under his feet. There was a faint flash of light inside, and it erupted three meters below the surface of the body.

"Buzz buzz..."

The next second, waves of scalp-numbing sounds came from the cracks.

Yang Yiyun knew he had succeeded when all the bees in the hive came out. He immediately hid in the space of the Qiankun Pot with a thought in his heart.

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