My Master Is a God

Chapter 1662 Civil strife occurs

Yang Yiyun's family was enjoying themselves at the dinner table. Ouyang Lele's hundreds of years of resentment dissipated. The happiest person was Yang. In fact, he had raised Ouyang Lele as his daughter for a long time, before and even more so now.

At the dinner table, Yang Yiyun also talked about the current situation of the earth and asked his parents about the situation of us not returning to the mountain and sea world.

According to the parents, there was indeed a reason why they did not go back. When they came back, they wanted to take a look and guard grandma's tomb... They also found out that they had a grandson, so they wanted to help Yang Yiyun take care of the child and teach his grandson Yang Xingfu.

Later, when I wanted to return to the Mountain and Sea Realm, I found that two hundred years had passed. This time was actually not much at all for a cultivator.

However, the great development of science and technology on the earth came into contact with outer space, and later, alien creatures came to the earth, causing a certain amount of chaos. If Yang Guozhong hadn't taken action, there would have been big trouble.

From now on, I will just stick to the earth. Anyway, I can practice anywhere. In addition, there are blessed places for cultivation such as Luofu Cave in Yunmen, so it won't affect anything.

For Yang Guozhong and his wife, they prefer to stay on earth, because this is home. If they can step into cultivation by chance and live for hundreds of years, they will make a lot of money. Yang Guozhong, who is a soldier, is protecting his family and country. In front of me, there is even more responsibility.

Since alien beings will continue to invade the earth in the future, then he will control the earth. With their couple's cultivation, they are enough to sit in and protect the earth.

Another point is that the passage leading to the Mountain and Sea Realm at the Yellow River Pass completely disappeared for unknown reasons, so even if Yang Guozhong and the others wanted to leave, they could not go to the Mountain and Sea Realm and stayed on the earth.

Until Yang Yiyun appeared.

In addition, his son Yang Xingfu took over the Yunqi Group and took charge personally. Ouyang Lele was invited by Wu Nan to become the Minister of China's Outer Space Security Department. In fact, he was the person who specialized in dealing with alien creatures.

As for his father, Wu Nan also drew him closer to the Shenlong Pond. Anyway, the Shenlong Pond is a protective department affiliated with the country.

Yang Yiyun also smiled bitterly after hearing this. Wu Nan did not follow him to the Mountain and Sea Realm back then. He always existed in Shenlongtan to protect the motherland, which can be regarded as fulfilling his duty.

Although they all have positions, they are all people who appear in public and hide behind the scenes. They never participate in politics and only help when needed.

As for the current Yunmen, they were indeed gifted by their parents and taught some disciples, and there were disciples of the Golden Core and Nascent Soul Realm, which were considered pretty good.

And now Yunqi Group is already the world's top behemoth...

Yang Yiyun had no interest in ordinary things and didn't ask too much.

His son, Yang Xingfu, has pretty good qualifications. Coupled with his parents' preferential teachings, he is now at the level of Dzogchen in the Out-of-body Realm.

In Yang Yiyun's opinion, this level of cultivation is still a bit weak, but it is already very good to be able to cultivate to this level on earth. Although there is the existence of Luofu Cave Heaven, there are already many inconveniences. In addition, the cultivation level cannot be improved as the mind is focused on mundane things. .

Over the hundreds of years, of course many people have left...

For example, none of the villagers on the opposite side have cultivated their true nature, and they will naturally leave when their longevity is up.

In the development of hundreds of years, Yunmen's influence has been very great. The area with a radius of dozens of miles has been classified as a restricted area, which can be regarded as a kind of protection.

Quite quiet.

After the meal, Yang Yiyun also told about his cultivation process. When he came back, Yang Yiyun remembered that Zheng Binbin and Sister Mei were still in the Qiankun Pot space.

I was sweating profusely and quickly released Sister Mei, Zheng Binbin, Little Phoenix and the five-color sacred cow.

Although they have heard many legendary stories about Yang Yiyun's methods, Yang Xingfu and Ouyang Lele still couldn't hold back their excitement at this moment.

He is also full of fascination for the world of cultivators...

Yang Yiyun promised them that he would take everyone with him this time.

As for the problem of the mountain and sea boundary passage, Yang Yiyun is not worried. He also knows one thing.

In the next period of time, Yang Yiyun is going to stay on earth for a while, and then return to the mountain and sea world to go to the world of cultivation.

