My Master Is a God

Chapter 1706 Blast to ashes

Although the six-eared macaque didn't say what level of cultivation he was, Yang Yiyun thought that he could take down the old devil with just a few hands. The six-eared macaque was at least at the level of a fifth-level loose immortal.

Of course, this was Yang Yiyun's guess. When Liu Er and Bee Immortal broke out of their eggs, they said that their damaged cultivation was equivalent to the level of a fourth-level loose immortal. Now that they have been separated for decades, they are the existence of dignified immortal kings. After recovery, The strength should be very fast, and Liu Er and Bee Fairy were real immortal bodies at the beginning, and there was not much damage at all when they used the jade liquid to nourish the broken eggs.

So today, it was expected that the monkey beat up the old devil and got rid of him in a flash.

Now let the six-eared macaque stay, and Yang Yiyun will let people from several major holy places and a few immortal immortals see that there is someone behind me, Yang. It’s just a matter of background. I can even find demons and immortals.

You loose immortals are nothing!

It is true that several loose immortals, including Miaoxian and the Holy Master Daozhong, were shocked when they saw the six-eared macaque kill the old devil with a flip of his hands.

At this moment, seeing that Yang Yiyun and the monkey looked familiar, although everyone did not hear the conversation between one person and the monkey, they all thought of a possibility.

This monkey is the person behind Yang Yiyun...?

The old devil had shouted this out of fear before.

Anyway, the appearance of the six-eared macaque shocked many people.

For Yang Yiyun, it was just a matter of pulling the tiger's skin at this moment. Even if the six-eared macaque didn't take action, it could make several Sanxians confused, which was enough for him.

At this time, the six-eared macaque agreed to control the situation, which was actually a great deal of face.

Yang Yiyun struck while the iron was hot and immediately thought about being surrounded by Zi Huang and the other five Nalan Yufeng and left. Yang Yiyun had no intention of letting go of the initiator of Yunmen's plot against him.

He left with murderous intent, preparing to kill the five old immortals.

However, just after taking a few steps, he heard the voice of the six-eared macaque in his ears.

I heard the six-eared macaque ask: "Do you want to kill those loose immortals?"

Yang Yiyun didn't look back. He was a little surprised by the six-eared macaque's opening, but still answered: "Yes." Everyone could see his murderous look.

"There is a rank-6 immortal on Sanxian Island. You'd better try not to provoke him. If the rank-6 Sanxian takes action, there's nothing I can do about it." The six-eared macaque said quietly.

"How do you know that there are six-level loose immortals on Sanxian Island?" Yang Yiyun felt a little aggrieved when he heard the six-eared macaque talking. These bastards plotted against him, Yunmen, could he just let it go?

"I came from Sanxian Island, so I know that there are six-level Sanxian immortals on Sanxian Island. It is not wise for you to kill these loose immortals. Moreover, one of them is from the Little Demon Realm. The Little Demon Realm will also give you a headache. , if you listen to me and force them to open the Tianmen and ascend, even if people from Sanxian Island and Little Demon Realm come in the future, there will still be room for maneuver.

But if you kill these people today, there will be no room for maneuver. Can you think clearly before taking action...? "

The veins on Yang Yiyun's hands were exposed. Could he really let these bastards go?

But you know, what if he hadn't come back?

If he hadn't rushed back, Yunmen would have been destroyed by the demons and these so-called righteous masters this time. His wife, disciples, friends, relatives, and the great demons who followed him through life and death would have died, and the entire Yunmen Wonderland would have become a ruins.

That's the result this time.

Now that he heard the words of the six-eared macaque, Yang Yiyun became entangled in his heart and was filled with a sense of hostility.

Sixth level loose immortal...?

Although he didn't know how powerful a rank-6 loose immortal was, he had come into contact with a rank-4 loose immortal. He could imagine that if a rank-6 loose immortal really showed up, he would be unable to resist it.

But...could he give up plotting against his Yunmen enemies just because there is a powerful Sanxian behind them?

You must know that if he did not appear and come back in time for such calculations, the consequences would be the destruction of the family.

How could he swallow such an atmosphere?

"If I hadn't come back today, what would have been waiting for me would be the destruction of Yunmen. If I didn't kill these bastards, how the hell would I even dare to fart? If my relatives and friends were bullied, I wouldn't dare to fart. It’s okay if you don’t practice this immortal way.”

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he stepped into the formation and left.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun did not see the face of the six-eared macaque, but he was a little lost. He looked at Yang Yiyun's background and said: "Yes, if you can't protect your own people on the road to seeking Tao, what kind of Tao can you seek?"

At the end of the sentence, the six-eared macaque suddenly laughed...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun rushed into the formation with murderous intent. His order to Zihuang and others was that if they could not be killed, they would mainly be surrounded.

So so far, only the five-color sacred cows have gotten into the formation and are fighting, but they are also conservative attacks.

Nalan Yufeng and others have been pushed to the edge, looking in a state of utter disarray.

Seeing Yang Yiyun rushing into the formation with a fierce look, Lan Nan Yufeng first said: "Don't wait any longer. This guy sincerely wants me to wait for my life. He can simply kill him when the disaster comes." A handful."

