My Master Is a God

Chapter 1737 Entering the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion

Bee Fairy said: "What kind of formation is this formation? To be honest, sister really didn't see it, but she also found a way to crack it and let us in. So this time, sister asked you to let Little Phoenix go to Shenfeng The reason why the clan got the Phoenix Eyes.

Last time my sister came here, she found a flaw in the formation. She could forcefully break through a corner, but she needed the help of Little Phoenix's Phoenix Eyes to open the formation's birth gate within three breaths of time.

By then we will have three breaths of time to enter the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion. I think it should be enough. You can just help me when the time comes, but you must give me time. After three breaths of time, the backlash of the formation will inevitably occur. That's when the time comes. There is no guarantee that my sister will escape unscathed, so we must hurry up. "

"Okay, you can arrange for us to cooperate fully." Yang Yiyun didn't know what flaw in the formation the Bee Fairy had found, so he could only choose to believe her.

He actually didn't have any clue about the formation here. After all, it was an immortal formation. Since it was the Immortal Mansion of the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, it was normal that he couldn't see through it if it couldn't be broken open.

While talking, Yang Yiyun was also communicating with the old man.

"Is the method mentioned by the old man Bee Fairy feasible? What exactly is the portal formation here?" Yang Yiyun knew that the old man would definitely give him the answer, because the Nine-Tails Immortal Mansion was his master's palace.

Sure enough, I heard the old man say with a trace of sadness: "This formation is called "Nine Fox Pilgrimage Formation". It is said to be a formation specially developed for your wife based on the ancient formations. I didn't expect that she is still here." use……"

After sighing with emotion, Yuntian Xie paused for a moment before continuing: "Little Bee's method works, but you have to control the time well and exceed the three-breath time. There will indeed be a powerful backlash, which even Little Bee will find difficult to resist."

"Old man, since you created the formation, you must have a way to enter the formation? Please teach it to me quickly, so that we won't be in danger." Yang Yiyun was overjoyed after hearing what his master Yun Tianxie said.

Yun Tianxie said: "Master...ahem...there is nothing we can do now. This formation seems to have been extended. It must have been modified by your master's wife. The secret method of entering the formation controlled by my master may not be effective. Maybe it will have the opposite effect." The effect is to use Xiao Honey's method. As long as she can find a flaw, she can get in.

I think the way to get Little Bee is to start from the position of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth are also the positions of heaven and earth. When the heaven and earth are reversed, you will need the purple eyes of the little phoenix to find the balance point between heaven and earth.

When the universe is overturned and the powerful power of the Five Elements Law appears, it will be necessary for the little phoenix's divine fire to clear it, find a balance point, and enter the fairy palace. "

Yang Yiyun listened to the old man's words but didn't say much. She knew that the old man's current state was just a remnant soul without a fairy body, and it was difficult to do anything.

At this time, no real demon fairy like the Bee Fairy can do anything. After all, what they have to contact is a real formation, not an illusion.

During the exchange with the old man, the Bee Fairy said: "I will activate the heaven position. Little Phoenix, you will use your phoenix fire to burn it to find the balance point between heaven and earth. At that time, I will open the formation. Brother Yun, you can Please pay attention to the surroundings, sister, so I can’t be disturbed when I cast my spell.”

"Okay~" Yang Yiyun agreed and said to Little Phoenix: "Shanhong, be careful."

"Well, don't worry, brother." Little Phoenix nodded.

After the Bee Fairy prepared, he began to cast spells. After forming a seal in his hand, a stream of mana shot out and went straight to the mountain.


When the first mana landed on the mountain, there was a roar.

Yang Yiyun stood on one side and watched, but he saw that the inscriptions on the entire mountain seemed to come alive, changing from dim to bright, emitting a bright blue light.

A powerful aura suddenly emerged.

And the Bee Fairy waved her hands faster and faster...

In an instant, the Bee Fairy fired hundreds of mana at the mountain, and the next moment he said to the little Phoenix: "Little Phoenix, take action quickly."

While the Bee Fairy was speaking, two large beams of light erupted from her hands and connected to the mountain, or the formation. It looked like it was very difficult for Little Phoenix to take action quickly.

