My Master Is a God

Chapter 1730 The old guy doesn’t trust

The appearance of Mei Shiying also made Yang Yiyun happy. For him, he finally found her, settled a worry, and gave Sister Mei an explanation.

Naturally, there will be an explosion of emotions when the two parties meet...

Of course, even with Grandma Shenfeng and Little Phoenix present, the emotional catharsis didn't last long.

As for Mei Shiying, she has met her relatives. She came from the earth, to the mountain and sea world, and then to the world of cultivation, all the way to the little demon world. In fact, her path to cultivation is not as difficult as others.

The difference is that after coming to the Little Demon Realm, I have been practicing in seclusion. After hundreds of years, I have to be bored and miss my loved ones.

It was natural to be happy to see Yang Yiyun again.

After comforting Mei Shiying, Yang Yiyun asked her: "Has Ying'er ever gone out to see your sister?"

Mei Shiying shook her head, then her face turned a little red and said: "I haven't... seen you yet. I've been waiting for Brother Yang to come out."

In fact, she had left seclusion thirty years ago. After hearing that Grandma Shenfeng said that her sister and Yang Yiyun were here, she was supposed to go out to see her sister, but Grandma Shenfeng was not in a hurry and kept instilling in her , or he told her to wait for Yang Yiyun to ask for something after he came out of confinement, or it was a cliche.

After listening to Grandma Shenfeng's words, Mei Shiying knew that Yang Yiyun was led into the third hole by Little Phoenix.

The third cave is the most important place for the Shenfeng clan. Except for Phoenix, no one else can enter, but Yang Yiyun went in.

This made Grandma Shenfeng very anxious.

After saying a lot of words, I waited for more than thirty years without going out.

I also understand the worries of Granny Shenfeng. She is afraid that the treasures in the third cave will be taken away by Yang Yiyun and Little Phoenix.

According to Granny Shenfeng, the treasure box in the third cave is a precious inheritance left by the ancestors of the Shenfeng clan. It is related to the rise and fall of the Shenfeng clan. She told her to wait for Yang Yiyun and Little Phoenix to come out and find a way to get it back. .

In addition to the treasure box, there may be other treasures in the third hole. Even Grandma Shenfeng doesn't know about it and needs to negotiate, because she is afraid that Yang Yiyun and Xiao Fenghuang won't give it to them.

Of course, the main thing is Yang Yiyun, because it is Yang Yiyun's words that Little Phoenix listens to.

So Grandma Shenfeng waited anxiously for Yang Yiyun and Little Phoenix for thirty years.

And she had been waiting with Granny Shenfeng and did not go out to see her sister, Sister Mei.

But according to what she knew about Yang Yiyun, if she told him that there really was something in the third hole, and she talked to him well, he would definitely return the favor.

On the contrary, I felt that I was making a fuss over Grandma Shenfeng.

However, Grandma Shenfeng was kind to her, which meant that her life was saved by Grandma Shenfeng and she wanted to give her face.

Although Grandma Shenfeng was a bit nagging and even expressed her intention to take action against Yang Yiyun if necessary, Mei Shiying still didn't say anything, but there was something else in her heart.

When Yang Yiyun asked Mei Shiying, he was also observing the expression of Granny Shenfeng. He found that Granny Shenfeng's eyes were full of complexity at this moment, and she had been looking at him and Little Phoenix from the moment they came out.

After not coming out for thirty years, what Yang Yiyun was thinking was that Sister Mei was more anxious than Diao'er waiting outside, so she just had to go out quickly.

He didn't have any selfish intentions, and asked Little Phoenix to give the treasure box to Grandma Shenfeng later.


Yang Yiyun gestured to Little Phoenix to take out the treasure box and give it to Grandma Shenfeng.

Little Phoenix nodded, stretched out his hand, and a treasure box appeared in his hand.

At this time, Yang Yiyun spoke to Grandma Shenfeng: "Senior, this is the treasure box in the third cave. Now I will give it to you. In addition, the little Phoenix got the Fire of the Godly Phoenix in the third cave. This is a chance for the little Phoenix. There are three phoenix feathers, I refined the robes, and there is nothing in the other third cave."

Yang Yiyun spoke openly and honestly. He took the treasure box from Xiao Fenghuang and handed it to Grandma Shenfeng with his own hands.

