My Master Is a God

Chapter 1713 The mysterious senior figure

"Holy Master Yang is young and promising. You are so polite. I am Feng Qiuxuan, a member of the Divine Phoenix Clan in the Little Demon Realm. Please forgive me for disturbing you."

Grandma Shenfeng did not really put on airs of seniority in front of Yang Yiyun. After getting up, she introduced herself to the family and greeted Yang Yiyun in the tone of a kind elder.

While Yang Yiyun was talking, he sat down at the main seat without hesitation and motioned for Grandma Shenfeng and Xiaodi Xiantang to take their seats.

After the three of them took their seats, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and looked at Grandma Shenfeng with a smile and said, "My mother-in-law is an expert in this world, but I don't know if I, Yunmen, can give me some advice when I come out of the mountain this time."

He, Yang, had killed True Lord Heavenly Wolf of the Little Demon Realm, and was not familiar with the situation in the Little Demon Realm. He was still thinking about whether Grandma Shenfeng came here to ask for punishment.

So he smiled and asked questions, but he was not that close.

His friendship with Xiao Didixian Tangtang was a close friendship, but it was limited to the two of them, excluding Xiao Didixian's master Shen Feng Granny.

The old and mature Granny Shenfeng could naturally hear the flavor of Yang Yiyun's words, and immediately understood what was going on. She had naturally known the news for a long time about the death of True Lord Tianlang by Yang Yiyun.

However, things in the Little Demon Realm are not known to the outside world.

After smiling, Grandma Shenfeng looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "Holy Master Yang is serious. The old woman has no other purpose in coming here this time. She is here to recognize her marriage to Yunmen... Haha."

"Recognize your relationship?" Yang Yiyun was confused after listening to Granny Shenfeng's words.

He has no interaction with the Little Demon Realm, so there is no way to talk about recognizing him as a relative, or even making enemies.

Granny Shenfeng smiled and said, "You will know it if I tell you a name."

While Yang Yiyun was puzzled, he heard Granny Shenfeng say: "Mei Shiying Mei girl."

"What...she...she is in your little demon world?" Yang Yiyun stood up immediately and stared at Granny Shenfeng.

Yang Yiyun had been looking for Mei Shiying, but there was no news. Unexpectedly, Granny Shenfeng actually said that she was in the Little Demon Realm.

No wonder Mei Shiying has never been found.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's eyes were a little unkind, but they passed away in a flash. His first reaction was that Granny Shenfeng was threatening him with Mei Shiying?

But then I thought about it and it was impossible. The threat had already come, or there was no reason.

He said nothing and waited for Grandma Shenfeng to continue. He knew that since Grandma Shenfeng said this, there must be something more to say, and he didn't see any threatening intention on Grandma Shenfeng's face, so it shouldn't be a bad thing.

Sure enough, I heard Granny Shenfeng say: "Holy Lord Yang, don't worry. Mei Shiying is now the most potential disciple of our clan. She has the purest blood of our Shenfeng clan in her body. She has been cultivating in our clan's holy land for these years, otherwise I will be dead." I brought her with me when I came out this time."

Yang Yiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He had always cared about Mei Shiying and knew her thoughts, but he had never done anything further. However, this did not prevent Yang Yiyun from worrying about her and caring about her.

And now her relationship with Sister Mei and her relationship with Mei Shiying are closer. Even if it is for Sister Mei, she has to find Mei Shiying.

Now according to Granny Shenfeng, Mei Shiying seems to be doing well in the Shenfeng clan and is highly valued by the status clan.

I also remembered what the old man said after meeting Mei Shiying. I remember that the old man said that Mei Shiying had the bloodline of Fengshen and was a member of the Shenfeng family in the cultivation world. It is very likely that the Shenfeng family had a long time ago. Ancestor-level figures have traveled all over the earth to have the lineage of Mei Shiying and Sister Mei.

At that time, Mei Shiying was a disciple of Earth's Emei, but she was in the bloodline of the Divine Phoenix and had not yet awakened. In addition, practicing Emei martial arts was still a yin attribute. As a result, it conflicted with the Divine Phoenix bloodline in her body and her life was hanging by a thread when she met him. After that, the old man said that by helping Mei Shiying, he could get favors from the Divine Phoenix Bloodline Family in the Cultivation World. Now it seems that what the old man said has come true.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt more and more that the old man had a clever plan.

