My Master Is a God

Chapter 1679 I’ll give you a crushing blow

Bai Qing rushed to the side of Grandpa Nagging and the others, only to find that their bodies were stiff and had no breath...

Apparently, the wind and rain last night brought the three old men to hell.

Bai Qing's face turned livid, and he clenched his fists as he looked at the three old men tied into rice dumplings.

No need to ask, you can guess that the three of them, Nagging Grandpa, met someone who stole sea wood.

Just when Bai Qing was untying Nagging Grandpa and the other three, a shout rang in his ears.

"Aba Aba..."

When he turned around, he found that A Bao was being held in the hands of a man with a sinister face and walking over.

"The Chinese people still want to call the police..."

The big man had a stern face but spoke a blunt Chinese dialect.

Immediately after the cabin door opened, a lean middle-aged man walked out. He stared at Bai Qing with his triangular eyes and said a bird language to the big man, but Bai Qing didn't understand it anyway.

The next moment, the big man reached behind and took out a rope and was about to tie up A Bao.

At this moment, Bai Qing had already untied the ropes around the three nagging people. When he saw A Bao being caught, he immediately got up and rushed towards the big man.


The big man grabbed A Bao with one hand and snorted coldly when he saw Bai Qing rushing towards him, and quickly kicked Bai Qing.

Bai Qing saw the big man kicking him, and found that the big man's movements were very slow in his eyes, like a slow-motion movie. He immediately punched the big man's calf with anger.

At this time, Bai Qing himself didn't understand. His speed seemed to be beyond that of ordinary people, and his lightning-fast strikes were almost instinctive.


A punch hit Bai Qing's thigh, and the sound of broken bones and screams could be heard.

Suddenly the big man rolled on the ground holding his legs and screaming, blood still pouring out of his calves.

The big man let go of A Bao, and A Bao quickly went to Bai Qing's face and Qing's mouth, Aba, Aba shouted and gestured at Bai Qing with his hands, saying that he was hiding there and was caught by the big man.

Bai Qing took Abao in his hand to comfort him and told him not to be afraid.

At this moment, the lean man standing on the ship armor was shouting in the distance.

The next moment, six men appeared on the forest bank in the distance, each carrying seawood on their shoulders. It was obvious that they were continuing to cut down.

The six men, all strong men, threw the wood on the beach and surrounded Bai Qing.

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed in lean clothes jumped off the bow and said in broken Chinese: "Boy, originally we only wanted money and didn't want to hurt anyone, but since three people have died, then you should die too. Kill them."

The last words were said to the six big men.

Regardless of whether one or three people died, as long as one person died, they had no way out. They simply killed the white-haired young man and the child together, and it was all over. The required wood was enough, but because of the strong wind last night, they did not have time to load the ship. , are all at the foot of the mountain. Now kill this white-haired young man and child directly, and sink all their bodies into the sea. No one will know that they killed someone.

The six big men immediately pounced on Bai Qing...

"Abao is hiding behind me..."

Bai Qing put Abao behind him. Facing the six big men rushing towards him, he felt very calm. The next moment he took action, almost instinctively, punching and kicking with hatred.

"Crack, click, click..." The sound of broken bones sounded.


The six big men barely touched the corners of his clothes before they were knocked to the ground by him.

Four of them were beaten to death by Bai Qing.

He himself doesn't understand why his power is so great.

A punch or a kick can always break bones.

And even though there were six people on the other side, the attacks were very slow in his eyes, like ants, and they couldn't get into him at all.

Even after beating someone to death, Bai Qing found that he was very calm and not afraid at all. Instead, his blood seemed to be burning, which was very strange.

Just then a gunshot rang out.



Bai Qing suddenly turned around, only to find that Abao's chest was bloody, and not far behind him, a lean middle-aged man with a ferocious look on his face was holding a pistol in his hand.

"Ah...A Bao..."

Bai Qing's eyes were red at this moment, and his veins were exposed...

"Death to the Chinese people..." The lean middle-aged man pointed his gun at Bai Qing with hatred and pulled the trigger again.


The gun went off...

The lean middle-aged man saw a bloody hole on the white-haired young man's forehead, and he laughed. He originally thought that the six men of the big man could deal with the Chinese man, but unexpectedly, he was joined by four of his men.

The strange white-haired young man, with unnaturally strong hands, beat four of them to death. This scene was really strange and shocking in the eyes of the lean middle-aged man.

