My Master Is a God

Chapter 1676 Who are you and who am I?

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The East China Sea is one of China's three major marginal seas. It is the sea area with the most islands. It stretches from the north shore of the Yangtze River Estuary in China to the Jeju Island line in the universe. It is adjacent to the Yellow Sea. It is bounded by Jeju Island, the Goto Islands, and Nagasaki Line in the northeast, and in the south It is bounded by a line from Nan'ao Island in Guangzhou Province to the southern tip of the main island in Bay Province and the South China Sea, and to the island nation of Ryukyu Islands in the east.

From ancient times to the present, many of these islands have been inhabited by fishermen. However, with the changes of the times, the development of concentrated population and the protection of the marine ecological environment, many islands have been abandoned.

Except for the larger islands that have been developed into tourist attractions, some small islands that are inhabited by humans are basically uninhabited.

However, at the junction of the East China Sea and the Universe Kingdom, there is an island of medium size that is still inhabited.

This island is called Mengdao, and the village on the island is called Mengdao Village. It used to be a small village with more than 60 families living there.

But now Mengdao Village has a population of less than ten households, with only seven or eight scattered households.

Most young and middle-aged people have migrated to inland cities, and those who remain are mostly old people who have lived not far away and followed their children.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, yet quiet.

The island has a pleasant climate, a large island forest, and beautiful scenery. In addition, few people come here, so it can be regarded as a paradise.

There is cultivated land on Meng Island, and there are abundant seafood for diving at the seaside. Fishermen can produce their own food and earn some money from seafood. Small merchant ships come to the island from time to time every month to collect seafood processed by fishermen, some of which come from China. Yes, there are also those from the Universe Kingdom...

When the sun rises at dawn on Mengdao, the scenery is most beautiful. When the sun shines on the distant sea, it will shine on the sea water with extremely brilliant colors, like a dream...

The fishermen's chances of catching a day also rise with the sun.

At this moment, on the beach east of Mengdao, a boy who looked fifteen or sixteen years old was wearing a white tight-fitting shirt and short jeans. His bare feet were soaked in the sea water, and he was holding a fishing net in his hand and casting the net.

The young man's skin is dark, but he has a tanned complexion. He has a tanned complexion at first glance. He has nimble hands and feet and is extremely flexible in the shallow water, casting a fishing net...

At a certain moment, he exclaimed: "Ah..."

But when I was casting the net, I felt I hit something weak. When I turned around, I found it was a person, soaked in the sea water...

The next moment, the young man's face changed drastically, and he ran away with a look of fear, making a sound of "abaa, abaa, aba" from his mouth.

At the other end of the beach, a woman in her twenties was collecting shells on the beach. These shells seemed to be processed into work accessories and also a source of income.

Her skin color is also slightly darker, but she looks very healthy. She has a pair of big black and bright eyes under her double eyelids, and her facial features are delicate. If her skin color were not dark, she would not look like a fisherman from Mengdao Village.

"Aba Aba..."

Yuan Zheng, who was picking up shells, suddenly changed his expression and looked up, only to see his younger brother Yuan Bao running over in a panic, his mouth full of worry.

Yuan Zheng knew that her younger brother was born deaf and mute, but he was very smart and could do a lot for her. She also knew that this younger brother was usually introverted and timid. Looking at the way he rushed towards her, she knew something was wrong.

After her parents died at sea a few years ago, she and her younger brother depended on each other, and she loved him the most. Yuan Zheng didn't want anything to happen to her younger brother.

He quickly put down the basket and asked, "What happened to Po? How are you? Are you injured anywhere?"

Yuan Zheng ran over to talk and looked around, but she didn't see any sadness on him and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Abba, Ababa, Abba..."

The younger brother Yuanbao looked excited and could only make abaaba sounds, but he was speaking in sign language.

Looking at his brother's sign language, Yuan Zheng widened his eyes and said, "Abao, you said there is a person in the sea? His white hair is so long...?"

"Abba, Abba..." Abao nodded repeatedly.

"Is it... a dead person?" Yuan Zheng also asked with some fear.

"Aba Aba..." Yuan Bao was not sure, but he took his sister's hand and asked him to take a look.

Yuan Zheng was pulled towards the white-haired man by his younger brother.

By the beach, Yuan Zheng and his younger brother cautiously approached the white-haired young man...


After the examination, Yuan Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Ah Bao, help sister help him back quickly. He is still alive. He must have drowned..."