At this time, the little phoenix let out a long roar and turned into the phoenix itself. The whole body was filled with flames and flew up. It opened its mouth and faced the mountain. The bee fairy spit out a lavender phoenix fire between the two light pillars.


The flames of the little phoenix burned on the mountain. After a dull sound, Yang Yiyun saw a blue line appear in the flames.


At this moment, Bee Fairy's face became happy, and he gave a light drink as the flames of the little phoenix burned, and the two light beams on his palms suddenly joined forces on the green line.

In an instant, there was a burst of green light, and a rotating green portal appeared. Yang Yiyun seemed to see a lush green space inside, like a small world.

He knew that the Bee Fairy and the Little Phoenix had opened the door to the Nine-Tailed Fairy Mansion.

"fast forward……"

At this time, I heard the Bee Fairy speak, signaling Yang Yiyun to enter the portal.

Yang Yiyun, who had been waiting for a long time, naturally knew that time was running out at this time. They only had three breaths and did not dare to delay. He turned into an afterimage and jumped into the blue portal with Diao'er, disappearing in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Little Phoenix and Bee Fairy entered the portal one after another.

It actually took three breaths from opening to when they entered, which was just right.

After they entered, the inscriptions on the mountain gradually dimmed and returned to their original appearance, as if nothing had happened.

After Yang Yiyun put his feet on the ground, two big lights flashed behind him. Little Phoenix and Bee Fairy appeared, and the three of them came in almost at the same time.


At this time, the mink on Yang Yiyun's shoulder squeaked and jumped out with a whoosh.

"Miao'er is back~"

Yang Yiyun was in a hurry, fearing that Diao'er's recklessness would cause some accidents. They had just entered the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion, and they didn't even have a firm footing. They didn't even look at what was going on here. They didn't know what the environment would be like here, or if there was any danger. What kind of existence is there? Diaoer leaps away like this. If there is a powerful creature here, he will suffer a big loss.

You must know that this is a demon emperor level fairy mansion.

Although Bee Fairy said that the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor had long been rumored to have left, the rumors were just rumors and could not be true. What if the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor still existed in the Immortal Mansion?

If they don't protect the mink, they will suffer big losses, and all of them will be unlucky.

Although Yang Yiyun had no idea about the existence of the Demon Emperor level and how powerful it was, he thought he was definitely a true master of the mysteries.

Killing them may be a matter of one hand.

Of course, the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor refers to his master's wife, but his master's wife doesn't know!

"It's okay, it's just a spiritual fruit tree, no danger found." Bee Fairy came over and said.

At this time, Yang Yiyun also saw Diao'er jumping to a spiritual fruit tree dozens of meters away from them.

It is a tree with white leaves and red stem, but it is covered with spiritual fruit trees that look like eggplants.

The fruit is light purple in color and looks like an eggplant.

But from a long distance away, I could smell the refreshing fruity aroma.

Yang Yiyun looked at it and smiled bitterly. He knew that Diao'er was a foodie and couldn't control himself after seeing the spirit fruit.

He didn't find any danger, so he stopped paying attention and began to look at the surrounding environment.

Only then did he realize that the place they were in seemed to be in a valley.

The mountains and plains are covered with people who cannot be named. They are colorful. There are many kinds of spiritual fruits on both sides of the valley, and the spiritual energy is extremely abundant. But compared to the outside world, these spiritual fruits and spiritual trees are of the highest quality. Treasure.

This is just an ordinary-looking valley, but I don’t know what kind of place is outside the valley.

The sky here looks blue with white clouds, but it is a scene where the sun and moon are together.

The Bee Immortal said: "The sun and the moon shine together, regardless of day or night, and last forever. It must be the Nine-Tails Immortal Mansion. It is full of spiritual energy, and even has a trace of fairy spiritual power. It is worthy of being an Immortal Family Mansion."

"This is probably just the edge of the land. I'll take a look at the terrain from the sky."

Yang Yiyun jumped up while speaking. Fortunately, there was no restrictive force in the space here, and Yang Yiyun was high in the sky in an instant.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's eyes were filled with surprise.

He found that this place was a huge mansion, and the place they were in was the back garden of the huge mansion after leaving the valley.

In the distance, he saw palaces and pavilions, which seemed to coincide with the formation. In the distance, there was a mist, as if the entire small world was one, like an enclosed courtyard.

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