My Master Is a God

Chapter 1659 Unidentified gangster

While several young men and women were talking about him, Yang Yiyun heard a pleasant mechanical female voice, but he knew that the bus was coming seven hundred years later.

Of course, when you look at it, it is not comparable to a bus at all, but a very, very technological and dreamy cloud car.

Hearing the time of thirty kilometers and three minutes, Yang Yiyun secretly sighed inwardly. This speed, this technology... is developing so fast...

Everyone started to get on the cloud car. Yang Yiyun came back to his senses and walked towards the car door.

However, as soon as he stepped on the car door, a mechanical voice sounded and gave him a basin of cold water.

"Ding dong... Infrared scanning failed, face recognition failed, passenger you are a gangster, please get off the bus... Ding dong YHY reminds other passengers to be safe, there is an unidentified gangster, please pay attention to safety."

"Ding dong!"

After the cloud car system completes the alarm, the car door will automatically close with a ding.

But Yang Yiyun stood there dumbfounded.

"Nima... Kuroto? Unidentified...?"

He was full of depression at the moment.

There were still some people behind who didn't get on the bus, probably waiting for the next train to go somewhere else. When they heard Yun Che's warning, they suddenly exclaimed.

He kept his distance from Yang Yiyun.

Someone said: "Isn't this kid a smuggler from the island country? My identity as a Chinese citizen has been entered into the smart system since birth, and there is no black account problem..."

"I think he's from the Kimchi country..."

"Southern people..."

"No matter what nationality he is from, he can't escape. The smart cloud car system will automatically call the police..."

Yang Yiyun listened to these discussions, and the black man slowly became black.

I am an upright Chinese citizen, but I never thought that one day I would be identified as a gangster by human technology systems?

He was also misunderstood as being from a certain country...

"I'm Chinese, not a stowaway..." Yang Yiyun defended with a wry smile.

"What a liar. Our Chinese Empire has a smart identity file from birth. It's strange that you are not a stowaway from other countries. I said you people are shameless. If you stowaway if you can't get a visa, you will still be deported back to you. My own country…”

"Isn't it surprising? Today's China is not the same as it was hundreds of years ago. Visas are hard to come by. These people want to see the prosperity of China, so they can only use smuggling. I heard that thousands of people smuggle across the country every year. , but they will all be found and deported, but for foreigners like them, even if they come illegally, they have been to China, and they will have bragging rights after returning, haha..."


At this time, the alarm sounded.

When Yang Yiyun heard the siren, it seemed that it was still the same as when he left hundreds of years ago. In the blink of an eye, he saw the speeding car arriving with the red light flashing.

"Look, the police are here. This white-haired foreigner is going to be deported..."

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and watched the speeding car land on the platform. He lamented that the speed of the earth's police dispatch was now less than three minutes!

No need to ask him, he already knew that the cloud car system should have come to him after alarming.

However, he didn't plan to run away. It was all about experiencing life anyway, and besides, no one could trap him.

A speeding car policeman opened the door, and two policemen, a man and a woman, wearing dark blue uniforms, got out and came straight towards Yang Yiyun, with guns in their hands.

One of them got off the bus and shouted to the people on the platform: "Everyone, stay back."

The people who stayed on the platform stepped back again, now maintaining a distance of more than 100 meters from Yang Yiyun.

"Hold your head with your hands and squat down."

Another policewoman also raised her gun and shouted at Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun frowned. It was always uncomfortable to be pointed at. He was a dignified Ascension Realm monk and would not squat down with his head in his hands. Of course, he would not hurt these two people. They had their responsibilities.

At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that some things could not be explained clearly. He shook his head, smiled bitterly, and disappeared directly.

The next second, the expressions of the two policemen changed drastically...

Such a strange scene was beyond their understanding, so they had no choice but to report it to the headquarters.

As for Yang, he originally wanted to build a car and experience life, but after learning about the identity issue, he knew that he could not go for a walk for the time being.

After hundreds of years, it was obvious that the issue of identity and household registration on Earth had become so strict that it was difficult to move forward. He knew that if the identity issue was not solved, it would be difficult to even walk.

