My Master Is a God

Chapter 1682 Named Yang Yuanqing

Ouyang Lele also came over and said, "Dad, I'm right. After all, it's our own property. I think handing over half of it will let me manage it in the future. The disciples of Yunmen will also be convinced in the future..."

"You guys let me think about it... we have to discuss this matter with Yuan Zheng." Yang Yiyun knew that if the child in Yuan Zheng's belly was allowed to stay, Yuan Zheng would also have to stay.

But after leaving this time, he didn't know when he would be able to come back, but he also knew that his son Yang Xingfu and daughter Ouyang Lele were right. Yunmen was his foundation, and Yunqi Group was originally founded by his brother Liu Xiqi.

Although Liu Xiqi has now become a cultivator and has no need for worldly possessions, it is still a thought.

If he decides to hand over all of Yunqi's business, Yunqi's business empire will no longer have a capable person in charge. If it collapses, it will indeed be difficult for Liu Xiqi to answer for it.

But on one side there is a woman and son, on the other side there is the brother’s hard work and the foundation of Yunmen, it’s a hard choice.

He really has to think carefully and respect Yuan Zheng's opinion.

"Okay, think about it and tell me. I'll leave first." Wu Nan stood up and left.

"Lele is going to send it off."

"Need not……"

Ouyang Lele sent Wu Nan out anyway.

Then Yang Yiyun's face darkened and he asked Yang Xingfu: "What happened to those monks?"

Yang Xingfu knew that his father Yang Yiyun was asking about people from Kunlun forces, so he said: "They are all ready and can leave at any time. They have also handed over the management authority of the sect to me, and are waiting for you to send them to the Mountain and Sea Realm. It’s just that you have been out for more than a year, and I let them all enter the Yunmen Cave to wait.”

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Let them gather in the square, and I will send them into the mountain and sea realm now."

"Well, I'll go now." Yang Xingfu promised and left immediately.

Regarding the people from the Huaxia sects, since Yang Yiyun said that they should leave, he naturally meant it. He did not want them to stay in Huaxia and become a destabilizing factor. This time, as long as they have cultivated, they will all be sent away. It will take a lot of trouble. Go to the mountain and sea world to toss.

Where is the starting stage for Earth monks.

An hour later, Yang Yiyun opened the mountain and sea realm passage in Yunmen Square, sending hundreds of monks from more than a dozen sects and clans such as Kunlun, Wudang, Shaolin, etc., into the mountain and sea realm.

Of course, he didn't calm down with these people and gave them the tokens of Yunmen in the Mountain and Sea Realm. It was better to avoid being bullied in the past. He also sent some of the disciples of Yunmen on Earth today to inform them of the situation here. After the matters on Earth were dealt with, He also quickly went to Shanhai Realm, mainly to bring a message to Tuan Tuanyuan.

In short, Yang Yiyun finally understood something after sending these people away.

In the following days, Yang accompanied several women in Yunmen and waited for Yuan Zheng to give birth.

As for the heir to Earth's Cloud Gate, after Yang Yiyun talked to Yuan Zheng, Yuan Zheng agreed. In her words, although she has now come into contact with the Gate of Cultivation, she has not cultivated it after all. She is just a knower. .

If Yuan Zheng wants to cultivate truth, she has to wait until her child is born.

And in Yuan Zheng's words, it just so happens that her stay on Earth can give her a buffer to digest her cultivation.

Yang Yiyun readily agreed. Anyway, he would pave the way for Yuan Zheng when he left. By then, Yuan Zheng would naturally be able to take his children to the world of mountains and seas and then to the world of cultivation...

Yang Yiyun planned to hand over the Yuan Bao himself during this period. If Yuan Zheng stayed on Earth, he would naturally leave the Yuan Bao behind to protect Yuan Zheng and her children.

In Luofu Cave, or Yunmen Cave, Yang Yiyun appeared on a mountain peak with Yuanbao to give guidance.

"Has Yuan Bao ever realized what it is?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Brother-in-law, I feel the air flowing inside my body." Yuan Bao replied.

"That's right, just follow this feeling and remember the movement route. After three days, you will definitely enter the first level of the Qi refining stage."

On the third day, Yuanbao entered the first level of Qi refining stage.

"Remember to take a small spoonful of this jar of bees every day and refine it carefully. Don't be greedy. I want to see you successfully build the foundation in half a month."

"Okay brother-in-law."

Under Yang Yiyun's personal supervision and guidance, Yuanbao's cultivation progressed almost by leaps and bounds. Half a year later, he was in the valley behind Yunmen.

"The Yuanbao Jindan Heavenly Tribulation is just a small Heavenly Tribulation. Don't pay too much attention to it, just deal with it with all your strength."