Ouyang Lele applied for modern identity household registration for several people, and they were finally able to move around freely.

Sister Mei is considered a native of Earth. She left Yunmen the next day and planned to visit her hometown...

Zheng Binbin left with Sister Mei, saying she wanted to take a closer look. Yang Yiyun asked Ou Ouyang Lele to accompany them.

Little Phoenix and Diao'er were not interested in these, so they stayed in Yunmen and entered the mountains. They did not come back for hundreds of years. The mountains behind Yunmen were the battlefields of Diao'er back then. Now they have to go and take a good look.

The five-color sacred cow is lazy with a big tongue and does not move its nest. It only knows how to eat and sleep. Yang Yiyun gave this immortal pet to his son Yang Xingfu because he could tell that his son was very interested in the five-color sacred cow.

As for Yang Yiyun himself, he went to visit his grandma's grave...

Ouyang Yuqing accompanied the two of them to the grandmother's cemetery in the back mountain of Yunmen.

Afterwards, he went to Luofu Cave Heaven. Yang Yiyun inspected the current Yunmen disciples and told more than a hundred disciples about his cultivation experience. This was considered as fulfilling his responsibility as the founder of the sect.

The Earth's Yunmen did not expand significantly, leaving only more than a hundred disciples, but each of them entered the realm of the golden elixir, and there were also those in the realm of the Nascent Soul.

Yang Yiyun knew that among these disciples, when he left in the future, he would take away most of them, but some of them would still be left behind. This is the birthplace of Yunmen, and the inheritance of incense cannot be interrupted.

After the sermon, Yang Yiyun set a rule that no Yunmen disciple would dare to develop the country or participate in politics in the future, but this did not include helping.

It is best if the development of the earth is allowed to take its course. If there are monks who dare to do it, big trouble will occur.

On the third day, Wu Nan came to visit. Yang Yiyun was still very happy to see this old friend, but in addition to visiting, Wu Nan also came to ask Yang Yiyun for help.

"Is there anything I can do to defeat you, Wu Nan...?" Yang Yiyun asked with a smile. Wu Nan is a superpower, a person with superpowers who can control thunder and lightning. He is not a cultivator, but we haven't seen him for hundreds of years. Now Wu Nan Yang Yiyun can also feel that his strength is almost at the level of distraction, which is already top-notch on earth.

I didn't expect to need his help, but I was a little curious, what kind of help do I need from him?

Of course, as long as he can do it, he will naturally not do anything.

Wu Nan smiled bitterly. Today, Yang Yiyun is becoming more and more unfathomable. Back then, Yang Yiyun invited him to go to the Mountain and Sea Realm, but he did not go.

Instead, he chose to stay. Now that he heard that Yang Yiyun was back, he came to visit as soon as possible.

"Two things. First, after hundreds of years, I also want to go out for a walk. I feel that my supernatural power has reached its peak. If I want to break through again, I have to go out. I know you will still leave. , can you take me with you when you leave this time?" Wu Nan's eyes were full of hope.

"Haha, it's a small matter. You also know the existence of the mountain and sea world. If you want to go this time, let's go together." Yang Yiyun would not refuse Wu Nan.

Wu Nan was Xia Lu's subordinate back then. After Xia Lu left the earth, Wu Nan hated Yang Yiyun for a while, but she also helped him a lot. They were all friends, and Xia Lu still existed. Zhao Nan and the others came Xia Lu was not with him when he was in the realm of cultivation, and he doesn’t know if he is still in the realm of mountains and seas now.

"Let's talk about the second thing." Yang Yiyun looked at Wu Nan.

Wu Nan's face became serious and he said: "Back then, you passed the cultivation techniques to several major sects in the ancient martial arts world. Later, you left, but you were all masters who left. Some ancient warriors were not as advanced as the virtual realm or the golden elixir. Still here, practitioners have also started...

Now hundreds of years have passed, some of them have discovered some ancient ruins on the earth after gaining strength. Some have soared in cultivation, while others have embarked on evil ways. In addition, in the past hundred years, some have The arrival of extraterrestrial beings on the earth has led to some people's ambitions...

I have asked your old man to take action several times over the years, and he suppressed some signs and wrote them down. It was not a big deal. It has been much more stable since then, but recently someone seems to have emerged, and this time there are many people. Powerful, I have suffered losses.

