My Master Is a God

Chapter 1739 Fire overcomes water

Yang Yiyun felt relieved when he heard the old man's disdain in his words.

He continued to ask: "What is the descendant of the old man?"

"The Nine-Tailed Heavenly Emperor is only the ancestor of the Nine-tailed Fox. It is true that there are three guardians under him, and every generation of the nine-tailed demon emperor will have guardians around him, but they are descendants of the guardians. Naturally, they are not gods. This I call myself "Si" to put gold on his face.

The Water God is just an inherited title or position, so don't be scared. You can feel it as a teacher. It can reach up to six levels, which is equivalent to a golden immortal. It cannot be a true protector and should be a descendant of the protector.

As for appearing here for you to find and defeat it, I guess it was your master's wife's arrangement. You told Little Bee not to be too nervous. She had preconceived ideas after hearing the story of the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Emperor's protector, so it was natural in her heart. Got timid.

In this state, you will be played to death by the Water God. Although you are a descendant of the Water God, you are also a master of water control. If you don't find it and defeat it, it will drown you. With concerted efforts, it is impossible to capture a small descendant of the Water God. question.

My master will not help you this time. It can be regarded as a test for you, a comprehensive test between the three of you. By the way, plus your Diaoer dead man, it can also be regarded as a coordination exercise among high-level monks. What’s more, It is the tempering of cultivation strength.

I look forward to the results of your cultivation. Remember to use all the methods you have learned to deal with this descendant of the water god. Don't let it scare you. It is just a descendant of an alien beast, not that powerful. "

After the old man finished speaking, Yang Yiyun was indeed extremely relaxed, because he personally killed a Level 6 Divine Phoenix Granny.

And now the descendant of the water god mentioned by the old man is also a rank six, a basic existence that is quite golden, so Yang said somewhat lightly: "It's only rank six, I can kill it by myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man's angry curse sounded in his mind: "You bastard, you said you were fat, and you still breathed?

Do you think it’s all the same if it’s all six turns? Sixth-level monks like Granny Shenfeng, even if ten of them together are no match for the descendants of the Water God, they are no match for the strange beasts of heaven and earth. If you underestimate the enemy, just wait for death. Again, don't expect your master to help you, that's all. "

After saying this, Yun Tianxie disappeared with anger.

Yang Yiyun was extremely embarrassed. Indeed, he was a little distracted just now.

The old man made it clear that he would not help, and Yang Yiyun had nothing to do. All he could do was to coordinate the Bee Fairy and Little Phoenix to solve the problem.

Yang Yiyun then said to the Bee Immortal who was still in a somewhat panic state: "Sister Jiuer, don't worry, she is either a real water god or a descendant of the water god. She is at the sixth level at most. Together with Little Phoenix, we can definitely win." it."

After hearing this, Bee Fairy was stunned and asked subconsciously: "How do you know?"

"Don't worry about how I know it. It's not wrong anyway. The guy who pretends to be a god in the dark is not the real water god. As long as you know that the three of us are enough to deal with it, you, Little Phoenix and Diao'er will all listen in a moment. I command, we will definitely find this guy." Yang Yiyun spoke with strong confidence.

In fact, this confidence is given to the Bee Fairy because he is afraid that the Bee Fairy will not have enough confidence and will suffer a loss when the time comes.

Confidence in life and death combat is very important.

Although the Bee Immortal couldn't see Yang Yiyun's face clearly in the darkness, his confidence could be heard from his voice.

Emotions, whether good or bad, can actually be affected. At this moment, the Bee Fairy was affected by Yang Yiyun's confidence, so she gradually calmed down.

After a while, the Bee Immortal suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, let's listen to Brother Yun's instructions and let's find it together. It makes Brother Yun laugh. My sister is a demon fairy. I didn't expect that her Taoist mind was disturbed at the critical moment. I really shouldn't..."

"Haha, this is Sister Jiu'er~" Yang Yiyun laughed loudly. He actually knew what was going on.

