My Master Is a God

Chapter 1757: Making trouble for the Sirius Clan

As Xiaodi Xian Tangtang spoke, she hit Yang Yiyun with another palm.

Yang Yiyun took the initiative to greet him at this moment, but he was not fighting Xiao Didixian.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun raised his chest again.



The second time he vomited blood and fell back.

In the distance, Little Phoenix, Diao'er, and sister Mei were all worried.

Seeing that Yang Yiyun was beaten away by Xiao Didixian again without fighting back, they wanted to rush forward.

However, Tianhu, who was watching from the side, stopped him and said, "You'd better not get involved, otherwise Yunzi's slaps will be in vain."


The others did not speak, Diao'er first roared at Tianhu.

Tianhu smiled bitterly: "I'm not talking about Xiao Didixian, but I'm telling the truth. Yunzi obviously didn't want to fall out with Xiao Di Xian, or lose Xiao Di Xian as a friend, so he endured the two palms forcefully. , otherwise you think that with Yunzi's strength, you can't beat Little Phoenix.

So if you go up at this time, it will be a disservice. Just watch. I know Xiao Didixian and I know Yunzi. The matter is not as serious as you think. "

"But my brother was vomiting blood. He didn't fight back even with two palms. Xiao Didixian said three palms. If he had one more palm, my brother would be killed?" Little Phoenix said.

Tianhu smiled bitterly and said: "This is Yunzi's own choice, so let's not interfere. Don't worry, nothing will happen. Besides, you have also seen that although Xiaodixian injured Yunzi, he did not kill him. Isn't it?

Living beings in the world of cultivation, we are all cultivators of inheritance, what is the most important thing? It's inheritance. Master is equal to parents. The hatred for killing one's master is the same as the hatred for killing one's father. If Xiao Didixian doesn't take action, then she is not Xiao Di Xian, and Yunzi won't be friends with her. Let's just sit back and watch. yes. "

After hearing Tianhu's analysis, Sister Mei and Xiao Fenghuang felt that Tianhu's words were reasonable, and finally held back. Yang Yiyun had also told them to stop and not let them come over.

Now I can only watch.

Several people focused their attention on the field again.

At this time, Xiao Didixian's eyes were red. She originally thought that Yang Yiyun rushed forward to fight her. Unexpectedly, Yang Yiyun rushed forward, but instead of fighting her, he raised his chest to receive her palm. .

This time Xiao Didixian's eyes were red and tears were falling...

"Why don't you fight back?" Xiao Dixian looked at Yang Yiyun and yelled.

"Cough cough cough..." Yang Yiyun coughed up blood, but still said with a smile on his face: "I will not hit a sister who calls me brother. Besides, it is indeed the brother who is sorry for the sister and kills her master. After killing the master, Qiu is as big as the sky, so he deserves a few slaps."

Xiao Dixian's mind was filled with images of her meeting with Yang Yiyun and deliberately teasing Yang Yiyun for calling him big brother. Listening to Yang Yiyun's words, her whole body was trembling.

"If you don't fight back, I won't care. If I beat you to death, don't blame me..." Xiaodi Xian Tangtang said in a crying tone. After finishing her words, she flashed her body. The next moment, she came out with her third palm and headed straight for Yang Yiyun.

In an instant, we arrived at the front of Yang Yiyun.

As long as Xiao Didixian's palm was one foot away from Yang Yiyun, Yang Yiyun never moved. Instead, he closed his eyes, as if he was letting Xiao Didian beat him to death.

The strong wind on his face hurt him, but he made up his mind not to fight back if he said he didn't.

He closed his eyes as he waited for Xiaodi Xian's palm to hit him, but at the next moment, he still heard a dull sound in his ears.


The very familiar sound of vomiting blood.

There was no pain in Yang Yiyun's body, and he waited for the third palm of Xiao Didixian to strike, but it never landed.

When she suddenly opened her eyes and looked around, she saw that Xiao Dixian's third palm had hit her and she was vomiting blood.

"Tangtang... why are you doing this? My brother can resist your three palms." Yang Yiyun suddenly understood that in fact, he didn't want to fall out with Xiao Didixian or lose her.

And why is Xiaodixian not the same?

So she didn't hit him with the third palm, but hit herself.

Although Xiao Didixian was vomiting blood at this time, there was a smile on his face and he said: "Now I have an explanation to Master Shenfeng Granny. I have not lost a big brother or a friend."

"You..." Why wasn't Yang Yiyun feeling happy at this moment?

