My Master Is a God

Chapter 1708: Enlightenment of the Great Perfection of Ascension

The Sanxian from the two families smiled bitterly at each other. In fact, they also had their own difficulties. They were both on Sanxian Island, but they had restrictions.

This time, the descendants of the two Holy Lands were dissuaded from meddling with Yunmen, and the loose immortals of the Eternal Life Palace were okay. After all, the connection was too deep. The loose immortals of the Xuanyuan Dynasty were also dissuaded by Emperor Xuanyuan and his daughter, so they kept an eye on the pressure. To mix.

There is actually a lot of pressure here. After all, several families are going to help the family, but if they don't go, they will be ostracized when they return to Sanxian Island in the future.

But even so, the two Loose Immortals were still forced by their respective juniors to come to support Yunmen, but... they didn't come.

Because they can't. After all, they are the people who survive on Sanxian Island. It's good that they don't follow the other companies to inflict trouble on Yunmen. If they go to support Yunmen, they are completely standing opposite Sanxian Island. They will never want to return in the future. Go to Sanxian Island.

Each has its own difficulties.

Unexpectedly, when the people from the Five Holy Lands came out of the Cloud Gate, what they learned was shocking. Yang Yiyun returned at some point and not only killed the old demon Wu Mingquan, but also several other loose immortals...

They even mentioned a monkey who turned over his hands to suppress the old devil...

This made the two loose immortals know that this time the loose immortals were plotting against Yunmen and they were completely out of control, so they came to Yunmen immediately and did not take any action, but they wanted to show their attitude and let Yang Yiyun know.

After hearing the report from the Purple Emperor, the two Loose Immortals were not angry at all. After all, Yang Yiyun was at the height of his powers at the moment, and he was very close to the two families. It was normal for him to feel angry.

But only the eldest disciple of the Holy Lord Yun Changsheng of the Eternal Life Palace and Emperor Xuanyuan were embarrassed, and of course Xuanyuan Lingxi.

These three people are, needless to say, the new owner of Changsheng Palace, Yun Changsheng's eldest disciple. Before Yun Changsheng left, he asked Yang Yiyun to help him if he had anything to do. Yunmen would help unconditionally, and the new palace master agreed at that time.

But this time, the decision was made by Uncle Shao Ji, the Sanxian of the Eternal Life Palace, who was the same generation as the Holy Master. Although the Eternal Life Palace started later than other holy places, there were many people who initially followed Master Yun Changsheng to conquer the world. Uncle Shao Ji is one of them.

They are also the first batch of people sent to Sanxian Island by the Palace of Eternal Life. Few people know about this matter.

Therefore, it is quite difficult for the new Master of the Palace of Immortality. He failed to persuade Uncle Shao Ji to support Yunmen, but he is a little embarrassed at the moment.

Now I just ask Master Yang Yiyun to be magnanimous.

After Emperor Xuanyuan accepted the Divine and Demonic Medicine Book presented by Yang Yiyun, he knew that his help to the Xuanyuan Dynasty was a great kindness, so he should also support Yunmen. In addition, after his daughter Xuanyuan Lingxi married Yang Yiyun, he had to help even more. , but there was nothing he could do about it because the senior Sanxian of the Xuanyuan Dynasty was suppressing him. Now he came to Yunmen to ease the relationship.

Who knew that Yang Yiyun would suddenly come back and be so awesome?

As for Xuanyuan Lingxi, her eyes were red with tears these days in order to beg her ancestor to help Yunmen, but she still didn't say anything. In the blink of an eye, the news of Yunmen's victory came, and Xuanyuan Lingxi felt more and more worried. She was worried. As Yang Yiyun's woman, she had not contributed to Yunmen. She was not sure what Yang Yiyun would think of her, so she felt very tormented.

A group of five people were waiting at the foot of the mountain for Yang Yiyun to come down.

At this moment, it looked like Yang Yiyun was standing with his hands behind his back, standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the battlefield down the mountain.

The two paths of good and evil have killed and injured two to three hundred thousand disciples in total. The battlefield at this moment can be described as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The smell of blood rose to the sky, and the entire Yunmen Wonderland seemed to turn into blood. Countless Yunmen disciples were dispatched to clean up the battlefield and restore Yunmen...

And Yang Yiyun stood here for two whole days.

In the past two days, he watched with numb eyes as the Yunmen disciples were cleaning up the battlefield where corpses were piled up. There were more than 80,000 demon monks here, and the remaining 200,000 or so were all the corpses of disciples from the Five Holy Lands. Of course, the latter Not killed by him.

But regardless of whether they are demons or cultivators, they are all humans.

Demons are also human beings who practice demonic arts. Those who are called demon cultivators are all humans.

