My Master Is a God

Chapter 1694 The show begins

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun and the Five-Colored Divine Ox came down from mid-air sweating profusely. They spent a whole nine days casting spells, which was too much for them.

However, after seeing such a huge environment transformed, Yang Yiyun finally smiled with joy.

It's a pity that his cultivation level is incomparable to that of the Blue Heart Immortal King. The environment here can only last for three days, and it will return to its original state after three days.

But it was enough for him to deal with the demons and those loose immortals.

After doing this last night, Yang Yiyun only left the five-color sacred cow and the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast, and the rest all sneaked into the Qiankun Pot space.

The five-color sacred cow is an authentic fairy pet. This creature from the fairy world cannot be accepted for the time being. The national treasure Yun Lei Beast needs to control the formation to cooperate with Yang Yiyun's acting. In addition, the huge insect beasts changed by the power of the law, etc., will be For the demons and the scattered immortal forces to see.

It's all acting. Whoever plots who is plotting against whom, Yang Yiyun will let them know when the time comes.

After arranging everything, Yang Yiyun and the five-color sacred cow began to meditate to recover and wait for the demons and immortals to come tomorrow.

The next day was the time agreed upon by Nalan Yufeng and Qiu Ba. Yang Yiyun opened his eyes, his eyes bursting with light. He had recovered all his energy and said to the five-color sacred cow lying beside him, "Big tongue." Go hide and wait until I inform you that I will take action."

The five-color sacred cow, which seemed to be sleeping soundly, glanced lazily at Yang Yiyun, nodded and disappeared directly.

Yang Yiyun knew that this guy's cultivation method was different, that is, sleeping. He seemed to be sleeping, but in fact he was very awake. He didn't ask where he was hiding. Anyway, it should be a piece of cake for the majestic immortal beast to avoid the tracking of Sanxian.

Then he said to the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast: "National treasure, let's go, it's our turn~"

"Are you really sure that the Holy Lord will do this?" For Yunlei Beast, this is his home, but according to Yang Yiyun's intention, he wants to let the demons in, and even powerful loose immortals will come in. It's time if If it gets out of control, this place may be destroyed.

Therefore, Cloud Thunder Beast was still very worried and couldn't help but ask.

When Yang Yiyun heard the Yunlei Beast speak, he naturally understood what the Yunlei Beast was thinking, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I am sure of your Holy Master. If I am not sure, I don't dare to attack the entire Yunmen.

This is not only your home, but also my home, the home of hundreds of thousands of Yunmen disciples and disciples. We finally built the Yunmen Wonderland here, and I will never make a joke about it.

The enemy wants to completely make our Yunmen disappear, but I will not let them succeed. This time they have laid this plan. I just want to kill those hypocrite bastards in one pot. Your Holy Master has many tricks to suppress the situation, so you don’t need to Don't worry, just follow my instructions when the time comes. "

When the national treasure Yun Lei Beast heard Yang Yiyun's answer, he felt a lot relieved. However, thinking about the demon attack back then, he was still a little scared and said: "I dare not say anything about other people, Holy Master, but when you were not around, I The demon Wu Mingquan personally came to attack my Yunmen Wonderland gate. I was able to resist it with the power of thunder and lightning, and with everyone's concerted efforts, I escaped the disaster.

To be honest, I don't have the slightest confidence to defeat that old man when I actually face him, so Holy Lord, you'd better be cautious. The demonic energy of the demons is naturally counterproductive to the power of the demons and cultivators. We can't be careless. "

Yang Yiyun was also shocked when he heard what the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast said.

He knew the strength of the national treasure Yun Lei Beast, which was comparable to the level of the Holy Lord of the Cultivation Realm. It was just one step away from ascending to the Immortal Realm. Since he said that he had no chance of winning against Wu Mingquan, it is very likely that the old devil would have another one after the Infernal Valley. By chance, it is even possible to find a demon soul and fuse it with it.

So much so that the current old devil has most likely reached the level of an immortal.

Coupled with the secret methods of the demons, it is really necessary to guard against it.

However, Yang Yiyun felt relieved after thinking about the existence of the five-color sacred cow and the gift from the six-eared macaque and Fengxian.

Besides, the arrow has to be fired when it is on the string. Even if you want to regret it now, it is too late and you can only face the difficulty.

But now he is fearless.