Half a year later, under the guidance of Yang Yiyun, Yuanbao ushered in the Golden Elixir Small Heavenly Tribulation.

Yuan Bao's talent was completely developed by Yang Yiyun, and Wu Xin was really good.


The first catastrophe is coming...

After Yuan Bao successfully overcame the tribulation, Yang Yiyun said to Yuan Bao: "From now on, you will practice according to the practice I told you. Remember not to slack off or do it too hastily. In the way of cultivation, greed for too much is too much, and you can't go downstairs to temper it. Practice, you must practice and temper every day.

In addition, my brother-in-law will give you something today. After I leave, you have to protect your sister and child for me. Is it possible? "

Yuan Bao nodded solemnly: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, as long as I am here, I will definitely use my life to protect my sister and nephew. If anything goes wrong, Yuan Bao will die to apologize."

"Haha, there's no need to be so serious. I'll leave you some means. I believe that no one on earth can change the world." Yang Yiyun smiled and raised his right hand, and his palm suddenly rose, bursting out with bright silver light.

In Yuanbao's curiosity, the silver light dissipated, only to see a crystal hand bone appear in the hand of brother-in-law Yang Yiyun, which did not look like a human hand bone.

"This is the broken bone hand of the Brachiosaurus monkey that I obtained in Changbai Mountain in my early years. As my cultivation level has improved, it can no longer satisfy my combat power. I haven't used it for a long time. I will teach it to you today.

I have sealed the power of my own five true essences in the hand bones. I can activate it to kill Mahayana, but remember not to use it until the critical moment of life and death. If you are not strong enough to activate it, you will be weak and have a backlash. Use it with caution.

Under normal circumstances, you can use your own true energy to exert the power of the hand bones. There are three-strike hand bone magical powers. If you use it normally, you can be invincible in the same realm, and even fight across levels. You will be refining and nourishing, and will be strengthened in the future. , a big overflow for you. "

As Yang Yiyun spoke, he suddenly placed the hand bone on Yuanbao's right hand, urging Yuanbao to fuse the hand bones.

After a few minutes, Yang Yiyun withdrew his hand, and the bones of his hand had been fused into Yuan Bao's hand.

Yuan Bao knew that he had received great benefits and quickly thanked him: "Thank you, brother-in-law."

"I won't be teaching you after today. You can practice on your own. You should first get familiar with the bones of your hands."


Yang Yiyun spent half a year training Yuan Bao, and the miracles were passed down orally to Yunmen disciples, and Yuan Bao lived up to Yang Yiyun's expectations. After fusing the hand bones, Yang Yiyun believed that he had sealed the five life-preserving essences in the hand bones, which was enough to make Yuan Bao Protect Yuan Zheng and her son.

Only in this way can he leave with peace of mind.

A month later, Yuan Zheng finally gave birth to a son for Yang Yiyun. This made her parents extremely happy. Of course, seeing their son being born, Yang was also very emotional.

After everyone had seen the child go out, it was his turn as the father.

"Thank you Zheng'er for your hard work."

When Yuan Zheng heard Yang talking, she smiled and felt warm in her heart. The first thing Yang Yiyun did when he came over was to greet her, not to see her son. As a woman, Yuan Zheng knew that was enough.

"Look at my son..." Yuan Zheng said somewhat vainly.

Only then did Yang Yiyun pick up his son and show it to Yuan Zheng. He freed up one hand to hold Yuan Zheng's hand tightly and channeled a burst of infuriating energy into her, allowing her to recover quickly.

"Yunzi, please give me a name." With Yang Yiyun's energy conditioning, Yuan Zheng's face turned rosy and she had the strength to sit up.

Yang Yiyun pondered for a moment and said: "Let's call her Yang Yuanqing."

"Yang Yuanqing..." Yuan Zheng shouted, her eyes getting brighter and brighter, and she showed a happy smile. Her son's name was different from his and hers. Her surname was Yuan, and the character Qing was Bai Qing. This name It was the name she gave Yang Yiyun when he lost his memory.

Now Yang Yiyun named his son Yang Yuanqing, and Yuan Zheng knew that this was a memory.

She was touched and happy.

"Let's take you somewhere." Yang Yiyun smiled and hugged his son with Yuan Zheng in his hand. He disappeared into the room the next moment, but the Qiankun Pot appeared on the bed.

"This is where?"

Yuan Zheng was a little surprised.

"This is the space of my husband's Qiankun Pot. Come with me to wash my son's marrow and cut off his hair, so as to retain the innate power in his body. In the future, he will cultivate with half the effort. Come with me. You have to practice well when I'm not around. For My husband will be waiting for you, mother and son, in the world of cultivation..."

While talking, Yang Yiyun took Yuan Zheng and her son to the Stone of Life. He was going to wash his newborn son's marrow and cut his hair with the water of life.

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