These people make a fortune, are very courageous, and can be regarded as desperadoes.

In the ecological era, Haimu's furniture was extremely profitable, so he organized people to come to Mengdao to steal Haimu. Unexpectedly, he met three old men patrolling the mountain, so he tied them up and threw them at the beach. In three days, the three old men died……

Now there are one big and one small again.

The one with white hair is a monster with infinite strength.

Luckily he has a gun.

No matter how hard you fight, one shot will kill him.

"Chinese, come here, you are very good at fighting, fighting... hahaha..." The lean middle-aged man was holding a gun and yelling and laughing like crazy.

Four of his subordinates died, plus he shot and killed, both good and bad guys will be mentally stressed.

Not to mention the lean middle-aged man's crazy laughter, he did not notice that there was not much blood flowing from the white forehead lying on the beach.

What's even weirder is that a bullet didn't completely penetrate Bai Qing's head, nor did it penetrate his head, but got stuck between the eyebrows.

At this moment, where Bai Qing's forehead was shot, a faint golden light emitted strangely, getting brighter and brighter, and the bullet on his forehead also retreated a little bit and came out of his forehead.

At a certain moment, there were seven people in the field, including the big man whose leg was broken by Bai Qing earlier. Bai Qing killed four, and three others were seriously injured, but they were all still alive. One of the big men saw a strange sign on Bai Qing's forehead. In the scene, Bai Qing discovered a golden light on his forehead, and immediately screamed at the lean middle-aged man. The look of horror on his face was like seeing a ghost in his eyes.

The lean middle-aged man heard his subordinates shouting, and sure enough he saw a golden light on Bai Qing's forehead, but the bullet came out backwards and fell directly to the ground the next moment.

" is it touch..."

The lean middle-aged man shot Bai Qing again.

However, a strange scene appeared at the next moment. In the eyes of the lean middle-aged man and the three men who were still alive at the scene, they saw the bullet strangely stop half a meter away from the body of the white-haired young man.

This scene is really weird and scary.

Then he saw the white-haired young man on the ground who had been shot suddenly opened his eyes, sat upright, and his eyes were filled with golden light.

"Ghost...devil...ah...bump bump..."

The lean middle-aged man's face was extremely pale. He shouted "Devil" in his mouth and fired three more shots, running out of bullets.

But... all the bullets stopped half a meter in front of the white-haired young man, as if there was an invisible wall blocking the bullets, or as if the bullets were frozen in the air.

No one thought that the white-haired young man could survive after being shot in the head.

The next moment, the lean middle-aged man dropped the gun in his hand and turned around in fear as he spoke in a daze.

However, I saw Bai Qing muttering to himself: "To thank you for awakening my sealed memory, I will give you a body to pieces."

After saying this, he waved his hand, and the bullets in front of him whizzed around and shot into the lean middle-aged man's body.



The next moment, the lean middle-aged body that had run dozens of meters away exploded into blood mist.


The three people who were still alive screamed in fear and ran towards the distance.

"Let's hit the road together."

The white-haired young man waved his hand, and the three living people, including the four people he beat to death, all turned into blood mist and disappeared between heaven and earth, leaving no ashes behind.

He waved his hand again and the fishing boat burst into flames, burning to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The place was quiet.

If it weren't for the bright red blood on the beach, who would have known that eight stick men had just evaporated.


At this time, a weak sound came.

The white-haired young man turned around, the evil look on his face dissipated, and hurriedly walked towards A Bao.

"A Bao is not afraid. The bullet hit his right side and did not hurt his heart. My brother-in-law can help A Bao recover quickly and it won't hurt..."

"Aba Aba..."

It is true that Abao's gunshot wound did not hurt his vitals, but he woke up from the gunshots later and saw his brother-in-law Bai Qing dealing with the lean middle-aged man.

Although A Bao couldn't speak, he thought of something after witnessing all this. Looking at his brother-in-law, A Bao A Ba A Ba made gestures and asked, did the brother-in-law think of something...?

The white-haired young man, or Yang Yiyun, looked at A Bao and smiled and said: "Brother-in-law has indeed remembered who he is, but don't worry Babao, I am still A Bao's brother-in-law. Now A Bao closes his eyes and takes a nap, waiting for A Bao After waking up, brother-in-law ensures that Abao can call brother-in-law..."

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