My Master Is a God

Chapter 1711 The old man’s fanatical fan

Yang Yiyun's attitude was cold at first, but the next moment he turned back and returned the courtesy, which made Qi Maodun and Xuanyuan Kaiming a little surprised.

The two of them were actually ready to be ridiculed by Yang Yiyun. Who knew that Yang Yiyun's sudden change of attitude made the two of them a little confused.

But after all, they were all old ghost-level human beings. They quickly recovered and started to be polite to Yang Yiyun.

The two old guys knew that Yang Yiyun didn't care anymore, which was a good thing.

After all, Mr. Yang still had some magnanimity. After turning around the twists and turns in his heart, he was polite to the two Sanxian, but he did not beat around the bush and said directly: "Two seniors, can you tell me about the situation of Sanxian Island? "

Qi Maodun, the Sanxian of the Eternal Life Palace, and Xuanyuan Kaiming, the Sanxian of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, were not surprised when they heard Yang Yiyun go straight to the point. It would be strange if Yang Yiyun didn't ask them about the situation of Sanxian Island.

After the two of them looked at each other, Xuanyuan Kaiming looked at Qi Maodun and said: "Fellow Daoist Qi, you tell me, and I will add to it."

Qi Maodun didn't refuse and said immediately: "Okay."

Then he looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "Junior Brother Yang, regarding the restrictions on Sanxian on Sanxian Island..."

When Qi Maodun began to tell, Yang Yiyun heard that it was the same as what the old man said. There was indeed a problem with the limitations of catastrophe and ascension. He knew this from the old man's mouth, but he did not interrupt and listened patiently to Qi Maodun's story. .

An hour later, Qi Maodun finished his story. He explained it carefully from beginning to end, which made Yang Yiyun very satisfied.

After Qi Maodun finished speaking, Yang Yiyun also understood the situation on Sanxian Island.

According to Qi Maodun's story, Sanxian Island is a world that calls itself a world. Almost 99% of the Sanxian in the entire cultivator world gather on Sanxian Island.

Because of the twelve tribulations of loose immortals, which occur every thousand years, many loose immortals are actually not ready to survive the tribulation within a thousand years.

Therefore, many Loose Immortals hid in the Loose Immortal Island, thinking that they could only avoid the Loose Immortal Tribulation on the Loose Immortal Island. After being fully prepared on the Loose Immortal Island, and then coming out to escape the tribulation, they could increase their chances.

Of course, it is also beneficial for Sanxian to overcome the tribulation and double his strength and cultivation.

Also, the forces on Sanxian Island are roughly divided into two types.

The first is the Sanxian forces formed among the major sects. The group is the largest. Although sects are not allowed to exist on Sanxian Island, I don’t know who set the earliest rules. In short, they are not allowed on Sanxian Island. There are sects and any forces, and all loose immortals are practicing their own way.

Either they live in a city with a courtyard, or they occupy a mountain peak and are located in a cave. Anyway, no sect appears on Sanxian Island.

Of course servant disciples are allowed to exist, this is an exception.

As for people from major sects in the world of cultivation who go to Sanxian Island, although no sects are allowed to appear, after people from major sects go there, they can naturally form a small circle of relationships, which is an invisible circle of forces. It is Sanxian Island. The first major force.

However, naturally these forces will not be united as one, they are just unified on the surface.

The second force is the force of loose cultivators and immortals.

Naturally, casual cultivators are monks who practice alone in the world of cultivation. The casual cultivators who come out of this group become casual cultivators after they go to Sanxian Island.

Different from when they were in the world of cultivation, after the Sanxian cultivators went to Sanxian Island, although the number of people was still small, they were very united and formed the second largest force on Sanxian Island. The two forces showed harmony, but in fact Like water and fire.

Because they are all competing for the cultivation resources of Sanxian Island.

According to Qi Maodun's explanation, Sanxian Island is a place suitable for monks to practice and live, and the other half is the most desolate mountain range.

But there is a rare treasure in these mountains, which is unique to the fairy world - fairy stone!

Because it is rumored that Sanxian Island itself is part of the fairy world.

Yang Yiyun remembered that the old man also said this.

Therefore, there are veins of immortal stone in the barren mountains of Sanxian Island.

Both forces are competing for the Xianshi mine, and they have been fighting openly and secretly.

However, even if you find a mineral vein in the barren mountain range, you may not be able to dig out fairy stones...

Immortal stones are the foundation for loose immortals to improve their strength and ensure they can overcome the tribulation.

In addition to the fairy stone veins in the barren mountains, there are also natural treasures such as fairy grass and other natural materials, but it is very difficult to get them.

How can it be so easy to obtain the treasures of heaven, materials and earth that can be stored in the barren mountains?

In the desolate mountains, there are unparalleled powerful beasts of heaven and earth, and there is a natural environment that can instantly kill powerful immortals...

This is the Sanxian Island environment introduced by Qimao Dun.

But later he added: "In fact, on the Sanxian Island, the Sanxian cultivators are stronger than the sect Sanxian."

