My Master Is a God

Chapter 1744 White Bone Formation Tibetan Blue Snake

The corpse temple, like a mass grave, is eerie and quiet, but this silence is different from the still water world of the descendants of the water god.

That place was different, and Yang Yiyun couldn't tell for a while.

However, this doubt in my mind was soon answered.


A sound like a baby crying sounded.

Yang Yiyun, Bee Fairy, and Little Phoenix suddenly looked up, but they saw a pitch-black crow on the top of a dead tree tree, squawking and swooping towards the three of them.

Different from ordinary crows, this crow is very big. Its wings are more than one meter spread, and it is as big as an eagle.

It swooped down in an instant, carrying a strong wind, and you could feel the coolness from a distance.

Almost at the same time, Yang Yiyun, Bee Fairy and Little Phoenix were on guard. After the first run-in, they already had a tacit understanding.

The sword in Yang Yiyun's hand was immediately slashed away.



With a scream, blood fell and feathers flew.

This crow, which looked so powerful, drank blood on the spot.

Although Bee Fairy and Little Phoenix didn't take action, they were still on guard.

Yang Yiyun looked around and saw that the crow had landed on a dirt bag, or perhaps a grave would be more appropriate.

The crow's blood invaded the tomb...

The next moment it touched, the soil exploded.

Then the whole earth began to tremble...


It was like there was thunder deep in the earth.

The first tomb was infected with crow's blood, as if some kind of blood trail had been opened, and the tombs in the whole world cracked one after another.

Large and small panic graves started a chain reaction...

"Everyone, come closer~" Yang Yiyun said with a solemn expression.

Then the three back-to-back finished glyphs of Bee Fairy and Little Phoenix came together.

"Shanhong Flame Barrier." Yang Yiyun told Little Phoenix. In this scene, it looked like a ghost was born. The best defense was Little Phoenix's Phoenix Flame, which could give the three of them a safe place for the time being.

"Okay, brother." Little Phoenix nodded and waved his hands, forming a bright red flame that enveloped the three of them.

At this time, the earth is still shaking...

The explosions of the tombs continued, as if something was about to come out. The densely packed earth bags in front of the three of them exploded...

Yang Yiyun didn't know whether these large and small earthen bags were real graves, and what would appear after they exploded.

There is always fear of the unknown.

I couldn't help but ask Master Yun Tianxie in his mind: "What on earth does the old man mean about the God of Extravagance Corpse? Are these earthbags just tombs? If so, what existence will appear in them?"

Then I heard the master's voice in my mind: "Sheshi, the name is naturally related to corpses, so it is obvious that these big and small dirt bags are tombs.

As for the Extravagant Corpse God, I heard your wife say it a long time ago. The Extravagant Corpse God was born in a gloomy place like a mass grave. He was born by absorbing the extremely yin power between heaven and earth and feeds on corrosive yin things. , control all things that are corpses and bones.

He also likes to collect the bones and souls of strange and strange creatures to build his own lair. This is why you see so many large and small earthbags. They are actually tombs. In other words, this is a tomb made of tombs. A large formation composed of graves.

The female green snake controls the Yin corpse, and the male green snake controls the Yin spirit. With the cooperation of each other, most of the Yin creatures in the world will surrender and retreat, so you kid, cheer up and don't be fooled. Of course, the extravagant corpse god appears here. Naturally, they are not the first generation, they are the descendants who are separated by who knows how many generations. There is no need to be too restrained. As long as you are careful, you will not capsize in the ditch. "

After listening to the master's story, Yang Yiyun knew that he really had to be more cautious about this matter.

It is unusual to be able to manipulate the Inferi and control the ghosts. Coupled with the gloomy environment here, it is obviously their home field. If not, it will end up capsizing in the sewer.

He told Little Phoenix and Bee Fairy to be more careful, and also told Diao'er on his shoulders to stay calm. He didn't want Diao'er to rush out rashly.

Diaoer can be really impulsive sometimes, of course, more often than not he rushes out when he is in danger, or even rushes out when he sees something interesting.

That is to say, after talking to the old man, the vibrations on the ground gradually became smaller, but the tombs exploded completely.