The old devil Wu Mingquan of the Demon Clan is looking forward to his death, and those bastards on the Sanxian side are even more eager for Yunmen's immediate demise. No matter what, they are being targeted, and if those bastards are not dealt with, there will never be a safe day.

This time he killed them all at once.

"I understand, you don't need to worry. In addition to the five-color sacred cow, I also have back-ups. Besides, I, Yunmen, may not be afraid of them just because of my own strength. Let's go and hide with me at the mountain gate. It should be the Sanxian side later." Several old immortals are coming to break down our mountain gate. When the time comes, you can control the formation to resist appropriately and release the formation, but the traces should not be too obvious, so as not to make those old immortals suspicious." Yang Yiyun told the Cloud Thunder Beast. .

"Holy Lord, rest assured about this. I have absolute confidence in controlling the thunder and lightning formation. There will be no flaws." The national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast said confidently.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Well, that's right. Remember, after the Sanxian breaks through the formation, the demons will invade my Yunmen. After the demons and I use the magical power of laws to create those giant insects and beasts, we will fight. , the Sanxian side will enter Yunmen to fight against the demons.

When that time comes, you close the formation and don't let anyone out for me. When the time comes, I will keep Thunder Tiger and the others to help you strengthen the formation. I will make those bastards regret it for the rest of their lives this time. "

One person and one beast disappeared into the thunderous clouds and mist as they spoke. This is the home ground of the Cloud Thunder Beast. As long as they don't come out, no one can spot them.

Time passed by, Yang Yiyun closed his eyes and the Yun Lei Beast was hidden in the thunder and lightning in mid-air.

There were lightning flashes all around, but they all avoided him as if they had eyes on each other.


At a certain moment, the Cloud Thunder Beast spoke and looked up into the distance. His eyes penetrated the layers of thunder palaces and cloud areas.

Yang Yiyun still sat still and asked: "How many people are there? Where are they?"

"Six Loose Immortals, one is not, seven in total." Yun Lei Beast answered.

"That's right, it's them. The national treasure lets go of your consciousness to monitor the entire Yunlei Mountains. If there is any change, tell me." Yang Yiyun still closed his eyes and spoke.

"Yes, there are only seven of them found now. The Holy Lord can rest assured that as long as there is a living being stepping into the Yunlei Mountains thousands of miles away, I will know it immediately." Yunlei Beast answered.

"Keep staring..." Yang Yiyun said.

"Within half an hour, the seven of them will arrive at the core of Yunlei... No, the demons from the west have appeared..." Yunlei Beast said.

Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes and said, "How many people are there?"

"There are only five people, and one of them is the old demon Wu Mingquan. Something is wrong with the Holy Master. It is said that there are tens of thousands of demons at least. How come there are only five people?" Yun Lei Beast was puzzled.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and said: "There are natural thunders in our Yunlei Mountains. Even the weaker demons can't withstand the thunder. I guess the old demon must also have a magic weapon similar to the cave in his hands. Don't worry about anything else and continue to stare. It is enough for the old devil to come."

"The Sanxian side has arrived...the Demon head side is on the other side." Yun Lei Beast said.

Yang Yiyun stood up and said quietly: "The show is about to begin, get ready."

"I've been waiting for a long time, Holy Master, don't worry." Yun Lei Beast said confidently.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Now that they are here, send them some thunder and lightning first, don't let those old immortals go away so easily."

"Okay~" The Cloud Thunder Beast responded, then raised its front paw and waved it in the air, and thunder and lightning suddenly sounded, and it fell down.

A few hundred meters away from Yunmen Wonderland, it was Nalan Yufeng and other seven people who came using strange movement skills.

"Boom... click..."

Thunder and lightning fell from the sky and struck down on the seven of them.

"Hmph~ Disperse~" Nalan Yufeng, who was walking in the front, snorted coldly and raised his hand to shoot out a stream of true energy, directly dispersing the lightning.

When faced with thunder and lightning, everyone else had their own methods of defense or attack to resolve them one by one. For loose immortals of their level, although the thunder in the depths of the Yunlei Mountains was powerful, it could not hurt them. them.

"This place is uniquely blessed with the existence of natural thunder. It is really a treasure land for one to establish a sect. It is a perfect opportunity for Yang Yiyun..." True Lord Tianlang from the Little Demon Realm said.

"Everyone is here, let's join forces and break open the mountain gate of Yunmen Wonderland. Half of our plan will be completed." Nalan Yufeng said somewhat gloomily.

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