So I decided to go back to Yunmen first...

China Space Security Building.

"Sir, our Wangtian 600 satellite detected that an unknown creature entered the earth half an hour ago and landed in a city in southern my country." A staff member reported to his superiors.

"What can be detected?" The answer was a middle-aged man in his forties, Hou Wen, director of the satellite examination room.

The staff member replied: "The speed was too fast. Only a stream of light was captured. The data is being analyzed and should be out soon."

"After analysis, send the detailed information to my office." Hou Wen went to the office as he spoke. He was a little worried. In the past few hundred years, earth's technology has developed rapidly, and base station signals can radiate far away in outer space. This situation has also led to some unknown creatures entering the earth and causing an impact on the earth.

It is not unheard of for alien creatures to invade the earth, but fortunately there are mysterious forces in China that suppress them.

Every time an unknown creature enters the earth, it is a major event and must be taken seriously.

"Okay sir..."

Ten minutes later, Hou Wen's office.

The staff sent the data analysis materials to Hou Wen's office.

Hou Wen opened the information, and a satellite photo appeared in his sight, but it was a white-haired young man wearing ancient clothes.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a human being, and he looked oriental in appearance.

The key is that this person was actually suspended in space out of thin air. If he hadn't stayed for a second or two when entering the atmosphere and seemed to glance at the satellites, he wouldn't have been able to capture any photos.

There is also satellite video, but the speed is too fast to capture it clearly. You can only see a stream of light passing by.

A living person can fly freely too fast, which is beyond the scope of Hou Wen's cognition. It is not any alien creature but a human being, which is amazing.

Hou Wen knew that this matter was not simple and must be reported to his superiors.

He hurried out of the office with the information and took the elevator directly to the top floor. This is where the office of the Minister of Space Security is located and where the top boss of the entire department, Ouyang Lele, has his office.

The whole of China knows the mystery of Ouyang Lele, the Minister of Space Security, and there are too many mysterious legends about her...

After getting out of the elevator, Hou Wen took a deep breath, walked out of the elevator, passed through layers of security and arrived at Ouyang Lele's office. In fact, he had already made an appointment with a secretary.

"Director Hou, please come in."

Ouyang Lele's secretary opened the door and asked him to come in.

"Minister, the unknown creature we detected is a human with an oriental face, and it fell into my southern city..."

Hou Wen stood in front of a young woman in her early twenties, responded respectfully, and gently placed the documents in her hand on the desk.

"Expand the monitoring scope of the atmosphere to include Europe and South America. There has been no peace in that area for the past century. At the Datong Conference, the United States has asked us for help..."

Ouyang Lele lowered his head and signed some document in his hand. After closing it, he raised his head and told Hou Wen, and then opened the document Hou Wen put on the table to read.

"Okay, minister, I'll make arrangements right away. You go first." Hou Wen didn't dare to say anything. In front of a minister who looked old enough to be her daughter, he looked like a child.

In fact, Hou Wen knows that Ouyang Lele, the Minister of Space Security, is actually very old. How old he is is a first-class secret.

Few people in China know Ouyang Lele's identity information.

"Well, go ahead." Ouyang Lele lowered his head and answered without looking at Hou Wen. He picked up the teacup with one hand and opened the file with the other.

But the next moment she saw the photo in the file.


The teacup he held in his hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

She stood up from her seat and said, "Come back..."

When Hou Wen walked to the door, he was startled by Ouyang Lele, and hurried to her desk: "What's the problem, minister?"

Hou Wen carefully looked at Ouyang Lele at this moment, but he was surprised to find that tears were shining in her eyes and her whole body was trembling slightly. It seemed... related to the photo in the file in her hand.

"Put down everything you are doing and go check it out right away. Since... this person is in the southern city, please find him for me. Go quickly."

"Ah...okay, okay."

Hou Wen walked out, but Ouyang Lele looked at the white-haired young man in ancient costume in the photo, his eyes blurred, and whispered to himself: "Big brother... it has been seven hundred and thirty-eight years, and you... are finally back. What?"

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