The next moment the creatures inside revealed their true colors.

Corpses of strange monster beasts appeared one after another, with sizes ranging from big to small...

Some of them were withered, and some were covered with maggots. They looked extremely disgusting, and the breeze rushed over and smelled disgusting, making them dizzy.

There are also some forms that are completely made of bones, which are skeletons. They make a clicking sound when they move around, which makes people's scalp numb.

There are corpses of monsters standing on two legs, some walking on four legs, some with three legs, some with several heads and several tails...

At a glance, it is so dense that there is no end in sight.

And soon these bones gathered together to form a circle, as if someone was giving orders and directing invisibly.

During the observations of Yang Yiyun and Bee Fairy, it didn't take long for these evil things to swarm towards them like a flood.

"Brother Yun, prepare to fight. I'm afraid it's going to be a fight to the death this time. These monster corpses have obviously formed some kind of formation, and are controlled by a certain queen. If you guessed correctly, it must be the Green Snake, the God of Luxury Corpses. We We have to break the formation of these monster corpses, otherwise we won’t be able to find the Extravagant Corpse God." Bee Fairy said.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Sister Jiu'er, Shanhong, and Diao'er, please be careful. These monster corpses are probably poisonous. And I know that the green snakes of Shezhi Shen are divided into male and female. The female snake is good at controlling the body of the infernal corpse. The male snake controls Yin spirit things, and what we have seen now are the corpses of monster beasts, and we haven’t found any Yin spirit things appearing yet.”

Yang Yiyun told them what the old man had learned about the male and female green snakes.

Of course, Xiao Fenghuang and Diaoer didn't say anything. As long as they remembered what Yang Yiyun said, there would be no doubts.

Only Bee Immortal had some doubts in her heart after hearing this. She couldn't understand why Yang Yiyun knew the talent of She Corpse God?

Even she, the demon fairy, didn't know this, but Yang Yiyun, a cultivator, knew it so clearly.

It was she who told Yang Yiyun about the legend about the three protectors under the Nine-Tailed Emperor. It was the first time Yang Yiyun had heard it.

Now I can actually know the talents of male and female green snakes, which I have to say is very strange.

Come to think of it, Queen Bee Fairy attributed this to the reason why Yang Yiyun obtained the Water God Bead. Perhaps it was the secret revealed by the descendant of the Water God.

Then he didn't think too much about it. Anyway, the Bee Fairy knew that since Yang Yiyun could say it, it made sense, and he would not suffer any loss if he paid more attention in this regard.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Bee Immortal to know that Yang Yiyun has a master soul in his body.

He won't say it either.

This is his biggest secret.

In the blink of an eye, the corpse of the monster beast rushed in front of them.

Little Phoenix spoke at this moment: "Brother, I saw it. It was a green snake hiding in the center of the corpse array."

When Yang Yiyun heard the words, he looked over and saw the purple pupils of Little Phoenix's eyes flashing at this moment. It was obvious that she had used her talent to find the location of the She Corpse God.

But he didn't see it.

This is the unique talent of little Phoenix. Only she can see the green snake.

"How many green snakes are there?" Yang Yiyun asked Little Phoenix, because he knew there were two green snakes, male and female.

"I only saw a green snake." Little Phoenix replied.

Yang Yiyun nodded to show that he knew, and then said to Little Phoenix and Bee Fairy: "Shanhong, come and set fire to clear the way. Sister Jiu'er, we two will rush over and go straight to Huanglong. As long as we control one green snake, I believe the other one will appear soon." Come out."

"Okay, everyone, be careful. Although there are many corpses of these monster beasts, they should not be too strong. Let's rush over and take down the green snake." The Bee Fairy was also speaking with murderous intent at this moment.

After saying these words, the little phoenix transformed into its true body, and the flames all over its body burst into flames. It was released with a bang, and formed a flame that was three feet wide and nine feet long and rushed into the monster's bones.


For a moment, there were sizzling noises and various roars, and all bodies burned by the flames of the little phoenix were turned into ashes with black smoke sizzling. Of course, more monster corpses instinctively avoided it at this moment. Come on.

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