"Abba..." Abao nodded, and together with his sister, he helped the white-haired young man home.

Both siblings were honest, and Yuan Zheng saw that this young man had shoulder-length white hair, and his face and dress seemed to be from the motherland. Thinking that it was more important to save people, he helped him back to the village. Grandpa Nagging knows medicine.

There is no doubt that this person is Yang Yiyun.

But after the incident in Shuiyuan Cave, the cave collapsed and disappeared and was swept into the whirlpool of the sea water, and appeared on Dream Island.

Yuan Zheng's home in Mengdao Village.

Yang Yiyun was taken home by the Yuan Zheng brothers and sisters, and the only retired doctor in the village was invited to examine him.

"How is Grandpa Nagging?" Yuan Zheng asked.

There are seven or eight households in the whole village, and most of them are elderly people. The total number of people is less than fifteen.

Grandpa Nagging is a doctor who doubles as an old village chief.

The Yuan Zheng brother and sister are the only young couple in the village and are deeply loved by the elderly in the village.

The nagging old man grew up with Yuan Zheng's grandfather. He treated Yuan Zheng's brothers and sisters as his own grandchildren. He was married when he was young, but his wife betrayed him. After the divorce, he never found her again, and she is still his wife. Childless.

Hearing Yuan Zheng's question, the nagging old man said: "Zheng'er has a strong pulse, even breathing, and is in better health than a normal person. I believe he will wake up soon. He seems to be an explorer. Alas, he is young now." People love deep-sea diving and exploring desert islands. If you really don’t take your own life seriously, just cook him a bowl of porridge and feed it..."

Yuan Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief when Grandpa Nagging said it was okay.

"Grandpa Nagging, I'll go call the police and ask if any explorers are missing. Don't let the family wait in a hurry..." Yuan Zheng was about to make a phone call as he spoke.

"Don't be in a hurry. I'll go back later. Sit down and I have something to say..." The nagging old man spoke to Yuan Zheng.

Yuan Zheng helplessly looked at each other with his younger brother, both smiling at each other with helpless expressions, and knew that the nagging grandpa was about to start nagging.

But I also know that every time the old man nags is actually for the sake of their brothers and sisters, Ichiban knows in his heart that he listens.

"When are you going to the mainland? I've already contacted you. You can work there. You're too young to stay on the island all your life, right?" The nagging old man looked at Yuan Zheng.

However, Yuan Zheng looked at the Yuan Bao underground and said: "A Bao went to the fishing net at the beach to see if there are any fish. Bring two over to... stew fish soup to replenish the white hair."

"Abba~" Abao listened to Yuan Zheng's words and agreed to go out, but he didn't know that it was his sister who wanted to send him away.

After his younger brother left, Yuan Zheng sighed and said, "Grandpa Nagging, please stop trying to persuade me. I won't leave the island. A Bao is deaf and mute. After my parents' accident, I, as a sister, cannot let A Bao be wronged." , what happened five years ago, I don’t want to happen again. It’s good to stay on the island. I can support A Bao with my own ability. Besides, if I leave, you and other grandparents are old and have no one to take care of them. ~”

"Oh... I mean you take A Bao with you. Don't worry, what happened five years ago will not happen again. Besides, A Bao is older now. He just can't speak. He is very smart and everything will be fine. The country The policy is good, and there are also special schools for the deaf..."

Nagging wanted to continue nagging, but was interrupted by Yuan Zheng: "Grandpa Nagging, there is no need to persuade me. I have decided not to leave the island, and I will not let A Bao live alone."

Five years ago, A Bao was ten years old, which was also the year when his parents were killed at sea. At that time, Yuan Zheng was still in school. He was worried about his younger brother, so he took his younger brother to school inland. However, A Bao, who was born deaf and mute, was ridiculed and bullied by his classmates. Shen Shen was even a little autistic, so Yuan Zheng went back to the island directly to take care of his younger brother, staying away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

After returning to the island, her younger brother Abao finally started to smile. This made Yuan Zheng even more determined to live on the island and take care of her younger brother. Many people tried to persuade her, but she just smiled.

The nagging old man said anxiously: "But... you have to get married..."

Yuan Zheng's face turned red and she said nothing.


At this time, a cough sounded, but the white-haired young man on the bed opened his eyes.

Yuan Zheng and the nagging old man approached.

"Young man, are you awake? What's your name and where are you from?" Nagging asked directly.

"Who are you? Me... who am I...? Ah... I have a headache..." The white-haired young man held his head in pain.

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