I also wanted to relax in my heart, with a smile on my face, and I clasped my fists at Grandma Shenfeng and thanked her: "As a junior, I really want to thank my senior for taking care of Shiying. We are indeed a family."

"Haha... Holy Master Yang is so quick. Seriously, I want to thank Holy Master Yang on behalf of the entire Shenfeng family. When I found girl Shiying, she said that she could or could awaken the Divine Phoenix bloodline in her body thanks to Holy Master Yang, so I On behalf of the True God Phoenix Family, I would like to thank Holy Master Yang.”

After gaining Yang Yiyun's trust, Grandma Shenfeng stood up seriously and bowed to Yang Yiyun solemnly to thank her.

"It can't be done, it can't be done~" Yang Yiyun quickly went to help her, but Granny Shenfeng had already bowed.

"This... you are so old and shameful to me. Shiying and I both come from the same hometown. To me, she is my relative. I should have helped her in the first place. There is no need to thank me, senior." Yang Yiyun spoke quickly.

After the two sat down again, Granny Shenfeng smiled and said: "Since you approve of me, I won't treat you as an outsider anymore..."

Grandma Shenfeng smiled, paused and continued: "Actually, you don't know what Mei Shiying means to our Shenfeng clan. It means so much, it's a matter of life and death..."

Yang Yiyun listened to Grandma Shenfeng's story.

Half an hour later, Grandma Shenfeng finished her story, and Yang Yiyun finally learned some things about the little demon world.

According to the wishes of Grandma Shenfeng, every person born with the blood of Shenfeng will be sensed by their clan through a unique secret method. Mei Shiying was able to sense the absence of Shenfeng as soon as she came to the world of cultivation. The family members picked up someone from the Little Demon Realm...

Later, through the test of the Shenfeng family's secret method, it was discovered that Mei Shiying's Shenfeng bloodline was extremely pure, infinitely atavistic, even purer than the bloodline of Granny Shenfeng, the current patriarch of the Shenfeng blood family.

This made the entire Shenfeng family revel in ecstasy, and they directly regarded Mei Shiying as the holy daughter of the Shenfeng family and the successor of the next generation of patriarch.

According to Grandma Shenfeng, the bloodline of their clan has become increasingly thinner and thinner, and very few people can reproduce the divine power of Shenfeng. If there is no atavistic level bloodline clan member, the Shenfeng bloodline clan will be wiped out in many years. possible.

It is also true that their clan is being squeezed and deliberately oppressed by other clans in the Little Demon Realm. If she, an old woman, were not here, the Shenfeng Family would definitely disappear in the Little Demon Realm.

In order to protect the Shenfeng family, she, the clan leader, has not ascended to the immortal world. Fortunately, Mei Shiying's appearance has solved everything.

After that, they sent Mei Shiying to the Holy Land of Divine Phoenix. Only Mei Shiying, an atavistic descendant with pure blood, can inherit the inheritance left by her ancestors in the Holy Land. As long as Mei Shiying inherits the inheritance of her ancestors, many Divine Phoenix practitioners will be able to practice in the future. The inheritance can be reproduced in the world, and the Shenfeng bloodline family can be passed down for a long time.

But so far, hundreds of years have passed, and Mei Shiying still has not come out of seclusion, but it is said that Mei Shiying will come out of seclusion soon, within these three months.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun also sighed, and even more so, Mei Shiying was happy that she had this opportunity, which was a great progress in her spiritual path. Of course, if Sister Mei knew that her sister Mei Shiying was still alive, she would definitely be even happier.

Then Yang Yiyun asked tentatively: "So, senior, you came out of the mountain this time specifically to inform Mei Shiying of her whereabouts?"

The question was like this. In fact, Yang Yiyun thought that Grandma Shenfeng's trip was definitely not just for this reason.

Sure enough, Granny Shenfeng's eyes suddenly turned solemn and she said: "I came here for three things. First, before Shiying went into seclusion, she actually told me to go to the world of cultivation to find you and her sister, and tell her Whereabouts, but I have never had the chance to come to tell you about this matter. Today is a confession and I will pay Holy Master Yang for forgiveness.

