My Master Is a God

Chapter 1716 I want the five-color sacred cow

Yang Yiyun really felt guilty for Yang Xingfu, his son, because he had not participated in Yang Xingfu's childhood. Yang Yiyun started from his own perspective and knew the importance of a child's childhood, so he felt guilty.

As for Yang Xingfu, when he heard his father Yang Yiyun speak at this moment, his eyes flashed, but his personality was calm, or a little too mature. He knew that his father wanted to give him benefits, but he was not like his brother Tuantuan and sister Yuanyuan. Jumping for joy.

Instead, he replied honestly: "My child obeys his father's arrangements."

This answer is quite satisfactory and the performance is the safest.

But... Yang Yiyun was not satisfied.

You may even feel guilty inside.

He knew that this was due to Yang Xingfu's character, and a person's character is developed by the influence of his childhood environment.

Yang Xingfu was born on Earth, but his father is no longer around. He is taught by his mother Ouyang Yuqing, but Ouyang Yuqing is a teacher. Under her guidance, Yang Xingfu will lose a lot of his childishness. In addition, his father is no longer around, and even We haven't seen each other since childhood.

After growing up, he took over the huge Yunqi Group and Yunmen, which forced Yang Xing Fu You to be calm. Over time, it became like this. Before doing anything, he had to think about it in his mind and weigh it before doing anything.

It was originally a good thing, but Yang Yiyun knew this and it was not good for cultivators. The path of cultivation is about cultivating the heart. His son Yang Xingfu invisibly put many shackles on his heart.

It’s not a good thing for cultivation.

At this moment, if it were Tuantuan, Yuanyuan, and Xiao Manman, they would jump for joy, but Yang Xingfu answered solemnly and seriously, obeying his father's arrangement.

A little too calm, like a little old man.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Yiyun wants to do something for his son Yang Xingfu.

Yang Yiyun smiled: "Xing'er, my father, will tell you something today. You should keep it in mind."

"Yes." Yang Xingfu nodded meticulously.

"What I want to say as a father is that as a monk and as my son, Yang Yiyun, you don't have to think too much. Get along well with your brothers and sisters in the future. Just do whatever you want. Don't be like a little old man. Practice as well." It’s about cultivating your mind and doing whatever you want.

Say what you want without any scruples or cover-ups. Just go ahead and do whatever you want. No one in Yunmen Wonderland will stop you or dare to stop you. Even if you get into a huge disaster, you will have a father to help you. . "

When Yang Yiyun said this, Tuan Yuanyuan, Xiao Manman and Ouyang Lele's mouths all became O-shaped.

Father, you are indulging your brother!

Is this how children are taught?

The other four were rolling their eyes.

Even a little jealous.

This is a preference for Yang Xingfu.

Even Yang Xingfu himself heard it in his ears and in his heart, and he was a little confused about his father's words.

Yang Yiyun saw the expressions of the children in his eyes, smiled slightly and said: "Of course I am not telling you to do bad things that are harmful to nature.

But I want to tell you one word - heart. Only by following your own heart can you go further on the path of spiritual practice. Your talent can be said to be the best among your brothers and sisters, but if you don't change your own The nature of the mind will cause inner demons in the future. This is the most terrifying thing. Do you understand? "


At this moment, Yang Xingfu's mind exploded, and he finally understood what his father meant.

There are touches and insights.

The realm broke through and the cultivation level entered the realm of integration.

Indeed, Ru's father said that he was too preoccupied with things and thought too much, which was detrimental to his practice.

But this is also a habit developed on Earth, because when he was on Earth, he was in charge of the Yunqi Group and dealt with all kinds of businessmen and mortals all day long. He was inevitably vulgar, thoughtful, and even overthinking things. Several layers became a habit.

But now that he has entered the world of cultivation, he still hasn't gotten out of his habit...

Now he understands that he is a cultivator and no longer a mortal.

Although cultivators also grow up as mortals, they are still mortals in the final analysis, but there is a difference.

Cultivators can live for hundreds or thousands of years or even ascend to immortality, becoming immortal and immortal, but mortals do not. This is the difference.

Yang Xingfu knew that he could no longer regard himself as a mortal, but as a cultivator.

In an instant, my realm improved, I understood, I saw clearly, and I stepped out of the ordinary world.

At this moment Yang Xingfu smiled.

Yang Yiyun also smiled. This son's talent and understanding are indeed the best.