Yang Yiyun was puzzled: "Why?"

At this time, Xuanyuan Kaiming continued: "I thought that 30,000 years ago, Sanxian Island was the era of Tianxie Supreme, and the legendary Tianxie Supreme was born as a Sanxian cultivator."

When Yang Yiyun heard the words Tianxie Supreme, his whole body was shocked.

He murmured in his heart: "Wucao, Supreme Heavenly Evil...? It seems to be the title of my old man?"

Xuanyuan Kaiming continued: "There is a law of heaven on the Sanxian Island, which is that the maximum number of loose immortals who can exist is the sixth rank. The sixth rank is a watershed. The loose immortals who surpass the sixth rank and above will be forced by the laws of heaven even if they hide on the Sanxian Island. Summoned to the fairy world.

However, the legendary Heavenly Evil Supreme has broken through step by step to the level of the Twelve Tribulations Loose Immortal Supreme, breaking the rumor that the Loose Immortal has three, six, ninety-two and four levels of unbreakability. He is the only one in an era.

Only the Heavenly Evil Supreme has reached the level of the Twelve-Calamity Loose Immortal Supreme, directly ignoring the laws of heaven that the Loose Immortal Island can only accommodate six-level Loose Immortals.

Of course, the Heavenly Evil Supreme, the Supreme of the Twelve Tribulations, later returned to Sanxian Island after breaking through to the Twelve Tribulations. His existence in the Sanxian Island Cultivation Center is the holy place for all Sanxian people in the entire Sanxian Island.

Therefore, after the appearance of Supreme Tianxie, the supreme loose cultivator of loose immortals, the entire loose cultivators of loose immortals on Sanxian Island felt that they were superior to others. They were more united and more arrogant than the loose immortals of the sect. This was exactly the opposite of what it was in the world of cultivation. . "

Yang Yiyun looked strange after hearing this. He didn't expect that the old man still had such a legend on Sanxian Island.

From the eyes of Xuanyuan Kaiming and Qi Maodun, he could see the enthusiasm in their eyes when they talked about the Supreme Heavenly Evil.

Much like the NC fans of later generations who are chasing stars.

However, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but muttered: "Isn't he a dead old man? Isn't he as sacred as you say?"

"Fellow Daoist Yang, please be careful what you say."

"Junior brother Yang, please don't talk nonsense, the Supreme Lord of Heavenly Evil is a sacred existence."

Almost at the same time, Qi Maodun and Xuanyuan Kaiming both took Yang Yiyun seriously.

Acting like that, if Yang Yiyun dared to say anything bad about Tianxie Supreme, the two old guys would fall out at any time.

"Uh..." Yang Yiyun was stunned, with a smile on his face, but he muttered in his heart: "What a crazy fan!"

Not daring to irritate the two old guys any more, Yang Yiyun smiled and changed the subject. He looked at Qi Maodun and seemed not to know that Supreme Heavenly Evil was actually the ancestor of the Palace of Eternal Life.

I couldn't help but ask: "Senior Brother Qi, do you know who the ancestor of Changsheng Palace is?"

Qi Maodun was stunned but still replied: "The Holy Lord Changsheng has never paid close attention to who he studied under, I don't know."

At this time, Yang Yiyun was extremely weird. He was thinking about whether to tell Qi Maodun that the old man was Tianxie Supreme. I wonder if Qi Maodun knew that Tianxie Supreme was actually the ancestor of the Eternal Life Palace. Would this old boy faint with joy? past?

"Junior Brother Yang, does anything have to do with the ancestor?" Qi Maodun asked in confusion.

"'s okay, I'm just asking casually. Let's continue talking about Sanxian Island, hehe." After all, Yang Yiyun didn't reveal that the old man was the Supreme Lord of Heavenly Evil and the ancestor of the Eternal Life Palace.

"Well, regarding the matter of Tianxie Supreme, if junior brother goes to Sanxian Island in the future, you must not say anything disrespectful, otherwise you will become the foundation of the entire Sanxian Island. I believe senior brother, Tianxie Supreme is extremely sacred on Sanxian Island. His existence is the object of admiration for every Sanxian on Sanxian Island, and he is the role model and hope for us Sanxian.

Because there are twelve tribulations, three, six, and nine tribulations for loose immortals. Only one person in a million can reach the ninth tribulation. But for the twelve kalpas, we only know that there is only one person in an era, Tianxie Supreme. Therefore, Tianxie Supreme is Idols of the loose immortals in the world, please remember not to slander the Supreme Heavenly Evil in any words..."

Qi Maodun warned Yang Yiyun seriously.

"Yes, yes, yes, I remember, I will never show any disrespect to the Supreme Lord Tian Xie again." He said perfunctorily, but he was actually cursing in his heart: "This old man didn't expect you to be so popular!"

"Hmph, do you think that the title of Master Tianxie Supreme is for nothing? Let alone Sanxian Island, if you look at the immortal world, you can count them shoulder to shoulder with one hand." At this moment, Yun Tianxie's voice sounded in Yang Yiyun's mind.

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