The heart of the Tao is invisible and formless, but it is everywhere. In this case, the Bee Immortal is preconceived. It may be that he is deeply impressed by the three guardians of the Nine-Tailed Emperor and the Water God, which leads to him unknowingly staying in the state of mind. , so today with the dark environment like the Water Temple, it is normal for Dao to feel confused.

But fortunately, the Bee Fairy is now relieved.

Regardless of whether the next thing is difficult or not, it is possible to have a good start.

And while Yang Yiyun was talking to the Bee Fairy, in the dark and empty hall, the voice of the Water God or the descendant of the Water God once again sounded impatiently: "You have such a loud tone, little guy. I want to see how you deal with it." To me, please find me first, and then I’ll give you some appetizers to try, quack quack..."

The voice of Vicissitudes, who claimed to be the Water God, sounded with great pride. It still came from all directions, and it was impossible to tell where it was.

When the voice fell silent, the whole hall suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, the bodies of Yang Yiyun and others suddenly disappeared. There was no reaction at all, and they found themselves in the water.

At this moment, the main hall truly turned into a still water world.

But the water is not very deep, maybe half a meter, above the knees.

Yang Yiyun's first reaction was that he thought it was ridiculous and laughed loudly: "Who are you, do you want to drown us in water? Isn't this too ridiculous?"

Although he said this, Yang Yiyun was actually full of vigilance when he spoke. In such an environment, the water god would summon water and let them fall into the water without any feeling. This in itself was It's not something ordinary people can do.

Another point is, how could the Protector Water God under the majestic Nine-tailed Emperor use pure water to deal with them?

Yang Yiyun talks tough, but in fact he is full of vigilance in his heart.

He was feeling the changes around him and found nothing different.

"Gah ga ga... Little guy, do you really think this is the only way this god can do it? If you really think so, it would be too boring, and you will only die, haha..."

The Water Goddess sounded like a game maker with a playful voice.

Yang Yiyun had been trying to find the true identity of the Water God, so he didn't move. He just wanted to keep talking to the Water God.

But he sent a message to Little Phoenix and Bee Fairy, asking them to find the location of the Water God.

"What a bullshit water god. If you are really the protector of the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Emperor, then you are out to fight in an upright and upright manner. What kind of god are you doing secretly? Bullshit." Yang Yiyun cursed into the darkness.

At this time, the Water God's voice sounded with pride: "Hey... the little guy wants to use the provoking method? You are going to practice for ten thousand years. This god is a still water space. It is my exclusive magical power. It is my god who can do things secretly. God’s pleasure, but since you are disrespectful to me with your words, wouldn’t I be sorry if I didn’t give you a look?”

After the water myth fell, there was a sound of breaking through the darkness.

"Prepare defense~"

Yang Yiyun's expression changed.

Because he suddenly found that his legs were growing in the water as if they were poured into cement. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move.

"There is a problem with the water~"

Bee Fairy spoke up, but Yang Yiyun felt calm when he heard her speak.

The three of them were frozen by the water.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Sounds of breaking through the air came from all directions.

The flames all over the little phoenix soared into the sky and spread out instantly, covering the three of them.

Yang Yiyun moved the colorful treasure clothes on his body, and the light shone in the darkness.

As soon as the flames of the little phoenix came out, they illuminated a hundred meters radius, and everyone could clearly see what was coming.

But ice picks flew out of thin air.

No need to ask, it must be the water god causing trouble.

"Boom boom boom~"

The ice cones hit the flame mask of the little phoenix one after another, and were evaporated by the flames of the little phoenix with a dull sound.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun and Fengxian met each other, and both saw a little relaxation in each other's eyes.

Since the flames of the little phoenix can dissolve these ice cones, it means that they can resolve the attack of this water god, and even kill it in turn.

Yang Yiyun thought to himself: "As the old man said, this water god is just a mysterious thing. He is a descendant of the water god who has been passed down for who knows how many generations. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Shanhong, put the water on the boil." Yang Yiyun shouted to the little Phoenix.

Fire overcomes water, which should allow the three of them to resume their activities.

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