But they were fighting each other until rivers of blood flowed...

He looked at the battlefield and thought, why is there killing?

Why do the monks and creatures in heaven and earth have to separate themselves from the righteous path and the demonic path?

Why did the old devil Wu Mingquan kill so many ordinary people?

And why would someone who claims to be the holy land of righteousness want to plot against him, Yunmen...?

Questions appeared in his mind one by one, so Yang Yiyun entered a deep thinking state...

When the Purple Emperor came to report that people from the Eternal Life Palace and the Xuanyuan Dynasty came, it was actually not because he deliberately manipulated it, but because he had some realization in his heart, and his state of mind at this moment entered an indescribable state.

What Yang Yiyun didn't know was that for a monk, a killing was a practice, and today's battle had a great psychological impact on him.

First of all, he was afraid. If he did not come back in time and happened to hear the conversation or collusion between Nalan Yufeng and the demon King Kong Qiuba, the consequences would be disastrous. He would lose hundreds of thousands of disciples and disciples in the entire Yunmen, and he would lose his family members. friend……

This was unacceptable to him.

Secondly, I have a new understanding of the so-called righteous people. In the face of interests and selfishness, it turns out that justice can be put aside, or hypocrisy is more accurate.

This time, the loose immortals from several major holy places jointly plotted against Yunmen. On the surface, it sounded nice, and sacrificing Yunmen to destroy the demons was also for the sake of justice. In fact, Yang Yiyun knew clearly that several forces had seen the power of the great demon of Yunmen and its unparalleled popularity. , he started to feel fear and jealousy, and there were loose immortals who wanted to come forward to destroy his Yunmen Fairyland. It was just a matter of course.

Reflecting on this point, Yang Yiyun understood a truth, that is, there is no real righteousness in the world of monks, only whether it is beneficial to oneself.

In addition, the call of the six-eared macaque let him know that the demons and immortals also have true nature, and they are the demons who promise a thousand pieces of gold.

I also saw the existence of a powerful demon fairy, and understood another truth. Being powerful can reverse the situation.

After one day of killing, Yang Yiyun stood still on the top of the mountain for two days. Three days later, the magical power of the Square Cun Law he used in Yunmen reached the last moment, and the next moment everything began to return to its original position.

The towering trees evolved from the supernatural powers of the law have returned to their original size, the mountains and rivers have returned to their original positions, and the Yunmen Wonderland has returned to its original appearance.

However, the bloodstains on the ground proved the existence of a battle between good and evil. The blood of demon cultivators and immortals in the world of cultivators, including those of loose immortals, remained forever in the soil of Yunmen Wonderland. Under Yang Yiyun's gaze, the plants and trees grew crazily. And out...

One group of creatures disappeared into the sky and the earth, while another group of creatures emerged from the soil and gained new life...

Life and death, reincarnation, destiny, this is the law of nature...


The knot in Yang Yiyun's heart, which had been deeply entrenched because of the killing, opened at this moment, and a roar resounded in his mind.

Countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth swarmed in and penetrated into his body, and his cultivation reached the late stage of Ascension Realm.

There was another invisible force in the world that also converged on his body.

At this moment, the Qiankun Pot on Yang Yiyun's arm glowed with golden light, and this invisible force penetrated into the Qiankun Pot.

The soul in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of divine soul power penetrated the black lotus sitting down, and the black lotus suddenly became lightless.

The two life stars in Dantian are rotating rapidly, frantically absorbing and refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that is pouring in.

At the foot of the mountain, the two great immortals of the Eternal Life Palace and the Xuanyuan Dynasty, the Holy Master of the Eternal Life Palace and the Emperor Xuanyuan and other five people suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the top of the mountain.

The entire Yunmen people all looked at where Yang Yiyun was.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was bathed in golden light, extremely sacred.

"Is enlightenment...?" the Sanxian of the Xuanyuan Dynasty said with an envious tone.

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered for thousands of miles, and the middle stage of the Ascension Realm went straight to the later stage. It seemed that it was heading straight for the Great Consummation. It was amazing, amazing... I had an epiphany in a killing. It has existed since ancient times. It can be done here. It’s unheard of for people in the Ascension Realm and other pinnacle realms to be able to achieve enlightenment..." Shao Ji, the Sanxian of the Eternal Life Palace, sighed.

This situation lasted for three years. After three years, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth dispersed. Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes, but Yang Tian let out a long roar.

At this point, he has reached the Great Perfection of Ascension!

However, at this moment, a voice of dissatisfaction also sounded in his mind: "You brat, howling ghostly, won't let my master be in peace."

"Old man?" Yang Yiyun was overjoyed that the dead old man finally woke up.

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