He was not wrong about the person. Xiaodi Xian Tangtang was still the same Tangtang, who valued love and righteousness and had the same temper as Yang Yiyun.

In fact, this was the reason why he chose to endure Xiao Dixian's attack this time and not fight back.

"Okay, my fate with the Shenfeng clan has ended, and it's time to leave. Let's meet again, big brother." Xiao Didixian still had the same free and easy temperament as before, and left as soon as he said it.

"Tangtang, have you still not forgiven me?" Yang Yiyun looked at his turned back and asked.

"Brother, you are stupid. Haha, I'm leaving. Let's meet again when we are destined." He showed a smile to Yang Yiyun as he spoke, but there were still tears on his face.

But this time Yang Yiyun saw a clear vision in Xiaodi Xian Tangtang's eyes.

Then Xiao Dixian flashed through the air and left...

Yang Yiyun looked at her leaving back with a smile on his lips. At this time, he understood that Xiao Didixian had forgiven him, or that the hatred in her heart had been let go, or that her kindness to Grandma Shenfeng had been Relieved.

Forgave him.

Otherwise, she would not have hit herself with the third palm.

"See you again when we are destined."

Yang Yiyun also muttered.



"Brother Yun..."

At this time, Xiao Fenghuang and Sister Mei came over, showing their concern.

"I'm fine, don't worry, let's go back." Yang Yiyun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as he spoke.

He said it was okay but was actually lying. Xiao Dixian hit him firmly in the chest with two palms, but he had no defense.

But it was not in vain. The friendship with Xiao Dixian remained unchanged and there was no falling out.

It's just that Xiao Didixian left on the spot, which made Yang Yiyun feel a little disappointed, but he could understand it. After all, after the death of Xiao Didixian's master Shen Feng Granny, she was the only outsider in the Shen Feng clan because she was not of Phoenix blood. There's no point in coming down, so it's better to leave.

After a night of conditioning, Yang Yiyun's internal injuries recovered. Early the next morning, he said goodbye to Mei Shiying, took Sister Mei, Little Phoenix, Diao'er and a Sky Fox to leave the Shenfeng Clan, and then went straight to Sirius A clan.

Of course, before leaving, Mei Shiying saw her off, and Yang Yiyun told her to go to Yunmen at any time in the future, where is home.

He didn't tell Mei Shiying that he would go directly to find trouble with the Sirius clan after going out this time. Anyway, he was capable of solving it.

Where is Mei Shiying?

She had love for Yang Yiyun in her heart, but after learning that her sister and Yang Yiyun were together, she stopped thinking about her.

He led the masters of the Shenfeng clan to watch Yang Yiyun and others leave...

After a long time, Mei Shiying still stood at the mountain gate without moving.

At this time, the fifth elder spoke softly: "The patriarch has been gone for a long time, let's go back."

Mei Shiying, who seemed to be in a trance, woke up from a dream at this moment, but she said: "All the elders of rank three and above will follow me to the Sirius Clan."

"Ah... this... clan leader?" The fifth elder was startled and instantly guessed that Mei Shiying was going to find trouble for the Sirius clan.

However, the Heavenly Wolf Clan is not something to be trifled with because they are powerful. There are two great sixth-level beings in charge. If they go to trouble the Heavenly Wolf Clan, the current Shenfeng Clan will not get any advantage. After all, the Shenfeng Clan is the number one master. Grandma Shenfeng is dead, and there is no longer a sixth-level master. The current ancestor Mei Shiying's methods cannot reach the strength of sixth-level.

"Execute the order. Don't worry, fifth elder. Brother Yun and the others are definitely looking for trouble with the Sirius clan. The most we can do is help support them." Although Mei Shiying's tone was calm, her words were unquestionable.

"Yes, I will summon other elders to come here..."

After a while, Mei Shiying took eight elders of the Shenfeng clan with cultivation levels above level three and flew into the sky, heading straight for the Sirius clan.

At this time, Yang Yiyun had arrived at Tianlang Mountain in the Little Demon Realm.

He didn't hesitate, he just hit the mountain gate of the Tianlang clan with a palm.


After a thunderous roar, the entire Tianlang Mountain was shaken, but the mountain gate formation did not explode.

Yang Yiyun didn't intend to blow it away with one palm, he just thought that it would be enough to let the people from the Tianlang clan come out.

The next moment, a roar sounded: "Who is so bold as to attack our Sirius clan..."

"Swish, swish, swish..."

In an instant, the mountain door opened, and voices flew out.

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