Some of our monks in China actually surrendered directly to something in the West. I have investigated that they should be alien creatures, very powerful, but I am not sure about the specifics. I am firmly opposed to the fact that some people want to come to China to look for something.

I am looking for you to ask you to come forward and warn those in the ancient martial arts world to let them be more stable. Speaking of which, the ancient martial arts world can no longer be called ancient martial arts. Instead, they all practiced the cultivation techniques given by you. It is more appropriate to call them cultivators.

After all, they are also your disciples and disciples. I am now worried that they will join forces to cause trouble. Today is different from the past. Hundreds of years have passed. Among them, those who are strong in pace and cultivation can add up to a considerable force. So what I mean is, please You come forward..."

After Wu Nan finished speaking, Yang Yiyun frowned and said: "You mean...what do you think I have in China that is being targeted by alien creatures that have entered the West? And some of our monks actually surrendered?

What is being targeted? Which family of people surrendered to the alien race? Do you know the origin of that alien creature? "Yang Yiyun asked several questions in a row.

If those ancient warriors from China really dared to collude with Western aliens, he would naturally not stand idly by.

Wu Nan is right. In this way, there is indeed his own admission. Back then, he did pass on the cultivation techniques to people in the ancient Chinese martial arts world, in order that they could help the motherland become strong and stable in the future, but I never thought about doing it the other way around.

At this moment, he had some murderous intention.

Wu Nan smiled bitterly and said: "I can't know the specific details, but the news I got is that the leaders of the ancient warriors or cultivators in China seem to have all surrendered...

As long as there are alien beings in the West, I haven't investigated clearly so far. Just last month, Western supernatural beings were discovered infiltrating in the East China Sea of ​​our country. I took people there to fight, but I suffered a loss. I wanted to come to them. The purpose is to find something somewhere in the East China Sea.

One of the superpowers we fought was actually able to control lightning like me, and was even more powerful than me. I injured him with a technological weapon, but the blood flowing out was dark green, so I thought he must be lurking. Aliens in the West.

Both of us were injured. When we were leaving, the man threatened me and said that when their master comes, they will bloodbath us... Not long ago, the leaders of several major forces all went to the West, so I got the news that they seemed to have surrendered. Western alien creatures.

I think you are not a simple person who can make our monks surrender. This is why I came to you. I still ask you to take action no matter what. At least my Chinese monks can't mess up. "

"Don't you have the strength to deal with the monks here?" Yang Yiyun asked Wu Nan. Wu Nan controlled the Divine Dragon Pond. There were people with superpowers and even monks. Back then, he also gave Wu Nan a copy of the cultivation techniques. The key point is The real founder behind Shenlongtan is that old ghost Lu Chunqiu. Even now, Yang Yiyun believes that Lu Chunqiu is not a simple monk.

Wu Nan smiled bitterly and said: "No matter how many people there are in Shenlongtan, they can't hide from the monks from several major forces in China. In hundreds of years of development, you are the only one who has not developed much in recruiting disciples. The other ancient antiquities sects are the only one who has not done much to recruit disciples." After I left, I transformed into a cultivator, but it has developed rapidly, and I am extremely afraid of the combined power. The key is that some cultivators have very strong cultivation~"

Yang Yiyun understood clearly. In one sentence, there were many cultivators in total, and some of them had other adventures, and their cultivation was not weak.

Then Yang Yiyun stared at Wu Nan and said coldly: "Has that old guy Lu Chunqiu appeared again?"

At that time, Lu Chunqiu entered the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum, and the biggest secret in the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum was the God's Cemetery. Lu Chunqiu entered the God's Cemetery, but he didn't know whether he came out later.

That's why Yang Yiyun asked this question. If Lu Chunqiu was in charge in China, Yang Yiyun believed that no one would be able to stir up trouble.

Wu Nan was stunned for a moment and said: "Lu Zu has disappeared for hundreds of years. Do you know his whereabouts?"

Naturally, Yang Yiyun would not say where Lu Chunqiu had gone. Yang Yiyun always felt that the secret of the God's Cemetery in the Great Qin Emperor's Mausoleum was a shocking secret, but he did not dare to reveal anything.

Yang Yiyun shook his head and said, "No, I don't know. Okay, I know about this. Just keep your eyes on the west and leave the cultivation matters here to me."

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