So Yang Yiyun returned to the previous topic, looked at Yang Xingfu again and asked: "Xing'er gave you something as your father, do you dare to ask for it?"

At this moment, Yang Xingfu's eyes were shining, his whole temperament had changed, and his mind had changed. If the aura on his body before was as dull as a pond, then the aura he showed at this moment was that of a roaring river, full of vitality. and vigor.

Looking at Yang Yiyun, Yang Xingfu replied: "Father, I dare, and I want the five-color sacred cow next to my father to be my spiritual pet."

This time it was Yang Yiyun's turn to be confused.

It is a good thing that my son can understand what he is saying, has a cheerful personality, and can achieve breakthroughs in realm.

But... what he planned to give to Yang Xingfu was not the five-color sacred cow. The five-color sacred cow was an immortal pet, comparable to the existence of a fourth-level loose immortal, and there was no soul contract with him at all. It can only be regarded as a cooperative and friends relationship.

Now that my son has asked for the five-color sacred cow to be his immortal pet, what should he do?

Yang Yiyun could imagine that if the five-color sacred cow was proposed to be his son's fairy pet, would the big-tongued cow fall out?

But he just boasted to his son and collapsed in Haikou. If he couldn't do it, it would be a slap in the face.

Yang was confused for a while.

"Ahem, cough...then what...well, my father agreed, just wait until I notify you." Yang finally agreed.

Yang Xingfu was overjoyed: "Thank you very much, father."

"Okay... okay..." Yang agreed uncomfortably.

Then he looked at Ouyang Lele. For fear of causing another problem this time, he waved his hand and a simple bell appeared in his hand. He said to Ouyang Lele: "Lele reckons this thing is called the Zhenhunling. It is a powerful magic weapon." The weapon should be able to be used by you after being tempered by your father. After activating it, you will be invincible in the attack of the spirit of the same realm. Even a high-level monk can use it as long as you activate the soul-suppressing spirit. Influence is a rare treasure, and it is given to you today.

Your cultivation is a bit weak, so you have to practice hard and never slack off in the future. What I hope to see in the future is that you brothers and sisters will all ascend to immortality..."

"Thank you, dad." Ouyang Lele has become a cheerful person since the conflict with Yang Yiyun was resolved, and her mood is the best among the children.

He called me "Dad" and seemed very cordial. He happily accepted Zhenhun Ling.

Yang Yiyun was also happy when he heard this. Although he did not give Ouyang Lele a spiritual pet, the Soul-Suppressing Ling given to him was a real sender. The Soul-Suppressing Ling was a treasure that the Demon Lord got from nowhere. When he went to rescue When Bu Qingmei was away, he captured the Zhenhun Ling.

It's just that this thing is aimed at soul attacks and is relatively feminine. Yang Yiyun has always kept it in the Qiankun Pot space and has never used it. Now it is just right for Ouyang Lele to use.

After that, Yang Yiyun said: "I am telling you a few words, but you have to remember them."

The sudden seriousness shocked the five children. They all stood up and listened with their ears straightened up. Father Yang Yiyun was easy to avoid getting angry, but when he became serious, they were all afraid.

"You five remember that in the future, you must unite, love each other, brothers and sisters help each other, the older one takes care of the younger ones, the stronger ones take care of the weaker ones, and there must be no gap between brothers and sisters, otherwise your father will not forgive you, but remember Are you down?" Yang Yiyun showed his strict father's side at this moment.

"Kid, remember..."

The five people also answered seriously.

"It's all over now..."

After sending away a few children, Yang disappeared into the yard with a headache, and the next one appeared in the Qingniu Mansion in Yunmen Wonderland.

Yang Yiyun came here not to find the green ox, but to find the five-color sacred ox.

The Five-Colored Sacred Cow sounds like a cow, so he stayed in Qingniu's house. Qingniu, because the Five-Colored Sacred Bull is a fairy pet, can be considered a member of the cattle clan, respects Big Tongue, and arranged for a baby in the house. Demons serve.

This made the Five-Colored Divine Niu feel very narrow-minded. He originally liked to eat and sleep, and having a group of little demons waiting on him felt so comfortable that he simply lived in the Qingniu Mansion for a long time.

And now that Yang Yiyun was here, he naturally wanted to find a way to make the five-color sacred cow become his son Yang Xingfu's immortal pet.

I just don’t know how to speak properly.

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