Secondly, regarding the outbreak of the demon clan, the Little Demon Realm sent True Lord Tianlang to come. I also know what happened next. There are indeed people in the Little Demon Realm who want to deal with you because you killed True Lord Sirius, but I stepped forward. The matter has been suppressed for the time being, but if you can't protect the members of the Sirius clan, they will still stumble you secretly.

So for the Sirius clan, what I and a certain senior mean is that you go to the Little Demon Realm and simply deal with the Sirius clan so as not to leave any trouble for yourself.

Thirdly, and related to the second thing, I came here to be entrusted by others, to give Holy Master Yang a platform and to give the Sirius clan a look to prevent them from causing mischief.

You also know that the Little Demon Realm is a group of half humans and half demons. They are the descendants of mythical beasts, birds, and beasts of heaven and earth. They have the inheritance of blood and innate magical powers. However, as time goes by, the four major mythical beast families of the Little Demon Realm, Qinglong and Shenfeng Instead, the four tribes, White Tiger and Xuanwu, gradually became lonely because the blood of the divine beasts was too scarce and cherished.

On the contrary, later on, some other low-level bloodline groups, such as Sirius, etc., over the long river of time, their bloodlines became more and more rich and powerful, and their momentum was faintly overwhelming the four major divine beast expression families like us. Of course, it was just a sign. They are reflected in the number of people, but although the members of the four tribes like us are scarce, the sacred beasts are of the blood of the sacred beasts after all, and they do not dare to make too many mistakes.

The Sirius clan has developed rapidly in recent years, and has become more and more unscrupulous in the Little Demon Realm, bullying the weak, trying to steal the limelight at every turn, and leading the Little Demon Realm with evil deeds. Therefore, our four tribes have long been unable to see through it. Which of the seniors came out this time and meant it? Let Holy Master Yang simply go to the Little Demon Realm and kill the Heavenly Wolf clan, otherwise it will still bring trouble to you Yunmen in the future. "

This time after Granny Shenfeng finished speaking, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask: "I wonder who the senior in the senior's mouth is?"

Two or three times I heard Granny Shenfeng mention being entrusted by others to come to support Yunmen, but this made Yang Yiyun confused.

At this moment, Grandma Shenfeng smiled and said: "Which senior didn't let me tell you her identity? If you dare to go to the Little Demon Realm, you will naturally know her identity. Let me buy it first, but don't worry, I swear to the way of heaven. , there is absolutely no malice.”

Yang Yiyun was really curious now, but he couldn't figure out who it was?

From what Granny Shenfeng meant, the senior she mentioned seemed to know her, and the person whom Granny Shenfeng could call a senior must be extraordinary, but she just couldn't think of who it could be?

But what he can also be sure of is that the other party and Granny Shenfeng have no ill intentions. Just as Granny Shenfeng said, this visit is to save face for Yunmen...

Originally, he was surprised that Sanxian Island and the Little Demon Realm had not come to seek revenge for hundreds of years. Now it seems that Sanxian Island did not know the reason, but the Sirius clan of the Little Demon Realm was suppressed by Granny Shenfeng, or the senior she called it. down.

Having said that, what Grandma Shenfeng said is true, so the Sirius clan really has to be on guard, and if they can kill it, it will be done once and for all, otherwise they will leave themselves with future troubles.

For the time being, the Shenfeng clan can suppress the Sirius clan to seek revenge, but it cannot suppress them forever. The best way is to take the initiative to solve this matter.

Just now, Granny Shenfeng used these words about daring to go to the Little Demon Realm. She was obviously testing his courage, right?

After thinking of this, Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "In that case, I will go to the Little Demon Realm with my seniors. I also want to see which senior you mentioned is a saint, and I also want to go to the Sirius Clan. Ask them how dare they come to seek revenge on me, Yang Yiyun?"

"Hahaha... Okay, the senior is indeed right. She guessed that you would say this, and she will definitely go back to the Little Demon Realm. If possible, how about we start the journey to the Little Demon Realm?" Granny Shenfeng said with a smile.

Yang Yiyun stood up: "Okay, senior, wait a moment, I'll explain it to you, and then we can set off."

"It should be so." Granny Shenfeng nodded.

After Yang Yiyun got up, he was going to find some women and children to explain before going to the Little Demon Realm, otherwise he would not be able to leave without worry.

"Big brother, wait for me, I'll go and have a look with you too..." Xiaodi Xian Tangtang followed out.

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