At this moment, Grandma Shenfeng's eyes flickered. She took the treasure box in her hand with a swish and opened the treasure box with a wave of her hand. She glanced at the jade slip inside and a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

The jade slips in the treasure box were all the inheritance of the Shenfeng clan. She knew this clearly from the ancient records. They were left by the first-generation ancestor of the Shenfeng clan and were the authentic backup of all the inheritance of the Shenfeng clan. The reason is that one day the bloodline of the Shenfeng clan will become thin and the inheritance will be broken. With this inheritance backup, the inheritance of the entire Shenfeng clan can be continued again.

But the problem now is that Grandma Shenfeng doesn’t know whether what Yang Yiyun said is true or false?

Apart from what he said, was there anything else in the third hole?

As for Grandma Shenfeng, she doesn't believe what Yang Yiyun said.

She thought that the third hole was the most important hole for the entire Shenfeng clan. Grandma Shenfeng didn't believe that it was just this little thing, or she suspected that Yang Yiyun had gotten more things, but they were just concealed.

But at this moment, after receiving the inheritance backup completed by the Shenfeng Clan, she suppressed her thoughts for the time being.

Not only that, I also want to express my gratitude to Yang Yiyun.

"On behalf of the entire Shenfeng clan, I would like to thank Mian Mian and Holy Master Yang. Thank you very much." Grandma Shenfeng bowed as she spoke.

Yang Yiyun dodged for a moment and said, "I didn't help much, it's all because of little Phoenix."

But the little Phoenix didn't even move, and calmly accepted Grandma Shenfeng's greeting.

But having said that, the little Phoenix can indeed bear it.

Firstly, the little Phoenix got the inheritance jade slip for the Shenfeng clan. Secondly, the little Phoenix is ​​a divine bird and a god of the Shenfeng clan, so he can bear the thanksgiving ceremony of Grandma Shenfeng.

After some courtesy, Yang Yiyun said: "Let's go out, so that your sister won't be anxious."

These words were spoken to Mei Shiying and also to Granny Shenfeng.

How could Yang Yiyun not see the distrust in Granny Shenfeng's eyes before?

But it doesn't matter to him. Anyway, he did tell the truth truthfully in the third cave of the Shenfeng clan, and he has a clear conscience. As for whether Grandma Shenfeng believes it or not, he has no control over it.

"Okay, I also want to meet my sister." Mei Shiying replied.

"Shan Hong, let's go." Yang Yiyun took Little Phoenix's hand and walked outside as he spoke.

Mei Shiying followed him directly.

At this moment, Grandma Shenfeng's face was extremely ugly. She looked at the backs of Yang Yiyun, Mei Shiying, and Little Phoenix walking out, and felt great hatred in her heart.

Naturally, she would not believe what Yang Yiyun said and that he did not get other treasures from the third hole.

There was also Mei Shiying, the successor of the Shenfeng clan whom she single-handedly promoted and determined, but she actually didn't listen to her.

Over the past thirty years, she has taught Mei Shiying a lot...

There was an idea, to find a way to trick Yang Yiyun into handing over everything he got from the third hole. But now it seems that Mei Shiying has no intention of tricking Yang Yiyun at all, how can she not be angry?

But seeing the three of them walking away at this time, Granny Shenfeng had no choice but to follow them and wait until they got outside. Anyway, in Granny Shenfeng's heart, this was the home of the Shenfeng clan.

Yang Yiyun wants to give him some face after all, right?

Others are waiting for all the clan members to arrive, even if the Bee Fairy is present, they will give him some face.

He went out quickly, and walked out of the holy land of the Shenfeng clan in more than ten minutes.



Sure enough, as soon as they went out, they saw Sister Mei and Diao'er looking worried.

After seeing them come out safely, he shouted in surprise.

"Sister Mei has made you worry~" Yang Yiyun stepped in front of Sister Mei in a flash.

The mink landed on his shoulder.

"It's okay. It's been more than thirty years. I'm worried to death." Sister Mei said.

"Hey, Sister Mei, look who's behind you..." Yang Yiyun smiled and moved away.

"Ying'er..." Sister Mei said in surprise when she saw it.

"elder sister……"

Mei Shiying stepped forward.

The two sisters who had not seen each other for hundreds of years finally met, hugging each other and crying with joy...

Yang Yiyun stood on one side and smiled. He was also happy for the two sisters.

But at this time, he discovered that Granny Shenfeng, who was walking out of the cave, was looking into the distance.

Yang Yiyun subconsciously followed Granny Shenfeng's gaze, but his expression darkened.

All the masters from the Shenfeng clan arrived in the distance.

No more, no less, they were the same people I saw at the Shenfeng Clan's main hall on the first day I came here.

At this time, the masters of the Shenfeng clan gathered together, and even a fool could see what they were going to do.

The old guy doesn't trust me!

Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart.

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