After Nalan Yufeng finished speaking, there was a sudden roar all over his body, and then his breath surged, but he let go of the suppression.

After the third level, the loose immortals are beings that are not tolerated by the laws of the world of cultivation. They have to ascend to the immortal world, because the loose immortals who have reached the fourth level of cultivation are equivalent to immortals.

Most of the loose immortals are not willing to ascend to the fairy world after reaching the third level of cultivation, because even if they reach the immortal world, they still have to go through the loose immortal tribulation once in a thousand years. In the fairy world, the laws of heaven are more powerful, so many loose immortals stay here. The world of cultivation.

In the entire world of cultivation, Sanxian Island is the only place where one can escape the Sanxian tribulation. Many Sanxian immortals hid on Sanxian Island after cultivating the world to overcome the tribulation.

This is the case for Nalan Yufeng and others. They were rank-4 loose immortals. After coming out of Sanxian Island, in order to avoid the laws of heaven, they suppressed their cultivation to the level of third-rank loose immortals.

But now that the suppression is released, there are only two consequences, that is, the fifth immortal tribulation will occur, and the second is that the immortal gate will be opened, and they will be forcibly extradited to the immortal world. But after going to the immortal world, surviving the tribulation in the immortal world will be even more terrifying. , there are problems on both sides.

At this moment, he saw that Yang Yiyun was sincere in killing them, and no longer retained his cultivation to suppress them. Instead of waiting to be killed by Yang Yiyun, he could not let go of the suppression and give it a try.

Coupled with the unfathomable monkey on the side, this put a lot of pressure on Nalan Yufeng and others.

They are all Level 4 Sanxian beings who have been hiding on Sanxian Island. They came out this time to act on orders. It is their important task to kill the demons in the world of cultivation. As for the means, they don't care. They didn't expect a plan. Inadvertently, they pushed themselves into a blind corner.

I never expected that Yang Yiyun would appear and be so evil.

So far there is only one chance.

They saw Yang Yiyun's strength. This boy was too evil, and his strength was comparable to that of a four-turn loose immortal.

This will make them unable to maintain their state of integrity if they don't let go of the suppression, and they will be killed one by one by Yang Yiyun.

Now that they are letting go of the suppressed realm, there is actually only one way for them. The generals of the Fifth Transformation Immortal Tribulation have survived them and ascended, but they cannot survive and are chopped into ashes by the heavenly tribulation.

In fact, everyone on the left and right is dead, because compared to the entire group of loose immortals, or as the old saying goes in the realm of loose immortals, they are just young loose immortals who have just started. After going to the immortal world, the power of the loose immortal tribulation is more powerful. How can they withstand it?

Now he was forced into a blind corner by Yang Yiyun.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

After Nalan Yufeng, four more roars sounded.

However, Master Three Swordsmen of Tianjian Mountain, Ling Yue of Tongxian Palace, Zhendanzi of Bailian Mountain Villa, and Zhenlang Zhenjun behind the Ghost City all had strong momentum in their bodies.

Yang Yiyun squinted his eyes and saw that among the few people, only the Heavenly Wolf Zhenjun had completely transformed into a beast, becoming a werewolf with a demonic aura rising into the sky.

Although he didn't know the cultivation methods of the Little Demon Realm, Yang Yiyun thought that Lord Tianlang might also have limitations.

There are scattered immortals who have scattered immortal tribulations, so don’t you believe that he, True Lord Tianlang, doesn’t?


Yang Yiyun gave an order, and the demons under his command broke out in full force, and the mythical beasts and birds roared loudly and shocked the sky...

The top forces in the entire Yunmen concentrated on killing five people.

At this moment, Nalan Yufeng and the five others were trapped beasts trapped in the formation. Yang Yiyun took the lead in the bombardment, and the Dragon Slayer Sword used its strongest sword to kill them.

More than 20,000 Ascension Realm great demons, including Five-Colored Divine Bull, Sister Mei, Little Phoenix, Niu Duzi, etc. also used powerful bombardment to attack the center of the formation.


At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun only saw that after they took action, a milky-white beam of light came with a monstrous aura that made him tremble. In an instant, it hit the center of the formation immediately after he took action.

Nalan Yufeng and the other five people in the formation had long been buried by various attacking aura forces.

After an earth-shattering roar, Yang Yiyun's consciousness swept away, leaving only a pair of flesh-and-blood groans in the center of the formation. Where were the five other people?

Suddenly Yang Yiyun looked back and saw the six-eared macaque looking up at the sky.

Yang Yiyun smiled. He knew that the attacks by himself and the big demons might pose a threat to Nalan Yufeng and others, but it was absolutely impossible to blow them into pieces with one blow.

Only the six-eared macaque could display that last dazzling milky-white beam of light, and even the five-colored sacred cow couldn't do it.

Yang Yiyun walked to the six-eared macaque and grinned: "Does this count as repaying the favor?"

The six-eared macaque snorted coldly and said: "Let's say goodbye. You kid, be careful of the revenge of Sanxian Island and the Little Demon Realm."

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